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“Ha ha……”


Hearing Emperor Hong’s words, Qin Feiyang was not pleased at all.

Instead, it felt like a sad thing.

Everyone has childhood.

Others’ childhoods were full of joy and carefree.

But what about him?

Even a childhood must be under the protection of Ancient Castle and Azure Snow in order to spend it safely. It is even more involved to parents, worrying all day.

Is this sad?

It was not until now that he knew that the father and mother had paid so much for him in silence.

Qin Feiyang said: “Since everything has calmed down, why did another dramatic change take place in my ten-year year?”

“Because at that time, your power of Bloodline has already shown signs of returning to Ancestors!”

Emperor Hong.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

At that time, his power of Bloodline was already returning to Ancestors?

“But it wasn’t obvious at the time, you didn’t even notice it yourself, but your parents and I, as well as the Imperial Preceptor, found it.”

“We were happy and worried at the time.”

“The joy is, I have Qin Clan lineage, and finally a person who has bloodline returning to Ancestors appears.”

“Worrying, Demon Ancestor will certainly not let you go.”

“It turned out not to be what we expected. Demon Ancestor is here again.”

“At first, we didn’t worry too much, after all, there were Azure Snow and Ancient Castle.”

“But when Demon Ancestor took a tentative take action, we found that Ancient Castle and Azure Snow no longer protect you unexpectedly.”

“It scared us silly.”

“Demon Ancestor was naturally very pleasantly surprised, and he was about to take you away.”

“Finally, after our petition, he promised to give us another 3 days, and let us accompany you through your 10 years old birthday.”

“He will not bother us for these 3 days.”

“But once three days have passed, we must hand you over to him.”

“Unfortunately, we can only agree.”

“After Demon Ancestor left, my parents and I came to Lu Family and found your three grandpas to discuss the matter.”

“In the end, we made a painful decision!”

“Discard your cultivation base!”

“Let you be incapable of cultivation all your life!”

Emperor Hong.


Qin Feiyang rumbling in his head.

This turned out to be the reason to abolish his cultivation base.

“Because your power of Bloodline will only be abolished, and your power of Bloodline will stop returning to Ancestors.”

“And only by doing so can we break Demon Ancestor’s hope.”

Emperor Hong sighed.

“It turned out to be…”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

“And this thing, I really do n’t let myself go, and your three grandpas can’t bear it, let alone your mother, let alone tears when making this decision.

“Finally, you have stood up.”

“He knows that doing this will make you very much his whole life, but he doesn’t hesitate.”

“When you father returned to the Imperial Palace and took an action, your mother repented and asked him to change his attention, but he didn’t.”

“After abolishing your cultivation base, he relented and immediately expelled you from Imperial Capital.”

“Because he knows, just just abolishing your cultivation base, Demon Ancestor won’t give up.”

“Because Cleansing Marrow Pill, it’s not a rare medicinal pill.”

“So he expelled you to Ling Prefecture.”

“And he ordered the Mansion Lord of Ling Prefecture, Old Master Ren, that no one be allowed to give you Cleansing Marrow Pill.”

“Never allow anyone to share your news about Ling Prefecture.”

Emperor Hong.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook, and he said, “Old Master Ren also knows who I am?”


“Not only him, the former Mansion Lord Zhu Yue, but also your identity.”

Emperor Hong.

“It turned out that I was concealed by myself.”

Qin Feiyang laughed at himself and said, “Now speaking, Ma Hongmei of Iron Ox Town originally followed your orders and deliberately did not give me Cleansing Marrow Pill?”


“But she doesn’t know who you are. Ling Master is only known to Old Master Ren and Zhu Yue, and she is only acting on orders.”

Emperor Hong.

“Act on orders …”

“But you know what? I treat her as an enemy!”

“I killed her myself!”

Qin Feiyang growled.

“She’s dead, we know.”

“But you don’t have to feel guilty about her death.”

“Because Old Master Ren has been following you in the dark and everyone in Iron Ox Town.”

“He’s narrow-minded. The person she bought Black Demon Fort from really wanted to put you to death.”

“And in her opinion, the people above ordered not to give you Cleansing Marrow Pill, then you must be Pill Pagoda’s enemy.”

“So I didn’t take you seriously.”

Emperor Hong.

“Follow me in the dark …”

Qin Feiyang murmured.


“Do you understand now? You father actually do this to protect you.”

Emperor Hong sighed.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook, and he looked again towards Emperor, and his hatred was immediately disappeared, instead he was full of guilt and self-blame.

All that father does is to protect him.

But what about him?

But when father is the enemy of life and death.

He has even humiliated father in the public eye.

The more he thought, the more he hated himself, why was he so stupid?



He slapped, fiercely fanned on his face, and shouted, “Unfaithful unfilial, you are not as good as bastard!”

He was scolding himself.

“Tian’er ……”

Emperor turning one’s head looked at him, already tearful.

The old indifference has disappeared.

The long-lost petting, kindness, fatherly love, appeared.


Looking at Emperor’s expression and face at this moment, Qin Feiyang trembled and knelt directly on the ground, saying: “Father, I’m sorry, I’m not sensible, I damn you, hit me, call me!”

“Do not.”

“I never blame you.”

“I only blame myself, why are you so incompetent that you can’t even protect your child?”

“In fact, every time I see you, I want to get together with you, and even look at it also good …”

“But because of my weakness, my incompetence, I dare not …”

Emperor closed his eyes, painfully.


Qin Feiyang murmured, anxious to immediately dive into Father’s arms.

“oh! ”

“It’s unpredictable!”

Lu Zheng is deeply sighed.

How didn’t expect, the truth was unexpectedly like this.

Compared to now, the little cousin brother’s heart must be equal.


With him, he would hate himself.

“I have done it.”

“Not just a trivial matter, is it necessary to behave like this?”

Zhuge Mingyang waved impatiently.


“You look at them, are you pretending?”

Lu Zheng was annoyed immediately, angrily.

“Is the ability to come out and give me unbridled?”

Zhuge Mingyang glanced at Lu Zheng, said contempt.

Lu Zheng scorned: “I don’t even bother with you because I don’t even care about scum on my ancestors.”

Zhuge Mingyang squinted his eyes slightly, jié jié said with a smile: “You can only hide in that Array unbridled, but it doesn’t matter, it won’t be unbridled any longer.”

“Then let’s see.”

Lu Zheng sneered.

Emperor glanced at Zhuge Mingyang and looked at Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Okay, let’s get up, Zhuge Mingyang is right, now is not the time when children are in love. After we get out of danger, we father and son are both good. Prompt talk. “


Qin Feiyang nodded, standing up.

“Get out of danger?”

“Oh, do you think I will give you this chance?”

Zhuge Mingyang heard Emperor’s words, withsaid with a smile.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed a murderous intention, looking at Emperor Hong and Emperor, saying: “father, Supreme Grandfather, what’s going on with Uncle Yuan?”

“Qin Yuan is a subordinate of your grandfather and one False God.”

“When your grandfather was taken away, you were told to Qin Yuan to protect your mother and child.”

“After you were abolished the cultivation base, your mother couldn’t bear to leave you alone, so let Qin Yuan accompany you.”

“And Qin Yuan didn’t let your mother down, took you to Iron Ox Town, hidden in the mountains.”

Emperor Hong.

“Original grandfather’s men …”

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized.

Emperor Hong said with a smile: “Although he is a grandfather’s subordinate, they are sympathetic, but there is one thing we can’t figure out …”

“what’s up?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Emperor Hong frowns saying: “In the beginning, your mother had told him not to give you Cleansing Marrow Pill, but why didn’t he do it?”

“I’ve also been puzzled.”

Emperor said.

Qin Feiyang asked: “Uncle Yuan didn’t tell you?”


“Since you were able to cultivation, we haven’t seen him again, but your mother seems to have seen him, but did Qin Yuan say anything to her? We don’t know.”

Emperor Hong.

Qin Feiyang said, “Do you know, does Uncle Yuan have Divine Pill?”


“Divine Pill!”

Emperor Hong and Emperor looked at Qin Feiyang in astonishment.

Zhuge Mingyang and Imperial Preceptor are also incredible.

This is the first time they have heard of it.

Qin Feiyang looked towards the response of several people, his eyebrows tightened.

I didn’t know the cultivation base of Uncle Yuan before, so I didn’t think too carefully.

And now.

When you learn that Uncle Yuan is False God, then the problem comes.

How can a False God own Divine Pill?

What secrets are hidden inside?

In short, he felt that Uncle Yuan was getting more mysterious.

Is this old man who has been with him growing up really just a subordinate to grandfather?

Can’t figure it out.

Qin Feiyang shook his head, temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, and looked at Emperor Hong and Emperor. “Then how did Demon Ancestor react after I was expelled from Imperial Capital?”

“It must be very angry.”

“And immediately, send Imperial Preceptor to track your whereabouts.”

“The Imperial Preceptor also entered the Ling Prefecture and pressed Old Master Ren and Zhu Yue.”

“But no matter how imperative the Imperial Preceptor is, they all lie that no one has entered the Ling Prefecture.”

“In addition to Qin Yuan’s help, you hid it when you were hiding in Ling Prefecture.”

“But Demon Ancestor did not give up.”

“He has been waiting in silence, waiting for your appearance.”

“And, you maternal grandfather and your grandfather, he has been holding on.”

“But there is nothing we can do about it, only calmed down to cultivation, in order to break through to Battle God as soon as possible, so as to rescue them.”


Emperor said that expression became complicated.

“But what?”

Qin Feiyang is curious.

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