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“Submit him?”

“This is simply impossible.”

Blood Qilin heard the words of two people, when even in the dark 鍡?said with a smile.


Tang Hai two people looked at it suspiciously.

“Sima Yuan and Sima Kun are a pair of biological brothers. Their parents died from childhood, and they lived on the street. They were adopted by Demon Ancestor.”

“In their eyes, Demon Ancestor is like a father.”

“And Demon Ancestor trusts them extremely.”

“Even Demon Ancestor didn’t control them with Blood Soul Art.”

Blood Qilin secretly thought.


“Demon Ancestor is so cautious, unexpectedly useless Blood Soul Art to control them?”

Zhao Tailai two people were quite surprised.


“You can imagine how much Demon Ancestor believed them.”

“To be more specific, their relationship with Demon Ancestor is like you and Qin Feiyang.”

“Maybe it is stronger than your relationship with Qin Feiyang.”

Blood Qilin said.

“If that’s the case, then the way of surrendering him will not work.”

Zhao Tailai secretly sighed, with some regrets.

“The twisted melon is not sweet.”

“If he can follow me, I will let him go.”

“But if not, i will not show any mercy!”

After Qin Feiyang in the dark said it, he entered Profound Martial World again, then drove Profound Martial World, and started a carpet-like search centering on the place of Heart Demon Transcending Tribulation.

Sou! !

Two figures swept up from the medicine field below and landed beside Qin Feiyang.

It is Golden Divine Panther and Cui Li!

Cui Li asked helplessly: “Young Master, what time let me go out!”

“Don’t worry, there will be times when you will be in the limelight.”

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, “You guys also look for it.”

“it is good.”

a man and a beast nodded, look up at the picture in void, and don’t miss any place.

“What is this Qin Feiyang doing?”

“It will disappear, and it will appear again?”

mountain summit.

Sima Yuan frowned as he looked at the Heart Demon Transcending Tribulation.


A sense of uneasiness arose in his heart.

“This throbbing …”

Sima Yuan looked at all around void even when he retracted his eyes, his eyes were full of suspicion.

Within Profound Martial World!

Suddenly Cui Li pointed somewhere in the picture, exclaimed: “Young Master, do you think it is him?”

Qin Feiyang looked down and immediately saw Sima Yuan standing on the mountain summit.

“I haven’t seen Sima Yuan himself, but there can be no one here, it should be him.”

Qin Feiyang.

“You see him looking around, how does this Sovereign feel, what does he seem to notice?”

Golden Divine Panther frowns saying.

“Surely you won’t notice us.”

“After all, this Profound Martial World cannot even be captured by Divine Sense.”

Cui Li said with a smile.

“This is also true.”

Golden Divine Panther nodded.

A little later, Sima Yuan stopped looking around and turned her eyes to Heart Demon again.

“Young Master, should we also take action?”

Cui Li asked.

“Being not.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and took out Wind God Saber, Divine Force rushed in, and the horrifying sharpness immediately growled out.


Take control of Profound Martial World and stop behind Sima Yuan.

Golden Divine Panther stared at Sima Yuan’s back, 妗€ said with a smile: “Cui Li, do you say this Sima Yuan, can you react?”

“Does this need to be said?”

Cui Li’s eyes narrowed to Golden Divine Panther.


Just at Cui Li tone barely fell, Qin Feiyang disappeared suddenly.

Next moment.

He appeared behind Cui Li, and immediately slashed away!


In the face of such a sharp, such an overwhelming attack, Sima Yuan’s face did not show any panic.

Instead, there was a hint of irony in the corner of his mouth.


As the silhouette flashed, the next moment, Sima Yuan appeared outside the several li.

Instead, Qin Feiyang was completely unprepared and stiffened by this incident.

How could that be unexpectedly missed?

Could this Sima Yuan capture the existence of Profound Martial World?

Sima Yuan both hands crossed near chest, looked at Qin Feiyang in a joke, and said, “It looks very surprised to see you!”

Qin Feiyang return back to his senses, looking up at Sima Yuan.

“Actually, this Eminence is quite surprised.”

“You unexpectedly know that this Eminence is still hidden in the vicinity, and you have even found this Eminence silently.”

“Profound Martial World is truly extraordinary.”

Sima Yuan said.

“At Sea Domain, you sneak attacked me without success, so it’s not hard to think that you should still peep at us in the dark.”

Qin Feiyang.


Sima Yuan glanced admirably at Qin Feiyang and said, “Then you want to know, how did this Eminence find you?”

“If you want to say it, I’m willing to listen.

Qin Feiyang.

“Because it!”

Sima Yuan said.

Accompanied by a red-divine light, from his within the body, a fist-like heart, when manifested in void.

“what is this?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“This is the Battle Soul of this Eminence.”

Sima Yuan said.


“Unexpectedly is Battle Soul?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled.

Battle Soul in this world is really there no no of strange things.

“This Battle Soul, named this Eminence as Inductive Heart, is a bit embarrassing to say, this Eminence Battle Soul is just like Opening Heaven Eye without any killing power.”

Sima Yuan helplessly said.

“It’s sour.”

Qin Feiyang disdain.

Often like this Battle Soul without killing power, it has the ability of heaven defying.

“Unexpectedly despised by you.”

Sima Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But at the next moment, his expression became awe-inspiring, saying: “Although this Eminence Battle Soul does not have killing power, but has an ability that others do not have, then feel the crisis.”

“Hunch a crisis?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.


“As long as someone is close to me and kills this Eminence, then this Eminence Battle Soul can be sensed no matter where this person is hiding.”

“And promptly, remind me.”

Sima Yuan said.

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “So before I took the action, you already knew that I want to sneak attack you?”

“No one is here except you.”

“And it just so happened that you disappeared again.”

“Not you, but who is it?”

Sima Yuan said with a smile.


“Although there is some gap with Battle God like the Eye of the Gods, but if used properly, it can be invincible.”

Qin Feiyang.

“It’s a bit exaggerated to be invincible, but whoever wants to attack this Eminence is never possible.”

Sima Yuan grinned, her eyes full of ridicule for Qin Feiyang.

Obviously mocking Qin Feiyang’s previous sneak attack, stupid and ignorant.

Qin Feiyang I have n鈥檛 seen anyone before, how can I not see it?

But he didn’t take it to heart, just faintly smiled, and said, “Listen to Blood Qilin, do you and Demon Ancestor have a father and son?

“What about it?”

Sima Yuan asked.

Qin Feiyang sighed: “I really regret it for you. A peerless powerhouse like you should be respected, but now I see you and only feel hatred.”

“It’s just reputation, it doesn’t matter.”

Sima Yuan indifferently said.

“Demon Ancestor does have graciousness of raising to you, but you should not choose to be the enemy of the world, let alone take the side of the evil-doer.”

Qin Feiyang sighed.

Sima Yuan said, “You mean, this Eminence should go to save the world?”

“Shouldn’t it be?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“Save the world …”

Sima Yuan muttered, expression suddenly became fierce, like one violent wild beast, roared: “this Eminence to save the world, who will save this Eminence?”

“Resentment qi is so deep!”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart.

“Do you know what kind of life this Eminence has been?”

“Actually in one’s childhood, this Eminence’s family is very good.”

“Although there is no powerhouse keeping watch at home, at least there is nothing to worry about, and there are servants to serve.”

“But suddenly one day, the enemy came to my door and my mother was killed.”

“I was 8 years old and my younger brother was 6 years old. We hid in the cellar and witnessed it.”

“You know, for the two children, what does it feel like to watch their parents die before they die?”

“But then I was very lucky. The enemies didn’t find me and my younger brother. The two of us brother escaped.”

“What let us didn’t expect is that the damn steward, as well as those lowly servants, unexpectedly wiped out our property after the enemies left, not even a Gold Coin left us.”

“Even the steward, it occupied our home.”

“And those who have had a good relationship with my parents are becoming hostile one after another, and seeing us is like seeing trash.”

“There is no way out. My younger brother and I have been living in the streets since then. There is no food or clothing.”

“On cold winter days, the two of us brothers curled up in the corner of the alley, hugging each other for warmth.”

“Hungry, let’s find it in the trash.”

“One time, my younger brother almost froze in the snow.”

“Do you know how cruel it is for 2 children?”

“But no one helped us at the time.”

“Instead, they treat our brothers as dogs, and when they are in a good mood, they give alms a little bit, and in a bad mood, they fight and scold us.”

“I’m really fed up. Living is more painful than dying. I might as well die.”

“So I took my younger brother and climbed to the top of a mountain, ready to jump over the cliff and commit suicide.”

“But just then, Sir Demon Ancestor appeared.”

Sima Yuan said that expression eased down in a moment, apparently he had a deep feeling for Demon Ancestor.

鈥渙h! 鈥?/p>

Qin Feiyang sighed.

It really didn’t expect that this person unexpectedly had such a painful memory.

“Sir Demon Ancestor saved us and asked us if we want to be stronger? Want revenge?”

“We brother, didn’t even hesitate, tell him, think.”

“Since then, we have followed Sir Demon Ancestor.”

“He taught us cultivation, taught us to kill, and it was with him that we found human dignity.”

“Later, our brother got stronger, and found the original enemies. They killed everyone, and even their relatives and children were spared.”

“That was the first time we two brothers had launched a killing ring, and the feeling was almost bloody.”

“Finally, we went back to our hometown and killed the steward, and those servants before, including those who once humiliated us.”

“Looking at that corpse all over the ground, my younger brother and I, instead of having no conscience, have an unprecedented satisfaction.”

“It was also until then that we finally understood that this way of the world, whose fist is hard, who is truth.”

“Then we followed Sir Demon Ancestor until today.”

“It can be said that without Sir Demon Ancestor, there would be no us.”

“You said I was taking the side of the evil-doer, but I felt that I was on enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven.”

“Sir Demon Ancestor, this Eminence’s heaven!”

“Who dares to fight against Sir Demon Ancestor, this Eminence will kill anyone!”

Sima Yuan said with a malicious smile, staring at Qin Feiyang, eyes full of murderous intention.

Qin Feiyang was silent for a long time, deeply sighed, and said, “To be honest, I really don’t want to play against you, because I can understand your mood, but I must kill Demon Ancestor.”

“This Eminence doesn’t need your sympathy.”

“And you want to kill Sir Demon Ancestor, this Eminence will kill you, it’s that simple!”

Sima Yuan sneered.

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