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“The mark of fate is an Innate Divine Ability that controls the fate of others.”

“That is.”

“Qin Feiyang, Mu Tianyang, Demon Ancestor’s fate is now in my hand.”

“I want them to die, they will die.”

Dong Zhengyan said.


Heart Demon’s eyes trembled.

Qin Feiyang, Mu Tianyang, and ‘Demon Ancestor’ face also changed dramatically.

Dong Zhengyan looked towards Snow Flower, saying, “Let Demon Ancestor’s consciousness come out!”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t Demon Ancestor’s consciousness be erased by Snow Flower?”

Qin Feiyang and the others immediately looked towards ‘Demon Ancestor’ and Snow Flower in shock.

“what are you saying?”

“Demon Ancestor’s consciousness has long since erased the true body.”

Artifact Spirit.

“Do not.”

“You haven’t erased because I can see the fate of you and Demon Ancestor.”

“Exactly, I can see your future.”

Dong Zhengyan said.

“Seeing the future?”

Artifact Spirit was surprised.

Qin Feiyang and the others are also incredible.

See the future of Demon Ancestor and Snow Flower?

How can this be done?

“You seized the fleshhy body of Demon Ancestor, and the mark of fate is equivalent to control you.”

“I think you don’t want to be wiped out like this!”

Dong Zhengyan expression said calmly.

“Scare the true body?”

Artifact Spirit jié jié said with a smile.

“Why don’t you just listen?”

Dong Zhengyan sighed, with the wave of his hand, the destiny mark of Demon Ancestor’s eyebrow, immediately cracked a slit.


Snow Flower’s Artifact Spirit felt a deadly threat.


Snow Flower itself is dissipating.

“How can it be?”

Artifact Spirit roared incredibly.

Qin Feiyang and the others looked at this scene and was shocked by 10000 points.

Because this is the best proof, Dong Zhengyan not at all lied to them.

Dong Zhengyan looked at Snow Flower and said, “Finally give you another chance to let Demon Ancestor’s consciousness come out.”


Artifact Spirit was furious.

“It seems you don’t want to cherish this opportunity.”

Dong Zhengyan was deeply sighed, and he waved again, Imprint of Demon Ancestor’s eyebrow, immediately split into two and a half.

“do not!”

Artifact Spirit screamed, immediately returned to the body.

“I count you.”

Dong Zhengyan glanced at the Snow Flower, and waved his arm again, and the destiny mark of Demon Ancestor’s eyebrow was healed as before.

The body of the Snow Flower also immediately stopped dissipating.

And at the same time, Demon Ancestor’s consciousness emerged.


He didn’t say a word, bowed his head, and his expression was extremely complicated.

After a long time.

Demon Ancestor looked up and glanced at the audience.

At last.

He looked towards Snow Flower, sighing: “Why not erase my consciousness?”

“Actually you erase my consciousness. Instead of blame you, I will thank you.”

“Because of my life, I have made too many mistakes.”

“Only death is sufficient for forgiveness.”

In the end, Demon Ancestor lowered his head again, and expression was full of pain.


Snow Flower coldly snorted, there is a sense of hating iron and steel.


“I’m just a fool.”

“If I could wake up early, how could I do so much harm?”

Demon Ancestor murmured, looked up towards Dong Zhengyan, and said, “Why do you save me?”

Dong Zhengyan said: “Because you can’t die now.”


Demon Ancestor said.

“I need your strength.”

After Dong Zhengyan said it, he looked towards Qin Feiyang and Mu Tianyang and said, “You also need your strength.”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“You will understand later.”

“In short, you can’t all die now.”

“In other words.”

“Although I control you with the Seal of Destiny, I will not take your life.”

Dong Zhengyan said.

“What a joke?”

“How can our fate be controlled by you?”

Heart Demon sulked and killed Dong Zhengyan with one sword.

“The seal of destiny can not only grasp the destiny of others, but also tie their lives to me.”

“That is to say, if you kill me, not only Demon Ancestor and Mu Tianyang, your true body will die with me.”

Dong Zhengyan looked at Heart Demon with no fear, said.


Heart Demon body trembled.

“Young Master, what do you do now?”

Zhao Tailai and the others 6 God looked at Qin Feiyang without God.

Qin Feiyang stared at Dong Zhengyan, silent.

Heart Demon sneered suddenly and said, “Since I can’t kill you, I will kill Demon Ancestor and Mu Tianyang!”

“You can’t kill them either.”

“The fate of our four people is connected.”

“No matter who you kill, your true body will die.”

Dong Zhengyan said.

“Why is it like this …”

Heart Demon trembled, trembling with scarlet long sword.

If you don’t kill Demon Ancestor and Mu Tianyang, then fat, Gongsun Bei, Yan Wei, Cedar, mother, and living creature wait for a minute of Profound Martial World, wouldn’t it be a sacrifice in vain?

Do not!

Such things are absolutely not allowed!

“What mark of fate, I don’t care!”

“Since you dare to stand in front of me, then I dare to kill you!”

Heart Demon towards the sky growled and killed Dong Zhengyan frantically.

“What a crazy Heart Demon.”

Dong Zhengyan mumbled.

But he did not evade, nor did he fight back.

Heart Demon is here!

Without any hesitation, a sword slashing towards Dong Zhengyan!

Dong Zhengyan’s body was cut in half by Scarlet Long sword on the spot.


Heart Demon is deadlocked.

Dong Zhengyan’s cracked body had no flesh at all.

“It’s an energy body!”

Exclaimed Zhao Tailai.


“Unexpectedly just a clone!”

Heart Demon is burning in anger, glancing at all around void.

Dong Zhengyan’s ontology must be hidden somewhere in the vicinity.

“oh! ”

With a long sigh, Demon Ancestor stepped out and landed in front of Heart Demon, said with a smile: “Kill me, he said, our destiny is connected, as long as you kill me, no matter where he hides dead.”

“Do you think I dare not?”

Heart Demon exasperated.

Without any hesitation, raising your hand is a sword.

Mu Tianyang looked towards Qin Feiyang, anxiously said: “Not yet stop Heart Demon!”

He has just regained his strength and doesn’t want to die yet!

And now, the only person who can stop Heart Demon is Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Heart Demon and looked towards Mu Tianyang: “dignified Emperor, so afraid of death.”

“You are not afraid?”

Mu Tianyang said angrily.

Qin Feiyang was silent.


He was scared.

Because once he died, no one would resurrect everyone.

Heart Demon suddenly said: “true body, I will resurrect them!”

Qin Feiyang immediately looked towards Heart Demon.

Heart Demon turning one’s head smiled at Qin Feiyang and said: “After all, everyone is my partner, my family, how can I abandon them? Nor will I abandon you.”

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang murmured, said with a smile: “Since that is the case, then I have no worries at all, you can take action!”

Heart Demon nodded, turned and looked towards Demon Ancestor, shouted: “Death!”


“I should control even Heart Demon.”

distant place mountain summit.

Dong Zhengyan looked at Heart Demon and muttered to himself, with a slight anger in his eyebrows.

That’s right!

Before him, he was really just a clone.

He also thought that as long as he controlled Qin Feiyang, he would also control Heart Demon.

But didn’t expect, Heart Demon was so crazy, he didn’t care about Qin Feiyang’s life at all.

A good game was all disrupted.

“oh! ”

“Perhaps, the time has not yet come!”

Dong Zhengyan sighed and thought, Qin Feiyang, Demon Ancestor, Mu Tianyang’s imprint at the center of his eyebrows disappeared immediately.


“Young Master, do you see Mu Tianyang and Demon Ancestor’s eyebrows?”

Zhao Tailai eyeball glared suddenly.

Looking at Qin Feiyang, expression is also immediately stared blankly.

The mark of fate unexpectedly disappeared?

Zhao Tailai turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, happily said: “Young Master, the mark of fate on your eyebrows has also disappeared.”

Qin Feiyang stroked his eyebrows and said, “It seems that this seal of destiny can indeed tie our lives together, otherwise Dong Zhengyan will not lift the seal of destiny now.”

Speaking of which.

He glanced up at all around void, and said, “Go, find me Dong Zhengyan!”


Blood Qilin, Golden Divine Panther, Zhao Tailai three people, immediately 4 spread out, release Divine Sense, and search carefully.

At the same time!

Heart Demon, Mu Tianyang, also noticed the disappearance of the Seal of Destiny.

Two people are naturally very happy.

Because of this, there is no need to die with Demon Ancestor.

of course.

Heart Demon will not miss Demon Ancestor!

Scarlet long sword falls, Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth!

Demon Ancestor’s Divine Body, all split up and in pieces on the spot, blood flew, Divine Soul was also shattered by the Scarlet Long sword.

Also shattered is Demon Capital.

Because Demon Capital was previously included in Demon Ancestor within the body by Snow Flower’s Artifact Spirit.

In the face of such a horrible sword, there is no suspence. All the people in Demon Capital have died, and there is no hair left.

“Sir Demon Ancestor …”

Watching Demon Ancestor’s death, Demon Dragon immediately uttered a roar in the iron, and rushed out of Heart Demon desperately.


Mu Tianyang was also terrified and disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, hiding in Space Divine Object!


Heart Demon contempt smiled, and a bloody long sword waved in his hand, and Demon Dragon splattered into the sky.

Follow closely.

He turned and looked towards the place where Mu Tianyang disappeared, Divine Sense rolled out, and now caught, Mu Tianyang was driving the Space Divine Object and escaping frantically.

“Even if you can go up to Heaven or down to Hades, you can’t escape today!”

Heart Demon was cut off with a sword, a bloody scare, cut through the sky with lightning, standing on the Space Divine Object.

铿 clang!

Space Divine Object was broken on the spot.

3 bloody silhouettes, in a difficult situation.

It is Mu Tianyang and Mu Qing, and Shen Mei!

Everyone else in the Space Divine Object has been destroyed with the Space Divine Object, leaving no bones.

As for Mu Qing and Shen Mei, they were saved by Mu Tianyang’s best protection.

at this time.

Two people looked at Heart Demon, and their eyes were full of fear and despair!

“Now, who can stop me from killing you?”

Heart Demon glanced at the three people, like one ruthless Death God, killing the three people step by step.

Mu Qing ran in front of Mu Tianyang and shouted, “High Lord, you quickly go, I’ll drag him!”

“Go, quickly go!”

Shen Mei is also in front of Mu Tianyang, shouted.

“Just you!”

Heart Demon looked disdainful, and at his fingertips, 2 strands of Divine Force swept out, sinking into the eyebrows of Mu Qing and Shen Mei.


With two screams, the heads of two people exploded like watermelons.

“Mu Qing, Mei’er …”

“Scoundrel, this Emperor is perish with you!”

Mu Tianyang roar, within the body rushes out of a devastating aura.

“Think of Self-destruction, with my permission!”

Heart Demon incomparably domineering, waving the Scarlet Long Sword again, the Scarlet Blood was reproduced in horror, and then he flew to Mu Tianyang’s body in front of him, straight into the eyebrows.


Mu Tianyang’s head also burst immediately, Divine Soul annihilated.

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