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Time flicked and ten days passed.

Old Qin and Lu Zheng did not leave for ten days.

Heart Demon hasn’t been to Ancient Castle, for fear of disturbing Qin Feiyang.

That evening.

Zhao Tailai, Cui Li, Tang Hai, and Golden Divine Panther were all found, such as Mu Chunfeng, spirit 矍铄.

Old Qin said with a smile: “It looks like you have had a good time in these ten days!”

“I haven’t been so relaxed for a long time.”

“If it wasn’t for Old Tang’s urging back, we would have had several fun days.”

Zhao Tailai said.

“Since it’s fun, then you must have a good time, so why do you come back so eagerly?”

Old Qin was suspicious.

“Not worried about Young Master yet?”

“I’m afraid I will never see the Young Master again.”

Zhao Tailai sighed.

Tang Hai frowns saying: “Old Zhao, can you close your crow’s mouth?”

“That’s not what you said, why are you scolding me now?”

Helpless, Zhao Tailai, looked towards Heart Demon and Blood Qilin, asked, “How is the Young Master now?”

Blood Qilin said: “For the past ten days, he has learned the Gate of Rebirth in Ancient Castle and has never come out.”

Zhao Tailai was silent for a moment, and sighed: “It seems that Young Master really intends to resurrect someone.”

“Is there any difference between somebody and part of the resurrection?”

Old Qin was suspicious.

“Of course it’s different.”

“If the Gate of Rebirth is only in the state of Chu Sung and Small Accomplishment, then the Young Master has a chance to survive.”

“But if he realizes the Gate of Rebirth and realizes the Perfection Realm, then if he turns on the Gate of Rebirth, he will certainly die.”

Zhao Tailai said.


Old Qin’s eyes shook.

Cui Li said: “That’s why we were in a hurry to get back, fearing that we would not even have the last chance to meet him.”

“To shut up!”

Tang Hai shouted.

Zhao Tailai and Cui Li glanced at Zhao Tailai, both bowed their heads and remained silent.

The atmosphere at the scene also seemed extremely heavy.

“Nothing to worry about.”

“The Young Master has paid so much for Great Qin, and I believe that good people will definitely be rewarded.”

Golden Divine Panther said with a smile.


“Heaven will not let a bad person go, nor will he treat a good person badly.”

“Come and come, Sir Heart Demon, we’ll drink with you.”

Zhao Tailai said.

Atmosphere, once again alive.

But the haze on Old Qin’s face has not disappeared.

In a flash, 3 months passed.

Add the previous ten days, exactly 100 days.

In other words.

Qin Feiyang has been in Ancient Castle for 100 years.

During this time, Heart Demon and Zhao Tailai and the others have been eating and drinking merrily.

After drinking, I went to Imperial Capital to buy it.

From Old Qin’s point of view, everyone is a little bit heartless.

But in fact.

Heart Demon They are all borrowing sorrow.

After 3 months, weeds sprout and young trees take root.

The land of Nine Great Prefectures has been revived.

And those who died and Vicious Beast, as early as more than 2 months ago, Emperor personally brought a large number of Qilin Army and Black Iron Army to Ling Prefecture and buried everyone.

Emperor also visited Iron Ox Town.

But when I learned that Qin Feiyang was in retreat, he stayed for a while and returned to Imperial Capital.

After all, as the Monarch of the entire Country, after the great battle, there must be many things waiting for him to deal with.

As for Forgotten Continent!

At that time, Mu Tianjun did not order the massacre.

So the Central Divine Kingdom, including several Great Regions, was not damaged.

That morning.

Everyone is still drinking, drinking and drinking in the middle of the night, and sleeping in Late in the morning.

The first person to wake up was Old Qin.

When he washes out and walked out of the room, he immediately saw a white clothed youth with his hands on his backs, standing alone by the lake, watching the lake quietly.


Old Qin stared blankly, took a quick step and landed next to Qin Feiyang, saying: “Are you out of customs?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“So Gate of Rebirth?”

Old Qin asked, expression was nervous.

Qin Feiyang laughed and said nothing.

Actually Old Qin, I really want Qin Feiyang to tell him that I haven’t realized Perfection Realm yet.

But the smile on Qin Feiyang’s face can tell everything.

“Do you really want to do this?”

Old Qin was silent for a moment, turning to look at the lake, and asked huskyly.

“Even if I die, there is still Heart Demon.”

“He is me.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile, expression is indifferent, without the slightest fear of death.

“oh! ”

Old Qin is deeply sighed.

“Young Master?”

Zhao Tailai woke up the second and shouted at the sight of Qin Feiyang standing by the lake: “Everyone come out, Young Master is out.”

Sou! !


Lu Zheng, Tang Hai, Cui Li, Golden Divine Panther, Blood Qilin, stormed out.

Only Heart Demon, a casual look, came out slowly.

Cui Li excitedly said: “Young Master, when did you get out of the customs, why didn’t you wake us?”

“Come out early in the morning, and see that you are resting, so you are not disturbed.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Zhao Tailai squinting his head, 讪 said with a smile: “Young Master, sorry, these 3 months we …”

“it doesn’t matter.”

“After all, I’ve worked hard for most of my life, so I just had to take it easy. I must relax.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head said with a smile.

“how about you?”

“Do you want to start the Gate of Rebirth now, or do you wait for relaxation?”

Heart Demon asked as he came.

“I’ve been relaxed enough for these 100 years, and I can’t wait.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Heart Demon step one stopped, looking at the sky, and sighing, “Yeah, 100 years have passed in Ancient Castle.”

Let me talk about it.

He looked away and looked at Qin Feiyang’s back, said with a smile: “Let’s get started!”

But the voice did not fall.

Heart Demon suddenly stepped on Travel Character Art and landed behind Qin Feiyang in one step. One fist patted the back of Qin Feiyang’s head.

“Heart Demon, what are you doing?”

Zhao Tailai and the others discolor.

However, in the face of Heart Demon’s move, Qin Feiyang did not expect anything, as it had been anticipated for a long time, and his backhand grabbed Heart Demon’s wrist.

Heart Demon raised an eyebrow.

“You are too naive.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Heart Demon complexion sank, angrily: “Let go!”

Qin Feiyang let go of Heart Demon and turned to face Heart Demon, sighing: “It’s my responsibility to raise everyone, not you.”

“What does this mean?”

Everyone was shocked.

But neither Qin Feiyang nor Heart Demon explained to them.

“hmph! ”

Heart Demon coldly snorted, saying: “didn’t expect unexpectedly I saw you through.”

“Although I have been retreating during this time, and you have been deliberately hiding your inner emotions, after all, our two hearts are in communication, and sometimes I can still feel it.”

Qin Feiyang.

Heart Demon said: “Since you already feel it, you should let it go.”

Qin Feiyang said: “I have said that it is my responsibility to talk to you it doesn’t matter, you give me a good life …”

“Why are you so stubborn?”

“You know very well that the person who really cares about you is you, not me?”

“I’m Heart Demon. I shouldn’t have existed in the world. I can do something for everyone. I’m happy.

Heart Demon exasperated.

Qin Feiyang in silence looked at Heart Demon. After a long time, said with a smile: “Thank you, but I will not agree.”


Heart Demon is angry.

“Wait a minute.”

“Don’t Heart Demon take action before trying to stun the Young Master, and then he will start the Gate of Rebirth and resurrect everyone?”

Zhao Tailai was surprised.


Tang Hai and the others are staring blankly looking at Heart Demon.

“That’s what he thought.”

“Because we 2 can share.”

“I realized the Gate of Rebirth to the Perfection Realm, and he also realized the Perfection Realm.”

“And for more than three months, you have been drinking to sorrow, but he is enjoying the last part of his life.”

Qin Feiyang looked at Zhao Tailai and the others, said with a smile.

“so that’s how it is.”

The people suddenly realized that their hearts were immediately impressed with a deep admiration.

Qin Feiyang looked back and looked at Heart Demon said with a smile: “Let’s go!”


Heart Demon fiercely stared at Qin Feiyang, turned and walked aside, but there was a mist of water in his eyes.

“I’ve always said I’m stupid, but in fact you are a stupid thing. Good deed doesn’t grab it. This kind of death is a matter of contention.”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

But it is undeniable that Heart Demon’s move made him feel warm.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang said silently, looking up at the sky, and whispering: “mother, at once I can see you again, child is really happy.”


The words landed.

Pieces of Purple Gold Dragon Qi, like the tide, rushed out of him without the body.

“Foolish boy …”

Old Qin closed his eyes in pain, and said to Lu Zheng and the others sound transmission: “I’m going to Forgotten Continent and Imperial Capital.”

“What are you doing?”

Zhao Tailai secretly thought.

“Notify Tan Taili, Your Majesty, Emperor Hong, or you really won’t even get the last chance.”

Old Qin said.

Lu Zheng couldn’t help turning his eyes red, and said, “Let me inform them of the Second Grandfather. Although watching this scene in person will make them sad, but …

Speaking of this, he could not speak anymore, sobbed in tone, turned his head, and wiped out the disappointing tears.

“I know.”

Old Qin nodded, eyes opened, opened the transmission gate, and walked in without looking back.

The departure of Old Qin, Qin Feiyang is also watching.

I also thought about what Old Qin was going to do.

But he did not stop.

Because he also wanted to see everyone before he died.


Purple Gold Dragon Qi, continuously pouring into the sky.

Just above the sky, clouds of purple-golden gradually emerged.

For a while, the wind rose.

And Purple Gold Xiangyun continues to spread toward all around.

It didn’t take long for Xiangyun to spread to Black Bear City.

But not at all stopped.

Clouds are still spreading to Yan City, Sea of ​​Despair, and even Perfect Mansion.


“Feiyang has turned on the Gate of Rebirth?”

Central Divine Kingdom.

Over Pill Pagoda square, mysterious Madam looked at Old Qin standing opposite, his face full of suspicion.


“Come on, or you won’t see him again in the future.”

Old Qin said.

“What do you mean by this?”

“What does it mean that I never see him again?”

said mysterious Madam surprised and angry.

“He has taken the Gate of Rebirth and realized the Perfection Realm.”

Old Qin said, turned around without turning back, and rushed to Imperial Capital.

“I realized that Perfection Realm …”

mysterious Madam frowned.


She trembled suddenly and shouted, “Ruoshuang, at once, come out!”

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