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“Meet Your Majesty.”

Merman Sovereign hurriedly got saluted.

“It’s all my family, you’re welcome.”

Emperor said.


Merman Sovereign shook his head.

Emperor said, “Is my family still blaming Five Mermen Ancestors?”

Merman Sovereign nodded.

Emperor said with a smile: “It’s not your fault, after all, you can’t control them.”

“Thank You Majesty for your understanding.”

Merman Sovereign said gratefully.

“Don’t take a bite of Your Majesty!

“We are in-laws and we have to be like a family.”

Emperor said with displeasure.

“Yes yes yes.”

Merman Sovereign is nodded again and again.

“how about it?”

“Have you persuaded Feiyang to them?”

Emperor asked.


“It’s a pity that your son is just a tendon. It’s useless to persuade him.”

Merman Sovereign said.


“I really want them to get married now and give me a group of grandson granddaughter and so on.”

Emperor helplessly said.

“Why don’t I think so?”

Merman Sovereign was helpless.

“Father, uncle, we’re here to talk about business. What are you doing?”

Qin Feiyang looked at the two people silently.

Emperor looked at Merman Sovereign, and said, “Look, he just said two words, and he is not happy. Do you say that we parents are easy?”

“Isn’t it!”

“It was hard to hope that they would grow up, and as a result each and everyone’s wings hardened, and to us Old Guys, it would not matter.”

Merman Sovereign shook his head.

Qin Feiyang was annoyed as he watched the two people sing and reconcile, saying, “You go on, I’ll go out and talk, and wait until you’re done talking.”

“haha ……”

Emperor and Merman Sovereign simultaneously looked, and couldn’t help laughing.

Emperor said, “Okay, don’t talk about it, let’s say, what’s the matter?”

Qin Feiyang rolled the eyes, and simply told Emperor what he thought.

“It turned out to be this.”

Emperor suddenly realized, groaned for a while, and looked at Merman Sovereign said: “Although you and I are in-laws, as a Monarch of the entire Country, every word and deed is responsible for the living creature that is continent. Make it clear in advance. “

“Your Majesty, please.”

Merman Sovereign said.

“I agree that you leave Sea of ​​Despair and even allow you to enter Imperial Capital, but you must restrain your clansman and be safe and secure.”

“After all, you have a special relationship with Feiyang. If you don’t control it, I’m afraid that some Merman will rely on this layer of Feiyang’s relationship and act nonsense.”

“If you promise and promise to do it, once you return to Imperial Capital, you will be issued an Imperial Decree immediately.”

Emperor said.

Merman Sovereign was pleasantly surprised, saying: “Thank You Majesty, I promise, I will restrain everyone.”

“This is what you said.”

“If a certain merman comes in chaos at that time, and your majesty orders a kill, don’t blame him.”

Emperor said with a smile.

Merman Sovereign said: “If there is such a merman, don’t pay Your Majesty. You ordered, I will kill them myself.”

“That’s good.”

Emperor nodded smiled and asked, “Feiyang, is there anything else?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Emperor said: “That being the case, then I will go to work, my in-laws, and come to Imperial Capital often when I have time, and we will get together.”

“my pleasure.”

Merman Sovereign said with a smile.

“Then leave it alone.”

Emperor smiled, and the illusory shadow faded away.

“very good.”

“Yeah, for more than 10000 years, we Merman Race can finally get out of the Sea of ​​Despair.”

Black Winged King two people are delighted.

Merman Sovereign also felt 10000 1000 for a while.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Black Winged King two people, said differently: “2 people, don’t blame me for speaking badly, uncle I believe, but you 2 people, I really find it hard to rest assured.”

The faces of the two people changed slightly.

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t be nervous, I just want to remind you that there is not much youngster in your life, don’t digging one’s own grave.”

“Yes yes yes.”

“We must remember.”

Two people are nodded again and again.

“Just remember.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, looking at Mermaid Princess, and said, “It’s over, let’s go for a walk?”


“I want to accompany father.”

Mermaid Princess said.

Merman Sovereign said with a smile: “Girl, you accompany Feiyang, there are many things for my father, and they will discuss with Black Winged King.”

Mermaid Princess stared blankly, played with a smile: “It’s better to be father, then we’re gone?”

“go Go!”

Merman Sovereign waved.


Mermaid Princess pulled Qin Feiyang and ran out happily.

“When a girl is of age, she must be married off, it really is true!”

Looking at the back of Mermaid Princess, Merman Sovereign sighed helplessly.


“You should feel lucky.”

“If it wasn’t for the relationship between Princess and Qin Feiyang, we at Merman Race would have a hard time in our lifetime.”

Black Winged King two people.

“I don’t agree with that.”

“The girl really likes Qin Feiyang, not to use Qin Feiyang.”

Merman Sovereign frowns saying.

“Yes yes yes.”

“That’s the analogy.”

said two people in a hurry.

Merman Sovereign glanced at the two people and said, “Speaking of it, how will it develop in the future?”

“Of course, the family moved to Imperial Capital.”

“After all, Imperial Capital is the core of Great Qin, and only by going to Imperial Capital can we get better development.”

said two people without the slightest hesitation.

Merman Sovereign frowns saying: “Do you think so?”

“Did we say wrong?”

Two people are puzzled.

“Imperial Capital, while at the core of Great Qin, is also a gathering place for power and disputes.”

“It’s not wise for us to move to Imperial Capital.”

Merman Sovereign said.

Black Winged King said, “You are right, but with Qin Feiyang, what are we afraid of? No one dares to touch us at all.”

Merman Sovereign eyebrow raised, saying: “Did you not understand what Emperor said before? He just didn’t want to, we use this relationship indiscriminately.”

“Let ’s not mess with it, we just want to have a place at Imperial Capital in the name of pro-Feiyang.”

Black Winged King was dissatisfied.

“it is good.”

“Even if you said we moved to Imperial Capital, what about Inheritance Land?”

“You know, the rise and fall of our Merman Race is all thanks to this Inheritance Land.”

Merman Sovereign said.


Black Winged King was speechless, turning one’s head looked towards White Winged King.

White Winged King groaned a little and looked at Merman Sovereign said: “How about letting Qin Feiyang help and transfer Inheritance Land to Imperial Capital?”

Merman Sovereign said: “Anyway, do you want to go to Imperial Capital?”

“After all, Imperial Capital is a symbol of status and status!”

“of course.”

“We’re just suggesting that the final decision is yours.”

White Winged King looked at Merman Sovereign, said with a smile.

Merman Sovereign glanced at the two people, pondered for a moment, and said, “This Sovereign thinks so, our clansman lives in Ling Prefecture, and Sea of ​​Despair is our home base.”

Two people heard that their faces were immediately helplessly crawling up.

“Of course, I will not limit your freedom.”

“You want to go to Imperial Capital, anytime, but only if you follow the rules.”

“And for clansman’s survival, this Sovereign will also take the time to meet Emperor to see if this Sovereign can be made the Ling Prefecture Mansion Lord.”

Merman Sovereign said.

Black Winged King two people simultaneously looked, nodded said with a smile: “This idea is pretty good. If you become the Mansion Lord of Ling Prefecture, it will play a great role in the future development of our Merman Race.”

“Is that so?”

Merman Sovereign asked.

“Okay, that’s it.”

two people nodded.


“Have seen Princess.”

“Meet Young Master Qin.”

Besides Qin Feiyang and Mermaid Princess.

Two people walked hand in hand on the street, and everyone who met Merman respected saluted.

Mermaid Princess also responded one after another.

“It’s better here!”

“No constraints or worries.”

Mermaid Princess said with a smile.


Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

Mermaid Princess stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang yelled: “Remember when you first came here, the situation of your father and daughter, but equal was not good!”

Mermaid Princess smiled helplessly, holding Qin Feiyang’s arm, and said, “yes yes yes, it’s your contribution, I thank you.”

Qin Feiyang chuckled said: “It’s useful to just say thank you, to be practical.”

“What do you mean?”

Mermaid Princess was suspicious.


Qin Feiyang pointed at his face.

Mermaid Princess’ face turned red and she whispered: “Clansman is everywhere on the street …”

“No sincerity”

Qin Feiyang pouts.

Mermaid Princess glanced all around, gathered courage, and dragonfly touches the water lightly on Qin Feiyang’s face.

“Princess, don’t treat us as air!”

“Yeah, you have to be affectionate, shouldn’t you find a place without people?”

All around the merman, immediately laughed.

Mermaid Princess’s cheeks were hot, and she fiercely rubbed her arms on Qin Feiyang’s arm, saying, “Smelly Rogue, you are satisfied now!”

Qin Feiyang grinned.

But suddenly.

He stopped, and turned his eyes to the square on the left.

There are 4 statues of divide!

It is the Holy Land, Inheritance Land of Merman Race!

Looking at the mighty divine statue of Ancestor, the dusty memories in Qin Feiyang’s mind emerged uncontrollably.

It was here that he turned on Purple Gold Dragon Soul.

It was here that he and Mermaid Princess were tied together by Hearts Alike Bond.

It can be said.

This is where he changed his destiny.

Mermaid Princess followed Qin Feiyang’s gaze, and a touch of memory appeared in her eyes, said with a smile: “Let’s worship now!”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Two people strode over.

“Meet Princess, Young Master Qin.”

The White Winged Guard and Black Winged Guard guarding this Holy Land, saw two people, and quickly saluted.

Mermaid Princess nodded.

Two people stepped onto the square, Qin Feiyang stood under the statue of Emperor Qin, looked up at the statue of Divine Statue, and murmured, “I would n’t have all this without you, thank you, I must Will catch up with you. “

Having said that, he worshipped deeply in front of the statue of the divine.


Mermaid Princess murmured at the statue of the first generation Merman Sovereign, and bowed down.


However, just after this worship, the two golden divider lights unexpectedly flew from the eyebrows of the first generation Merman Sovereign and fell into the hearts of Qin Feiyang and Mermaid Princess respectively.

“what happened?”

All around the White Winged Guard and Black Winged Guard were shocked, and looked at the statue of Divine in horror.

Qin Feiyang and Mermaid Princess are also confused.

Follow closely.

Two people seemed to feel something in their hearts, and at the same time bowed their heads, looking towards their respective hearts.

I saw the heart, one after another, dazzling, shining through the clothes.

“this is……”

Qin Feiyang took off his clothes and looked immediately.

Unexpectedly is Hearts Alike Bond!

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