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Central Divine Kingdom, Head Pagoda!

Compared to the celebration of Imperial Capital, Pill Pagoda Square at this moment is in a tragedy.

In the center of the square is a Spirit Hall.

Inside the Spirit Hall, a wooden coffin and a headless body lay quietly inside the coffin.

Wang Su, Wang You’er’s parents, and Wang You’er himself, kneeling below the coffin in turn.

Between the eyebrows, there is hard to hide.


The headless body inside that coffin is Wang Yuanshan!

Mysterious Madam and Ye Shu three people were also present, standing aside in silence.

But a faint look revealed that Ye Shu three people looked at Wang Yuanshan in the wooden coffin, and expression was a little displeased.

Shua! !


two figures descended over the square.


Everyone looked up suspiciously, expression immediately stared blankly.

Follow closely.

Tan Taili four people greeted him with a smile.

But at the same time!

Wang Su and Wang You’er’s parents also saw a trace of angry in their eyes.

Because of the people, it is Qin Feiyang and Mermaid Princess.

“what’s the situation?”

Looking at Spirit Hall on the square, Qin Feiyang and Mermaid Princess are a little bit confused.

Tan Taili sighed, “You didn’t come at the right time.”

Qin Feiyang looked at the body in the coffin and asked, “Is this funeral for Wang Yuanshan?”


Tan Taili nodded.

“Miss, I didn’t say you.”

“For people like Wang Yuanshan, they just found a place to bury. Why did they let Wang Su fight such a big battle?”

“Don’t this shame us Head Pagoda?”

Ye Shu three people said immediately the dissatisfied sound transmission.

“Wang Su is, after all, the elder of our Head Pagoda. He pleaded again to host a funeral for the old father. If I disagree, wouldn’t it seem that I am too close to favor?”

“What’s more, the things Wang Yuanshan did at Gods Vestige are unknown to us except us, so there is no shame.”

Tan Taili secretly thought.

“But I’m just upset.”

Ye Shu coldly snorted.

“Okay, deceased is big, so you say two less.”

Tan Taili glared at him and looked at Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Why did you come here suddenly?”

“It’s not for the trouble you’re looking for.”

Qin Feiyang is powerless sighed.


“Is this upset?”

Tan Taili said.

“How dare I!”

Qin Feiyang is helpless.


Mermaid Princess flew down.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said, “What are you doing?”

“Since it’s here, naturally go down to worship.”

Mermaid Princess laughed and landed directly on the square.

“Silly woman!”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Wang Yuanshan died in his hands, and Wang Su hated him, so it’s best to turn a blind eye to this situation.

But this woman is better, unexpectedly took the initiative to run down to worship, this is not to touch the mold!

Tan Taili said with a smile: “Stupid is a bit silly, but it also reflects that she is a kind-hearted child. You should cherish it brat.”

“I will.”

Qin Feiyang nodded with a smile, so strangely said: “What about Qin Ruoshuang? Why didn’t you see her?”

Tan Taili’s face turned dark, and he said angrily, “Ruoshuang is still a few generations older than you. Is it proper for you to call her name like this?

“Then what should I call?”

“You can’t call her Great Grandmother!”

Qin Feiyang pouts.

Tan Taili glanced helplessly at Qin Feiyang.

“You walk away for me!”

At this time.

There was a roar below.

Qin Feiyang picked up his eyelids, immediately looked down, and saw Wang Su crossing in front of Mermaid Princess, eyes full of anger.

But in the face of Wang Su’s eyebrows, Mermaid Princess was not angry at all, said with a slight smile: “Senior, I’m not malicious, I just come to worship Old Senior Wang.”

Wang Su glanced at Qin Feiyang, and looked at Mermaid Princess: “I don’t need you to behave like this, at once get out!”

“I do not have.”

“I’m really sincere.”

Mermaid Princess said.

“Say it again, get out!”

Wang Su was angry.

Wang You’er got up, looked at Wang Su dissatisfied, and said, “Grandfather, the visitor is a guest, and she is also sincere. How can you use this attitude?”

“Shameful thing, unexpectedly dare to help them speak!”

The furious Wang Su slaps his hands and slaps fiercely on Wang You’er’s face.

Wang You’er touched the painful cheek and couldn’t help feeling crying crying.

And watching Wang You’er was beaten in public, while Wang You’er’s parents were unexpectedly silent.

“I tell you, if you dare to eat again and again, the old man will drive you out of the house!”

Wang Su glared at Wang You’er. After saying this, he looked back at Mermaid Princess and said, “Not yet? Do you want to be slapped?”

“You fan it!”


Qin Feiyang stepped out and landed in front of Mermaid Princess.

“It’s a little bad.”

Tan Taili whispered.


“The public granddaughter was scolded in public, this Wang Su has done too much indeed, and he should be taught.”

Ye Shu coldly snorted.


Wang Su stared deadly at Qin Feiyang, eyes full of hatred rays of light.

Wang You’er saw that the situation was far from good, and hurriedly said, “Qin Feiyang, stop provoking grandfather, take her away!”

“Am I provocative or is he provocative?”

“Also, this Pill Pagoda square is a public place, why should I go?”

Qin Feiyang expressionlessly said.


Wang You’er is impatient.

Wang You’er’s father suddenly got up and looked at Qin Feiyang. “Pill Pagoda is indeed a public place, but it is also my Head Pagoda. You are not our Forgotten Continent. We do not welcome you!”

“Don’t welcome me?”

“A Sacred Peak Peak Master, can you represent Head Pagoda?”

“Then I would like to ask, where do you put the four above?”

Qin Feiyang pointed at Tan Taili four people and looked at Wang You’er father.

Wang You’er father hearing this, pump immediately shrank.

Not to mention Ye Shu three people, let ’s say Tan Taili, that ’s the great-grandmother of Qin Feiyang, a family!

And now Head Pagoda is Tan Taili making the decision, that is, Qin Feiyang is equal to Head Pagoda’s Young Master.

Wang Su was also furious and shouted, “Can you walk?”

“Let’s go.”

Qin Feiyang took a step back, took Mermaid Princess’ hand, looked at Wang Su and said, “But you must apologize to her.”


“haha ……”

Wang Su immediately laughed and said, “You killed me father, and asked me to apologize to her?”

“Then why don’t you tell everyone why I killed Wang Yuanshan?”

“Don’t say anything?”

“Okay, let me help you!”

“Wang Yuanshan at Profound Martial World …”

Qin Feiyang.

“bastard, I killed you!”

Wang Su hearing this discolored, one fist blasted towards Qin Feiyang.

If you let everyone know the deeds of Wang Yuanshan, there will be to have one’s name go down in history as a byword for infamy!

“kill me?”

Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth lifted, the mighty power hiding the sky and covering the earth emerged, and Wang Su immediately felt a huge overwhelming pressure coming down, and a cricket at his feet fell in the ground in a difficult situation.

“Qin Feiyang, are you trying to make a mess in Spirit Hall?”

Wang You’er’s parents also roared.

“You get me down too!”

Qin Feiyang looked towards two people, and the mighty power roared away. The two people’s body trembling also immediately lay down uncontrollably.

“Even Wang Su and they didn’t let go. Is this Qin Feiyang’s strength now?”

“too terrifying!”

“It’s like God One!”

People around all around were shocked by 10000 points.

“Enough. Enough. Really enough, Qin Feiyang. I beg you, let’s go!”

Exclaimed Wang You’er.

Qin Feiyang looked towards Wang You’er, deeply sighed, the mighty power disappeared like a tide, pulling Mermaid Princess, saying: “Let’s go!”

“Thank you.”

“In the future, let’s cut it in two!”

Wang You’er closed his eyes and said in pain.

Qin Feiyang looked again towards Wang You’er, and she knew from that painful expression, how uncomfortable she felt in saying this sentence.


This is probably the best ending.

“Hope you can find a good home earlier and stay happy.”

After saying Qin Feiyang in silence, he took Mermaid Princess and entered Head Pagoda step by step. The Head Pagoda disciple that he encountered, including Elder, Branch Pagoda Pagoda Lord, and Peak Master, all retreated to the side in horror. Drive a way.

Mermaid Princess turning one’s head glanced at Wang You’er and whispered, “Feiyang, have I made you trouble?”

“I don’t know now!”

Qin Feiyang glanced helplessly at her.

“I am sorry.”

Mermaid Princess bowed her head, her face full of blame.

“Silly woman.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Don’t keep saying I’m stupid? Where am I stupid?”

Mermaid Princess angrily waited for him.

“Okay, you are the smartest woman in the world, this head office!”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“No sincerity at all.”

Mermaid Princess pursed her lips and groaned, “Did you deliberately take action against Wang Su?”

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and looked at her suspiciously.

Mermaid Princess said: “The more stiff you and Wang Su are, the more uncomfortable Wang You’er is, and in the end you can only choose to break with you.”

“It turns out I am this kind of person in your eyes!”

Qin Feiyang said disappointed.

“I guessed wrong?”

Mermaid Princess staring blankly.


“I took action against Wang Su because he hit Wang You’er in public.”

“I take action with Wang You’er parents because they turn a blind eye to Wang You’er’s feeling wronged.”

Qin Feiyang.

Mermaid Princess suddenly said, “It turns out that you are for Wang You’er coming to the aid of someone suffering an injustice.”

“Not only for her, but also for you aid to someone suffering an injustice.”

“My Qin Feiyang woman, they dare to bully, aren’t they courting death?”

Qin Feiyang is proud.

Mermaid Princess hearing this, elated in her heart, immediately said: “But this Wang You’er is really pitiful. He obviously likes you so much, but because Wang Su and his parents have to break the relationship with you.”

“This is the Will of Heaven toys with the man!”

Qin Feiyang sighed.

If you haven’t met Wang Yuanshan, or Wang Yuanshan is a straightforward and upright person, then it must be another situation now.

Mermaid Princess teased: “Looking at you like this, you care about her!”


Qin Feiyang chuckled.

“You look like I’m jealous?”

“I just sympathize with Wang You’er.”

Mermaid Princess said.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head glanced at Wang You’er, and with a long sigh in his heart, he took Mermaid Princess and disappeared into Head Pagoda.

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