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This draw.

Commander Xu also did not make a move foot.

Because it is no longer necessary.

“Lin Hua and Zhao Shuang’er, first stage competition, others are out!”

Commander Xu shouted.


Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and asked, “Commander Xu, I’m the No. 4 pick. His opponent is me, right?”

Ling Yunfei three people also frowned.

According to the previous rules, it should be.

Number one, number four.

Number 2, for number 3.

That is.

Qin Feiyang vs. Lin Hua.

Ling Yunfei vs. Zhao Shuang’er.

But now, Commander Xu has disrupted the rules, let Zhao Shuang’er and Lin Hua face each other, Qin Feiyang and Ling Yunfei face each other, what does this mean?

Commander Xu said with a smile: “It was just now, now it is now, if you have any objections, we can negotiate separately.”

Qin Feiyang complexion sank.

Zhao Shuang’er said with a smile: “No need, a guest will comply with the wishes of the host.”


Qin Feiyang shook his head. Lin Hua must have hidden some means to prevent Zhao Shuang’er from taking this risk.

Zhao Shuang’er said: “If I can’t beat it, I will give up. There is nothing at worst.”

Qin Feiyang and Ling Yunfei looked at the same time, but resigned to helplessly.

Zhao Shuang’er stepped forward and looked at Lin Hua: “Please enlighten me.”

“Let’s come over!”

Lin Hua contempt looked at her.

A cluster of Zhao Shuang’er black eyebrows, Storm Step unfolded, Profound Moon Palm went straight to Lin Hua’s door.

“No matter how fast it is, it’s trash before me!”

Lin Hua raised his toes, raised his big hand, and lightly shot one fist.

No True Qi!

Did not use Martial Skill!

undisguised contempt!

Qin Feiyang watched this scene, and a feeling of uneasiness rose in his heart.


2 The palms intersect, but it is Zhao Shuang’er, who is blown out.

Blood wildly spurting!

The face is instantly white!

With a slam, she hit the ground, even the ground broke!

“How could this be!”

This change made Ling Yunfei, Luo Qingzhu, and several several people stunned.

Zhao Shuang’er’s strength, they are very clear, she has the perfect auxiliary Martial Skill, she can completely achieve the same realm invincibility.

But now unexpectedly was seriously injured by Lin Hua one fist!

Yan Nanshan and the beautiful married woman, as well as Elder Wan, also rised suddenly, with incredible faces.

Jiang Zhengyi and Steward Li frowned.

But the people of Royal Family, Lin Family, Pill King Palace are all smiling at this moment.

Especially Eldest Prince.

Even though the other person was a woman, he felt relieved.

The anger in my heart finally found a vent.

Lin Hua walked proudly to Zhao Shuang’er, grabbed her hair, and said with a sneer: “Aren’t you the monster of Martial King Palace? How about this strength?”


The words fall.

He even had one fist on Zhao Shuang’er’s belly.


Zhao Shuang’er crazy spurting blood, that beautiful face, was distorted on the spot.

“Trash is the awareness of trash.”

His arrogant, unexpectedly slap, fanned Zhao Shuang’er’s face.

Qin Feiyang’s face was gloomy to the extreme.

Luo Qingzhu is also cold-faced, shouted: “Commander Xu, Shuang’er has been seriously injured, Lin Hua has not given up, you tell me, is he deliberately hurting people now?”

Commander Xu shook his head and said, “Zhao Shuang’er has not given up, and the competition is not over.”

“What shit competition, get me out!”

Qin Feiyang seething in anger.

Ignore the great big shots at the scene completely and walk towards Lin Hua step by step.

Commander Xu complexion changed, shouted: “Dare you break the rules, this Commander will disqualify you!”

“Do you think I really want to come to the competition?”

“In my current capacity, Jiang Haotian, what can’t I get?”

Qin Feiyang smirked, an imposing manner erupted suddenly, and a palm strand of golden light appeared in the palm.

This sentence.

Although extremely arrogant.

But no one at the scene retorted!

Because this is the truth.

The value of a top grade Alchemist is even more than that of Battle Sovereign!

Commander Xu is also shrinking pump.

But Qin Feiyang’s unbridled attitude makes him even more angry!


He stepped forward and ran across Qin Feiyang, imposing manner like a torrent, heading for Qin Feiyang hiding the sky and covering the earth!

“hmph! ”

Luo Qingzhu and Ling Yunfei both snorted coldly at the same time and came to the Qin Feiyang left and right 2 side. Both expressions were gloomy and scary!

In the face of three people, Commander Xu felt inexplicably flustered!

This makes him difficult to accept.

You know, he’s the Battle King.

Right now the three people, the strongest is Martial Ancestor, unexpectedly can bring him this sense of oppression?

But it is at this time!

Yan Nanshan said solemnly: “I give in to Martial King Palace!”

Lin Han shouted: “Lin Hua, Martial King Palace have all given up and can’t stop!”

“I count you good luck!”

Lin Hua looked down at Zhao Shuang’er, disdainful, rose to the extreme, and kicked Zhao Shuang’er’s abdomen again.


Zhao Shuang’er was kicked off and landed next to Qin Feiyang three people. He passed out on the spot and was unconscious.

Luo Qingzhu hurriedly squatted beside her, her face full of worry.

Qin Feiyang took out a top grade Healing Pill and asked Ling Yunfei to give it to her.

Lin Hua pats clothes, looked towards Qin Feiyang three people, differently said: “Don’t worry, I have a sense of size and didn’t kill her.”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head Looking at that sharp expression, like a blade, is extremely embarrassing!

Ling Yunfei got up, gloomy looked at Lin Hua, and whispered: “He was entering Royal Palace just now, he must be taking top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill.”

Qin Feiyang said: “It doesn’t make sense to say this now.”

Ling Yunfei turning one’s head glanced at him, said with a smile: “I know what to do.”


He looked towards Commander Xu, saying: “I abstain.”

“I also abstain!”

Luo Qingzhu followed.

People are astonished!

Ling Yunfei abstained, they were just somewhat unexpected.

But the strength of Luo Qingzhu obviously surpassed the Martial Master, unexpectedly also abstained?

How confident is this for Qin Feiyang?

What’s more, Qin Feiyang is now just 9-Star Martial Master.

Two people abstained in this way, and Yan Nanshan and Jiang Zhengyi couldn’t help frowned.

It’s not that they don’t believe Qin Feiyang.

It is Lin Hua’s current strength and has been distant place Qin Feiyang.

Eldest Prince and the others are happy.

Although they all know that Ling Yunfei two people abstained in order to complete Qin Feiyang, but in such a situation, they were happy to see that it was a sigh of anger.

“Jiang Haotian, then pay for your former unbridled!”

Cold light flashed in Eldest Prince’s eyes, holding fist in his hand, and put a dry cough next to his mouth.

Lin Hua immediately looked at him.

From the expression of Eldest Prince, he read that he was ashamed of Jiang Haotian!

He sneered in the dark, withdrew his gaze, looked towards Qin Feiyang, jokingly: “They paid so much, if you lose, you will lose your face.”

Qin Feiyang ignored it and looked at Commander Xu. “Can we start?”


Commander Xu was also overwhelmed by this sudden change and looked towards King Yan for help.

King Yan said: “Since they have all abstained, then start the final battle directly.”

Commander Xu nodded, glanced at Luo Qingzhu three people, shouted: “Idle people waiting to exit!”

Ling Yunfei picked up Zhao Shuang’er in a coma and walked with Luo Qingzhu to the front of Yan Nanshan several people.

“how is she?”

asked the beautiful married woman.

Ling Yunfei said: “It’s just a coma and no life worries.”

“This is fine.”

beautiful married woman nodded, looking back towards Qin Feiyang in the field.

Everyone present can see that Qin Feiyang now has a raging fury in his heart, which is about to explode!

“Competition …”

Commander Xu glanced at two people, shouted: “Get started!”

Lin Hua carried his one hand on his back, hooked his fingers, and conempted, “Jiang Haotian, don’t say that this Young Master bullied you, this Young Master let you have one hand.”

Qin Feiyang does not have nonsense, and walks step by step, with an eye-catching cold light in his eyes!

Lin Han raised an eyebrow, shouted: “Lin Hua, give me more serious!”

Lin Hua was helpless for a while, and said, “No way, I can’t disobey the orders of the Adoptive Father. Now I will let you see and see what is the real monster!”

The words fall.

He rushed out in a stride, and the murderous intention flashed deep in the pumps!

That’s right!

He was about to kill Qin Feiyang.

Although this is against the rules, as long as the person can be killed, it does not matter if he is disqualified.

Anyway, as long as he wins, the Royal Family will definitely reward him in private.

this moment.

The hearts of Yan Nanshan and the others were stunned.

Even couldn’t help but admit it.

Ling Yunfei said, “I believe in him, so Palace Lord, please respect his choice.”

“Jiang Haotian, tremble!”


Lin Hua screamed with a cruel smile, True Qi surged in the palm of his hand, Returning Palm slammed at Qin Feiyang!


In the eyes of everyone’s surprise.

Qin Feiyang didn’t evade, stopped in the footsteps, and just looked at Lin Hua in an imposing manner.


“Yes, yes, insignificant a 9-Star Martial Master, how could it be a 2-Star Martial Ancestor opponent?”

“Instead of struggling in vain, you might as well give up directly.”

Eldest Prince sneered in his heart.

But just at Lin Hua, one fist is about to be shot on Qin Feiyang’s chest.

Qin Feiyang raised his arm steeply.

Fluttering one fist waved.

In the palm of your hand, one strand of golden light blooms!

A ‘Return’ character, appear instantly!


Next moment.

2 palm meet!

The scene that made the audience uproar suddenly appeared!


I saw that Lin Hua, a burst of angry blood spewed out, and with a click, the arm broke on the spot!

The body, more like a meteorite, flew towards the distant place!

“How can it be!”

The great big shots here, every influential family’s patriarch, suddenly got up, watching this scene incredibly.

9-Star Martial Master unexpectedly one fist bombarded 2-Star Martial Ancestor?

Is this dreaming?

The same moment.

Qin Feiyang is suddenly retreated again and again, and his mouth is constantly bleeding!

“It seems that Return Character Art, although powerful, has its limits!”

“But 2-Star Martial Ancestor, it’s not the limit!”

The burst of radiance in his eyes.

Take the initiative to start the offensive, step on the Gathering Smoke Step, turn into a residual image, and chase Lin Hua!


He is like one angry lion, shaking everyone’s heart!


At this time.

Lin Hua smashed on the square, and a deep pit was hit directly on the ground.

“Why is this?”

“My strength, unexpectedly all bounced back?”


He lay at the bottom of the deep pit, heart tearing pain, distorted his face, and even set off the perilous situation in his heart!

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