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I felt Qin Feiyang rushing over.

Lin Hua endured the sever pain, quickly get up and jump out of the deep pit!

“I don’t believe it, I will lose to him!”

He was crazy, his eyes were red.

The other hand clenched tightly!

“Jiang Haotian, I’ll kill you!”

“Overlord Fist !”

He angry roar, rushing towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes were like electricity. He reached out with his hands and patted fist without hiding.

golden light suddenly appeared!


Lin Hua was blasted out again, screaming endlessly.

Ka-cha !

This arm is also broken.


Flying out of dozens of meters away, and smashing a deep hole in the square, the dust filled.

“Why is this…”

He roared in his heart and couldn’t accept the fact.

Qin Feiyang also backed away from several zhang, stabilized his body, and continued to grab Lin Hua!

After two hard bumps, his arm also began to tingle, and there was a burst of pain in the torn muscles.

he knows.

The arm has reached its limit.

If he hits the third hit of Lin Hua, he will definitely break.

However, this is no longer possible.

Because Lin Hua’s hands are broken.

Even the 2-Star Martial Ancestor is just one lamb to be slaughtered.


Qin Feiyang at this moment, like a lightning, rushed to the deep pit.

After 2 hits, Lin Hua almost broke up, and even the strength to get up was gone.

Qin Feiyang jumped into the deep pit.

Grasp Lin Hua’s hair.

“How did you treat Zhao Shuang’er, I will give it back to you double now!”

He spoke coldly.

Full power blasted on Lin Hua’s lower abdomen.


Lin Hua made a howl like a pig on the spot.

“You clown can be considered a monster?”

Qin Feiyang fell again and one fist, Lin Hua was in pain with convulsions and pale.

Facial features have been twisted to the extreme.

“The man I hate most is a man who bullies a woman, it’s scum!”

Qin Feiyang raised his big hand, and slapped his face on Lin Hua’s face.

Bang bang bang!


He was a fan.

Lin Hua’s handsome face quickly swelled, immature!

“Jiang Haotian, spare me!”

“I kneel for you, and I apologize to Zhao Shuang’er.”

Lin Hua begged and begged, and his heart was shrouded in deep despair and fear.

“I spare you, you are too naive.”

Qin Feiyang sneered, grabbed his ankle, dragged directly out of the pit, and entered everyone’s sight.

“Is this still personal?”

Seeing Lin Hua’s miserable situation, everyone present felt scalp tingling.

“I think……”

Lin Hua spoke to concede.

But Qin Feiyang stepped on his mouth, his teeth smashed on the spot, blood was wildly spurting!

Follow closely.

He grabbed Lin Hua’s clothes, raised Lin Hua up high, and threw it down, his knees slamming against Lin Hua’s lower abdomen.


Lin Hua screamed screamingly.

“Commander Xu, what are you standing there for?”

Lin Han growled.

Going on like this, Lin Hua had to be killed alive.

Commander Xu suddenly turned back and hurriedly shouted: “Jiang Haotian, stop me!”

“Don’t you say that competition is not over without admitting defeat?”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards him, with a taunt of irony in his mouth.


He stomped on Lin Hua’s belly again!

Lin Hua kept vomiting blood, and had no strength to scream, like lying on the ground in the same mud.

Commander Xu folded his hands, his face was angry look.

But helpless.

Because he did say this just now, everyone heard it.

If Qin Feiyang is forcibly stopped now, the favoritism is a little too obvious.

Qin Feiyang doesn’t know how to torture Lin Hua anymore.

Because Lin Hua was up and down all over his body.


There is another place!

He corner of the mouth lifted and kicked Lin Hua’s egg.

“My Lin Family gives up!”

Lin Han snarled and hurried.

But it is late.

Ka-cha said, the egg was broken.

See this scene.

All men couldn’t help but clamp their legs and their crotches were cold.

Unexpectedly kicked popcorn?

This brat is also cruel?

Yan Nanshan several people’s face twitched.

“Little scoundrel.”

Beautiful married woman Flick, don’t learn well, learn these negative tricks.

I’m afraid Lin Han will be mad this time!


Lin Han suddenly got up, stunned with cold light in his eyes, and gritted his teeth, “I have yelled to admit defeat, and you have a poisonous hand. It’s easy to be heartbroken!”

“If I remember correctly, the Palace Lord just yelled and conceded, and Lin Hua still kicked Feng Ling’er?”

“I would like to ask, why don’t you jump out and scold Lin Hua?”

Qin Feiyang shook his hand, differently said.

Lin Han said: “I …”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand: “Don’t make excuses, people in Yan City who don’t know, are you Patriarch Lin a pseudo-gentleman?”

“I’m too lazy to care about you.”

“Trash, get it back!”

“But from now on, I’m afraid he can’t be your righteous son, but congratulations, there’s an Additional Daughter.”

“Remember to cultivate well, maybe in the future, you can still marry a good family, when you remember to invite me to drink wedding!”

Qin Feiyang grinned, revealing his white teeth.


At this point, I don’t know how many people laughed.

This brat is too lacking.

This remark was more embarrassing than going up, publicly slapping Lin Han.

This time the Lin Family can be said to have gone away.

There is no doubt that Lin Han has been mad, and his heart has risen!


But this time.

King Yan coughed to remind Lin Han to pay attention to the occasion and to Commander Xu: “Take Lin Hua along with withdraw.”

in fact.

King Yan is now more annoyed than anyone.

The sacrifice of a top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, not only did not suppress this child, but made this child’s momentum more and more vigorous.

Thanks to Lin Hua, a stepping stone, it became famous 10000.

Starting today, this child’s reputation in Yan City will be a step closer!

Commander Xu lifted Lin Hua, gloomy glanced at Qin Feiyang, and turned to run towards the Royal Palace gate.

This time, the Royal Family lost Madam and retired.

Ceremony, which should have been a festive marriage, is now unhappy.

King Yan turning one’s head looked towards Eldest Prince, low shouted: “What else are you holding? This competition is organized by you, even if they ride on your head, you will endure this King!”


Eldest Prince nodded, took a deep breath, got up with a smile, and walked towards the center of the square.

“Competition is now,”

“Now, this Highness is announced.”

“First place, Jiang Haotian!”

“No. 2, Lin Hua!”

“No. 3, Luo Qingzhu!”

“I don’t know if you have any objections to this result?”

He looking around all directions, no one has opinions.

“Well, this Highness awards rewards now.”

Eldest Prince took out two jade boxes and handed them to Qin Feiyang. Said with a smile: “Brother Jiang, congratulations.”

Qin Feiyang took the jade box and confirmed that it was Snow Crystal and Nine Yang Flower, then put it away and said with a smile: “This is thanks to many thanks to your Majesty.”

Eldest Prince eyelids twitched, lightly said with a smile: “This is what you deserve.”

Then took out two jade boxes, one for Luo Qingzhu and one for Lin Han.

This competition has finally come to an end.

Qin Feiyang also returned behind Yan Nanshan.

A few great big shots also immediately thumbed up at him.

Qin Feiyang laughed and asked, “How is Shuang’er?”

“The injury is recovering.”

Ling Yunfei always hugged her.

“This is fine.”

Qin Feiyang relaxed.

beautiful married woman nicely stably said: “Haotian, how did you do it just now? How did you feel that you simply didn’t work hard when you met Lin Hua?”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “Lin Hua is just one paper tiger, nothing extraordinary.”

Lin Han and the red-haired old man, immediately turning one’s head looked towards him, cold light shining in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang glanced a little, then looked away, ignoring the presence of two people.

At this time.

King Yan got up, turning one’s head facing the great big shots and Patriarch.

“First of all!”

“We want to thank those youngsters for offering us such a wonderful experience so often.”

“Although the process is a bit unpleasant, it is undeniable that they are the future backbone of Yan County.”

“This King also sincerely hopes that every youngster genius can reach the pinnacle of life.”

“Now that the competition is over, it’s time to get on the topic.”

“This King is now announcing that ceremony between Lin Eryi, the daughter of Lin Han and Lin Han’s daughter, has officially started!”

“There are 2 new people.”

King Yan said with a smile.


But it is at this time.

A cold loudly shouted sounded.

For a moment.

The audience was silent and looked towards the source of the sound.

It’s Qin Feiyang!

King Yan frowned without a trace, and asked with a smile, “Is there something for Little Brother Jiang?”

Beautiful married woman whispered: “Haotian, stop acting willfully, stay honest.”

“I won’t act willfully.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled and walked in front of Yan Nanshan several people.

Ling Yunfei, Luo Qingzhu, Feng Ling’er, fatty, Lu Hong, at this moment can’t help being calm, because they know that Qin Feiyang is ready to show off.

“Hurry up!”

Inside Ancient Castle.

Wolf King howled again and again, as if he had beaten chicken blood.

The others looked at Qin Feiyang in wonder.

But for these eyes, Qin Feiyang turned a blind eye, looking at Yan Nanshan, beautiful married woman, Elder Wan, Steward Li several people, one after another.


He bowed down to worship the several people.

“What is this?”

Several people frowned.

Qin Feiyang said: “Junior is in front of someone, and I would like to thank several Seniors for their care of Junior over the past few months.”

Beautiful married woman pouting, “Why do I still do that!”

Elder Wan said with a smile: “Get up and get up quickly, it’s all trivial matter, there is no need to be so grand, let alone the protagonist is not you today.”

Steward Li helplessly said: “Yeah, because of you, the old man is a bit sorry. If you really don’t want me to write you a promissory note, we can discuss it in private.”

“Promissory note?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

Did not say much.

Step by step to the center of the square.

He looked up towards Shi Zheng, arching: “Elder Shi, the person I should be most grateful to is you, thank you for your personal protection over the past few months.”

“No and so on.”

Shi Zheng said with a smile, I feel a bit unfathomable mystery.

Not to mention Shi Zheng, everyone present was a little bit confused.

Why is this brat doing this suddenly?

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