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“Big Brother Qin, don’t forget, this is Ancient World.”

“Although your Ancestor is a famous great character in Great Qin and Forgotten Continent, here, as Guo Zixiong said, is it nothing at all?”

“So it’s not impossible for him to enter Nine Heavens Palace.”

Fire Lotus saw Qin Feiyang’s mind, said in the dark.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

After all, when Ancestor left, it was only the cultivation base of Small Accomplishment Battle God.

Qin Feiyang looked at Gao Xiaohui again and asked, “Apart from Qin Batian, which is a discipline of Nine Heavens Palace, do you know anything else?”

“I don’t know much about it.”

“Because I usually focus on cultivation, I don’t talk much about the situation outside.”

Gao Xiaohui shook his head.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.

It seems that to figure out Ancestor’s whereabouts, a trip to Nine Heavens Palace is needed.

wait a minute!

This Guo Family has deliberately forged a marriage deed without reason.

Perhaps what Guo Zixiong and Old Patriarch knew?


the thoughts got to this point.

Qin Feiyang once again looked up at the picture in looked towards void. After Guo Zixiong left, Old Patriarch had also entered the attic.

Fire Lotus rumors: “Big Brother Qin, just kill this Gao Xiaohui, so as not to cause you trouble later.”

“It’s not a rush. Solve the Guo Family first!”

In the eyes of Qin Feiyang, the murderous intention flickered, driving Profound Martial World, entering the attic silently, and quickly found Old Patriarch.

I saw Old Patriarch, sitting on the bed in the bedroom on the second floor with his eyes closed.

“What is this?”

Gao Xiaohui glanced at Old Patriarch and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

What do you think of this person’s expression, as if it was against Old Patriarch?

But wasn’t this pair of siblings born for the first time? How can I settle with Hui Family?


The identity of a man and a woman is definitely not that simple.

Thinking of this, Gao Xiaohui’s eyes flashed radiance, and it was fleeting.



Qin Feiyang stared at Old Patriarch, took a deep breath, then turning one’s head looked towards Fire Lotus, secretly thought: “You are optimistic about Gao Xiaohui.”

“it is good.”

Fire Lotus in the dark answered.

When Qin Feiyang waved his hand, the picture in void disappeared, and one strand bloody sword glow appeared in the palm of his hand.


Gao Xiaohui’s body trembled.

What is this?

How could there be such terrifying Murderous Intention!



Old Patriarch expression is serene, without even realizing that the crisis is coming.



A horrible murderous aura emerged.

Old Patriarch was immediately shocked, immediately eyes opened, but when he opened his eyes, he suddenly felt a pain in his lower abdomen.

When he looked down, he saw that there was a blood hole in the belly.



The heart tearing pain made him scream.


at the same time!

Within a great hall.

Guo Zixiong and Guo De are opposites.

Guo Zixiong said: “Second Uncle, I’m going to find Qin Feiyang, the family thing, you help to deal with it first.”

“Okay, be careful.”

Guo De urged.

Guo Zixiong nodded, open an altar.

But just then, two people suddenly sensed a terrible murderous aura and the scream of Old Patriarch.

“what happened?”

Two people were surprised.

“Not good, Sir Father’s voice, Second Uncle, fast!”

Guo Zixiong cry out in surprise, two people immediately ran out of the great hall and ran towards the courtyard.

Two people, one is Great Accomplishment Battle God, and the other is Small Accomplishment Battle God. The speed is naturally extraordinary.

But in 2 blinks, he swept over the attic, and then straight from the terrace on the 2nd floor into Old Patriarch’s bedroom.

But the bedroom was empty.

“Sir Father?”

Guo Zixiong exclaimed anxiously.

Guo De evenly released Divine Sense, searched the yard, his face gradually turned pale, looked at Guo Zixiong, and said, “I haven’t found your father.”

“Second Uncle, Sir Father, may have encountered an accident, behold!”

Guo Zixiong pointed at the bed, with a pool of bloodstain on it.

“How could this be?”

Guo De looked at bloodstain, his eyes shaking.

“Come on, all Battle God, False God, and immediately in the clan immediately drop their affairs and go to find Sir Father.”

“Be born to see people, die, then must see the corpse!”

Growled Guo Zixiong.

“it is good.”

Guo De nodded, turned and left in a hurry.


Profound Martial World.

Deep in the desert!

A white-haired old man covered in stains, holding a bleeding belly, standing in the yellow sand, is exactly Old Patriarch.

But at the moment.

He looked above the void, his eyes full of suspicion and fear.

Over the sky.

Qin Feiyang faced Old Patriarch with his hands on his backs and stood up against the wind. There was a picture in front of him.

The picture shows the scene in the attic.

He stared at Guo Zixiong in silence, the deep pumps glowing with a strand of cold light.

“What the hell are you?”

“What’s my holiday with you? Why hurt me?”

See Qin Feiyang hesitating, Old Patriarch shouted shyly.

And because Qin Feiyang turned his back on him, he didn’t know the person standing in front of him was Qin Feiyang.

“I’m who …”

Qin Feiyang murmured, indifferently said: “Aren’t you always looking for me? Now I’m standing in front of you, you still don’t know who I am?”

“Have been looking for you?”

“are you crazy?”

“Does old man know you?”

Old Patriarch exasperated.

When Qin Feiyang waved his hand, the picture disappeared, and immediately turned slowly, facing Old Patriarch.



Old Patriarch immediately stared at the eyeball, unbelievable.

Qin Feiyang said: “It looks like Guo Zixiong has told you what I look like.”

“You are … Qin Feiyang!”

Old Patriarch was shocked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“How could he be in my Guo Family?”

Old Patriarch’s eyes fluttered, and he was hurried to say with a smile: “It turns out that you are Feiyang, it really is Dragons Among Humans, but Feiyang, why are you this?”


Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth lifted, said with a smile: “Aren’t you clear in your heart?”


“Did he hear my conversation with Zixiong?”

Old Patriarch eyelids twitched, but pretending to be innocent, wondering: “What do I know? What are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

“Can’t understand?”

Qin Feiyang smiled suddenly, still pretending to be silly? Says: “It took a lot of effort to forge that marriage contract!”


Old Patriarch scolded.

Sure enough I heard his conversation with Guo Zixiong.

But why is this?

This plan, each step of them is cautiously, how can this child notice the clue?

Qin Feiyang said: “Do you think now, why would such a seamless plan make me discover?”

Old Patriarch instinctively is nodded.

“Because Ancestor.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.

Old Patriarch exclaimed: “Have you met Qin Batian?”


“Even now, I don’t know, is Ancestor alive or dead?”

Qin Feiyang.

Old Patriarch wondered, “Why do you say it’s because of Qin Batian?”

“It’s very simple.”

“It is impossible for such a wise man as Ancestor to leave such an absurd marriage contract.”

“So when I first saw the marriage contract, I was already suspicious.”

“But that marriage deed, you are too perfect to fake it, and you can completely fake it, so for a while, I dare not conclude.”

“So when I left the Land of Deceased Spirit, I left for a reason to investigate the character and character of your Guo Family.”

“And as a result, I was very disappointed.”

“Your Guo Family, relying on power is deceiving and bad. People like you, Ancestor doesn’t look at it, let alone related to marriage with you.”

“So I started to believe that this marriage deed was fake.”

“It’s a coincidence that I also met Guo Xueqi and rescued Gao Xiaohui in her hands. Then, under Gao Xiaohui’s leadership, I sneaked into your Guo Family.”

“Don’t say that this trip is really worth it. I just heard your conversation with Guo Zixiong.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“so that’s how it is.”

Old Patriarch mumbled, the heart is also very shocking.

At a young age, unexpectedly has such a plan, it is terrifying.

“Now, I have a few questions. As long as you answer me truthfully, I can guarantee that a whole body will be kept for you.”

Qin Feiyang.

Old Patriarch collapsed weakly on the ground and said, “I have nothing to say, just kill if you want to kill!”

“Sure enough, I still want to use puppetry.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

Old Patriarch stared blankly, wondering: “What is 傀儡?”

“A secret art that can read the memory of others.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, condensing a seal with both hands, 傀儡 imprint quickly appeared, turned into a stream of light, submerged into the top of the head of Old Patriarch like lightning.


It is also at this time.

Old Patriarch smirked, suddenly got up, and a Divine Sense emerged, like a tide, Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood shattered 傀儡 imprint, immediately killed Qin Feiyang!


傀儡 imprint shattered, Qin Feiyang immediately spit out blood, and his face was a little pale.

But looking at that Divine Sense, he was not at all nervous and shook his head with a smile: “I forget that after breaking through to Battle God, Divine Sense and Divine Soul can leave the Sea of ​​Consciousness, so even if Qi Sea is abolished, There are also certain threats. “

“I realize now, it’s late, let’s die!”

Old Patriarch smirked.

“oh! ”

“I really don’t get in the coffin and don’t cry.”

Qin Feiyang sighed, raised his hand and waved, and a bloody sorrow cut through the sky, and met Divine Sense.


Old Patriarch immediately miserable howl, Divine Sense shattered.

How can it be?

Inside, could not help but set off the perilous situation.

insignificant A Small Accomplishment Battle God, unexpectedly can easily obliterate his Divine Sense?

“Kill you, but between your fingers, so it’s best to cooperate.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently smiled, 凝聚 imprint condensed again, and swept towards the top of the head of Old Patriarch.

“Want to read the memory of old man, dream!”

Old Patriarch sternly shouted, again a piece of Divine Sense emerged from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and 傀儡 imprint was shattered again.

Qin Feiyang suffered another backlash, blood flowing directly from the corner of his mouth, and his eyebrows tightened.

It seems that in the face of Battle God, puppetry is not very useful, especially if the cultivation base like Old Patriarch is higher than him.

If the opponent has been resisting with Divine Sense, then the technique can’t be controlled at all.

In other words.

Now he can only control people who are weaker than the cultivation base.

“Didn’t expect breakthrough after Battle God, but this technique is not as good as before.”

Qin Feiyang helplessly sighed.

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