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At the end of the Qin Feiyang two people dialogue, another knock on the door rang.


Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked, and a little suspiciousness crawled in his eyes.

is it possible that is Feng Zijun again?

“Come in.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed slightly, lightly said with a smile.

2 robust men came in.


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

How could these two people be?

Huo Yi sound transmission: “Brother Jiang knows them?”


“The two people are under Young Master Feng.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

Two robust men entered the private room, closed the door, glanced at the three people, and bowed, “I have seen 2 Young Masters, Miss.”

Qin Feiyang said suspiciously, “What are the two?”

Although he knew the two people, the two people did not know him, because at that time, he used the identity of Wang Dachuan.

One of the robust man said: “myself Mo Shan, this is the younger brother, Mo Yun, we are under the control of Young Master Feng.”

“Young Master Feng’s men?”

Qin Feiyang pretended to look at the two people in wonder and asked, “Are you a biological brother?”


two people nodded.

Qin Feiyang looked at the two people and frowned suddenly, saying, “Are you here to help Feng Zijun fight?”

“No, no.”

Two people waved their hands quickly.

“Don’t play me!”

“Heavenly Dragon City, who doesn’t know, Young Master Feng is the younger brother of Feng Zijun?”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted and said.

“Young Master misunderstood.”

said the two people in a hurry, rather anxious.


“Then you talk about it, what do you come to us for?”

Qin Feiyang.

Mo Shan said: “We are here to remind the 3 people that Feng Yuan may be disadvantageous to the 3 people. Please be careful with everything.”

“Feng Yuan is who?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Mo Shan said: “Feng Yuan is the grandfather of Feng Zijun.”

“This way!”

Qin Feiyang was suddenly nodded, suspiciously: “Then I am puzzled, Feng Yuan is the grandfather of Feng Zijun, and naturally also the grandfather of Young Master Feng. As a subordinate of Young Master Feng, now you come to ventilate the news. Which one is it? “

“For details, we are inconvenienced.”

“In short, we are not 3 enemies.”


Mo Shan two people finished, then turned around and left quickly.


After watching two people leave, Huo Yi turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, frowns saying, “Strange, what do you want to do with this Young Master Feng?”

“Brother Huo doesn’t know, this Young Master Feng is actually an illegal child.”

“Usually, whether it’s his big brother sister or his grandfather, he can’t wait to see him.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.


“He was unexpectedly an illegal child!”

Huo Yi looked wrong.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Huo Yi’s expression, said with a smile: “I don’t even know Brother Huo, it seems this is a secret.”

“It was unexpected.”

Huo Yi shook his head.

time flashing past, night falls.

The auction is finally over.

But later, not at all appeared, what Qin Feiyang two people wanted.

Although mentally prepared, two people are inevitably disappointed.


Qin Feiyang got up and said.

three people leave Treasure Pavillion.

Heavenly Dragon City at night is even more lively.

Especially in those places where the wind and the moon, Yingying Yanyan, drinking wine and singing.

And while the three people left Treasure Pavillion, there was a shadow, always hiding in the shadows, and following them.

Huo Yi said with a smile: “Brother Jiang, this Heavenly Dragon City’s most famous restaurant, do you know which one?”

“I don’t know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Jade Qin Building.”

Huo Yi said.

“Is it fun?”

Qin Feiyang is curious.

“of course.”

“Jade Qin Building is fundamentally different from other restaurants.”

“Other restaurants are usually windy and snowy.

“But Jade Qin Building is an elegant and peaceful place.”

Huo Yi said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “To make Brother Huo praise like this is bound to be extraordinary, and I really want to see it.”

Huo Yi said: “Okay, I’ll lead the way, you treat!”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

“Brother, something is wrong.”


Fire Lotus glanced down at a dark alley, whispered.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “I have only discovered now that you are a bit slow!”


Fire Lotus stumbled, looked at Qin Feiyang and Huo Yi, and found that two people were smiling, and asked stupidly: “You guys …”

“Leaving immediately from Treasure Pavillion, I’ve discovered that someone is following us, just without saying anything.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

“This person must be the minion of Feng Yuan. It seems that Mo Shan two people are right. This Feng Yuan will not give up.”

Huo Yi shook his head.

Although in the large court, Feng Yuan’s people did not dare to make a move to them, but as long as they left Heavenly Dragon City, they would surely immediately fall into crisis.

Getting such a big trouble is not a headache.

Huo Yi sound transmission said: “Brother Jiang, I would like to ask, how are you going to deal with this?”

“Different situations call for different action.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile, there was no worry about expression.

“haha ……”

“Well a front soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, compared to Brother Jiang’s temperament, myself is really far away!”

Huo Yi big said with a smile.


Jade Qin Building is also located in the heart of Heavenly Dragon City, only about a dozen or more li away from Treasure Pavillion. It is a quaint building.

Under Huo Yi’s leadership, three people soon came to the gate of the Jade Qin Building.

Before going in, I heard one after another melodious zither sound.

“3 people, please inside.”

A classically dressed woman greeted her with a smile on her face, giving a sense of comfort and intimacy.

Three people step into the Jade Qin Building.

The layout and decoration here are also unique.

From the first floor to the fifth floor, there are no separate rooms with rows of elegant seats.

On the 2nd side of the corridor, every other distance, there is a pot of white flowers exuding a pungent fragrance.

Apart from this, there are no gorgeous decorations, nor can you find the luxury and luxury, everything seems simple.

The 6th to 1th floors are places to rest and sleep.

Huo Yi whispered, “Brother Jiang, this Jade Qin Building has a rule. I must tell you in advance that you must not borrow alcohol to make trouble or fight.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, looking around all around.

On the first floor to the fifth floor, there are more than 5 seats.

But at this time, it was almost full.

But despite this, compared to the noise of other restaurants, it is very quiet.

Except for the zither sound that resounds in the ear, it is difficult to hear the noise.

Everyone talked, but also kept their voices down.

The people here are basically young men and women, even Qin Feiyang, and they have seen many disciples of Nine Heavens Palace.

Qin Feiyang said suspiciously: “Brother Huo, what do I think, this place is like a place of romance?”

“Brother Jiang’s eyesight.”

Huo Yi whispered said with a smile, and smiled wretchedly.

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

However, such a peaceful place is indeed suitable for youngster to fall in love.

wait a minute.

Why do you say youngster?

Isn’t he also a youngster who is now and now?


Led by the classically-dressed woman, the three people went up to the fourth floor and walked to an elegant seat by the railing.

Here, you can clearly see the situation on the first floor below.

Qin Feiyang and Huo Yi sit opposite each other.

Fire Lotus sits next to Qin Feiyang.


A small scalar sent food and wine.

Qin Feiyang two people heard a zither sound while drinking a small drink.

The wonderful zither sound, such as flowing water, neither fast nor slow, makes people feel involuntarily calm down.

“This person who is playing the zither is who?”

Fire Lotus poked out his head suspiciously and looked at the tenth floor above.

zither sound, it is a room from the tenth floor.

But the door was closed so that the person playing the zither could not be seen.

“The person playing the zither is the Landlord of Jade Qin Building, but she has another identity, and this identity is very scary.”

Huo Yi mysterious said with a smile.

Fire Lotus helplessly said: “Big Brother Huo Yi, can you stop selling?”

“Keep your sense of mysterious, otherwise you won’t be surprised!”

Huo Yi said with a smile.

Fire Lotus is quite depressed.

Qin Feiyang said: “Speaking of playing the zither, I know someone, and her zither sound is not worse than the Landlord of Jade Qin Building.”

Huo Yi stared blankly, curiously asked: “Who?”

“One of my elders.”

“On seniority, it’s a Great Grandmother.”

Qin Feiyang.

The person he said was naturally Qin Ruoshuang.

When Qin Ruoshuang was at Dragon and Phoenix Building, it attracted countless young talents.

“Great Grandmother level?”

“Brother Jiang, are you joking?”

“How can an old lady compare to the Landlord of Jade Qin Building?”

Huo Yi said with displeasure.

“Old woman?”

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched.

at the same time.

Inside Ancient Castle, Qin Ruoshuang eyes opened, and her beautiful face was full of angry look.

Unexpectedly, she said she was an old woman?

Really impossible!

Fire Lotus also failed the covering mouth.


“Did I say something wrong?”

Huo Yi looked suspiciously at the two people.

“No no.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Having just finished speaking, Qin Feiyang seemed to find something, looking down towards the first floor door.

Fire Lotus and Huo Yi also looked down and saw a black clothed youth 25-26 years old left and right, walking into the first floor of the lobby.

“It should be him!”

Huo Yi muttered.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The cultivation base of black clothed youth is not bad, Great Accomplishment Battle God.

After entering the hall, black clothed youth expressionless looked around all around, and then found a saloon on the first floor and drank in silence.

But his eyes sometimes glanced at Qin Feiyang three people inadvertently.

Cold light flashed in the eyes of Fire Lotus, saying: “Although it is not a crisis for us at present, it is always monitored by people like this. It feels very uncomfortable.”

“Not in a hurry.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled and looked at Huo Yi and asked, “Brother Huo, how do you generally earn Soul Stone?”

“Soul Stone?”

Huo Yi stared blankly, holding a glass, drank it, and sighed, “It’s not so easy to earn Soul Stone.”

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“You also see that even Treasure Pavillion is traded with Divine Crystal, so it is difficult to earn Soul Stone.”

Huo Yi said.

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “Then there is always a way?”

With enough Soul Stone, everyone’s strength can be quickly improved.

So no matter what, get Soul Stone.

“Soul Stone is priceless. Even if there is one, no one will sell it.”

“Like Treasure Pavillion, as far as I know, not only Soul Stone but also Soul Vein, but they never easily trade with Soul Stone.”

“Unless there is a treasure they value.”

Huo Yi said.

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