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“Big Brother Qin!”

Fire Lotus face suddenly changed, watching the lake shouting.

“You greedy, stupid, despicable humans, don’t even try to escape one today!”

Black Dragon roared violently, and the giant tail raised again, killing Fire Lotus again.

“Dare to hurt Big Brother Qin, you, courting death!”

Fire Lotus is dancing with blue silk, expression is extremely indifferent, and it also makes a towering baleful qi.


She stepped suddenly retreated away, and the power of Deaceased Spirit rolled out, like a tide, toward the Black Dragon.

“What is this Divine Force?”

Black Dragon pupil contracted.

This Divine Force can ignore the defense of the fleshhy body and head straight for its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“I want you to die!”

Fire Lotus icy shouted.

“With you?”

A trace of disdain followed in the dark dragon eye, Divine Sense growled, exploded towards power of Deaceased Spirit.

power of Deaceased Spirit, when crushed!

Fire Lotus body trembled, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and flew out.

After all, Black Dragon is too strong.

And Fire Lotus, but Small Accomplishment Battle God, no matter how powerful the Power of Deaceased Spirit is, it is impossible to hurt Black Dragon.

“Pit ants, who died?”

The vicious glint in the black dragon eye is magnificent, the giant tail roars into the sky, imposing manner aggressively exploded towards Fire Lotus.

“Dare you hurt her!”

But it is at this time.

An angry loudly shouted exploded in the lake.

Follow closely.

An overflowing heaven murderous aura, like a volcanic eruption, burst out of the lake.


Black Dragon looked at the lake in shock.

I thought this human had been buried in lakebed, but didn’t expect, unexpectedly alive?

Oh la la !

A huge wave set off.

Qin Feiyang, holding a scarlet long sword, rushed out of the waves, covered in murderous looking, a sword slashing towards giant tail.

“What is this Divine Artifact?”

“Murderous aura is so terrifying!”

The Black Dragon contracted the pump, the Divine Force sprayed on the giant tail, carrying the thunderous wind and thunder, exploded towards Qin Feiyang.

“hmph! ”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted.

铿 clang!

The scarlet long sword was chopped on the giant tail, and immediately sparks 4 splashed.

The next moment.

The dragon scales on the giant tail shattered.


Followed by.

With a painful scream, the dragon tail was cut off on the spot.

Oh la la !

dragon’s blood like a waterfall cloth, pouring out, dyed void!

“How can it be?”

The Black Dragon reached into the distant place and looked in horror at the bloody long sword in Qin Feiyang’s hand.

Fire Lotus flew to Qin Feiyang and cared, “Big Brother Qin, are you okay!”

“I am fine.”

“It’s you, why are you so impulsive?”

Qin Feiyang looked at her dissatisfied.

“Isn’t this angry!”

“We’re not here to take it Divine Soul, why are we killing us?”

Fire Lotus said with displeasure.


“Do you want Divine Soul from this Sovereign?”

Black Dragon furious.

“I did have that idea.”

“But every Divine Dragon is very rare. I can’t bear it.”

“But now, I change my mind. Today must take away your Divine Soul.”

“Because you messed me up!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed with a strand of blood rays of light.

Black Dragon expression panicked and angered: “There is ability to drop the Divine Artifact in your hand!”

“Divine Artifact ?”

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, jokingly: “That has the ability, you suppress the cultivation base to Small Accomplishment Battle God?”

“it is good.”

The Black Dragon did not agree with the slightest hesitation, and the cultivation base plummeted rapidly.

But in the blink of an eye, it was stable at Small Accomplishment Battle God.


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Does unexpectedly do this?

This guy, too confident!

Qin Feiyang also waved his hands, and the scarlet long sword dissipated.



“Isn’t it Divine Artifact?”

Black Dragon eyeball glared.

Qin Feiyang took the next Healing Pill, coldly snorted and said: “Do n’t be nonsense, just hit!”


He bullied him step by step, his whole body posing like a rainbow.

“Wait a minute.”

The dark dragon eye glared again.

Until then, it finally noticed that Purple Gold Dragon Blood on Qin Feiyang.

A human, how could it be dragon’s blood?

What what hell?

But Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear, one fist on Black Dragon.


With a sorrow, Black Dragon flew out, smashing into the mountain range outside the lake.

Hong long!

Giant peaks collapsed immediately.

The earth is also sinking, the rumbling sound is like thunder.

“Bastard, I, your father is talking to you, didn’t you hear?”

Black Dragon got up, rushed up into the air, roared flustered and exasperated.

“I said, don’t be nonsense!”

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly.

“it is good.”

“I want to die, I, your father fulfills you!”

The Black Dragon was furious, and the Divine Force rolled, turning into a swell of waves, and the sky was pink, rushing towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth lifted, the power of Divine Dragon transformed by Purple Gold Dragon Qi, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Hong long!

Black Dragon’s Divine Force, immediately annihilated.


“Purple Gold Divine Dragon Force!”

Black Dragon was stunned again.

is this person who are you?

Not only do you have Purple Gold Dragon Blood, but also the true Purple Gold Divine Dragon Force.

Isn’t he actually human, but a Purple Gold Divine Dragon?

Just between the Black Dragon gods, Purple Gold Divine Dragon Force roared out and drowned it.


Screams, immediately resounding through the night sky.

I saw the dragon scales on Black Dragon, one after another, cracked and shattered.

But in an instant, the entire body of Black Dragon flickered.


But suddenly.

Black Dragon imposing manner.

cultivation base, and soared to Half-Step Divine Monarch in an instant.

Follow closely.

The huge body was crushed directly, and the Purple Gold Divine Dragon Force suddenly collapsed and ceased to exist.

And at the same time, one strand Divine Force, lightning-likely cut through the sky, swept towards Qin Feiyang’s lower abdomen.

at the crucial moment!

Qin Feiyang’s body was deflected, and the Divine Force flew across his waist, a large flesh tearing.


The lower abdomen and Qi Sea escaped.

Qin Feiyang looked down at the wound on his eyes and waist, immediately looked up, and angry at Black Dragon.

“Do you want to say that this Sovereign is mean?”


“You are not more despicable than this Sovereign!”

Black Dragon sneered.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

Black Dragon said: “dignified Purple Gold Divine Dragon, unexpectedly play the pig to eat the tiger, disguised as a humble human.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

Dare to love this Black Dragon, think his true body is Purple Gold Divine Dragon?

“Purple Gold Dragon Blood, Purple Gold Divine Dragon Force, these are not the best proofs, do you not admit it?”

Black Dragon furious.

“it is good.”

“As you said, I’m Purple Gold Divine Dragon.”

Qin Feiyang grinned, a teleportation, before Black Dragon.

“Scoundrel, don’t stop!”

The Black Dragon screamed angrily, exhaling a breath, and earth-shattering flew towards Qin Feiyang.

“Give it your own way!”

Qin Feiyang one fist patted, palm golden light surged.

Hong long!

With a little stalemate, the dragon’s breath turned in a volley and drowned the Black Dragon instantly.


Black Dragon screamed.

flesh crosses.

When the dragon’s breath dissipates, Black Dragon is already 奄奄 one breath.

Qin Feiyang walked to the black dragon eye and said differently: “Half-Step Divine Monarch, but that’s it!”

“What the hell is going on?”

Black Dragon looked at Qin Feiyang in shock.

“Half-Step Divine Monarch, although it hasn’t really reached Divine Monarch Realm, it is no longer comparable to Battle God.”

“Usually, with a cultivation base like me, no matter how powerful Divine Art is, it can’t threaten you.”

“It’s even less likely to seriously hurt you.”

“But unfortunately, the Divine Art I have is able to ignore the barriers of the great realm.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

“Ignore the barriers of the great realm …”

Black Dragon heard that the perilous situation was set in his heart.

In the world, is there such a Divine Art?


Qin Feiyang asked.


“This Sovereign hasn’t turned on Battle Soul.”

“Is capable, wait for this Sovereign to repair the injury, and then fight again?”

Black Dragon furious.

Qin Feiyang said: “For a defeated, I don’t want to waste any more time.”

Black Dragon stared blankly, immediately raging, growling, “Scoundrel, is it necessary to humiliate this Sovereign like this?”

“This is the truth. How can it be called shame?”

Qin Feiyang is puzzled.

Black Dragon was furious and took a deep breath, said solemnly: “This Sovereign is not as good as a person, admit defeated, to kill and shave, although come.”

“It’s pretty boney!”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

“hmph! ”

Black Dragon sighed from nose, closed his eyes, and waited for death.

But after waiting for a while, I didn’t hear the movement of Qin Feiyang make a move, so I opened my eyes suspiciously. When I saw Qin Feiyang at this time, expression was stared blankly.

But I see Qin Feiyang at the moment, both hands crossed near chest, not at all take action to kill it.

“Don’t you want to take Divine Soul of this Sovereign? Why not make a move?”

Black Dragon raised an eyebrow.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “I changed my attention again, can’t I?”

“You are really changeable.”

“Then you say, what exactly do you want to do?”

Black Dragon asked.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, Huo Yi’s illusory shadow appeared again.

An incorruptible anger emerged from the black dragon eye.

Qin Feiyang said, “How about his strength?”

Black Dragon frowns saying: “Aren’t you his friend? Don’t know yet?”

“I asked, you answered.”

“Don’t dare nonsense, then I will really take your Divine Soul away.”

Qin Feiyang.

The Black Dragon pupil shrank, and said, “This person’s cultivation base is like you, Small Accomplishment Battle God, but the means is terrifying, not worse than you.”

“Not worse than me?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.


“Half a month ago, he unintentionally came here and found the existence of this Sovereign.”

“At that time, seeing him was only Small Accomplishment Battle God, this Sovereign not at all was in my eyes.”

“But after fighting, this Sovereign only knew that it was also a scoundrel who played the pig to eat the tiger.”

Black Dragon gnashing one’s teeth said.

“What did he do to you that made you hate him so much?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“Although he did not kill this Sovereign, he searched the treasure of this Sovereign!”

“Those treasures are all this Sovereign. It was hard work that saved them.”

“He unexpectedly didn’t even leave a copper coin for this Sovereign. You said he wasn’t too much?”

Black Dragon growled angrily.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

It was for treasure.

Fire Lotus came over and looked at Black Dragon and asked, “Do you know who he is?”

“do not know.”

“If you knew, this Sovereign would have been excavating the grave of his Ancestor tenth and nineth generation!”

Black Dragon coldly snorted.

Fire Lotus couldn’t help laughing.

How much hate this is Huo Yi, so that can say such very ruthless?

Black Dragon said: “In short, if you are not too familiar with him, then be careful of him.”

Qin Feiyang looking thoughtful, said with a smile: “Thank you for reminding, there is another question, where is Heavenly Dragon Mountain Range, where is Death Spirit Fruit and Yin Soul Wood?”

“Death Spirit Fruit?”

“Yin Soul Wood?”

Black Dragon slightly stared blankly, glanced all around, and whispered: “Heavenly Dragon Mountain Range doesn’t have one, but there must be one.”


Qin Feiyang asked in a hurry.

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