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The lunatic calm down.

Other Sword Peak disciplines have also returned to Cave Mansion.


There are also many disciples, gathered together and talking with indignation.

“Senior Brother, how do I get to Sword Peak?”

Over one of the Sword Peaks, Qin Feiyang stopped and looked at a few great young men and women, and asked with a smile.

“Go straight.”

“The middle and tallest Sword Peak is the No. 1 Sword Peak.”

A young man said without looking up.

“Thank you for the Senior Brother.”

Qin Feiyang smiled and left with Fire Lotus three people.

“Wait a minute.”

But the young man suddenly stared blankly again, hurriedly turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang four people, reaching out and shouting.

Qin Feiyang stopped and looked at the young man, “Is there something wrong with Senior Brother?”

A very humble appearance.

The young man said, “I don’t even know the number one Sword Peak, are you new to science?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The young man said, “So, was that crazy man acting violently to you?”

“Not even acting violently!”

“It’s some people who fight for what comes first and provokes that person.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Fighting for the first?”

Several young men and women hearing this, simultaneously looked shook the head.

“Is there a lunatic who can get you newcomers to win first?”

“You guys are really unfortunate, unexpectedly arranged to the madman’s Sword Peak.”

“Looking at the same sect, we will give you a piece of advice, 10000000 Don’t provoke that lunatic.”

“Otherwise you will be in peace forever at Nine Heavens Palace.”

Several people looked at Qin Feiyang four people. Although it was a kind advice, there was a hint of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in expression.

“Many thanks several senior brothers and senior sisters, I’ll wait and remember.”

Qin Feiyang thanked him, and turned away.

Fire Lotus followed Qin Feiyang, thinking: “brother, why isn’t it getting worse?”

“I also have a feeling of being pitted.”

Qin Ruoshuang.

“This matter is actually very clear. We were deliberately arranged by Cheng Li to that Sword Peak.”

Huo Yi sighed.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, turning one’s head looked towards Huo Yi, suspiciously: “Brother Huo, what do you say?”

“you think.”

“Outer sect has a total of 10000 Sword Peaks and can hold 10000000 million disciple.”

“Now, Outer Disciple only has more than 800 and 10000.”

“In other words.”

“At present, there are more than 100 unused Sword Peaks left.”

“But this Cheng Li, why not arrange us to go to another Sword Peak, but let us go to that crazy Sword Peak?”

Huo Yi said.

“Maybe you don’t want to waste resources!”

“After all, occupying a Sword Peak alone is a bit wasteful of resources.”

Qin Feiyang guessed.

“Brother Jiang, will you die without pretending to be stupid?”

“With your mind, I’ve said it so clearly, wouldn’t I have thought of it?”

Huo Yi exasperated.

Qin Feiyang embarrased with a smile.

“oh! ”

“Originally we all thought that this Elder Cheng was a good person and was not encouraged by Feng Wenhai.”

“But in fact, it was already unconsciously and gave us a set.”

“One is a fighting freak known as a lunatic.”

“One is an arrogant identified as unbridled.”

“The meeting of these two kinds of people is tantamount to clash that leaves both sides shattered.”

“Our Elder Cheng, it’s not easy!”

Huo Yi sighed.

Fire Lotus asked, “You mean, he wants to borrow the hand of a lunatic and get rid of us?”

“Is this not obvious?”

“But he also has a move of one move. Two people with similar personalities may not become opponents, and they may become friends.”

Huo Yi said with a smile.


Qin Ruoshuang and Fire Lotus hearing this, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, and found that Qin Feiyang had a smile on his face.

Could these two people really become friends?


Number one sword edge.

Deacon Palace!

Cheng Li leaned back on the seat next to the coffee table, sipling tea leisurely.

“Disciple Jiang Haotian, Jiang Ruoshuang, Jiang Huolian, Huo Yi, see Elder Cheng.”


There were several sounds outside the door.

Cheng Li stared blankly, looked up towards the door, and saw Qin Feiyang four people standing respectfully outside the door.

“what happened?”

Looking at Qin Feiyang four people, the teacup in his hand almost fell off.

I thought that before the lunatics acted violently, they would kill them, at least fiercely fat.

But now, four people are intact?

What is the situation?

Didn’t fight?

But how is this possible.

As Outer Sect Elder, he has a better temper than anyone else.

Once that happens, it will definitely fight.

“Elder, what’s wrong with you?”

Qin Feiyang four people looked simultaneously, a smile flickered in his eyes, but Cheng Li looked suspiciously on the surface.

“No no.”

Cheng Li returned back to his senses, quickly waved his hands, and asked with a smile: “Are you guys asking me something?”

“Not Elder, you say, after you settle in, get the identity token?”

Qin Feiyang.

“Right right right.”

Cheng Li repeatedly nodded, got up and walked to the desk next to him, and said, “Come in!”


Four people walked into the great hall one after another.

Cheng Li was also sitting at his desk, taking out 4 white tokens.

Tokens, such as precious jade, can be as big as a baby.

On the front, there is a flame pattern, and on the reverse, it is blank.

Cheng Li said with a smile: “Say your name again.”

“Jiang Haotian.”

“Jiang Huolian.”

“Jiang Ruoshuang.”

“Huo Yi.”

Four people spoke one after another.

Cheng Li’s hand commanded the movement, and the opposite side of the 4 tokens appeared with the name of Qin Feiyang four people.

“This is your identity token.”

Cheng Li said, took out 4 heaven and earth bags and put them together with 4 tokens, said with a smile: “This is your clothes.”

“Thank you Elder.”

Qin Feiyang four people one after another stepped forward, grabbing their respective identity token and heaven and earth bag.

“I have something to tell you.”

“Outside, it doesn’t matter what you wear, but in Nine Heavens Palace, must wear clothes with flame patterns.”

“If you don’t wear it, you will be punished.”

“This is the rule.”

“In addition, we at Nine Heavens Palace are not allowed to fight privately.”

“If there are gratitude and grudges that have to be resolved, go to the battlefield.”

“Entering the battlefield, whatever you fight, it doesn’t matter even if you kill the opponent.”

Cheng Li explained.

“No brawls?”

Qin Feiyang four people frowned.

Qin Feiyang said suspiciously: “Elder, since it is forbidden to fight, how dare we, the lunatic at Sword Peak, take action in public?”

“Does he have a take action?”

Cheng Li stared blankly.


“So much movement before, Elder doesn’t know?”

Qin Feiyang.

“I didn’t pay much attention just now.”

“But this lunatic is something special, you can tolerate it.”

“I will talk about him when I have time.”

Cheng Li said with a smile.

“Not paying too much attention?”

Qin Feiyang four people simultaneously looked, this is really a crappy excuse.


They also did not take it apart in person.

Cheng Li waved with a smile: “OK, go!”

“Disciple retire.”

Four people bowed and saluted, then turned and walked outside.

Huo Yi secretly thought: “Have you found out that even Cheng Li is a bit frightened of that combat madness?”

Three people nodded.

Huo Yi sound transmission: “It seems that the identity of this lunatic needs to be investigated.”

“what is this?”


Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards a black slate on the side wall.

The slate can be 5 6 meters long, with densely packed small characters written on it.

“That’s the bulletin board.”

“It’s for posting tasks.”

Cheng Lidao.


Qin Feiyang four people stared blankly.

“You see the task of the first line, is to find a Deceased Spirit Flower, the reward is 100 Soul Stone.”

“That is, as long as you find the Deceased Spirit Flower and give it to us, you will get 100 Soul Stones.”

“And there is no upper limit.”

“For example, if you submit more than 100 Deceased Spirit Flower, you will get 10000 Soul Stones.”

Cheng Li explained with a smile.

“So that’s the case.”

The four people suddenly realized, one after another looked.

Above the bulletin board, even if it’s all looking for something.

“The tasks published by our outer sect are basically the simplest, without much risk.”

“Of course, the pay must also be relatively low.”

Cheng Lidao.

Qin Ruoshuang said strangely, “What about inside and outside?”

“Inner Sect is definitely not comparable to outer sect.”

“Inner Sect publishes missions, including assassinations, and accidentally loses little life.”

“Of course, we won’t let you kill anyone.”

“Everyone who is not included in the assassination is basically wicked beyond redemption.”

“As for the reward, it can be as high as 1000, 10000, or even hundreds of thousands of tasks.”

Cheng Lidao.

“so tall.”

four people are shocked.

“Actually, these tasks are not much to us, Elder, especially those at Law Enforcement Palace.”

“The reason why we don’t do it, we need to publish it in the form of tasks. On the one hand, it is to give you these disciples a way to earn Soul Stone, and on the other hand, it is to hone you.”

“However, you are now an Outer Disciple, a task released by Inner Sect. Although the pay is relatively high, it is too reluctant for you.”

“So, 10000000 don’t aiming too high.”

Cheng Li cautioned.

Qin Ruoshuang in one’s eyes radiance asked flashingly: “So, we Outer Disciple, can we also take the task of Inner Sect?”


“I warn you like this to prevent if by any chance.”

“Although Outer Disciple cannot receive tasks from Inner Sect, it is inevitable that there are friends or relatives around Inner Sect.”

“There used to be a lot of Outer Disciple. In order to get more Soul Stone, go to Inner Sect’s friends or relatives to help.”

“But this is stupid, and many people lose their lives for this.”

Cheng Li sighed.

“So why don’t you put an end to this?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“We have put an end to it.”

“There is even a clear stipulation that Inner Sect’s disciple is not allowed to do this.”

“But even that won’t stop them.”

“Like you four.”

“Jiang Haotian is at Inner Sect, Jiang Ruoshuang, Jiang Huolian, Huo Yi, and the three of you are in outer sect.”

“You go to Jiang Haotian for help, take on Inner Sect’s task, and promise to pay Jiang Haotian some compensation.”

“With compensation, Jiang Haotian will definitely be tight-lipped.”

“Then Jiang Haotian doesn’t say, how can we, Elder, know that he is actually helping you with the task?”

“So this kind of thing cannot be stopped.”

Cheng Lidao.


four people nodded.

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