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The first ice ape that appeared first suddenly suddenly shouted, turned around and began to flee.

The ice ape who had been smashed with a skull, and the other four or four ice apes did not dare to stay a bit and fled.

“This time, it’s not as good as before.”

The lunatic jié jié smiled, raised his hand and waved gently, one strand golden light swept out.

The golden light is like a strand of hair, but the killing power is extremely terrifying!


Golden light cut through the sky like lightning, smashing one head after another, and ten or six ice apes were killed before they were killed.

The mountain-like corpse fell in the snow, and blood poured out like a stream.

“terrifying !”

Inside Ancient Castle.

Qin Feiyang was shaking.

This is the golden light last time, which broke the blood scarred by Kill Character Art.

But what exactly is this golden light? He hasn’t figured it out yet.


The lunatic’s relaxed pats hand, then the golden light also disappeared within his body, then looked at void, and said: “See? I have your father in, and you are fine.”

Qin Feiyang appeared next to the lunatic, complimentingly without hesitation: “Great.”

The lunatic smiled proudly and pointed to the ten or six ice apes, saying, “These corpses, you keep them.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, suspiciously: “What do I do to collect their bodies?”


“Of course, go to Resource Palace and redeem Soul Stone.”

“These Vicious Beasts are half-step Supreme Gods.”

“Either their divine blood or Divine Bone are of great value.”

“Even if you don’t lack Soul Stone, you can sell it to Treasure Pavillion.”

“You can sell a sky-high price.”

The lunatic said.

“This way!”

Qin Feiyang moved in his heart, took out an idle heaven and earth ring, and took in the bodies of the ten or six ice apes.

“Your big dog guts, unexpectedly dare to hurt the subjects of this Sovereign!”

But just as Qin Feiyang put away the heaven and earth ring, an angry loudly shouted, rolling away from the distance place void in front.

That voice alone carried a pressure that scared Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly looked up, and even when he saw a golden streamer, breaking the sky came at a speed that was hard to capture even a naked eye.

A heaven flooding Divine Might followed!

This divine power seems to have surpassed those six or six ice apes.

The lunatic was also shocked, shouted: “I rely on, unexpectedly is Beast Sovereign, who became the Supreme God, fast!”

Hearing this, Qin Feiyang without the slightest hesitation turned around and left.

“You’re too slow.”

The lunatic twisted Qin Feiyang, pedaled auxiliary Divine Art, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“Where to go!”


The golden streamer, not at all, was thrown away by them, but they were getting closer and closer to them.

In other words.

That golden streamer is faster than a lunatic!

“Why so bad luck?”

The lunatic looked angrily at the golden streamer behind him and looked at Qin Feiyang, saying, “Don’t you have a Space Divine Object that Divine Sense can’t capture? Let’s go and hide.”


Qin Feiyang hesitated.

The lunatic urged: “Hurry up and never go in again, I, your father can’t keep you.”

Qin Feiyang exhaled, and moved into the Profound Martial World with a madman.


Just before the two people’s front feet disappeared, after the golden streamer, the feet swept away and manifested in void.

That awesomely is one golden ape.

But compared to the ten or six ice apes, its size is much smaller, just like an adult, 6 meters 1.7 left and right, and it has only one head.

That golden hair was like silk.

But at this moment, its golden eyes were full of anger, Divine Sense rolled, covering all directions.

“Wretched human …”

“Is it safe to hide in the Space Divine Object?”

It roared, and the golden Divine Force rushed out from within the body, like a torrent, sweeping across all directions.

Count 1000000 void, earth, mountains, all smash!

This piece of Heaven and Earth directly turns into a chaos, just like the scene of the first opening of Heaven and Earth.


But very soon.

golden ape frowned.

If it is a Space Divine Object, then even if it is crushed, there should be debris fragments.

But before its Divine Sense, nothing was noticed.

what happened?


Within Profound Martial World!

The lunatic stood over the medicine field, and curiously looked all around.

Qin Feiyang looked at the golden ape in the picture and looked worried.

Golden ape is too strong, and he is worried that Profound Martial World may not be able to carry it.

However, he seemed worried for nothing.

Profound Martial World didn’t shake from start to finish.

A few moments passed.

Seeing Profound Martial World still unharmed, Qin Feiyang is finally relaxed.

“Qin Feiyang, the powerhouse of the Supreme God level in the future, it is best not to provoke me.”

But it is at this time.

An angry voice sounded in Qin Feiyang’s mind.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

This seems to be the voice of that little boy?

“what happened?”

He asked intently.

“Do you think Profound Martial World is all right?”

“Tell you, I used Source Strength to stabilize the Profound Martial World, so I avoided being destroyed.”

The little boy angered.

Qin Feiyang was shocked when he heard it.

“Anyway, regarding the current strength of Profound Martial World, we can’t collide with the powerhouse of Supreme God level. Otherwise, it will consume a lot of Source Strength every time.”

Said the little boy.

“That is to say, Profound Martial World is not really incompetent, and it is hard to meet people at the level of Supreme God?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“If you really want to hit it hard, Profound Martial World can hold it.”

“However, it is better to avoid such things as much as possible.”

“Because the consumption of Source Strength will affect the growth of Profound Martial World.”

The little boy explained.

Qin Feiyang said: “When will Profound Martial World meet Supreme God without any fear?”

“In terms of Profound Martial World’s current growth rate, it shouldn’t take long, and I’ll tell you then.”

Said the little boy.


“I will try to avoid it in the future.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.


The little boy answered, and then no more snoring.

And outside.

The roar of golden ape angry disappeared into the depths of the extreme west.

Qin Feiyang exhaled.

Finally escaped this calamity.

“Wait a minute.”

“Source Strength …”

“Power of Law …”

“Is there a difference between these two things?”

Qin Feiyang frowned again.


The madman’s doubts rang in Qin Feiyang’s ear: “Qin Feiyang, are you really a Space Divine Object?”

Qin Feiyang slightly starred blankly, turning one’s head looked towards crazy, nodded and said: “Of course.”

“Then how could there be so many people and Vicious Beast?”

“It feels like nothing outside the World?”

Mania frowns saying.

Qin Feiyang pupil shrunk slightly. This person’s insight is really terrifying, said with a smile: “The people here are basically my subordinates’ clansman.”

“Are you stupid to be I, your father? Will there be so many clansman in that family?”

The lunatic was angry.

“You don’t move.”

“In my World, a slightly bigger Tribe has 1000000 million clansman.”

Qin Feiyang.

“This way!”

The lunatic sounded nodded.

Seeing that the lunatic was still looking thoughtful, Qin Feiyang realized immediately that this person must not be allowed to stay in Profound Martial World.

Profound Martial World, no more than others.

Even Pill Scripture, Six Characters Divine Art, and Ancient Castle cannot mention Profound Martial World on equal terms.

Because Profound Martial World is an independent Tiny World.

Once exposed, it is bound to attract countless people to snatch.

It is estimated that even the people at Nine Heavens Palace will force him to surrender Profound Martial World.

“The monkey is gone, let’s go out!”

After Qin Feiyang said, before leaving the lunatics to react, he left Profound Martial World.

The bitter cold current raged.

A layer of ice appeared immediately on Qin Feiyang’s body.

“Really a burden.”

The lunatic glanced at Qin Feiyang, shook the head, and condensed a Divine Force Array to isolate the cold current.

After Qin Feiyang melted the ice, he said angrily, “I was originally a burden. Would you please let me go back?”


The lunatic shook his head.

“Who am I trying to mess with?”

Qin Feiyang was extremely angry.

“Don’t be angry, just kidding, let’s go!”

The lunatic laughed, took Qin Feiyang, and moved on.

Qin Feiyang stared at the madman, glanced in front of him, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said, “Wait a minute, how dare you go like this? Are you afraid to run into that monkey again?”

“Then how do you say?”

The lunatic was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang said: “nonsense, of course making a detour.”


The lunatic thought about it, nodded said a word, and took Qin Feiyang off the point and flew to the left and forward.

After a while, seeing no danger, Qin Feiyang could not help but curiously asked: “Is Supreme God the realm on Divine Monarch?”


The lunatic is nodded.

Qin Feiyang said: “Small realm is the same as Battle God and Divine Monarch?”


“Everything is new, Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Perfection, great perfection.”

The lunatic said.

“What about Supreme God?”

Qin Feiyang.

“On Supreme God …”

The lunatic murmured to himself and shook his head: “The powerhouse at that level, even I, your father can only look up, so don’t even think about it, break through to Divine Monarch and talk!”

Qin Feiyang pursed his lips and said, “I don’t think you’re doing well. When you meet Vicious Beast, who first became Supreme God, you can only escape.”

“Can you say that again?”

The lunatic was stiff, and immediately lost in void, staring badly at Qin Feiyang.

“Is not the truth?”

Qin Feiyang stared at the lunatic without fear.

“You know a fart.”

“Do you know the difference between the half step Supreme God and the beginning Supreme God?”

“That’s like the gap between False God and Battle God. There is no special way of heaven defying. It can’t cross this domain at all.”

“Of course.”

“I, your father isn’t really without this ability, it’s just troublesome.”

The lunatic said.

“You can blow it!”

Qin Feiyang sneered.


The madman was immediately angry and said, “If you have a seed, you bet against I, your father.”

“How to gamble?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“I, your father go to the dead monkey now. If I, your father can’t beat it, I will listen to you later, what do you want I, your father to do, I, your father to do?”

“But if I, your father wins, you give that Space Divine Object to I, your father.”

“Don’t gamble?”

The lunatic provoked.

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