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“The key now is that Azure Snow is not in your hands.”

“Let ’s go, there may not be any Supreme Treasure in this Ancient Castle, maybe one Death God may be sitting.”

Fire Lotus.

“Death God?”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Fire Lotus, eyes full of suspicion.

“Look at that weird power from this gray Ancient Castle, not even a lunatic.”

“This shows that this Ancient Castle is definitely not unusual.”

“The gray silhouette hidden in Ancient Castle, isn’t it Death God?”

Fire Lotus.

Qin Feiyang groaned for a while, nodded and said: “It makes sense, little life matters, we withdraw!”

If you say so, take control of Ancient Castle and turn around to break the sky.



What did Ancient Castle bump into?

Follow closely.

A gray light curtain emerged out of nowhere and bounced Ancient Castle back.


Qin Feiyang eyeball stared, why is there a light curtain?

He quickly shifted the screen and found in horror that another array appeared unexpectedly at the moment.

This Array is bigger than the Array that traps the lunatic.

Not only has Qin Feiyang been imprisoned, but even lunatics and Array trapped in lunatics have been shrouded in it.

In other words.

It is now equal to a 2-layer Array.

1st-Layer Array, sleepy lunatic.

2nd-Layer Array, stuck with Qin Feiyang.


“People inside the Gray Ancient Castle must have long noticed that we have entered the West, and laid a mechanism here in advance.”

Fire Lotus said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang is also sinking.

If it’s exactly what Fire Lotus said, then they will be trapped as soon as they get here.

At the same time!

The lunatic also heard the outside movement, quickly shifted the picture, locked in the direction of Ancient Castle.

“what’s the situation?”

“Unexpectedly another Array?”

His face was full of suspicion.

Is it…

Still someone?

If someone still, who is it?

wait a minute!

It won’t be Qin Feiyang!

“Welcome to the realm of death in true body.”


A hoarse laughter sounded inside Array and passed into Qin Feiyang and the lunatic ears.


The two people shifted the screen at the same time, locking that gray Ancient Castle, but outside the Gray Ancient Castle, they saw nothing.

The hoarse laughter sounded out of thin air.

“Now give you a chance to survive.”

The hoarse sounded again.

Just as the voice landed, the Array trapped with lunatics disappeared suddenly.

But trapped Qin Feiyang’s Array without any trace of dissipation.

In other words.

At this moment there is only one Array.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic are trapped in the same Array.

“This realm of death is the strongest means of true body. With your strength, you can never break it.”

“So kindly advise you, don’t do useless work.”

Mysterious person’s voice spread again within the Array.

“The domain of death?”

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic frowned.

“Now please come out first, true body doesn’t like to look at the air and talk.”

mysterious person said.

“Looking at the air?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

What does that mean, this mysterious person is looking at them now?

There is no ghost shadow in the Array.

Is it…

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked towards the Grey Ancient Castle, and the pumps radiance flickered.

Is that the gray silhouette for the dragon Tianyu Potential Pill and Advanced Potential Pill?

“Come out!”

“True body has dispersed Force of Death.”

“It won’t plunder your vitality and erode your Divine Soul.”

mysterious person said again.

“Already gone?”

Qin Feiyang glanced suspiciously at the void outside.

He didn’t dare to venture out.

To know.

The weird power here, even the Half-Step Divine Monarch, a lunatic, couldn’t hold it, let alone him.

if by any chance mysterious person is deceiving him, isn’t it going to mean death?

The lunatic was hesitating.

But in the end, he finally clinched the teeth, left Space Divine Object, and appeared in the Array.

Within Array, that weird power has really disappeared.

Seeing that the lunatic was safe and sound, Qin Feiyang was completely relieved.


Just as Qin Feiyang was about to leave Ancient Castle, Fire Lotus opened the mouth and said: “Big Brother Qin, take me.”

“Bring you?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Maybe I can help.”

Fire Lotus.


Qin Feiyang hesitated.

“Even if I can’t help you, you can immediately send me to Ancient Castle without danger.”

Fire Lotus said with a smile.


Qin Feiyang nodded, warned repeatedly: “But you have to promise me, stay with me all the time, and don’t make good claims.”


Fire Lotus smiled.

As soon as Qin Feiyang waved and rolled up Fire Lotus, he appeared in the undistant place of the lunatic.

“It’s you!”

Watching Qin Feiyang appear, the lunatic was overjoyed, hurried to the two people, and said, “I’m scared to death, I, your father. I thought you were dead.”

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

“Wait a minute.”


“Don’t you say that your Space Divine Object can’t stop this weird force?”

“Why is there no trifling matter now?”

The lunatic frowned.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “Don’t you also say that you don’t have a Space Divine Object?”


The lunatic was stunned, shaking his head and grinning bitterly, and said, “OK, okay, when I, your father did not ask.”

Qin Feiyang turned his eyes to the lunatic, looked towards the Grey Ancient Castle, and ice coldly said: “We are all out, but what about you? Are you going to crouch there all the time?”

“I want to see Lushan true colors of true body, it depends on whether you have this qualification.”

Mysterious person’s words landed, and one after another suddenly appeared in the Array, floating in void, exuding a sinister and evil aura.

Follow closely.

Hong long long ! !

Inside that mass of fog, there was a loud noise from one after another.

That was not the sound of an imposing manner, nor was it the sound of fighting, it was the sound of footsteps!

More than one, deafening!

And, along with it, there was one after another horrible Ominous Fiend Qi, as if there were countless devil, teaching the world’s barriers, climbing up from hell.


Qin Feiyang three people stood together, staring at those mists and guarding their faces.

Footsteps were getting closer and louder.

The heartbeat of Qin Feiyang three people all beat with the frequency of that footstep.

Even the blood qi inside the body swelled uncontrollably.

“Be careful.”

Maniac in the dark Ding Dong.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Don’t think about it, there will be no good deed next.

About a few more in the past.



A huge beast shadow emerged from one of the mists.

three people pupil contracted.

That unexpectedly is one ice ape!

Just like the ten or six ice apes they first encountered, they all have nine heads, like a hill, standing opposite them void, exuding a terrible fearful might.

“Be careful, it also has a half-step Supreme God’s cultivation base.”

The lunatic whispered.

“Half step Supreme God!”

Qin Feiyang was stiff.

How strong is this mysterious person, unexpectedly can summon the half-step Supreme God’s Vicious Beast?


A more amazing scene is still to come.

Inside the other fogs, one step out of Vicious Beast.

And more than one kind.

There is Snow Leopard with a foot of more than ten meters.

There is an ice python that is as big as a mountain.

There is also Lion-Headed Eagle, which Qin Feiyang is more familiar with.

Every one Lion-Headed Eagle has enough ten zhang, which is comparable to mountains.

wait a minute.

Without exception.

These Vicious Beasts are the existence of half-step Supreme God.

Fearful might billowed, Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus were out of breath.

“so much?”

Although is crazy, but also surprised.

Because there were 35 Vicious Beasts who finally appeared opposite them!

“let’s start!”

The voice of mysterious person sounded.


The words landed, the 35 Vicious Beasts, and they stepped down to kill Qin Feiyang three people.

“You are back.”

The lunatic shouted.

35 The first half step of Supreme God’s Vicious Beast, with Qin Feiyang’s current cultivation base, there is no room to fight back.

Even just a battle wave is enough to demand his little life.

Hearing this madman’s words, Qin Feiyang did not dare to hesitate, immediately dragged Fire Lotus, suddenly retreated away.

When two people retreated to the edge of the realm of death, the lunatic waved his hand, a Divine Force emerged, forming a Divine Force Array, covering Qin Feiyang two people.

This is of course to protect Qin Feiyang two people.

After all, the domain of death is so big.

The Half-Step Divine Monarch’s confrontation is enough to reach beyond 1000000 million.


No matter where they retreat, they will not be able to escape the fate of the battle and the waves.

and so.

Prevention must be prepared in advance.

And Qin Feiyang two people have no worries about their lives, so the lunatic can let go of the battle without worry.


It’s too late, it’s fast!

35 Vicious Beasts have been killed before the lunatics, and each one emits aura like a world extinguishing.

“That’s interesting.”

The lunatic jié jié smiled.

Hong long!

The blood-colored Divine Force appeared like a tide.

For a moment.

The madman’s temperament has changed greatly, just like changing to another person, and the blood light in his eyes flashes, like the possession of one Demon God.

The whole Ominous Fiend Qi is more terrifying than the 35 Vicious Beast.

As he waved his hands, Scarlet Divine Force united.


The next moment.

A big bloody square seal is here.

——Blood Demon Seal!

Fire Lotus may be new to the Blood Demon Seal, but Qin Feiyang is familiar.

Because last time on Turtle Island, the lunatic has used this Divine Art.

And it’s Peak Level Divine Art!

“I, your father is invincible!”


The madman laughed, the Blood Demon Seal rushed up into the sky, rose to the wind, and instantly became one with a seal of several hundred zhang.

demon might sway all directions.

With a wave of his hand, the Blood Demon Seal carried aura destroying heaven extinguishing earth and crashed down.

Roar! !

Two ice apes roared and raised their stout arms to meet them.

Hong long!

Within the Array, immediately exploded a loud noise.

The arms of the two ice apes were crushed on the spot by the Blood Demon Seal, and flesh flew across.


However, they did not know the pain, and raised their other arm, exploded towards Blood Demon Seal.

Although Vicious Beast’s fleshhy body and strength are inherently better than humans, after all, it is Peak Level Divine Art. How can the body of flesh and blood be tough?

The other arm shattered with a click.

Blood shed, dying read the empty earth.

But immediately following.

There was another scene that made the lunatic and Qin Feiyang two people even more shocked.

The two ice apes had their arms shattered, but still had no intention of avoiding them.

Not even a scream.

Doesn’t seem to know what is pain?

And even more crazy, after the arms were crushed, they not only flinched, but also used a flushy body to crash into the Blood Demon Seal frantically!

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