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“Checked the bill?”

Zhang Shaoyang stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang said, “When you asked for a seat, you didn’t say it. Today, you pay for my Celestial Immortal building?”

“Look at me, I’ve forgotten this joy.”

“It should be.”

“Waiter, checkout.”

Zhang Shaoyang patted his head and said to the waiter behind the counter.

The waiter brought a bill and handed it to Zhang Shaoyang, said with a smile: “A total of 10000 Divine Crystal.”

“it is good.”

Zhang Shaoyang 2 said nothing, took out 10000 Divine Crystal and gave it to the waiter.

Qin Feiyang pointed to the woman next to him and looked at Zhang Shaoyang said with a smile: “And her 200000000 million.”


“What do you mean?”

Zhang Shaoyang stared blankly.

“Young Master Zhang, of course it is my service fee!”

The woman stood up and held Zhang Shaoyang’s arm, said with a smile.


Zhang Shaoyang stumbled, pushed the woman away, and sat next to Qin Feiyang, whispering: “brother, the market here, I know, it would be at mosthundred thousand, broad point 500,000, 1,000,000, how do you give her 200000000 Divine Crystal?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “I promised in advance, I can’t reneging on a debt!”

“Even the silk pants of Four Great Families are not as expert as you!”

Zhang Shaoyang was speechless.

In a nutshell, Qin Feiyang is even worse than these silk pants.

But when I look back, even 10,000,000,000 Soul Stone, 200000000 million Divine Crystal, what is it?

Although some distressed, but now that I have agreed to pay, can’t I regret it?


The other party gave him two pots of Celestial Immortal drunk, so he counted 200000000 million Divine Crystal and gave it to the woman.


“Slow down.”

After Zhang Shaoyang left, Qin Feiyang ignored the all around look, lowered his head, and thought while drinking.

Why hasn’t Demon Ancestor come yet?

Couldn’t Shen 1000 be found yet?


Based on the status of Shen 1000 Mountain in Tianyun Mountain, it is easy to find a disciple!

“Young Master, are you okay at night!”

The woman looked pleasedly at Qin Feiyang and asked.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Lady Mei said with a smile: “If it’s okay, go to my house for tea and talk.”

The meaning is already obvious.

Qin Feiyang twitched his lips and shook his head. “Thank you, no need.”

After all, look up at the VIP rooms looking towards the uppermost layer.

A little disappointment rose in the eyes of the woman, suspiciously, “What are you looking at?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Why are there no Heaven Ranking disciple and those 4 silk pants?”

“When you went to meet Miss Celestial Immortal, they had already left, but you have to be careful, that Yun Dashou is narrow-minded and won’t let you go like this.”

The woman urged.

“is it?”

Qin Feiyang smiled, holding a wine glass, and was preparing to drink.

“what are you doing?”

“Don’t bully intolerably!”

But it is at this time.

There was a roar outside.


Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, isn’t this Zhang Shaoyang’s voice?

“Give you a face, shameless!”

“Abandon him for me!”

Another unbridled sound came out.

“Zhang Shaofeng?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

The woman whispered, “Young Master, you have done your best to Zhang Shaoyang. Don’t worry about it.”

Qin Feiyang heard that, being a little silent, his face gradually crawled with a slight smile.

Makes sense, too.

At Eastern Tombs, he was just a passenger.

There is no need to share these troubles.


A painful scream rang, and it was Zhang Shaoyang screaming.

“You give me Celestial Immortal drunk!”

Follow closely.

Zhang Shaoyang growled.

“Just because of your trash, is it worth having Celestial Immortal?”

Zhang Shaofeng’s sarcasm followed.

Qin Feiyang’s eyebrows stretched and frowned again.

“Young Master, Celestial Immortal is drunk and you have given it to him. Whether he can keep it or not is his own business.”

The woman grabbed Qin Feiyang’s hand and shook her head.

Qin Feiyang looked at the woman and said, “I found that you don’t care about me in general.”

“of course.”

“You are my investor, I don’t care who you care about?”

“I also hope that next time you come, reward me 200000000 Divine Crystal again!”

Women hesitated with a smile.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, lowered his glass, and stood up towards the restaurant door.


Seeing this, the woman shook her head helplessly.


Outside, the street!

At this moment is a sea of ​​people.

In the middle of the crowd, Zhang Shaofeng grabbed a heaven and earth ring, looked down at Zhang Shaoyang lying on the ground, his face was full of contempt.

next to.

2 guards, cold light is shining in my eyes.

Looking at Zhang Shaoyang again, the blood on his lower abdomen was flowing directly, and his complexion was pale.

But more is angry!

Although there were a lot of people all around, they all stood idly by and no one stood up to help Zhang Shaoyang to be fair.

Qin Feiyang was standing behind the crowd, watching Zhang Shaofeng showing off one’s military strength, and he was extremely disgusted.

Sure enough, as Zhang Shaoyang said, he was a master of weakness and fear.

Zhang Shaofeng looked at Zhang Shaoyang disdainfully. Divine Sense flooded into heaven and earth ring, directly wiped Zhang Shaoyang’s blood contract, and immediately dropped of blood recognizing master.

Then, Zhang Shaofeng looked at the heaven and earth ring and took out 2 hip flasks.

It was the two pots Celestial Immortal that Qin Feiyang sent Zhang Shaoyang drunk.

Zhang Shaofeng squatted on the ground and teased, “Do you really want Celestial Immortal to be drunk?”

“Give me back, give me back …”

Zhang Shaoyang roared and exhausted.


Zhang Shaofeng spread his hands, two pots Celestial Immortal drunk immediately and fell to the ground, shattered into pieces.

The strong aroma of the wine, when even scattered.

“It’s a waste!”


“Even if you have complaints, you ca n’t recckless waste of natural resources like this!”

People mumbled.

Looking at the shattered jug, Zhang Shaoyang expressed dullness, then stared up at Zhang Shaofeng and growled, “What are you doing?”


“Don’t you like Celestial Immortal drunk?”

“Give you a chance now, give me a little by little lick clean.”

Zhang Shaofeng said to get up, stepped aside, and glanced at the two guards.

The two guards comprehended it, stepped forward, grasped Zhang Shaoyang’s head, and forcibly pressed it to the ground.

“That’s a bit excessive!”

People mumbled.

“Celestial Immortal is drunk …”

Zhang Shaoyang murmured and closed his eyes in pain.

Did you get these two pots Celestial Immortal drunk, unexpectedly just shattered into pieces?



His eyes opened, and the murderous intention surged in his eyes, saying “Zhang Shaofeng, I swear, I will never let you go!”

“Dare to threaten me?”

“Give me his limbs!”

Zhang Shaofeng shouted.

One of the guards let go of his hand and took out a dagger with a cruel smile on his face.

“It’s almost OK, don’t go too far.”

But this time.

A voice sounded behind the crowd.


Zhang Shaofeng raised his eyebrow, glanced at the crowd, shouted: “Who is talking?”

“Anyway, it’s also a family member. Is it necessary to do so absolutely?”

The sound is ringing again.

Zhang Shaofeng’s vision like electrivity, immediately captured the speaker, and immediately cold light surged in his eyes, saying: “It’s you!”

“Yes, it’s me.”

That’s right.

The person who spoke was Qin Feiyang.

He didn’t want to care about this business.

But looking at Zhang Shaoyang being bullied in such a way, his heart really couldn’t bear it, so he interjected.

“It doesn’t matter to you, you better not worry about it.”

Zhang Shaofeng said solemnly.

“I don’t mean to intervene, just kindly advise.”

“After all, there is a saying that is good, and the enemy should be solved or not.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Just as Qin Feiyang spoke, the crowd in front of him separated automatically.

Although he didn’t want to get involved, others didn’t think so.

Everyone thought that he was going to help Zhang Shaoyang coming to the aid of someone suffering an injustice, so he consciously gave way to him.


So is Zhang Shaofeng.

Since it doesn’t matter, what is it?

When he is an idiot?

Qin Feiyang looked at the crowd, speechless saying: “I really don’t mean to intervene.”

Everyone looked at him scornfully, as if to say, believe you have ghosts.

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly, walked across from Zhang Shaofeng, looked at the wine spilled, and shook his head: “2,000,000,000 Soul Stone, just shattered into pieces, it is really heartbreaking.”

Ten Pots of Celestial Immortal Drunk, 10,000,000,000 Soul Stone.

Two pots, of course, is 2,000,000,000.

Zhang Shaofeng frowns saying: “You already gave it to him, it doesn’t matter to you!”

Qin Feiyang said: “Who said I gave it to him, I will keep it for him temporarily.”


Zhang Shaofeng stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Two pots Celestial Immortal, drunk, I don’t care, you let him go, I won’t let you pay.”


Zhang Shaofeng looked at Qin Feiyang staggered, said with a smile: “Are you talking?”

“Don’t talk like that.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.

“I’m just rushing like this, can you sting?”

“I was in the Celestial Immortal building just now. I dare not make trouble.”

“But now, it’s outside. You better not mess with me, otherwise …”

Zhang Shaofeng’s face was sneer.

“How else?”

“I don’t believe in this broad daylight, you dare to kill people.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Provocative me?”

Zhang Shaofeng’s eyes sank suddenly.


“But if you think so, I don’t care.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Zhang Shaofeng folded his hands, looked towards the guard with a dagger.

The Murderous intention flashed in the guard’s eyes, immediately grasping the dagger, stabbing Qin Feiyang’s back.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the guard and looked at Zhang Shaofeng, “It’s too late to let him stop.”

“What are you unbridled?”

“It’s just a Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch. I want to kill you, it’s as easy as killing a chicken.”

“Give me the killing!”

Zhang Shaofeng couldn’t help but shouted at that guard.

Qin Feiyang’s calmness and indifference from start to finish made him very upset.


“It seems this time, I have to be a good person.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The words landed, turned abruptly, raised his hand and grabbed the dagger in Guard’s hand.


Eyeball immediately stared at everyone present.

Grab Divine Artifact with your bare hands?

You know that dagger, but a High Grade Divine Artifact!

Is he wearing something?

But take a closer look, this person’s hands, not at all wearing something.

This scene makes it difficult for everyone to accept.

Guard was stunned.

How strong is this fleshhy body with Divine Artifact?

But immediately following.

A more amazing picture appeared.

I saw Qin Feiyang forcefully, accompanied by a loud noise, the dagger in guard’s hand, all split up and in pieces immediately!

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