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Everyone’s eyeballs stared out.

Not only grab Divine Artifact with your bare hands, but also crush a piece of High Grade Divine Artifact with your bare hands?

Is he a monster?

It’s too strong!

Zhang Shaofeng is also incredible.

Zhang Shaoyang looked up at Qin Feiyang and was shocked by 10000 points.

No matter how didn’t expect, this youth that looks sick looks so powerful.

The whole game was deadly stillness, and the needle fell with sound.

Celestial Immortal floor uppermost layer. In a room on the street, Miss Celestial Immortal stood in front of the partially covered window and looked at Qin Feiyang in the middle of the crowd below.


“I really don’t see it, he still has such strength.”

Little Hong and Little Green were also there, and were amazed.

Miss Celestial Immortal revealed the strange light and whispered: “Smash the High Grade Divine Artifact with your bare hands, we Eastern Tombs don’t have this talented.”

“Miss, don’t you think he’s Qin Feiyang again!”

“I think you’re a bit of a magpie now. You just think of him when you see someone.”

“What do you know?”

“Our lady is arousing with amorous feelings.”

“So, no wonder …”

2 Women are meaningful.

Miss Celestial Immortal rolled her eyes.



Guard return back to his senses, suddenly suddenly retreated, his face was full of fear.

Another guard also decisively released Zhang Shaoyang and stared vigilantly at Qin Feiyang.

“You two Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch, what are you afraid of for a Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch?”

“Just kill him!”

Zhang Shaofeng shouted.

Two people looked simultaneously, and flew towards Qin Feiyang immediately.

“So want to die?”

“Then I will fulfill you!”

Qin Feiyang smiled, and an invisible force emerged, pounced on two people.

——Soul Killer!


Two people fell to the ground when screamed!


“Is this dead?”

“How did he do that?”

People were frightened by 10000 points.

What is that invisible power, unexpectedly killing 2 Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch?

The key is.

There were no wounds on the two people.

There are 2 daring people, release Divine Sense to see the situation of two people.

I do n’t know, at this look, his face is immediately blushing!


Everyone looked at them in horror.

“Their Divine Soul …”

Those two people spoke hard, their faces were incredible.

“Divine Soul?”

Everyone heard that when Qin Feiyang showed no trace of life, they also released Divine Sense to check.


For a moment.

All of them are stuck.

It turned out that Divine Soul erased two people!

Looking towards Qin Feiyang again, inexorable fear emerged in everyone’s eyes, unexpectedly mastering a direct obliterating Divine Soul killing technique!

Divine Soul Inextinuishable, 10000 ancient immortal!

What this means is that as long as Divine Soul is there, it will not die.

Even if the fleshhy body is annihilated, as long as there is one strand Divine Soul, it can return to the peak step by step.

And the opposite.

If Divine Soul dissipates, then there is no peerless Divine Pill, and it will not be able to return to heaven.

and so.

The killing of Divine Soul is feared by every living creature.

Just like Zhang Shaofeng at this moment, never again did not raise.

ashen-faced, shivering.

No matter how didn’t expect, the other party would be such a terrifying person.

the most important is.

The opponent did not seem to be afraid of the family backround behind him at all.

Zhang Shaoyang got up, looked at Qin Feiyang, and bowed, “Thank Brother Li for his life-saving grace.”

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “Hello, you are also the Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch, why not fight back?”

Zhang Shaoyang is the Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch, and the two guards are the Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch. Although they are not opponents of two people, how can a man stand and be beaten?


Zhang Shaoyang bowed his head in shame.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said: “It seems that in normal times, you are not insulted in the Zhang family, otherwise you won’t even have that courage.”

Zhang Shaoyang’s more ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Qin Feiyang glanced at him, turned and looked towards Zhang Shaofeng, who was paralyzed on the ground, helplessly said: “I didn’t play with you, at first I really didn’t intend to step in, it was you who were aggressive.”

“I am sorry……”

“I have no eyes, my fault, I apologize to you …”

Zhang Shaofeng said quickly.

“Sorry to think about it?”

“How could that be so simple in the world.”

“If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price, you are right!”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Yes yes yes.”

“I am willing to compensate you for your loss …”

Zhang Shaofeng was nodded again and again.

“This is right!”

“Come on, get up, so many people are watching, what’s the point of paralyzed?”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and raised Zhang Shaofeng with a smile on his face.

“Don’t do this …”

“I am afraid……”

Zhang Shaofeng looked at Qin Feiyang in horror.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“Actually I’m a good person.”

“I didn’t blow it myself.”

“It can be seen from the fact that I helped Zhang Shaoyang come to the aid of someone suffering an injustice.”

“I’m kind-hearted.”


“As long as you have a good attitude, I will talk to you well.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Good guy?”

“I didn’t see it.”

Little Hong and Little Green, standing next to Miss Celestial Immortal, couldn’t help pouting, eyes full of disdain.

There was a smile on Miss Celestial Immortal’s face.

This person is really interesting.

Qin Feiyang looked at Zhang Shaofeng, said with a smile: “Are we going to Celestial Immortal to sit down and talk, or just say it here?”


Zhang Shaofeng expression looked at Qin Feiyang in a panic, and really couldn’t understand what this person wanted to do?

“It’s better to go to Celestial Immortal, let’s find an elegant pavillion and talk alone.”

“I’m doing it for you.”

“You see so many people here, I don’t want to shame you.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

After hearing this, Zhang Shaofeng complexion changed, and a flattering smile said, “It doesn’t matter, I’m not afraid of shame, just say it here!”

Find a private room and talk alone?

If he would torture him then, it would really make every day irresponsible, and make the earth and the land ineffective.

“Okay, it’s up to you.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“It’s him, surround me!”

But suddenly.

Over the sky, an angry loudly shouted sounded.

Everyone looked up and saw a young man in a gorgeous dress, with dozens of guards, and majestic flew over.

“The cloud is young!”

Everyone shrinks.

Zhang Shaofeng stared blankly, immediately looked at Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “Yun Shao brought people here, you’re finished.”

“Brother Li, quickly go!”

Zhang Shaoyang also hurried to Qin Feiyang and whispered.


Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth raise, looked up towards Yun Dashao.

Including cloud size, there are 50 several people in total.

Yun Da Shao is Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch.

The group of guards is the great perfection Divine Monarch.

Such a lineup, placed in Tianluo City, does have unbridled capital.

But here he is not enough!

“Wait a minute.”

“Isn’t Tianluo City unable to fly?”


Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Zhang Shaoyang, asked.

“That was before.”

“Now the Lord is dead, and no one is following this rule.”

“Brother Li, do you know how the owner died?”

Zhang Shaoyang said.

“How come to die?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“It was killed by 2 people named Qin Feiyang and Huo Yi.”

“The two people can be called an unbridled.”

“These silk pants like Yun Da Shao are nothing compared to them.”

Zhang Shaoyang admired his face.

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang.

Zhang Shaoyang whispered: “They not only killed the city owner, but also the Law Enforcement Palace Palace Lord in Tianyun Mountain. Do you say they are crazy?”

“It’s crazy.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

But I couldn’t help but laugh for a while.

This Shaoyang is probably never thought that the so-called madman in his mouth is standing in front of him.

Yun Dao flew over, standing high-spirited, staring at Qin Feiyang, 桀 said with a smile: “Remember what this Young Master said to you last?”

“and then?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Today next year is your death date, kill me!”

The cloud is young and suddenly shouted.

A group of guards immediately swarmed up and killed Qin Feiyang.

“Just such a crowd, you think you can kill me? Do you look down on me too?”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, invisible power emerged again.

——Soul Killer!

For a moment.

With the scream of one after another, a group of guards fell like leaves, falling to void.

He died before he figured out what was going on.


Yun Dasha glared at him.

what’s the situation?

So many great perfection Divine Monarch, die instantly, hell alive?

All around the crowd, Zhang Shaoyang, and Zhang Shaofeng were once again shocked.

And this shock is stronger than before.

The previous two were just Great Accomplishment Divine Monarch, but now these people are all great perfection Divine Monarch.

cultivation base, the difference is 2 levels.

But the result is still a spike!

What level is this killing?

Bang bang bang!

The corpse fell to the ground with eyes wide open, full of fear before death.

Everyone also returned to God.

Zhang Shaofeng’s face was immediately pale, flattering smile, “Brother Li, I’m sorry, I was just talking in a dream, don’t you mind …”

Qin Feiyang raised his arm.


See you.

Zhang Shaofeng immediately was scared to kneel on the ground.


Qin Feiyang stumbled and reluctantly shook his head: “I just want to take a picture of your shoulders, tell you not to be nervous, what are you so afraid of doing?”

“Is that right?”

Zhang Shaofeng was a little dazed.

Dare to frighten himself?

Qin Feiyang pats Zhang Shaofeng’s shoulders, looked up towards Yun Dashao, said with a smile: “Come and talk!”

Yun Dashi was shivered, and turned and fled.

He knew now that he realized that this was a person who could not afford to offend.

“Everyone is here, why are you going back?”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, stepped out, and appeared instantly in front of Yun Dashao.

“What do you want to do?”

Yun Dasha stopped abruptly, his face full of panic.

“Don’t say everything, just talk.”


Qin Feiyang laughed.

Yun Da glanced at the bodies of those guards, and couldn’t help shivering, said with a smile: “Li Dabrother, I still have something at home, can I change it?”

“What do you say?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“Sure it can!”

“I’ll definitely apologize the next day, goodbye.”

Yun Dashao said charmingly, then turned around and fled to the other side.


Qin Feiyang took another step again, crossing in front of Yun Dashao.

“He’s fast.”

Ms. Celestial Immortal whispered.

“Are you fast?”

“I didn’t find it!”

“He’s a Small Accomplishment Divine Monarch, and Yun Da Shao is only an Initial Accomplishment Divine Monarch. It is normal and faster than Yun Da Shao.”

Little Green 2 Women’s Road.

Miss Celestial Immortal glanced at 2 women, said nothing, and continued to follow Qin Feiyang.

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