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During the conversation, two people walked to a secluded corner on the second floor.

There are 2 rooms here.

Ren Xiaolan said with a smile: “See you in the morning.”

“See you in the morning.”

Shangguan Qiu nodded.

Two people enter each room and close the door.

When entering the closed room, Shangguan Qiu’s eyes flashed cold light.

Qin Feiyang is also in Shangguan Qiu’s room.

The room wasn’t that big.

A bedroom, a hall, a Cultivation Room, and a bathroom. They are about 100 square meters, but they are very warmly furnished.

There was also a faint floral fragrance in the air.

In the corners on the 4 sides of the hall, there are a hundred pots of flowers in full bloom, as white as snow.


Qin Feiyang felt a chill.

This chill is the cold light exuding in Shangguan Qiu’s eyes.


Qin Feiyang turned and looked at Shangguan Qiu suspiciously. What happened?

Not only is there a chill in expression, but even his face is a little glomy.


A little later.

With a sigh, Shangguan Qiu walked towards the bathroom.

As I walked, I undressed.

Obviously going to take a bath.

“don’t, don’t, don’t.”

Qin Feiyang hastened sound transmission.


Shangguan Qiu immediately shivered, turning around and glancing in horror at all around.

Qin Feiyang reverted to true appearance, closed the hidden decision, and appeared in front of Shangguan Qiu.


Shangguan Qiu expression startled, quickly tidying up the dress and cheeks.

“That one……”

“I really didn’t see anything.”

Qin Feiyang expression is also extremely embarrassing.

I did not see anything, because Shangguan Qiu hadn’t taken it off yet.

Shangguan Qiu bowed her head, her cheeks turned red, and it took a while to return back to his senses.


She looked up at Qin Feiyang and asked, “Aren’t you in Hell of Hell?”

“Come back!”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

Shangguan Qiu looked at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang shook his head helplessly and took out a Heavenly Eye Stone to prove his identity.

“It’s really you.”

Looking at Heavenly Eye Stone, there was no response, Shangguan Qiu’s face was immediately full of joy.

Qin Feiyang had a little dissatisfaction on his face, and said, “You say you are good in the Northern Domain, why come to Divine State?”


Shangguan Qiu expression was a little flustered.

“10000000 Don’t tell you, you stay in Divine State for your dreams and your ideals.”

Qin Feiyang.

“It was for dreams and ideals.”

“After all, Divine State is the Holy Land that everyone at Four Great Domains is eager to enter.”

Shangguan Qiu said stubbornly.

Qin Feiyang glanced at her deeply and asked, “Do you know where you are now?”

“of course I know.”

Shangguan Qiu nodded.


“you know?”

Instead, Qin Feiyang was rather unexpected.

“I didn’t know at first.”

“But then one day, Ren Xiaolan and Head Pavillion Lord summoning, accidentally being heard by me, I understood my situation.”

Said Shangguan Qiu.

“No wonder I just felt a chill in your expression.”

“It turned out to be so long ago.”

“That putting it that way, Ren Xiaolan has indeed been bought by Head Pavillion Lord, responsible for monitoring you in the dark?”

Qin Feiyang.


“But Ren Xiaolan didn’t know that I had been discovered, and thought that I regarded her as a good sister.”

Shangguan Qiu coldly snorted.

“This woman really disappoints me.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, and a murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

“Don’t act blindly without thinking.”

“Ren Xiaolan is the spy of Yunzun. If you kill her now, Head Pavillion Lord will definitely be suspicious.”

Shangguan Qiu whispered.

Qin Feiyang asked suspiciously: “What about the steward of Treasure Pavillion?”

“Even Xiaolan was bought by Head Pavillion Lord, let alone steward.”

Said Shangguan Qiu.

“This dead fat pig is really not memorable!”

Cold light flashed in Qin Feiyang’s eyes and asked, “Have you ever seen the Head Pavillion Lord in person?”

“This is not.”

Shangguan Qiu shook his head.

Qin Feiyang said, “How much do you know about my situation now?”

“Basically understand.”

“After all, now in Divine State, your rumors are everywhere.”


“I have also met Jiang Dafei.”

Shangguan Qiu said with a smile.

“Jiang Dafei?”

“how did you guys meet?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“He came to me.”

“Listen to him, it’s a man named Wang Ming, let him come to me.”

Said Shangguan Qiu.

“Wang Ming!”

Qin Feiyang fine God One.

“Do you know Wang Ming?”

Shangguan Qiu asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“According to Jiang Dafei, Wang Ming asked him to tell me that Head Pavillion Lord wanted to use me to deal with you.”

“And told me why.”

“So I already know about Dragon Palace and the relationship between Head Pavillion Lord and Dragon Palace.”

Said Shangguan Qiu.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

If it is Wang Ming, then it can be explained.

Wang Ming himself did not know the relationship between Shangguan Qiu and him.

However, because Head Pavillion Lord did not know that Wang Ming had surrendered to him, some plans would not hide from Wang Ming.


From the mouth of Head Pavillion Lord, Wang Ming learned about Shangguan Qiu and his relationship.

and so.

Wang Ming also found Jiang Dafei immediately and asked Jiang Dafei to tell Shangguan Qiu.

From this point of view, Wang Ming, this person, is not bad.

To him, it is relatively loyal.

Qin Feiyang: “Now that you know everything, do you regret entering the Divine State now?”

“No regrets.”

Shangguan Qiu shook his head.

“Why is one stupid?”

Qin Feiyang is helpless.

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t come to Divine State for you.”

“I just want to do something big in Divine State.”

“I want all women in the world to understand that we women can live well without you men.”

“So don’t even think about sending me back to Northern Domain.”

Shangguan Qiu watched Qin Feiyang alertly.

“Okay, you can be happy.”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

He really wanted to return Shangguan Qiu to the Northern Domain.

Because this Divine State is too dangerous now, one accidentally breaks down.

He didn’t want to disturb himself.

But now Shangguan Qiu has made it clear that he can’t help it.

Hearing Qin Feiyang’s words, Shangguan Qiu finally got a smile on his face.

“Don’t be too happy.”

“Although you are allowed to stay in Divine State, I did not say that you are allowed to keep Treasure Pavillion.”

“After all, I promised you Master to take good care of you.”

“Just leave Treasure Pavillion for the first time and stay with me!”

Qin Feiyang.

“Have you met my Master?”

Shangguan Qiu stared blankly.


“I just came back from Northern Domain.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Coming to Northern Domain just now?”

Shangguan Qiu heard that, elated in his heart, it seems that this man still cares about him!

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s my trust and loyalty.”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly.

Shangguan Qiu immediately pursed his lips, admitting that caring for her would die?

Qin Feiyang sighed, looking at Shangguan Qiu, saying: “To be honest, if you really are a good woman, whoever marries you is the blessing of his generations, but you know my situation, I …”


“No need to explain so much, I know you have a heart.”

“I have also wanted to understand over the years that liking a person does not mean staying together, as long as he is happy.

Shangguan Qiu interrupted Qin Feiyang and shook his head.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

At this time, some people can really change slowly.

“I will not leave Treasure Pavillion,” Shangguan Qiu said.

“Do not leave Treasure Pavillion?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.


Shangguan Qiu nodded, said: “Genzun they don’t know you have come back, so there is no danger that I will stay in Treasure Pavillion.”


Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Do you really want me to rely on you?”

“If it is, then I will go with you now, but this walk, you can’t get rid of it later.”

Said Shangguan Qiu.

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Watching Qin Feiyang’s response, Shangguan Qiu had a loss in his eyes, but soon covered it up, lightly said with a smile: “You can rest assured, don’t say anything else, take care of my own ability.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Then you go!”

“We a male and a female together alone, don’t let your family misunderstand.”

Said Shangguan Qiu.

The so-called one naturally refers to Mermaid Princess.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, “OK, you take care of yourself.”

Having said that, I entered Profound Martial World and quietly left Treasure Pavillion.

He doesn’t have time now either, and it’s been consumed with Shangguan Qiu.

After leaving Treasure Pavillion, Qin Feiyang reappeared in the dark alley, looking at the 2 guards at the door, his eyes flickered.


His heart moved, an old silhouette, when even appeared next to him.

It’s Feng Dazhi!

“Young Master.”

Feng Dazhi bowed saluted.

“Give you a mission to dive into Treasure Pavillion and protect Shangguan Qiu.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Dive into Treasure Pavillion?”

Feng Dazhi slightly stared blankly, frowns saying: “This seems a bit difficult!”

Qin Feiyang pointed to the two guards and asked, “Are you sure you have difficulty?”

Feng Dazhi looked up towards those 2 guards, pondered carefully, and said suddenly: “What do you mean, let me kill one of them, and then pretending this person, mixed into Treasure Pavillion?”

“Just know what to do, you don’t have to say it.”

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly and turned away.

With Feng Dazhi protecting Shangguan Qiu, there is no worries at all.

Because now Feng Dazhi has broken through to the beginning of Inextinguishable Realm.

And the Treasure Pavillion in Sacred Dragon City, except Genting, the strongest person is steward, which is half step Inextinuishable.


Mysterious Martial Mountain!

Peaks and ridges are stacked with vegetation.

Qin Feiyang stood at the mountain summit, converged with Aura, and bowed his head and groaned.

This time Fire Python sent him back to Ancient World, but he took great risks, so he must not disappoint Fire Python.

The matter of Genting Respect must be completely resolved.

Treasure Pavillion must also truly become part of the Dragon Palace.

There is Dragon Race.

With his current strength, it is impossible to destroy Dragon Race, but at least it will give Dragon Race a fatal blow!

The last is Ye Zhong.

No matter what method is used, Ye Zhong must be drawn into his camp.

Although everything is difficult, it must be done.


To deal with Genzun, it is necessary to achieve top secret, otherwise Dragon Race knows that even if he kills Genzun or surrenders Genzun, Treasure Pavillion will be destroyed.

Treasure Pavillion, which provides resources for the Dragon Palace, is the foundation of the Dragon Palace, so it cannot appear unexpected.

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