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land of cultivation.

It’s boiling now.

Over the sky.

Li Qiangwei stood up, full of an air of killing.

Next to it, there are 4 half-step Inextinguishable Realm top powerhouses, each holding an iron chain.

Between four people, a woman was suspended from a void by an iron chain in a difficult situation.

This woman is Genting!

However at the moment.

She has long lost her former style, and all four iron chains have penetrated her fleshhy body, and blood continues to flow out along the iron chain.

The whole person is also unkempt, bloodstain dappled, exuding the dusky aura.

“She is who?”

“How could this be in a difficult situation?”

Disciple discuss spiritedly below.


Qin Feiyang stood in the crowd, looking at the Head Pavillion Lord at this moment, with a sense of sense in his eyes.

Who would have thought that the woman in front of her was the high-weight Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord?

Who would have thought that Head Pavillion Lord would fall into such a difficult situation?

to be frank.

He doesn’t like the Head Pavillion Lord at all.

Even if it was because of his reason that he entered the Dragon Island of God and ended up in such an end, he didn’t have any sympathy in his heart.


If he had killed his heart, Head Pavillion Lord’s end would be more miserable than it is now in the hands of Dragon Race.

After all, those things that Head Pavillion Lord had done were enough for her to die 10000 times.


Since this woman has followed him and has such a strong cultivation base, it is not against the intention to rescue him along.

“Brother Wang, do you know her?”

Li Xiaofei pinched Qin Feiyang’s back and asked in a low voice.

“Don’t you know?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“do not know.”

Li Xiaofei shook his head.

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, even Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord?

But when I think about it, I feel relieved.

People with the identity of Head Pavillion Lord usually do not show up in front of people, and will remain mysterious when they appear.

Therefore, there are not many people who know her true appearance.

“I don’t know either.”

Qin Feiyang.

“You don’t know either, I don’t know either. Seeing everyone like this, I don’t seem to know either. What’s the situation?”

Li Xiaofei looked puzzled.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Li Xiaofei, who was a rare treasure, and couldn’t help thinking about it. Would you like to kill this stick with me?

Sou! !


With 3 sounds of breaking the sky, Dragon Race Prince, Ye Xue’er, Ye Old Master, descended above.

“Isn’t that Ye Xue’er?”

“How did she come?”

“Wait a minute.”

“The white clothed youth is who next to him?”

“Very strange.”

“Unexpectedly, it’s impossible to stand with Ye Xue’er!”

“Don’t know she’s mine?”

The hearts of some men are immediately upset.

There was a smile in Qin Feiyang’s mouth.

People, finally here.

“Meet Your Highness Prince.”

When the three people arrived, Li Qiang immediately walked in front of Dragon Race Prince, and saluted himself.


“Is he Prince?”

Everyone present, except Qin Feiyang, was shocked.


Isn’t Dragon Race only a person Princess? When does a Prince appear?


“So isn’t he the son of Longzun Sir?”

“Oh my God.”

“I was unexpectedly scolding him in my heart just now.”

“Compare him, what are we?”

“Only he is worthy of Ye’er!”

“No, right.”

“It’s Ye Xue’er, barely worthy of him.”

“Dragon Race Prince, this identity is too afraid right ?!”

The people below whispered with shock on their faces.

Too unexpected.

How cultivation base the Dragon Race Prince is, although everyone deliberately lowered his voice, it fell into his ears.

This is the effect he wants.

He, Prince, has been silent for too long, and no one has been understood.

So this time.

He will use the head and blood of the Head Pavillion Lord to officially announce to the world that he is back.


Dragon Race Prince was nodded to Li Qiang and looked towards Head Pavillion Lord.

Seeing that there are scaly wounds all over the body, like a dead dog, hung by the iron chain on the void Head Pavillion Lord, with a tiny face, there are still no waves.

Ye Xue’er was scanning the crowd, apparently looking for Qin Feiyang.

“Is this woman stupid? Looking for something?”

Qin Feiyang was annoyed.

Suddenly, Ye Xue’er found Qin Feiyang in the crowd, and Qin Feiyang quickly winked at her.

Ye Xue’er then reacted and glared at Head Pavillion Lord.

And Ye Old Master, as soon as he arrived here, Gloomy stared at Head Pavillion Lord.

Because he doesn’t know the truth yet, he is a hatred from the heart, Head Pavillion Lord.

Dragon Race Prince looked back and looked at Li Qiang and said, “Tell everyone about it!”


Li Qiang responded respectfully, glanced at Xue’er two people without a trace, and then bowed his head and swept towards the people below.

“First, give you a formal introduction.”

“The one standing next to me is Your Highness Prince of our Dragon Race.”

“Don’t look at him so young, but he is stronger than me.”

“Your Majesty is now Small Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm!”

Li Qiang shouted.


“Small Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm!”

Someone below heard the words and looked at Dragon Race Prince in shock.

It seems that they are about the same age!

However didn’t expect, unexpectedly has stepped into Small Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm!

This is too afraid right?!

Dragon Race unexpectedly still hides such a terrible genius.

What Qin Feiyang, what Qin Batian, compared to this person, far worse.

This is the real proud son of heaven.

Dragon Race Prince has always maintained a gentle smile, and many young women at the scene are fascinated.

Aloof innate talent, handsome looks, erect posture, and this temperament, this smile …

It’s just the male god in the dream!

“As for the other 2 …”

Li Qiang also looked towards Ye Xue’er two people, saying: “One of them is Ye Zhong’s granddaughter, and the other is Ye Zhong’s father.”

But now, nobody cares about Ye Xue’er and Ye Old Master at all, so everyone’s eyes are focused on Dragon Race Prince.

“As for this …”

Li Qiang turned his words, walked in front of Head Pavillion Lord, grabbed Head Pavillion Lord’s hair, and raised Head Pavillion Lord’s face.

“You may not know this face, but her name has been heard by everyone in your presence.”

“Even throughout Ancient World, she is well-known!”

“She’s Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord!”

Li Qiang shouted.


“Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord?”

This moment, like a bomb, was thrown into the crowd.

Everyone’s eyes finally turned away from Dragon Race Prince, locking the Head Pavillion Lord.

She is … Treasure Pavillion … Head Pavillion Lord!

What is going on?

Why would Head Pavillion Lord be tortured like this on Dragon Island?

“She is not only the Head Pavillion Lord of Treasure Pavillion … she has another identity!”

Li Qiang shouted.

“What identity?”

At this moment, the audience fell into a deathly stillness.

Everyone is staring at Li Qiang, because it must be because of this other identity that Head Pavillion Lord has come to this point.

“Her other identity is one of 4 Great Emperor, Gen Zun!

Li Qiangdao.

“She is the Emperor of the Dragon Palace?”

In a word, the audience was shocked.

Head Pavillion Lord unexpectedly is one of the other 2 Great Emperor except Qin Batian and Lu Zheng.

This is too incredible!

Someone asked, “Did you find another Emperor?”

Li Qiang looked towards Dragon Race Prince.

Dragon Race Prince nodded.

Li Qiang took a deep breath and looked towards everyone: “Another emperor has also been identified, he is the Beast Sovereign who rules our inner sea, the beast.”


“Unexpectedly is Beastmaster!”

Others may not know the existence of Beastmaster, but they, as the four dragon Divine Palace disciple, are more or less heard of it.

This is also a person deeply respected by Long Zun, like Ye Zhong.

And like the Head Pavillion Lord, it is a super terrifying top powerhouse.

If nothing else, it is said that Long Zun can safely give inner sea to the rule of the beast, which is enough to prove the strength of the beast.


A Head Pavillion Lord with power over the world, an endless wealth of trust, a dragon respect, even the entire Dragon Race, has a high prestige beast, unexpectedly is the other 2 Great Emperor of the Dragon Palace?

If it weren’t for Li Qiang’s mouth, and Dragon Race Prince was here to testify, they would not believe it if they were killed.

With the true identity of the two people, everyone came to understand.

No wonder for so many years, Dragon Race has been unable to find out the identity of the other 2 Great Emperor, one of them turned out to be hidden by her side.

This is of course.

Staying next to Long Zun, no matter what Long Zun did, he knew everything, and of course it was impossible to find out.

It’s just that this is really too unexpected. It’s too shocking.

Who would have thought it would be these two people?

I’m afraid that even Longzun hadn’t thought about it before finding out.

“Treasure Pavillion is under the protection of our Dragon Race and has grown to the point where it is today, spreading throughout the Ancient World.”

“It can be said that in the Ancient World in some ways, Treasure Pavillion has more prestige than our Dragon Race.”

“But this Head Pavillion Lord, that’s all without thinking of gratitude, and also committing traitors with Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang in a difficult situation, in the dark providing resources for the Dragon Palace, and strengthening the power of the Dragon Palace.”

“Even if we want to overthrow our Dragon Race, may those people who forget to favors and violate justice kill?”

Li Qiang shouted.

“The kill!”

Everyone below was roaring, and the killing sound was sky-high.

Qin Feiyang snarled.

It ’s lively, it helps.

“Then you say, how do we kill to relieve the hatred of our hearts?”

Li Qiang shouted again.

“Chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!”

Some of them were roaring.


“Ling Chi’s execution of one blade after another!”

The others roared.

Li Qiang smiled lightly and seemed very satisfied with everyone’s attitude. Then he turned to Head Pavillion Lord and said, “See, this is what 10000 people want.”


Head Pavillion Lord spit on the star and sprayed it on Li Qiang’s face, saying, “Just the bastards below, even the loss of human dignity, can also represent the hearts of the people?”

Li Qiang wiped out the spitting stars on his face, and his eyebrows were full of hostility.

“You too.”

“I can only be a dog in front of Dragon Race in this life.”

“but me……”

“While my ambitions are indeed great, at least I know what dignity is.”

“Even if I die, it is also famous history, and if you are alive, you have to have one’s name go down in history as a byword for infamy!”

Head Pavillion Lord laughed and issued the final roar, with unyielding and pride in his words.

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