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“Li 2, low-key.”

Wang San pulled Lee 2’s sleeve.

Do not look at who these two are.

One is Qin Feiyang’s Master, and the other is Qin Feiyang’s younger sister. Is this so high-profile?


“Sometimes the high profile is high profile.”

“You do this well, I have a lot of rewards.”

Fire Lotus and Yan Yue said with a smile.

“No reward …”

“Me and Lee 2 have where they are today at Profound Martial World, and that’s both from you and ruler Sir.”

“So, this is what we should do.”

Wang San quickly waved.

“You can think that way, I’m very glad, but for every yard, everybody who rewards you still needs to be rewarded.”

Fire Lotus slightly smiled, and said, “Go ahead and arrange it!”

In other words, Fire Lotus looked towards Black Panther 3 brother again, saying: “And you guys, follow them in the future and assist them throughout the process.”

“Guaranteed to complete the mission!”

Roared Black Panther 3 brother.


Fire Lotus waved.


After Li 2, Wang San, and Black Panther 3 brothers left, Ye Zhong said with a smile: “Understanding grateful and seeking to repay kindness, these two people are really good.”


“Otherwise I wouldn’t train them.”

Fire Lotus nodded with a smile, then waved, floating in the void of the medicinal ingredient, like a fairy scattered flowers, fell on my own side.

Then he looked at Ye Zhong and said, “Jingmai and Soul Vein are almost arranged?”


Ye Zhong nodded.

“Then you go back to Demon Ghost Land, I’ll go to Zhong Prefecture and find them Qin Batian and let them help collect blood.”

Fire Lotus.

“That’s a good idea. People at the Temple of the Dragon Cultivation base are very strong.”

“The stronger the cultivation base, the better it will be for Killing Domain, and there are more than 2 1000 people in the Temple of the Dragon. One person contributes a little, which is amazing.

Ye Zhongdao.

Fire Lotus shook his head: “You can’t just contribute a little bit.”

“How much does that have to contribute?”

Ye Zhong was suspicious.

“Just the cultivation base of those people who destroyed the Dragon Hall, even if they contributed most of the blood, they can recover in a few days.”

“So I plan to let them donate blood every two weeks until the day of Big Brother Qin breakthrough.”

Fire Lotus.


Ye Zhong stumbled, said with a bitter smile: “Isn’t that treating them as blood donation tools?”

“This is in preparation for the destruction of Dragon Race, and I believe they understand.”

“As for other living creatures at Profound Martial World, I will also ask Li 2 to collect them every six months.”

“It’s the more the better anyway.”

Fire Lotus.

“If you want to collect this way, I am afraid that there will be no container to wait for thousands of years and 1000 years to accommodate these blood.”

Ye Zhong shook his head.

“That doesn’t matter.”

“The Western Region has the largest plate. At worst, all living creatures in the Western Region are removed.”

“If it’s not enough, then remove the living creatures in the Southern Realm, these 2 realms, to store blood.”

Fire Lotus.

Ye Zhong staring blankly at Fire Lotus, withdrawing the living creatures from the 2 large domains to store blood exclusively. This is a huge project!

If the 2 major domains are full by then, to what extent will the killing domain ’s formidable power surge after Qin Feiyang absorbs them?

I dare not even think about it!


After half a month.

The blood was circulated at Profound Martial World.

Everyone’s response was unexpectedly good, and they took the initiative to donate blood.

of course.

There are also individual living creatures that are unwilling.

However, those who did not want to donate blood were cast aside.

“People ruler Sir, give us Soul Vein and Crystal Vein, give us Divine Artifact and Divine Art, and give us the medical ingredient and medical pill.”

“It can be said that everything we have now is given to us free by ruler Sir.”

“The ruler Sir is so good to us. Now it’s just for you to donate some blood. Are you unexpectedly unwilling?”

“Tell you, if you don’t want to, the entire living creature of Profound Martial World will abandon you!”

“Profound Martial World will not be where you are.”

“Soul Stone, Divine Crystal, medical ingredient, don’t even think about it.”


Imagine, who can withstand such scolding?

No one wants to be the target of criticism.

Gradually, all living creatures donated their blood.

At the back, the blood donation frenzy appeared slowly.

More blood is collected every day.

As more than 90 Soul Veins and crystal veins grow, the cultivation environment of Profound Martial World is getting better and better.

After 10,000 years, the cultivation environment of each major domain is no worse than Demon Ghost Land.

The same goes for Zhong Prefecture.

The Dragon Palace originally had a lot of crystal veins and Soul Vein. Qin Feiyang sent 50000 crystal veins and 50000 Soul Vein directly, which directly improved the cultivation environment of the Dragon Palace.

For this, all the people in the Dragon Palace are equal to thank Qin Feiyang.

So they don’t have any resistance to blood donation.

Even at regular intervals, they will actively donate blood.

Because they know the similarities of these blood better than the living creature of Profound Martial World.

Qin Feiyang stores blood for future battles with Dragon Race.

Why does the Dragon Palace exist?

That is to destroy Dragon Race.

They donated blood and also contributed to the destruction of Dragon Race.

Therefore, there is no objection and unconditional support in the Dragon Palace.


People outside Jiang Dafei, Lei Bing, Wang Qi, and Fan Chief Yun also collected blood in four places.

In addition, not only the northern section, the city owners of all cities in the west, south, and east, when they heard about it, they also organized themselves to help collect blood.

They are also the people of the Dragon Palace and followers of Qin Feiyang, so naturally they work harder.


one day.

Fire Lotus is retreating cultivation in the medicine field.


The image of crystal stone suddenly sounded.

Fire Lotus took out the crystal stone, and Jiang Dafei’s illusory shadow appeared.

“what happened?”

Fire Lotus asked with a smile.

“Miss Fire Lotus, the blood we collected has no place to put, otherwise you should move to Profound Martial World first!”

Jiang Dafei said.

“Is there such an exaggeration?”

Fire Lotus was surprised.

“You don’t know, how united we are at Divine State now.”

“When we said that blood was needed to deal with Dragon Race, most people in Divine State voluntarily ran to the major City Lord Mansion to donate blood.”

Jiang Dafei said.

“It’s really unexpected.”

Fire Lotus.

“Yeah, we were quite unexpected.”

“But it also reflects that everyone actually hates Dragon Race, but they used to be angry and dare not speak.”

Jiang Dafei said.

“This is good deed.”

“However, only Big Brother Qin can go out at Profound Martial World. Now Big Brother Qin is secluded cultivation. I really don’t want to disturb him.”

Fire Lotus.

“I didn’t give him the summoning directly because I knew the Young Venerable Lord was retreating.”

“Also, people from the east, west, and south have long wanted to meet the Young Venerable Lord.”

Jiang Dafei said.

“What did they see with Big Brother Qin?”

Fire Lotus is suspicious.

“Isn’t the Young Venerable Lord told me to summon these people to sign the Slave Seal?”

“When these people heard about it, they expressed their willingness to accept control.”

“So I want to ask, when can I see the Young Venerable Lord?”

Jiang Dafei said.

“This one……”

Fire Lotus hesitated. Would you like to wake up Big Brother Qin?


at this time.

The kid appeared next to Fire Lotus and said, “Don’t bother him.”

Fire Lotus said: “Without Qin Feiyang, how do I go out?”

“It’s not easy?”

The little boy smiled proudly.

Fire Lotus stared blankly, suddenly patted her head, said with a smile: “I forgot, you can leave Profound Martial World too.”

The little boy was carrying his hands on his back, and the old Shen went all the way: “It’s not just me and Qin Feiyang, you can also access Profound Martial World in freedom in the future.”


Fire Lotus stuns.

“Not bad.”

“I look at your performance over the years, and I’m a trustworthy person.”

“So now, I give you freedom to access Profound Martial World.”

The little boy finished speaking, and the little hand behind him waved gently, an eye-catching Pentagram imprint, which fell into Fire Lotus’s eyebrows.

“Now you try.”

Said the little boy.

“Really can?”

Fire Lotus felt her brows feel as if she didn’t feel anything.

“Don’t you know if you try?”

Said the little boy.

Fire Lotus glanced at the little boy suspiciously, and then her mind moved slightly, and the next moment she appeared on the shore of inner sea.

“Fire Lotus Miss.”

Merman Sovereign sat on the coast, feeling the aura of Fire Lotus, immediately eyes opened, and greeted with a smile.

But at the moment, Fire Lotus is stingy.

She looked at the dragon god mountain range and inner sea. The expression was full of mistakes. Could unexpectedly really leave Profound Martial World?

“Fire Lotus Miss?”

Merman Sovereign looked at Fire Lotus suspiciously.


Fire Lotus return back to his senses, looked towards Merman Sovereign, and quickly said: “Sorry, I was a little bit surprised.”


Merman Sovereign slightly smiled.

“Then let’s talk later.”

After Fire Lotus said it, the thought moved slightly, and the next moment appeared in the medicine field.

“how about it?”

The little boy said with a smile.

Fire Lotus glanced at all around medicine field and looked at the little boy and said, “Do you still have this permission?”

“of course.”

“As long as I want to, all living creatures at Profound Martial World have access to freedom.”

The little boy proudly said.

Fire Lotus stared blankly, suspiciously: “Before …”

The boy said, “You should also know the dangers of freedom in and out of Profound Martial World.”


Fire Lotus nodded, said: “If it is not a trusted person, it will bring a great crisis to Profound Martial World.”


“I didn’t give you this power before because I couldn’t really trust you.”

“But your performance over the years is really good.”

“Especially when it comes to managing Profound Martial World.”

“So I thought about it, I might as well give you this permission, so as not to go to Qin Feiyang for everything.”

Said the little boy.

“Thank you.”

Fire Lotus smiled gratefully.

“You are the first person to have this power. Don’t let me down and don’t hurt Qin Feiyang.”

“After all, he treats you like a biological younger sister.”

“What are you sorry for him, he will definitely collapse.”

Said the little boy.

“You can rest assured.”

“Anyone can betray Big Brother Qin, but I can’t.”

Fire Lotus.

“I believe.”

“Then you go to work!”

The little boy smiled and disappeared.

“It’s convenient now.”

Fire Lotus smiled rejoicing and immediately lost the crystal stone image and left Profound Martial World.

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