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“Look at this situation, you can hold it!”

“Are we still going to Holy Mountain now?”

Both Dragon Race and Human to Holy Mountain couldn’t help hesitating.

“Look at it?”

“Believing or not true body killed you!”

The Great Ancestor dragons looked angry and angry.

Hear this.

Everyone no longer dare to hesitate and continue to Holy Mountain.

The Great Ancestor dragons also hurry up and collect resources.

铿 clang!


With a wave of Qin Feiyang, the scarlet long sword returned to his hand.

“This is better than heaven defying Divine Artifact, unexpectedly can’t break this Array?”

The lunatic frowned as he looked at the Scarlet Long sword.

“Not urgent.”

“Two thirds of the blood in the Western Regions have not yet been absorbed.”

Qin Feiyang said, and disappeared again.


“There are still 2/3 of the blood not absorbed?”

Wang Chang heard this, turning one’s head looked towards Long Zun, and asked, “Did you hear?”

Longzun is nodded, and his face is also glomyy like water.

didn’t expect unexpectedly so much blood has been collected.

It seems that this Array will be broken sooner or later.


Profound Martial World!

Western Region!

Qin Feiyang is standing above the sea of ​​blood, frantically absorbing the blood.

This time absorbs more blood than ever before.

He could clearly feel that Murderous Aura was eroding his Divine Soul and mind, and seemed to occupy his consciousness and reason.

That’s why it absorbs too much.

But now, there is no room for euphemism.

Must go on!

The formidable power of the scarlet long sword soared again.

The entire Profound Martial World can feel the sharpness of the world extinguishing!

铿 clang!


The scarlet long sword trembled suddenly, an unprecedented imposing manner and sharpness, roaring out suddenly.

Hong long!

Ka-cha !

Both the void and the sky in the Western Regions began to collapse.

“Not good !”

“Get out!”

The little boy’s exclaiming sounded above the sky, very anxious.

It seems that the formidable power of the scarlet long sword can already pose a great threat to Profound Martial World.

Qin Feiyang looked at the collapsed void and the sky, and his eyelids jumped a little. Immediately, with the reminder of the little boy, he quickly took the scarlet long sword and left Profound Martial World.

“so close!”

The little boy then appeared over the Western Region, looking at everything around, his face full of astonishment.


At this time.

Fire Lotus flew over with a sea of ​​blood, looking at the collapsed void and the sky, but also startled.

“what happened?”

Fire Lotus asks.

The boy said, “It wasn’t caused by the Killing Domain.”

Fire Lotus stared blankly, happily said: “So, Killing Domain has …”


The little boy was nodded and said: “It has reached the level of ruler Divine Weapon.”

“very good.”

Fire Lotus is delighted.

Killing Domain can really reach the level of ruler Divine Weapon, which is equivalent to let people see the hope of victory.


“It’s incredible.”

“I can’t help but doubt now that this Killing Domain may be a ruler-level Divine Art.”

The little boy whispered.

“Ruler-level Divine Art …”

Fire Lotus murmured.

The little boy looked towards the sea of ​​blood brought by Fire Lotus, suspiciously: “Where is the blood from?”

“It was Li 2 and Wang San who took the initiative to collect it, and they continue to collect it.”

Fire Lotus.

“It’s good, it’s all people with conscience.”

The little boy was nodded, then looked down at the sea of ​​blood below, and said: “Although the blood here can also allow Qin Feiyang to start the Killing Domain on the fourth stage, it can’t be careless.”


Fire Lotus nodded.

In other words.

The blood collected previously is enough for Qin Feiyang to open the Killing Domain of the fourth stage twice.


at the same time!


With the emergence of Qin Feiyang, eighteen pieces of heaven defying Divine Artifact immediately swarmed up, taking the lunatic, and fled far away.

Because when Qin Feiyang appeared, they noticed the formidable power of the scarlet long sword.

This is a kind of death aura!

So they at once advancing and fled here with the lunatic.


“Not good !”

And at the same time.

Within Array.

Wang Chang and Long Zun are also bewilderement.

Although separated by Array, they can still feel a deadly threat!


Now this Killing Domain is not on the same level as the previous Killing Domain.

As for the people up and down the Dragon Race, they have now entered the area of ​​Holy Mountain.

Ten Great Ancestor dragons also included the resources of the god Dragon Island into their respective Space Divine Objects.

These resources are mainly Soul Vein and Jingmai.

As for the medicinal ingredient, although it is an indispensable resource, it is less important in comparison.

Ten Great Ancestor dragons also went to Holy Mountain to place their respective Space Divine Objects on top of Holy Mountain.

Because in their opinion, there is nothing safer than the top of Holy Mountain.


They immediately left Holy Mountain and returned to Dragon King, looking up towards Qin Feiyang.

Looking at the scarlet long sword in Qin Feiyang’s hand, the expressions of ten people seemed extremely dignified.


Ka-cha !

Hong long!

The formidable power of the scarlet long sword is terrifying at this moment.

The void and the sky here, as before in the Western Regions, collapsed wildly.

“I’d like to see how strong Array is under Ice Dragon!”

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly, holding the scarlet long sword with both hands, holding it high, and immediately stepped in front of Array and slashed it with a sword.


An overflowing heaven might, immediately burst out, all directions silence!

Array twisted again and shook again.

Dragon Zun, Wang Chang, and Ten Great Ancestor dragons are all extremely nervous.

Dragon Race and human hiding in Holy Mountain are also staring at Array and Scarlet Long Sword!

this moment.

The entire God Dragon Island was caught in a deadly stillness.

Everyone was nervous, uneasy, and panicked.

“Come on!”

“You must do it!”

distant place.

The lunatic is cheering for Qin Feiyang.

Array must be broken!

And be fast!

Because this is the only way to end this battle before Killing Domain ends.

Killing Domain can only last for half an hour, this is a race against time!

It’s not good for them to drag on.

Ten 8 heaven defying Divine Artifacts are also ready for battle, just waiting for Array Shattered!


That Array is also terrifying beyond imagination.

Although crazily twisted, it never breaks.

“Crush me!”

Qin Feiyang jumped up suddenly, grabbed the Scarlet Long sword, and once again full power slashing towards Array.

All the bones and blood vessels bulged from under the skin.

The whole person is like one Demon God, with unyielding anger burning in his eyes.


With a trembling sound, Blood Sword banged on the Array again.

Ka-cha !


A faint snapping sound came from the Array.


Ten Great Ancestor dragons are immediately terrified.

Although the snapping sound was very small and hard to hear without even listening carefully, it fell into their ears and burst into a thunder.

Because this is the sound of Array breaking!

“haha ……”

“Come back!”

The lunatic laughed.

Finally see hope.

Qin Feiyang gaze as if a torch, once again rises high, imposing manner like a rainbow.

“Crush it!”

With his furiously roaring, the whole man immediately swooped up, Blood Sword carried the edge of the world extinguishing, and once again slashing towards Array.

In the previous sword, a tiny crack appeared in Array!

And this time, Qin Feiyang’s goal is exactly this crack!

Ka-cha !

As a sword fell, the sword’s tip banged directly above the crack.

Another snapping sound sounded.

Louder and harsher than before.


A horrible wave rolled out like a volcanic eruption.

Follow closely.

The cracks on the Array are rapidly enlarged with naked eyes.

“This is Killing Domain …”

Long Zun’s eyes shivered.


It’s too strong!

Ten Great Ancestor dragons, even Wang Chang, could not help shaking.

insignificant A Divine Art, how could it be so powerful?

Is this Killing Domain a ruler-level Divine Art?

“Cracked, cracked!”

Holy Mountain’s Dragon Race and human are also panicking.

If Array is broken, who can stop the current Qin Feiyang?

It’s like Killing Domain for ruler Divine Weapon!

There are ten 8 heaven defying Divine Artifacts!

Even more horrible top powerhouses like Qin Batian!

Is today really the end of Dragon Race?

“Don’t panic, we have ruler Divine Weapon!”

Black Dragon patriarch shouted.

In fact, he was more panicked, because now he only has one strand Divine Soul.

If the Array is broken and the battle starts, I’m afraid to hard to avoid calamity.

Therefore, he can only put his hope on ruler Divine Weapon.


“We also have ruler Divine Weapon!”

“This is ruler Divine Weapon of geneuine!”

“Even if Array is broken, he cannot defeat ruler Divine Weapon!”

“We Dragon Race has ruled Ancient World for so many years, not these ants can shake!”

“Divine Weapon Sir, you are our faith, our Guardian God …”

“Please, must help us kill this thief and revive the power of our Dragon Race!”

At this moment.

The entire Dragon Race, and the 1000000 humans, all kneeled on the ground and looked at Holy Mountain reverently, like a pilgrimage.


They also seemed to hear their help, a faint aura, gradually permeating from Holy Mountain.

Although it was faint at first, it became stronger and more frightening!

Like one God, slowly waking up.


Just at this time!

Over the sky, a loud cry cry sounded again.

Everyone quickly looked up and saw Qin Feiyang killing Array for the third time.

The bloody long sword smashes millions of li sky, like a sword splitting heaven and earth apart, again exploded towards Array.

At this moment, the Array is like a broken mirror. As Qin Feiyang’s third sword falls, it immediately collapses.

Hong long!

With the collapse and smashing of Array, the sharpness of the blood-stained long sword, like a flood of opening gates, poured into the Dragon Island madly!

Dragon statue, Wang Chang, and ten Great Ancestor dragons are all my own, so they bear the brunt.


They felt a deadly crisis!

Just the brilliance of Blood Sword is enough to crush them!

“haha ……”

“Finally broke your turtle shell!”

The lunatic laughed.

铿 clang!

But at the same time.

In Holy Mountain, unexpectedly a word cry sounded, and then there was an amazing power.


Almost instantly, a sword light looted from Holy Mountain, exploded towards the edge of the scarlet long sword.



The sharp edge dissipated.

Follow closely.

Sword light portable with terrifying might, kill Qin Feiyang.

“Divine Weapon Sir finally takes action!”

“Qin Feiyang, you just wait to die!”

Dragon Race is boiling up and down immediately, each and everyone is expressing boundless happiness.

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