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“Combining 2 into one!”

The lunatic was startled.

If the two can really be combined into one, can their Divine Art be mutually common?

That way, Dragon Race Prince will be as powerful as it gets!

Heavenly Dragon Tips, Heavenly Dragon Realm, Ice Dragon Realm, Divine Realm, 3rd-layer Profound Truth …

These all are shocking means!

If it was all in the hands of Dragon Race Prince, who would be his opponent?

Dragon Race Prince looked at Qin Feiyang two people, then looked at the spirit of Ice Dragon, said with a smile: “Don’t hesitate, let’s get started!”

“it is good!”

The soul of Ice Dragon is nodded, instantly submerged in the top of the head of Dragon Race Prince.

Dragon Race Prince closed his eyes.



A terrifying dragon might burst out.

At the same time, the Dragon Race Prince also blooms two different divine lights.

One is the sacred milk-white divine light.

One is the white ice crystals of light.


Temperament has also changed!

One is transcendental indifference, the other is fierce, cold blooded, ruthless.

Two completely different temperaments are mixed together, like the fusion of god and demon.

How long does this change last at not all.


The ice crystal-like divine light, the fierce, cold blooded, ruthless temperament, began to dissipate.

And as these dissipated, the milk-white divide light and the transcendental temperament became stronger!

After the interest rate!

Dragon Race Prince as a whole, has no sense of hostility, just like the return of one god, the divine aura envelops all directions.


Dragon Race Prince slowly opened his eyes, but with a jealous look in his jewel-like eyes, he murmured, “In the end, you choose to disappear.”


Qin Feiyang and the lunatic looked at Dragon Race Prince in horror.

At this moment in Dragon Race Prince, I can’t feel the aura of the Ice Dragon soul.

In other words.

It was the Ice Dragon soul that finally chose to disappear.

Dragon Race Prince looked up towards Qin Feiyang two people and asked, “You know, what happens when I merge with Ice Dragon’s soul?”

two people shake their heads.

“After we merge, one’s consciousness will disappear forever.”

“I was going to sacrifice myself to keep the consciousness of the Ice Dragon soul.”

“But in the end, the spirit of Ice Dragon chose to keep my consciousness.”

“That is.”

“Now the consciousness of the Ice Dragon soul is gone.”

Dragon Race Prince.

“Forever …”

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic simultaneously looked, a little surprised.

The impression of the Ice Dragon soul has not been good, but didn’t expect unexpectedly to choose to sacrifice.

This is also admirable.

“To be honest, I never thought that I would come to this step.”

“Although the spirit of Ice Dragon has always wanted to compete with me for the dominance of the fleshhy body, I really care about him.”

“He’s my brother.”

Lost Dragon Race Prince.

“I can understand.”

“Although I don’t have 2 souls, I used to have Heart Demon.”

“He did the same at first, trying to compete for control of the fleshhy body at all times.”

“But then we got along well and were just like brother.”

“Behind him, he disappeared.”

“But do you know how he disappeared?”

Qin Feiyang said this, his hands clenched sharply, staring at Dragon Race Prince, and the murderous intention surged in his eyes.

“Heart Demon …”

Dragon Race Prince looked at Qin Feiyang in wonder and asked, “How did he disappear?”

“Your father!”

Qin Feiyang word by word.

“Sir Father?”

Dragon Race Prince stared blankly.


“At that time, in order to save a living living creature, I turned on the Gate of Rebirth, and in the end almost fell to the point of the divine shadow completely extinguished.”

“Heart Demon went to Gods Vestige alone to save me.”

“And in Gods Vestige, he met your father, the dragon god of your Dragon Race!”

Qin Feiyang.

“I father killed him?”

Dragon Race Prince asked.


“Although in the end, you father asked Gods Vestige’s Guardian to send me a Divine Pill to bring me back to life, but in my heart, I can’t forgive you father!”

“Because I would rather die than Heart Demon die for me!”

Roared Qin Feiyang, his face full of pain.

Dragon Race Prince said: “It turns out you and father have known each other so early.”


“We knew each other before entering Ancient World.”

“But to him, I don’t like anything.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Heart Demon’s death, although it pains you, is not necessarily my father’s fault.”

“Perhaps they are an equal deal.”

“Use his life for your life.”

Dragon Race Prince.

Qin Feiyang said: “Even so, can you put it down instead of you?”


Dragon Race Prince shook his head.

“Is this not right?”

“And you father, it’s not just for me.”

“In short.”

“If given the chance, I will kill you father without the slightest hesitation!”

Qin Feiyang tightly clenched, with both hands, Murderous aura is humane.

“No need to find me father. Father’s debts, please come to me!”

“Today we are here, make a complete break!”

“The domain of Ice Dragon!”

Dragon Race Prince stepped out, and the cultivation base immediately soared.


Qin Feiyang and shivering in the heart.

The fused Dragon Race Prince has mastered the domain of Ice Dragon.


Next moment !

In Dragon Race Prince’s cultivation base, you are promoted to great perfection Nine Heavens Realm.

Because the realm of the madman’s blood demon is still there.

If there is no Realm of Blood Demon, the cultivation base of Dragon Race Prince will be elevated to Perfection Inextinguishable Realm!

Qin Feiyang said, “Senior Brother, madman, get rid of the Blood Demon Realm!”


The lunatic frowned.


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

You ca n’t kill Dragon Race Prince when you turn on the Blood Demon Realm, so you might as well turn it off. Let ’s let the battle go.


The lunatic was nodded, and as the mind moved, the realm of the blood demon collapsed.

Seeing this, Dragon Race Prince also scattered the Heavenly Dragon realm.

Obviously understand the meaning of Qin Feiyang, do not engage in these fancy flowers, let go of the battle!

With the disappearance of Heavenly Dragon, the cultivation base of the lunatic is also restored to the cultivation base of the Great Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm with the increase of Blood Demon.

Qin Feiyang is still driving up the dragon, so the cultivation base is also in Small Accomplishment Inextinguishable Realm.

“My rising dragon is no better than your Blood Demon Spell and the domain of Ice Dragon. There is no time limit for rising dragon. There is not much time left now. Take action!

Qin Feiyang raised his arm, and the bloody long sword appeared.

With a wave of a lunatic, Dualbladed Halberd is here!

Dragon Race Prince grabbed a big volley, and God Exterminating Sword condensed.

Clang! !

Divine Weapon, transformed by 3 heaven defying Divine Art, exudes a sharp edge like world extinguishing.


Almost at the same time.

Three people suddenly shouted, killing each other.

铿 clang!

Hong long!

But instantly.

Three people collided.

Scarlet long sword, Dualbladed Halberd, God Exterminating Sword, crazy collision, devastating fluctuations, earth-shattering, annihilation all directions!

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