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This change is also beyond the expectations of Qin Batian and the others.

Ye Zhong has always been a calm and wise old man in their eyes.

But didn’t expect, it will be so impulsive at this moment.

Rushing in this way, isn’t it to give Longzun a chance?

If they didn’t understand Ye Zhong’s character, they would all suspect that it was Ye Zhong’s intention, and intentionally became the bargaining chip in Long Zun’s hand, in order to give Long Zun a way of life.


Ye Zhong is also angry.

No matter how didn’t expect, Long Zun would be despicable to such a degree, unexpectedly used him to beat everyone.

“Feiyang, leave me alone!”

Ye Zhong shouted.

“To shut up!”

Dragon respect suddenly shouted, said with a sneer: “Don’t think that true body really dare not kill you!”

“Kill it!”

Ye Zhong closed his eyes.

“old bastard !”

Longzun immediately was extremely angry.

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, calmed down his inner anxiety, looked at Long Zun, and asked, “Are the ones you said before true, or for made up by tricking the Master into the realm of severance?”

Ye Zhong hearing this is also immediately eyes opened. Looking at Long Zun, there seems to be some expectation in his eyes.

Long Zun glanced at Qin Feiyang and immediately looked at Ye Zhongdao: “If true body said that true body didn’t kill them, it was just to lie to you, would you believe it?”

Ye Zhong heard and was silent.

“Look, now no matter what the true body says, you won’t believe it.”

“So why bother with nonsense?”

Longzun said.

Ye Zhong roar stood up: “Did they kill you?”


Long Zun suddenly shouted and said, “To this day, true bodies still remember the pictures before their death, the despair, the helpless expression, and the pitiful expression, which is really distressing.”


Ye Zhong hissed in pain.

This is the first time everyone has seen Ye Zhong reveal such a sad side.

“Excessive, really excessive!”

Gen Zun whispered, his hands were tightly clenched, and his eyes were full of disgust.

The Beastmaster also roared lowly: “These femme fatalities must not let her leave alive!”

Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang are also nodded.

Not only to human, but also to Ye Zhong unexpectedly so cruel.

How much does Ye Zhong pay for Dragon Race?

Even at the expense of 1000 ancient infamous.

What can be exchanged? It is cruel, it is indifferent, it is the tragic death of his wife and children, and it is an inhuman use.

It’s so ruthless to Ye Zhong, let alone to other humans.

Like Longzun, it should have been chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

Do not!

Even chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, it is difficult to resolve the hatred of my heart!

“Feiyang …”

Ye Zhong calmed down slowly, eyes opened.

Looking at those eyes full of despair and smirk, Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but feel a heartache.

“Old man knows that depending on your personality, you will definitely find a way to save old man.”

“But old man hopes you don’t do this.”

“If she was allowed to escape alive because of the old man, she would be considered dead, and the old man would not stare.”

“Feiyang, I have no other requirements. As long as you help me take care of Xue’er, Ye Cheng, Old Master, I will be satisfied.”

“Don’t worry about the old man, kill her!”

Ye Zhong shouted.

Qin Feiyang looked at Ye Zhong and remained silent.

“What are you hesitating about? I was a sinner, die without regret!”

Ye Zhong growled.

“haha ……”

“Don’t you know Qin Feiyang yet?”

“He would rather die than watch the people around him die.”

“Even more how, you are his most respected Master.”

Long Zun shook his head and sneered, watching Qin Feiyang saying: “at once let Qin Batian unlock the sever realm!”


“You know her character.”

“Once she unlocks the realm of severance, she will definitely not let you go. Not only old man, but even you, even the living creature of the entire Ancient World, will be destroyed by Time and Space Storm!”

Ye Zhong shouted anxiously.

He blamed himself.

If it weren’t for his impulse, Qin Feiyang would now be in such a difficult place?

It’s all old, and I can’t control my emotions. It’s too old!

“Feiyang, no matter what decision you make, we support you.”

Lu Zheng Yang looked at Qin Feiyang, said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Lu Zheng Yang, and then at Qin Batian, Yunzun, Beast, then Ye Zhong, and finally looked towards Dragon.

Long Zun said with a smile: “true body believe that you must not be willing to die Ye Zhong.”

Qin Feiyang didn’t answer, closed his eyes.


The next lunatic couldn’t help but sighed secretly.

He knows Qin Feiyang, heavy justice and righteousness.

Now, one side is Ye Zhong and the other is Long Zun. For him, it will be a very difficult choice.

“Don’t struggle.”

“Who doesn’t know the character of your Qin Feiyang?”

“If you don’t save Ye Zhong, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get through that barrier in your life.”

Longzun said.

“Do you know me well?”


Qin Feiyang eyes opened, 2 cold lights came out.


Long Zun was startled.

Qin Feiyang’s expression at this moment is unexpectedly even more indifferent than Death God.

“Master, sorry.”

“Between you and the world, I must choose the world.”

Qin Feiyang bowed his head and apologized to Ye Zhong.

“You need not say sorry.”

“Because of this choice, old man wants to see it.”

Ye Zhong smiled lightly, not only did not feel sad, but was very relieved.

“Thank you Master.”

Qin Feiyang smiled gratefully, and with the thoughts, White-Eyed Wolf appeared.

“Old witch, you’re ashamed of Divine Dragon!”

As soon as White-Eyed Wolf appeared, he cast a scornful look on Dragon Supreme.

Long Zun looked at White-Eyed Wolf, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

At this time, what did Qin Feiyang call this wolf out?

Qin Feiyang said: “You should not know the capabilities of White-Eyed Wolf yet!”

“The power of White-Eyed Wolf …”

The lunatic murmured.

But suddenly.

He refined God One and chuckled, “Of course she didn’t know that when White-Eyed Wolf showed that ability, it was in the Fiendgod Forest. At that time, the Great Ancestor dragons had already been slaughtered by us!”


Longzun was horrified and asked, “What ability?”

“Deprivation cultivation base and permanent Deprivation!”

Qin Feiyang word by word, turning one’s head looked towards White-Eyed Wolf, shouted: “Give me a waste of her!”

“Look, at the critical moment, you still have to do something with brother.”

White-Eyed Wolf smiled smugly.


The next moment.

With a dazzling golden light pouring into the sky, a huge golden beast shadow was born instantly.

This is exactly its Battle Soul!

Longzun immediately looked up towards golden beast shadow, but not at all felt how strong the crisis was.


“10000000 Don’t look down on brother, because brother is always a legend.”

White-Eyed Wolf grinned.

The golden beast shadow immediately opened its mouth wide, a force of terror, immediately poured into the severed realm, and shrouded toward the dragon.


Dragon respect body greatly shaking.

At this moment, she felt a fatal crisis!

“Give me a swallow!”

White-Eyed Wolf suddenly shouted.

Even though Longzun felt it, the cultivation base unexpectedly started to drain!

Although it was slow, it was noticeable.

What is going on?

“White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul has a total of 2 Innate Divine Ability.”

“These two Innate Divine Ability can be said to be more terrifying than our top ten Heaven defying Battle Soul.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

“What Innate Divine Ability?”

Longzun was surprised.

Unexpectedly more terrifying than the top ten heaven defying Battle Soul?

“The first one is the Battle Soul of the Deprivation counterpart, and it is a permanent Deprivation.”

“In other words.”

“As long as your Battle Soul is deprived by it, you will lose it forever.”

“The second one is the Deprivation cultivation base!”

“And it’s a permanent Deprivation!”

Qin Feiyang.


“Permanent Deprivation!”

Long Zun’s eyes shivered.

How could there be such a ‘perverted’ Innate Divine Ability?

“This is not a joke with you.”

“When it was in the Fiendgod Forest in Hades of Hell, when facing giant beasts, it had already demonstrated this ability of heaven defying.”

The lunatic sneered.

“Impossible, impossible…”

Long Zun shook his head.

“You always thought that the crazy brother and I were the biggest threat to your Dragon Race.”

“But it’s not.”

“White-Eyed Wolf, it is your biggest threat to Dragon Race!”

“Sorry for your mistakes!”

Qin Feiyang expressionless opening.

Longzun immediately panicked.

Absolutely didn’t expect, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly still hiding such a terrible killing move.

She felt that the speed at which the cultivation base had passed has become increasingly apparent.

Inside, extremely panic.

The great perfection Inextinguishable Realm’s cultivation base is her biggest reliance.

If cultivation base is really deprivation …

Even just Deprivation a small realm is enough to make her fatal.

Because Qin Batian, Lu Zheng Yang, Yun Zun, Beast Zun, those are Perfect Inextinguishable Realm.

Not to mention these four people, even Qin Feiyang and the lunatic have the ability to kill her.

and so.

Never let the cultivation base fall to the Perfection Inextinguishable Realm!

Her hand holding Ye Zhong’s neck, slamming hard, shouted, “at once let it put away Battle Soul!”


Both Qin Feiyang, and the lunatic and the others, looked at him in silence.

Long Zun growled, “Do you really care about your Master’s life?”

Qin Feiyang remained silent.

He cares.

Seeing Master step by step into a dead state with his own eyes, he was more uncomfortable than anyone.

But he cares more about the future fate of Ancient World.

Dragon respect must die!



“The true body will do you right now!”

Long Zun was extremely angry and smiled, grabbed Ye Zhong’s arm, and shoved it forcibly.

She wanted to torture Ye Zhong and force Qin Feiyang to compromise.

But Qin Feiyang was still unresponsive.

Not to mention Qin Feiyang, even people involved in Ye Zhong did not respond.

It was like numbness, I didn’t know the pain, and didn’t even frown.

“You are pitiful.”

Lu Zheng Yang looked at Long Zun and shook his head.

“To shut up!”

Long Zun roared, grabbed Ye Zhong’s other arm and stared at Qin Feiyang and shouted, “Ask me again, don’t you let it put away Battle Soul?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Pu chi!

As soon as Long Zun pressed hard, Ye Zhong’s other arm was also torn directly, and blood was flowing directly.

“This is what is called a dog jumping off the wall.”

Gen Zun sneered.

Looking at Qin Feiyang who was still indifferent, Long Zun growled, “Scoundrel, I will really kill him!”

“Kill it!”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.


This indifferent attitude made Long Zun hate and go mad.

But now she can’t help it.

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