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Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang are also looking at the couple.

This is their descendant, today’s Emperor and Empress?

“Feiyang …”

Emperor let go of Qin Feiyang, staring blankly at Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang, muttering, “They …”

Sou! !

It is at this time.

With the sound of one after another breaking the sky, there were several silhouette breaking the sky.

Qin Feiyang’s previous shout almost shocked most of the Imperial Palace.

Now it is Emperor Hong, Emperor Chen, Li Jian, Old Qin, Qin Sheng and the others.

“Is Feiyang back?”

From a distance, Emperor Hong’s voice came.

“Supreme Grandfather, it’s me.”

Qin Feiyang responded.

“You smelly brat, every time you come back, it’s top secret.”

Emperor Hong laughed and cursed.

“Emperor Hong, that’s a surprise!”

Old Qin’s voice sounded.


Several people fell above Qiuyu.

But when I saw everyone, expression immediately stared blankly, unexpectedly so many people?

wait a minute!


Several people also looked sharply towards Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang, with incredible faces on their faces.

Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang also looked up towards several people.

“Sir Father …”

Emperor Hong looked at Qin Batian’s face, his mind was immediately like thunder from a clear sky.

That’s right!

This is Sir Father!

Although ten thousand years have passed, it has not changed much.


Emperor Chen’s eyes were shaking too.

As the son of Emperor Hong, Emperor Chen is naturally the grandson of Qin Batian.

“Feiyang …”

Emperor pulled down Qin Feiyang’s clothes.

“what’s wrong?”

Qin Feiyang looked at father in doubt.


Emperor looked at Qin Batian two people with extreme suspicion.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Everyone is standing in front of you, how can you not recognize it?”

Of course, he knew that Father had recognized it, but it was too sudden, and he couldn’t believe it for a while.

Lu Qiuyu asked, “That said, aren’t we dreaming?”

“Of course it’s not dreaming, the living person stands in front of it!”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

The couple shivered and hurried into the air. They fell in front of Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang, kneeling straight on void, and respectfully said, “Unfilial descendants, see 2 Old Ancestor!”

Lu Zheng Yang and Qin Batian looked at the couple, smiled lightly, and said, “Get up!”

The couple stood up and looked at the two people, just like a child, at a loss.

“Father, it’s really father …”

Emperor Hong murmured.

“Really grandfather …”

Emperor Chen was also shaking.


Two people looked at the same time, running at the same time, running down like lightning, kneeling in front of Qin Batian, saying: “unfilial son Qin Hong, unfilial Sun Qinchen, kowtow in salute father, kowtow in salute grandfather.”


Qin Batian again and again nodded and personally helped two people, but saw that two people were already in tears.

“Father, you are finally back!”

Emperor Hong held Qin Batian’s hand, and both eyes were tear-blurred vision flowers.

“Come back, come back.”

Qin Batian was nodded, and his eyes could not help getting wet, looking at Emperor Hong, said with a smile: “That Little Brat, then, has become so old!”


“Child is old, but father you are still strong and have not changed at all.”

Emperor Hong nodded, a snot and a tear.


“I am ashamed of you!”

“When you were so young, I left you and went to Ancient World, and put all the burden of Great Qin on you.”

“Child, would you hate me?”

Qin Batian said.


Emperor Hong lowered his head.

“I know, you must hate me.”

“I also admit that I am not a dedicated father, and I can calmly face someone in the world, but you alone!”

“I am sorry.”

Qin Batian blamed himself.


Emperor Hong quickly shook his head and looked up towards Qin Batian, saying: “I did blame you once. Great Qin has just been established and has not stabilized yet. You left and left me alone. I did n’t know How to do?”

“But I know that Great Qin is your hard work, and I can’t let Great Qin crash like that.”

“So I have been working hard to guard this river and mountains.”

“I can’t give it to you, shame on our Qin Clan lineage.”

“Father, you see, I did it.”

“Great Qin is still there, your hard work is still there, I haven’t shamed you.”

Emperor Hong cried like a child.

“I saw it all.”

“Proud of your father.”

Qin Batian nodded.


“In this case, anyone will hate it.”

“But I know you must have some great things to do.”

“With the ebbing of time, this hate has also become my longing for you.”

“I’m thinking of you coming back all the time.”

“Even when I dream, I dream of you coming back.”

“And when I woke up, I found out that all this is false. Do you know how uncomfortable I am?”

“I even thought you were dead outside.”

“But when Feiyang returned from Ancient World, he told me that you were alive.”

“And fighting for the lives of Ancient World.”

“Do you know how excited I heard the news?”

“Father, as long as you live, I’ll be satisfied.”

Emperor Hong closed her eyes, tears couldn’t stop falling.

“Thanks for understanding.”

Qin Batian patted the back of Emperor Hong’s old hand, and his guilt was deeper.


Emperor Hong couldn’t help it anymore, rushing into Qin Batian’s arms, ignoring his image, and burst into tears.


A gray-haired old man weeping into the arms of a middle-aged man, and to be honest, this is a very funny scene.

But this moment.

No one makes fun.

Some are just moved.

Everyone looked at father and son two people in silence, and water mist swirled in their eyes.


Qin Batian pats Emperor Hong’s back, comforted: “Okay, it’s all an old man, crying like this, aren’t you afraid that Juniors will see jokes?”

“Not afraid.”

Emperor Hong shook his head and hugged Qin Batian tightly, fearing that the next moment would disappear.

Sou! !

It is at this time.

Many more came.

There’s a guard, there’s a palace maid, and it’s Court Eunuch.

Among them are those younger brother younger sisters from Qin Feiyang, such as Qin Yun, Qin Zhi wait a minute.

Over the past ten years, they have become more mature, and a few younger sisters have become more beautiful and moving.

They were also attracted by Qin Feiyang’s previous shouts.

“what’s the situation?”

But when they entered Qiuyu Building, they watched unexpectedly so many people were there.

What’s even more incredible is that Supreme Grandfather is still lying in the arms of a middle-aged man, weeping bitter tears?

It’s so funny!


Qin Feiyang coughed, reminding him, “Supreme Grandfather, my younger brother and younger sister are here.”

“Come here, what are you afraid of?”

Emperor Hong scolded angrily, looked up, and quickly got out of Qin Batian’s arms, embarrassed said with a smile: “Really here!”

“You think I lied to you!”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Emperor Hong stared at Qin Feiyang, wiped off the tears on his face, and pulled Emperor Chen over, said with a smile: “Father, this is my son, your grandson, Qin Chen.”


Emperor Chen bowed down.

Qin Batian looked at Emperor Chen and said with a smile, “Even grandson is old, and I really should be old.”

At the moment, everyone laughed.




Those palace maids, Court Eunuchs, guards, and Qin Yunseveral people looked foolish.

Supreme Grandfather’s father?

grandfather’s grandfather?

This is not …

A silhouette emerged immediately from their minds.

Qin Clan’s Old Ancestor, founding Emperor, Emperor Qin!

Could it be that……

Several people hurried to the Emperor couple and looked at Qin Batian. When he saw the face clearly, his eyes immediately shuddered.

As a descendant of Qin Clan lineage, who doesn’t know what Emperor Qin looks like?

The man in front of him looked exactly like the divine statue of Mountainside’s Inheritance Land.

“Emperor Qin …”

“It really is him…”

Several people were stupid on the spot.

Not only the big brother is back, but also Ancestor is back.

Emperor Hong waved again to the Emperor couple, said with a smile: “You two come here.”

The couple walked over.

Emperor Hong said with a smile: “Father, they are the grandson and grandson of the child.”


Qin Batian nodded, looking at the couple, saying, “Tough work for you.”

“No hard work, no hard work …”

Emperor quickly waved.

As the Monarch of the entire Country, the highest leader of Great Qin is naturally equal in wrist and courage, but at the moment in front of Qin Batian, it seems extremely restrained.

“Come here too …”

Emperor Hong beckons to Qin Yun several people.

Several people hurried over.

Emperor Hong looked at the several people, kindly said with a smile: “Did you recognize it?”


Several people are nodded, their eyes have always been on Qin Batian.

“Father, these are their two children, and they are both younger brother and younger sister of Feiyang.”

Emperor Hong looked at Qin Batian said with a smile.

Qin Batian glanced at the several people, said with a smile: “Yes, I am a Qin Clan lineage.

Emperor Hong looked at the several people and said, “What are you still doing? Kneel down!”

“Oh oh.”

Several people were nodded, kneeling down to void, and respectfully said, “Meet Ancestor.”


Qin Batian nodded, a smile of relief.

“So lively?”

At this time.

A slightly indifferent voice sounded.

Everyone looked around, and you saw a youth with great temperament and outstanding temperament.

Qin Feiyang looked up, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

That’s right!

This person is Qin Haotian!

He was also attracted by Qin Feiyang’s voice.

He originally thought that only Qin Feiyang came back, but didn’t expect unexpectedly so many people.

“Haotian, come here soon.”

Emperor Hong beckons.

Qin Haotian glanced at the audience. When he fell on Qin Batian and Lu Zheng Yang, the pump immediately shrank.

But immediately, he returned to normal, and then fell straight in front of Qin Feiyang.

Emperor Hong frowns saying: “Let you come over, what are you doing before your big brother?”

Qin Haotian said nothing. Looking at Qin Feiyang, he seemed to be discriminating between true and false.

“Don’t look, geneuine.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Meet the big brother.”

Qin Haotian slightly smiled, bowed saluted.

“Big brother …”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just call you a big brother politely in public, and I don’t really like you.”

Qin Haotian indifferently said.

“You brat…”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

“Batian, this brat has a good temperament.”

Lu Zheng looked at Qin Haotian and said with a smile in a low voice.


Qin Batian is nodded, full of humiliation, full of aura, let alone say that this child’s innate talent, this temperament is by no means average person.

[Ps; Chapter 4 arrives, old dreams say that, no matter whether individual friends have voted or not, the past few days are 4 chapters a day, winning the first, and then 1 more chapters. 】

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