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“this is……”

When the Golden Scale Sword fully recovered, Ye Yuan’s whole person was thundering like a thunder from a clear sky.

Doesn’t it mean that these two people’s heaven defying Divine Artifact are just superiors?

But why is it now a Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifact!

That’s right!

This is a Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifact, and he does not lose the Demon Sword in his hand!

“As the biological grandson of the Vice Alliance Lord, you do have capital that despise others.”

“Unfortunately this time, you found the wrong person!”

With a smile, the lunatic jié jié twisted his golden scale sword and killed Yeyuan.

“Young Master…”

Sentence 3 step forward.

“Stand there!”

Habara growled.

Sentence 3 is stiff.

Ye Yuan stared deadly at the lunatic.

With Heaven Level defying Divine Artifact of Peak Level, and 7 dragon shaped pill qi Pill …

He felt that what he had done before was like a clown.

This makes the angry and the rest qi in his heart even more out of hand.

He didn’t want Sentence 3 to help.

Because he wanted to tear up the lunatic with his own hands, and wash away this shame!

铿 clang!

Tu Demon Sword Revive.

Two people are crazy together.

The collision of 2 Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifacts is enough to describe both destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

The void over Fenghai City collapsed piece by piece.

Two people kill murky heavens dark earth, Sun and Moon lost radiance!

“Even if you have Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifact?”

“My fleshhy body will become stronger and stronger, and sooner or later you will die in the hands of this Young Master!”

Habara growled.

Gorefiend Realm is now useless.

Because as long as the lunatic opens the realm of blood demon, Tu Demon Sword can be destroyed instantly.

In other words.

Divine Art is now meaningless.

of course.

Except heaven defying Divine Art.

After all, heaven defying Divine Art and heaven defying Divine Artifact belong to the same level.

There is also blood magic.

Gorefiend spells increase the cultivation base. Unless special means, such as Dragon Race Prince’s Realm of God, can invalidate the Gorefiend spells, they will not be forcibly cut.

But now, even if the lunatic starts the blood demon, it doesn’t make much sense.


The lunatic looked at Ye Yuan.


With Ye Yuan’s injury, the fleshhy body is still getting stronger.

He can basically conclude that the Divine Art that made Ye Yuan stronger is definitely also a heaven defying Divine Artifact.

At the same time, he masters heaven defying Divine Art and heaven defying Divine Artifact. To be honest, if he was replaced by a person, he would have died under Ye Yuan’s hands.

But still that sentence.

This time Habara found the wrong target.

Although the lunatic does not have a family backround as powerful as Ye Yuan, he has no fewer means than Ye Yuan.

铿 clang!

With the emergence of golden light, Dualbladed Halberd appeared.

“This is heaven defying Divine Art!”

Sentence 3 mumbled.

The Golden Sword kills Demon Sword and Dualbladed Halberd kills Ye Yuan.

“Insignificant Heaven defying Divine Art, also want to shake the fleshhy body of this Young Master at the moment?”

The contempt on Habara’s face was thicker.

Tu Demon Sword ushered in the golden scale sword, the two Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifacts met instantly, and a world extinguishing edge broke out.

at the same time!

Ye Yuan raised his arm and patted his hand towards Dualbladed Halberd.

Because of his fleshhy body and strength, it has been increased to heaven defying level before.

and so.

Even the Dualbladed Halberd transformed by heaven defying Divine Art, he has no fear at all.

Ka-cha !

Ye Yuan’s big hand and Dualbladed Halberd met suddenly, a horrific force emerged, and Dualbladed Halberd was actually broken.


The lunatic expression stayed.

This leafy body and strength of unexpectedly, unexpectedly, has been unknowingly elevated to the level of Middle Level heaven defying Divine Artifact.

“haha ……”

“what is this?”

“My fleshhy body and strength will continue to grow!”

“Now I’m not afraid to tell you, this is a Peak Level heaven defying Divine Art!”

“That is.”

“My fleshhy body and strength will eventually rise to Peak Level.”

“You don’t have to kill Demon Sword then, just using this fleshhy body is enough to crush you into a crush!”

Habara laughed wildly.

“Unexpectedly or Peak Level heaven defying Divine Art …”

The lunatic murmured.

The heaven defying Divine Art he mastered is just a subordinate heaven defying Divine Art. Compared with Peak Level heaven defying Divine Art, it is different by several levels.

Indeed, as Ye Yuan said, when his fleshhy body is elevated to the level of Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifact, he can completely shake the golden scale sword with his bare hands.

“I’ll ask you, never despair?”

“haha ……”

Ye Yuan laughed.


The lunatic smiled suddenly.

It is said that Ye Yuan’s fleshhy body and strength have not yet been elevated to the level of Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifact. Even if he is elevated, he is not afraid.

Because not only the gold defying Divine Artifact, such as the golden scale sword, the axe, and the sunset Divine Bow, have also evolved to Peak Level heaven defying Divine Artifact.

At that time, all the summons will come out. The Heaven defying Divine Artifact of a dozen swords Peak Level is directly Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood.


Not necessary yet.

He also didn’t want to trouble these heavenly sons of rich parents for such a hedonistic son of rich parents.

“Don’t be scared, this Young Master said that he won’t kill you immediately, you still have a chance to struggle, go ahead!”

Ye Yuan sneered, killing the madman again.

“You, this person, really show the characteristics of hedonistic son of rich parents vividly and thoroughly.”

“Slightly advantageous, you start to get angry.”

“I, your father just wants to know, what else do you have?”

A lunatic waved his hand, an overflowing heaven murderous aura broke out, next moment, a bloody long sword is here!

——Slaughter Rule 2 Profound Truth, the sword of killing god!

铿 clang!

The sword of the killing god tore through the sky, carrying a world extinguishing sharp edge, and beheaded towards Habara.

The rule Profound Truth can compete with heaven defying Divine Art, which is as everyone knows.

The higher the Profound Truth, the stronger the formidable power.

Even the ultimate Profound Truth is more than heaven defying Divine Art.

The sword of killing god belongs to the 2nd Profound Truth. The killing power has been equalized in Middle Level heaven defying Divine Art.

And Ye Yuan’s now fleshhy body has reached the level of Middle Level, but nevertheless, his body also appears immediately.


The wound was not deep, and it could almost only be called a skin trauma, but even so, Ye Yuan was startled.

Can unexpectedly hurt his fleshhy body?

“This seems to be…”

Xing 3 looked at the sword of killing god in horror, and suddenly his eyes trembled and shouted, “Young Master, be careful, this is the second Profound Truth Divine Ability of Slaughter’s Law, the sword of killing god!”


“Slaughter’s Law 2nd Profound Truth?”

“How can this be?”

“He just became the cultivation base of Inextinguishable Realm!”

“The people in this cultivation base, let alone the 2nd Profound Truth Divine Ability, can realize that the first Profound Truth Divine Ability is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, a rare genius in the world.”

“Even a lot of people have to reach the great perfection Inextinguishable Realm and experience countless years before they realize a kind of Law Force.”

People were shocked by 10000 points.

This is the real monster!

What is Ye Yuan in front of him?


The town owner looked at the lunatic dumbly, sound transmission said, “Lao Zhuo, you found a good son-in-law!”


“Beginning as Inextinuishable, I realized the 2nd Profound Truth Divine Ability.”

“There are not many younger generations in the entire sky cloud world.”

I old secretly thought.

“haha ……”

“It doesn’t matter to me, it’s Xiaoxian’s vision.”

Lao Zhuo laughed in the dark.

“Look at your pride.”

The owner of the city in the dark turned his eyes and was born, immediately said: “But why is a monster like this one an in silence?”

“Maybe low-key!”

Yu Lao smiled.


The owner slightly stared blankly, said with a bitter smile: “Maybe!”


“Will not……”

“This must be an illusion …”

Ye Yuan looked at the killing god sword in the hand of the lunatic, and shook his head constantly, an unacceptable look.

I think he is the biological grandson of the Vice Alliance Lord, and even from childhood was cultivated by grandfather himself, but he has not realized a kind of Law Force until now.

And the other side, but just a humble ant, how could he realize the Law Force.

Have you even realized the 2nd Profound Truth?

“Now tell me, what is your capital in I, your father?”

The lunatic looked at him with contempt.

“Do not!”

“I do not believe!”

Habara Roar, Tu Demon Sword madly kills the Golden Scale Sword.


He rushed towards the lunatic, one fist exploded towards killing god!

This must be an illusion!

He wants to break this illusion and let everyone know that this person is not a genius at all, but a pretend clown.

“It’s really difficult for silk pants like you.”

The lunatic shook his head and cut off with a sword.


Ye Yuan’s fist and killing god sword met suddenly.

Above his fist, a wound appeared immediately, blood dying the vast sky.

“it is true……”

Ye Yuan expression stayed.

“Do you think you’re kidding me?”

“I’m just relying on you grandfather bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections, or else on your own, what are you?”

“I’m afraid not even a clown!”

The lunatic’s face was full of ridicule.

Is it ridiculous that Vice Alliance Lord cultivates himself and unexpectedly has this ability?

He killed with a sword.

Ye Yuan immediately appeared another wound.

“Not even a clown …”

Ye Yuan lowered her head and turned a blind eye to the injuries on her body.

Seems to be hit hard.

“Young Master…”

Sentence 3 was impatient.

Not to mention Ye Yuan, even he is far from looking down on the strength of the lunatic.

“Bad bully, do no evil …”

“People like you are wasting air in the world …”

“Forgive your sins!”

The lunatic was disgusted, the sword edge of the killing god flickered, and it was chopped off towards Ye Yuan’s head.

But it is at this time.

Ye Yuan suddenly raised his head, his arms rushed out, grabbing the killing god sword.

“This Young Master likes to bully boys and girls, how can you take this Young Master?”

Ye Yuan gloomy smiled, and within the body suddenly made a loud noise.

A horrible force roared out, and with his big hand, the killing god’s sword was crushed into a shattering moment.

“Not good !”

“His fleshhy body and strength have increased to the level of superior heaven defying Divine Artifact!”

The city owner whispered.

Zhuo Tiansheng and Yu Lao also sank.

Sentence 3 was relaxed.

The formidable power of the 2nd Profound Truth is equal to the level of Middle Level heaven defying Divine Artifact.

And now, the Young Master ’s fleshhy body and strength have been increased again, it is already equal to the level of the higher heaven defying Divine Artifact.

Compared to the strength of a small realm, this lunatic is definitely not an opponent of Young Master.


“Are you desperate again?”

Ye Yuan looked at the lunatic, his face full of taunt.


Maniac sighed.

“What is he sighing?”

Everyone was suspicious.

The lunatic looked at Ye Yuan and shook his head: “Really, I, your father can’t help but feel sad for your grandfather and cultivated you such a idiot.”

“you are courting death !”

Habara one fist kills the lunatic.

“Is not it?”

“I, your father dared to come to Fenghai City without fear, do you think that I, your father rely on courage?”


“It’s strength!”

The lunatic suddenly shouted, and the slaughter law raged out into a scarlet storm, exuding a world extinguishing fearful might, whistling towards Habara.

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