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A sigh sounded beside Sun Zhengzhong.


Sun Zhengzhong was startled, and quickly turned one’s head and looked, expression immediately stared blankly.

Just looking aside, I don’t know when, an old man wearing a fiery-red gown was standing.

Isn’t the fire old and is who?

“Old fire, when did you appear?”

Sun Zhengzhong looked at him stupidly.

Fire experienced: “Appeared a long time ago, but you were too fascinated to see it and found no old man.”

Sun Zhengzhong hearing this, said with a bitter smile: “Can such a wonderful battle be fascinated?”


Fire old nodded.

“What’s your sigh then?”

Sun Zhengzhong was suspicious.

“Old man is laughing at himself.”

The fire always shook his head.


Sun Zhengzhong stared blankly.


“At first the old man thought that Qin Feiyang should be talented, like a lunatic.”

“But didn’t expect, and in a blink of an eye, the madman showed amazing strength and innate talent.”

“Next, old man thinks that the lunatic is a talented, Qin Feiyang may be ordinary, but rely on something outside of him.”

“Now, however, this brat is showing amazing potential.”

“You said, even 2 youngsters can’t see through, what does old man want to do with these eyes?”

Fire old was extremely angry.


Sun Zhengzhong coughed and said, “This is not to blame you, they are hiding too deeply.”

“Hiding too deep?”

Huo Lao’s mouth twitched, it really comforted people.



sound transmission Divine Stone sounded.

Fire old frowned, take out the sound transmission Divine Stone.

An illusory shadow appeared.

-Chu Yun!

“Old scoundrel, come back soon!”

Chu Yun shouted.


Fire frowned.

“The scoundrels of the Blood Temple, unexpectedly took ruler Divine Weapon and killed us Demon Palace.”

Chu Yun said angrily.


Sun Zhengzhong was surprised.

Huo Lao raised an eyebrow and said, “The Blood Temple is very crazy, but it is not crazy yet!”


Chu Yun said.

“Ok ok ok, don’t worry, I’ll go back once.”

Huo Lao calmed down, then turned off the sound transmission Divine Stone, watching Sun Zhengzhong said: “It’s here for you. Be sure to ensure that Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo are thorough.”


Sun Zhengzhong is nodded.


over city!

The wind screamed, and the waves transformed by the Law Force rolled like waves.

Qin Feiyang and Ye Tian stood apart from each other, and their eyes were burning with a raging battle intent.

“I apologize to you.”

Ye Tian wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and looked at Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

“I’m looking down on you, and you are qualified to be my opponent.”

Ye Tian spoke.

“But I don’t feel honored.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Anyway today, you must die here.”

“Not just you, but Madman Mo.”

Ye Tian’s tone was flat, but he seemed to be announcing the death penalty.

“Dead here? I’m afraid it’s hard.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

“haha ……”

Ye Tian laughed.



He stepped out, and the heaven defying secondary Divine Art reappeared before, and immediately fell behind Qin Feiyang.

“Now that I’ve hit it, I won’t hide it anymore.”

“Go for full power!”

Words fall!

He one fist shot to the sleeveless garment of Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang quickly evaded.

However, Ye Tian’s speed was so fast that he couldn’t even capture it.

But for a moment.

Ye Tian appeared in front of him, one fist patted on his chest.


Qin Feiyang flew out immediately, wildly spurting with blood.

“This is Peak Level heaven defying auxiliary Divine Art.”

Ye Tian faintly opened his mouth, took another step, appeared behind Qin Feiyang, raised his arm, and his fingertips became a little volleyed.

A Divine Force flashed out, passing over Qin Feiyang’s back, even though a Blood Puppet was left behind.

“Too fast.”

“I can’t keep up.”

Qin Feiyang felt a lot of pressure.

In this level of battle, speed is very important. Ye Tian’s current speed is completely crushing him!


Ye Tian killed again.

Qin Feiyang’s body shook, an invisible force, like a tide, rolling away in all directions on 4 sides.

——Soul Killer!

No matter how fast Ye Tian is, it is impossible to prevent such a sudden soul-destroying technique.

as predicted!

Ye Tian was drowned by the invisible force at the moment.

“this is……”

Ye Tian was immediately surprised, one strand bloodstain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But immediately following.

A golden light emerged from his within the body, and a golden pearl emerged above him. The golden light shrouded it, blocking the invisible force.

“Didn’t expect, you still have Divine Soul killing.”

Ye Tian raised an eyebrow.

“I also didn’t expect, you have heaven defying Divine Artifact to protect Divine Soul!”

Qin Feiyang.

That’s right!

That golden pearl is a Divine Artifact, and it is also a low-level heaven defying Divine Artifact.

Otherwise, at this moment, it would be enough to erase Ye Tian’s Divine Soul.

“You are really a terrifying person.”

Ye Tian shook his head.

Fight with this person, with a little inattention, Divine Soul will be erased.

To know.

Once Divine Soul is erased, even if you have the ability of heaven defying, it is useless.

“To each other.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

I was a little irritable.

With heaven defying Divine Artifact that protects Divine Soul, the soul-destroying spell has no effect.

How can Ye Tian deal with this speed?


Ye Tian took action again, Qin Feiyang was seriously injured again, and he could only try to protect the vital points.

For example Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qi Sea.

Because if Sea of ​​Consciousness and Qi Sea are broken, then this battle can basically be declared over.

“Struggle slowly!”

“Enjoy the last moment of despair.”

Ye Tian is like a ghost, with no shadows and no trace. Every time he appears, Qin Feiyang will definitely appear a blood cave.

The golden scale sword and Ye Tian’s heaven defying Divine Artifact are also inseparable to kill on the sky and cannot help.

About a few ten breaths in the past.

Qin Feiyang’s fleshhy body, with the exception of the head and lower abdomen, already has 1000 sores and 100 holes.


There was a flash of halo in his head.

Just then!

Ye Tian killed again, pointing directly at Qin Feiyang’s brows.


But Qin Feiyang was about to die, Qin Feiyang suddenly disappeared in front of Ye Tian.


Ye Tian quickly glanced all around, unexpectedly nobody?

But next moment.

A deadly crisis came from behind.

Without hesitation, the law of earth emerged, and a divine light flashing Battle Armor appeared.

The first law of earth Profound Truth, the armor of thick earth!

Almost at the same time as the armor of thick soil appeared, a bloody long sword emerged from void, a sword slashing towards Ye Tian’s back.

铿 clang!

Ye Tian flew out immediately, blood rushed.

The thick soil armor was also broken in response.

But with thick soil armor, this sword not at all caused him fatal serious injuries.

Because the armor of the thick soil also has extremely amazing defense!

“The reaction is really fast.”

Qin Feiyang came out of void.

I thought this sword would kill Ye Tian a completely unprepared, but didn’t expect this person to respond so quickly.

Ye Tiancong stabilised his body and turned to look at Qin Feiyang, frowns saying, “Hidden Divine Art? How many ways do you hide?”

“Too many you can’t imagine.”

Qin Feiyang said, as soon as he thought, 1000 incarnations appeared, immediately spread out 4 times, and surrounded Ye Tiantuan in the center.

This is the first time he has entered the sky cloud world and started 3,000 Incarnations.


He also has reservations.

After all, we will face more and more powerful opponents in the future, so we can’t ‘show’ all our strengths at once.

“Insignificant some avatars, what role can they play?”

Ye Tian looked around the incarnation of all around, and frowned.


Qin Feiyang coldly smiled, shouted: “Profound Truth!”

Hong long!

铿 clang!

A thousand incarnations trembled, and Law Force rushed out.

Sword of light, sword of judgment …

Thunder God’s Hammer, Thunder’s Fury …

Four major Profound Truth Divine Ability, all evolved.

“How can this be?”

Ye Tian looked at this scene in shock.

City Lord Fang three people, Sun Zhengzhong, and the 100 surnames of the city were all glared.

The unexpectedly also holds Law Force, and can even open Profound Truth Divine Ability?

Damn it!

How is that possible?

“killed him!”

One of the incarnations suddenly angry roar.


“Will you give orders?”

“Do these avatars have self-awareness?”

“No, it’s too outrageous. A clone is a clone, and you can never have your own independent consciousness!”

Everyone was full of confusion.

What exactly is going on?

Even people in the sky cloud world are extremely new to the 3,000 Incarnations, and they are incredible.

铿 clang!

With that incarnation angry roar, 1000 incarnation, 4000 Profound Truth Divine Ability, immediately hiding the sky and covering the earth’s Chao Yetian!

Densely packed, blocking all directions, which leaves Ye Tian completely unable to escape.

Between expressions, a little panic finally appeared.

In the face of this all-round bombardment, no matter how fast, it will not help.


He evolved Profound Truth Divine Ability and blasted forward.

But how can we compete with the 4 Profound Truth Divine Ability on the four Profound Truth Divine Ability?

His 4 Profound Truth Divine Ability bombarded and killed, it was a small stone smashed into the sea and crushed directly.

But it is not useless.

The test of the 4 Profound Truth Divine Ability made him discover a shocking situation.

The Profound Truth Divine Ability opened by these avatars is no weaker than the Profound Truth Divine Ability of Qin Feiyang true body.

Is this really a clone?

He would rather believe that these all are the twin brothers of Qin Feiyang, although this is even more outrageous.

“This is his killing move!”

“Terrifying, terrifying!”

“If his cultivation base is like us, I’m afraid he’s not even our opponent.”

The city owner was amazed.


“It’s okay not to take an action. This take action has brought us shocks again and again.”

“As Ye Tian asked, how many of these methods are he hiding?”

Yu Lao and Zhuo Tiansheng looked at this scene with a shocked expression.

But they were all communicating in the dark, but the shock on their faces was undisguised.

Because this can’t be controlled.

After all, the means Qin Feiyang is showing now are really shocking.

Even the presence of Vice Alliance Lord will be the same.

The sky-high Profound Truth Divine Ability, like a meteor, carried the imposing manner of destroying Exterminating Heaven and Earth, and killed Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the center.

Above the sky.

Previously, Jinlin Sword wanted to support Qin Feiyang, but now it’s Ye Tian’s heaven defying Divine Artifact and wants to support Ye Tian.

But would the Golden Scale Sword let it out?

Ye Tian’s situation at this moment is at stake.

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