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The lunatic laughs.

“Isn’t it just drinking? Is there any good?”

Zuo Small Accomplishment looked at him puzzledly.

“You don’t understand.”

The lunatic shook his head.

Can this Hundred Venoms Immunity feel bad?

“Everyone, please be quiet.”


A fat, weighing 200 Jin, came out of a room on the second floor.

Qin Feiyang looked up, with a little doubt in his eyes.

“I am the steward of Tianyue Tower in Fenghai City, many thanks everyone for your support to Tianyue Tower in these years.”

“Today all food and wine are all face to face , So everyone eats and drinks. “

steward smiled.


Someone immediately asked with joy.

“Of course it is true.”

Steward nodded, and said with a smile: “And our Landlord also came from Cloud Sea City to give you a song, thank you Everyone has been helping and encouraging our Tianyue Tower. “

” Landlord? “

The crowd slightly stared blankly, and immediately many people showed their admiration.

ding dong!


One after another zither sound sounds in the room behind steward.

“Old Qin, it seems like the real woman.”

Crazy sound transmission.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The zither sound of the Landlord of Tianyuelou, they have heard it in Heavenly Wind City, so it is easy to distinguish.

“Then you say, is Yunzi Yang there?”

The crazy man sound transmission.

“I don’t know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Go and see.”

The lunatic sneered, stood up, stepped out, and landed on the second floor of Steward instantly.

Steward slightly stared blankly. Before he could react, the lunatic kicked the door and kicked off the zither sound.

“What is he doing?”

“So impolite!”

The person drunk in zither sound is glaring at the lunatic standing at the door.

Steward’s face also changed slightly, and he quickly stepped forward: “brother, what are you?”

“It doesn’t matter with you.”

The lunatic glanced at him, stepped into the room, and saw a white clothed woman standing in the room, stroking the piano with both hands. At this moment, he looked at the lunatic a little bit wrongly.

The lunatic glanced at the woman and swept across the room.

No one but women.

“Landlord …”

Steward also followed, his face full of anxiety.

“It’s okay.”

Tianyuelou Landlord waved his hands, and immediately looked at the frowns saying: “You are too rude.” ? “

The lunatic dismissed a smile and said,” Just you alone, Yun Ziyang didn’t follow? ”


Landlord stared blankly in Tianyue Building.

Because the madman changed her face, she couldn’t recognize it.

“Your Tianyue Tower is good, even the branches are open to Fenghai City.”

The lunatic stepped in front of the woman, his two faces were close at hand, and his teeth were fang said with a smile: “Did I pay protection fees to I, your father?”

“Protection fees?”

The woman is stunned.

“Yeah, don’t give I, your father protection fee, do you still want to run here?”

lunatic jié jié smiled.


The woman is speechless.

But immediately following, she looked at the lunatic in suspicion.

I, your father?

Isn’t this somebody’s mantra?

Did you say …


“Looking at I, your father like this, will not be peerless with I, your father Face it! “

The lunatic laughed.

The woman slightly stared blankly, quickly got up, and her cheeks were immediately reddened.

I noticed that I was too close to the lunatic, and it was just close to my face.

“But sorry, I, your father already has a name and will not look after you.”

Crazy laughed.


The woman flicks.

Da da …

At this time.

A group of waiter ran over fiercely.

The madman turning one’s head looked at it, and played with the taste: “how? Want to make a move?” A group of waiters waved, “You go out first.”

If it’s the lunatic, she might demolish her Tianyue Building.

“But he …”

steward looks at the lunatic.

“It’s all right.”

The woman shook her head.


Steward nodded, leave the room with a group of waiters, and close the door.

“What’s the situation?”

“Unexpectedly still staying in there?”

“What’s their relationship?”

Everyone His face was full of suspicions, but he couldn’t help looking towards Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf.

Because they all know that Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf are with lunatics.

In the room!

The woman looked at the lunatic, and asked, “Are you … the big brother?”

“Apart from I, your father, who is so crazy?”

The lunatic smiled proudly.

The woman was bitterly laughed immediately, and it was really this person.

The lunatic glanced at all around and said, “Your ability is really not small!”


The woman is nodded.

“How many branches does Yuelou have that day?”

Crazies are curious.

The woman thought for a while, and said, “There are more than a dozen large and small.”

After all, more than one hundred and seventy years have passed. Ping Yunziyang and the two women It’s not surprising that there are more than a dozen branches.

“So much?”

The lunatic stared blankly.

“How much?”

“It’s far from our goal!”

The woman shook her head.

“What goal?”

The lunatic is suspicious.

“Let the Tianyue Tower spread throughout the east continent, and even the entire sky cloud world.”

The woman said proudly.


The lunatic looked at her stupidly.


“Seeing that I don’t have this ability?”

The woman watched the response of the lunatic, frowns saying.

“No, no, no.”

“I, your father is just didn’t expect, you are a woman, and your ambition is unexpectedly so great.”

The lunatic shook his head .

“I’m just driving a restaurant, and I’m not doing any power. This can’t be called ambition!”

The woman was speechless.


“I, your father is not free to chat with you, is Yun Ziyang in the end?”

The madman frowned.

The lunatic’s face is full of fun.

Calculating time, Yun Ziyang and this woman have been together for almost two hundred years.

For more than two hundred years, no matter how, you should know yourself and know your enemy.

But the woman said, I don’t understand.

What does this mean?

It means Yun Ziyang is covering up well.

The woman looked at him confused.

“Let’s go on.”

The lunatic waved and turned away.

“Is this gone?”

The woman hurried.

“Otherwise? Leave me to drink, I, your father?”

The lunatic didn’t look back.


“Tian Yue Lou has also kept a lot of divine wine these years.”

“Last time you and Big Brother Qin were at Heavenly Wind City helped me, and I have never had the opportunity to thank you. “

Women’s Road.

The lunatic stopped, turning one’s head, looking at the woman, and asked, “You won’t be poisonous in this wine!”


The woman stumbled.

“haha …”

“Just a joke.”

The lunatic laughed, then turned back to open the door and strode out.

“True Qi people!”

The woman stomped angrily, walked to the door and looked at the meeting, and saw the lunatic sitting next to Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf. Know the identities of Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf.

“Landlord, are you okay!”

Steward came to the woman and asked with concern.

“It’s okay.”

The woman waved her hands, took out the three wines, gave them to steward, pointed to Qin Feiyang two people and White-Eyed Wolf, and said, “You send them to . “

” Return the wine to them? “

” And is your divine wine? “

steward frown.

“Let you go.”

The woman said, closing the door, and a zither sound sounded.


“A dozen branches are so powerful?”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf were embarrassed when they heard the lunatic’s sound transmission. There was also a hint of surprise.

“She said it herself, can she fake it?”

The lunatic is secretly thinking.

“It’s very capable.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark smiled.

“This is all trivial matter, I, your father is wondering, who is this Yunzi Yang?”

“You see, whether it is him or us, Or the woman in Tianyuelou, I met in Heavenly Wind City. “

” But this person is interesting, so it helps a woman I just met. “

” You Don’t say, even I, your father now thinks he is a good man. “

Crazy sound transmission.

“As long as you know his identity and origin, naturally you will know whether he is really good or pseudo-gentleman.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

“How to check?”

The lunatic is suspicious.

“Is your father-in-law holding such a big city, is it difficult for him to help investigate an individual?”

Qin Feiyang said.


The lunatic slaps his head.

At this time.

Steward came over, flattering smile and said, “Three people, this is the divine wine that Landlord gave you, please smile.”

“divine wine?”

two people and a wolf slightly stared blankly.

All around people immediately looked at them with envy.

It’s also strange in my heart.

Into the door without notification, such a rude move, I thought it would anger the Landlord of Tianyuelou, but did n’t expect to give wine?

What’s the situation?

“Do you want?”

The lunatic looks at Qin Feiyang.

“Divine wine, of course.”

White-Eyed Wolf, holding a jar, waved his claws, the jar lid opened, and a strong aroma of wine Immediately shed.

“What kind of wine is this? It’s so fragrant!”

The lunatic’s eyes are instantly bright.

All around guests are also full of shock.

The strong aroma of the wine instantly spreads throughout the restaurant, making everyone unable to bear it.

Even Steward on the side is shocked.

“It seems like immortal wine?”


Zhuo Small Accomplishment mumbled sitting opposite.

“Immortal wine?”

Two guard stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang also looked at Zhuo Small Accomplishment in wonder, and asked, “What immortal wine?”

“Its name is immortal wine.”

“One time, when Father was entertaining his guests, he took out a small altar and heard that it was very precious.”

Zhuo Small Accomplishment said timidly.

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