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After watching Xing San leave with four people, Vice Alliance Lord breathed a long breath and said, “It ’s finally solved.”


“I hope to restore a little reputation!”

One of the Elders was deeply sighed, immediately asked: “Now, who will replace Tenth Elder ’s position?”

“This is not urgent, just put it aside.”

Vice Alliance Lord waved his hand and looked at Zhao Xiaojin said: “I hope you wo n’t be disappointed and disappointed with our Loose Cultivator Alliance because of these things. In fact, people like Tenth Elder are only individuals. “

” No. “

Zhao Xiaojin shook his head.

“That ’s good.”

“Work hard, with your innate talent, you will have some achievements in the future. If you do n’t understand anything, even if you go to Ye Tian, ​​you After Zhongliang, this Eminence will let him take care of you a lot. “

Vice Alliance Lord smiled slightly.

“Thank Vice Alliance Lord.”

Zhao Xiaojin bowed his thanks.


Cloud Sea City.

With the arrival of Tenth Elder four people, the whole city should boil.

“It turns out that he is Tenth Elder!”

“It’s really shabby, crafty-looking, and it’s not a good person at a glance.”

Everyone was outside the square, and they kept talking.

Tenth Elder stood on the square, his eyes full of angry.

“Kneel down!”

Xing San looked at him expressionlessly.

Wu Sanyuan three people have already knelt down, but Tenth Elder relied on his identity and did not kneel.

“Punishment three, you are just a dog in front of Vice Alliance Lord, what is unbridled with me? Do you know a sentence, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse!”

Tenth Elder shouted.

“I really do n’t know this.”

“I only know that this is the command of the deputy Sir Alliance Leader.”

“Finally ask you again , Kneel or not? “

Three punishments.

“Don’t kneel!”

Tenth Elder shouted.

Cold light flashed in the three eyes of the punishment, took out the snake-shaped crutches, and threw a stick directly on Tenth Elder’s leg.


Tenth Elder immediately kneeled weakly on the ground with a broken leg.

“you are courting death!”

He looked up at Xingsan, his eyes full of loathing.

“Courting death is you, do n’t forget what the Deputy Sir Alliance Leader said before he left, who dares to make it, execute without any mercy!”

The cold light surges in the eyes of the punishment .

Tenth Elder pupil shrank, looking at the serpentine cane in Xingsan ’s hand, his face was full of panic, and he no longer dared to unbridled, obediently and honestly kneeling there.

The three crowdly smiled, and then looked towards all around the crowd, said: “You, what happened in the past few days, we are all understood, we Loose Cultivator Alliance, and we will never condone such people “

” So, Wu Sanyuan and Tenth Elder have been removed from the position of Elder and the city master. “

” And the deputy Sir Alliance Leader ordered to keep them kneeling here , Apologize, confess, until you forgive me, and I hope that you will not misunderstand me Loose Cultivator Alliance because of these two scum. ” It has never changed. “

Xing San said fervently.

“I thought the Loose Cultivator Alliance wanted to shield them!”

“I thought so too, at worst is to punish a few sentences, but didn’t expect, unexpectedly let They knelt in public and confessed. “

” It seems that the Loose Cultivator Alliance has an attitude towards this matter. “

” However, forgive them forever. “

” This kind of scum should be taken away by God, so as not to continue to harm others. ”


Everyone discusses spiritedly.

Xing San heard these arguments and frowned without trace. It seemed that this time it caused a lot of anger.

It ’s hard to calm down these public indignations!

“In short, we sincerely apologize to everyone, and I hope you will give us a chance to Loose Cultivator Alliance again.”

“As for these four people, whatever you want “

Xing San bowed deeply to Sir and retreated to the side in silence.

“Whatever you want?”


People asked.

“Take it seriously.”

Sentence three nodded.

“haha ……”

“That ’s good …”

“I ’ve been watching Wu Sanyuan for a long time, and I am relying on myself to be Cloud Sea City Lord of the city, unbridled oppresses us. “

” Wow, you are a bastard! “

A middle-aged man ran into the square, when even a spitting star, sprayed on Wu Sanyuan’s face.


Wu Sanyuan immediately glared at the middle-aged man.

“How am I?”

“You are no longer the owner of Cloud Sea City, and you want to scare this Uncle?”

middle-aged man sneered, Looked towards Tenth Elder again, scolded: “There is also you such an old fart, Zhao Eryong is so good, you unexpectedly indulged your grandson to kill him, you are not even as good as bastard!”

Finished Another spittle star was sprayed on Tenth Elder’s face.

Ten Chang Old He suffered such humiliation? One strand Divine Sense emerged immediately and killed towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was shocked and quickly panicked back.


But at the same time, the punishment was coldly snorted, his eyes were fast, his snake-shaped walking stick exploded, and the ray of Divine Sense shattered on the spot.

“It seems that even if your Qi Sea is abolished, you will not be honest.” , Put on Tenth Elder four people one after another.

“Soul Sealing Stone!”

Ten-length Boss is shocked.

“Yes, wearing the Soul Sealer, I think you are still unbridled?”

Xingsan sneered.

“Seal Soul Stone?”

“I heard that Zhao Eryong and his family could not use Divine Soul because they wore the Soul Soul Stone. . “

” This is really a newspaper! “

” old dog, did n’t expect, you also have today. “

A few more people ran up, punching and kicking at Tenth Elder.

dignified Loose Cultivator Alliance Elder, unexpectedly reduced to this point, it is really pitiful.

But no one sympathizes with him, they are all expressions of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.



“Is n’t this Tenth Elder?”

“What’s wrong with you? Kneeling What are you doing here? “


A strange cry sounded and I saw a youth big person coming out of the crowd and into the square.

“Don’t you miss it?”

The three-stared blankly.

Tenth Elder, Wu Sanyuan, three people, also looked at the people in amazement.


He is Qin Feiyang’s unsuccessful after the change.

“What’s going on?”

“And you guys, don’t have long eyes? Don’t know this is Tenth Elder of our Loose Cultivator Alliance? Be kind to him.

“Look, like me …”

Qin Feiyang said, kicking directly at Tenth Elder ’s crotch.

“ao …”

Tenth Elder immediately issued a pig-like miserable howl, his hands covered his crotch, and his face was pale.


People looked at Qin Feiyang in amazement.

This is also polite?

It seems that they used to understand the word politeness before.

“Tenth Elder …”

“I am very welcome to you!”

“In the future, please do n’t count me!”

“I am a nobody, even if you succeed, what can you do?”

“But if you do n’t carelessly put yourself in like this now, it ’s not worth the loss. Already. “

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

“little bastard, I swear I will kill you!”

Tenth Elder stares at Qin Feiyang with resentment.

Qin Feiyang kicked again, and Tenth Elder’s face was twisted in pain.

“Look, do n’t scare me, this person is timid. I ’ll lose weight when I ’m scared. I ’ll be able to afford it if I kick it for you!”

Qin Feiyang said feeling wronged.

“To have no shame!”


“He is also feeling wronged.”

People shook their heads.

It seems that this is not someone who is easy to deal with!

Xing San looked at this scene, his rugged face also smiled.

“Are you guys here?”

“sorry, I just did n’t notice you.”

Qin Feiyang turned his eyes and fell to Wu Sanyuan and Zhao Yun Sea two people.

three people instinctively covered the crotch.

Qin Feiyang’s mouth twitched, said with a smile: “Calm and calm, I don’t have that kind of special hobby, and I don’t have much interest in you.”

three people not only No shame, but relaxed.

Qin Feiyang withdrew his gaze and leaned over Tenth Elder ’s ear, whispering: “old dog, how does it feel? Although I ’m not as good as you, but if I move my head a little, I will have 10,000 A way to make you better die than living. “

” You … “

Tenth Elder surprised and angry looking at Qin Feiyang.

“Yes, I designed all of this.”

“But one thing is a bit beyond my expectation, Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo unexpectedly will plug in.

“However, their appearance makes this plan more perfect.”

Qin Feiyang chuckled.

He said this, it was purely to break Tenth Elder ’s cranky thoughts, lest Tenth Elder think he is related to Qin Feiyang two people and come up with something.

“You are ruthless enough!”

Tenth Elder gnashing teeth.


“no no no, I just use an opponent’s own methods to obtain retribution.”

“Of course, if you want Continue to play, then I do n’t mind playing harder with you. “

Qin Feiyang whispered, immediately said with a big smile:” Then Tenth Elder, I wo n’t bother you , You enjoy it slowly, don’t be polite to everyone. “

Finally, Qin Feiyang smiled at Nodded Xing San and turned away.

“haha …”

“Mo Wuyuan is right, we have to be polite to Tenth Elder so he wo n’t retaliate against us when we get it.”

“Yes, yes, we must be gentle, do n’t be so violent.”

Everyone cheers.

Although this is said on the lips, one striker is stronger than the other.

In the square, miserable howl keeps sounding.

Among them.

Zhao Yunhai and Zhao Tianyun That ’s too much to regret!

Originally, they can make Zhao Family stronger by virtue of their relationship with Zhao Xiaojin.

Because of the difference in thoughts, not only the Zhao Family but also themselves were destroyed.

If I had known earlier, Zhao Xiaojin and Mo Wuyuan were so capable that they could defeat Tenth Elder, and they would not listen to Wu Sanyuan ’s encouragement!


It ’s too late to regret now.

The bad fruit I planted was also eaten by clenching my teeth.


Tian Yue Building!

Qin Feiyang sat with a lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf, and Yueqing, all with smiles on their faces.

“Although I failed to kill them, it was more painful than killing them.”

Crazy jié jié said with a smile.

“In fact, to torture a person is not to kill him, just like these four people, now living is more painful than dying.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

“Then Big Brother Qin, what are your plans now?”

Yue Qing asked.

“The matter has been resolved, it is time to leave.”

Qin Feiyang took a sip of tea and watched Yueqing said with a slight smile.

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