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“This …”

The Fire Lord looked towards Demon Palace Palace Lord.

If the Demon Palace Palace Lord is not there, he likes Qin Feiyang and the lunatics, then he will certainly agree without the slightest hesitation.


Although Demon Palace has countless recipes, and there are many monsters among them, Time Law, but no one understands it, so Fire Lotus understands Time Law, he is very happy.

Finally encountered a good younger generation.

But there is no way, Palace Lord is present, he must ask the meaning of Palace Lord.

“What are you going to do, can this Highness stop you?”

Demon Palace Palace Lord shook his head and smiled.

“haha …”

Fire Boss laughed and looked at Fire Lotus and said: “Yes, the old man stays to guide you, but you have to be more serious. If you are absent, the old man immediately leaves.”

“This is for sure.”

Fire Lotus is delighted.

Huo Lao ’s satisfied nodded, looked at Demon Palace Palace Lord and said: “Then exchange the Great Competition, you should let Chu Yun arrange it!”


Demon Palace Palace Lord smiled and immediately looked at Fire Lotus and said: “Send me out!”

“Senior walk slowly.”

Fire Lotus paid a respectful salute and waved his hand. Demon Palace Palace Lord even disappeared in front of three people.

“Is Profound Martial World not an independent World? Qin Feiyang is the master of Profound Martial World. How can you control the power of Law of Profound Martial World?”

Lao Huo looked at Fire Lotus in surprise.

“Junior has the authority to control all this.”

Fire Lotus smiled slightly.

“This way!”

The fire is suddenly nodded.

unexpectedly gave this little girl such important authority, which shows that Qin Feiyang extremely trusts her.

“What is your name?”

Hao Lao asked.

“Fire Lotus.”

Fire Lotus is faithfully reproduced.

“Fire Lotus …”

Fire old glanced at Fire Lotus imprint at the heart of Fire Lotus, said with a smile: “We are indeed destined, your name is Fire Lotus, others call it old man fire old man, maybe previous life, we still A family! “

“Ha …”

Fire Lotus laughed.

At this point, there is obviously a set of near suspicions, and she does not know how to answer.

Huo Lao said with a smile: “Come on, gossip less, let’s find a place, it’s best if no one disturbs you.”

“Don’t you go after eating?”

Mermaid Princess quickly asked.

Fire Lotus whispered: “Now there is still a mood to eat, eat slowly by yourself!”

Finally, I looked at Huo Lao, said with a smile: “Senior, please come with Junior.”

Then Fire Lotus took Fire Old and walked towards Ancient Castle.

“How did each and everyone become cultivation freaks?”

“Forget it, talk to Xiaoxian and talk!”

Mermaid Princess shook the head and walked towards the madman ’s yard.


In Ancient Castle!

Fire Lotus stands in the lobby, said with a smile: “Fire Old Senior, there is absolutely no one to disturb here, and you do n’t have to think about time, because Profound Martial World has a thousand-year Time Array.”


Huo Lao looked at all around. While applauding, there seemed to be a trace of fear in his eyes.

Because it is within the body of Ancient Castle, if Ancient Castle wants to kill him, it is as easy as it gets.


He looked towards a Cultivation Room on the second floor, and mumbled said: “It’s a rich and pride.”

“That was Pill King Cai at Pill Refinement.”

“He is the most powerful Alchemist here.”

“Almost all of our medical pill is provided by him.”

Fire Lotus smiled slightly.

“All of them provided by him, the Divine Pill of the seven dragon shaped pill qi owned by Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo, is he also refining?”

Lao Huo wondered.


“Pill King Cai is the name speaks for itself.”

“I ’m not interested in anything except Pill Refinement.”

“Even if it’s cultivation, Big Brother Qin has to force him.”

Fire Lotus shook his head said with a smile.

“Then he is really a Pill Refinement not just in name only, but also in reality.”

“However, if you are not so obsessed, how can you achieve such an achievement?”

Huo Lao chuckled.

“It also makes sense.”

Fire Lotus nodded.

“Then you are an Alchemist?”

Hao Lao asked.

“Of course not, Big Brother Qin is also Alchemist.”

Fire Lotus shook his head.

“He is also Alchemist?”

Fire old stared blankly.


“Pill Refinement innate talent of Big Brother Qin is actually better than Pill King Cai.”

Fire Lotus nodded.


Fire old expression stayed there.

“At that time, Pill King Cai was admiring Big Brother Qin’s Pill Refinement innate talent, and he followed Big Brother Qin.”

“However, after joining our family from Pill King Cai, Big Brother Qin did not encounter the medical pill, so it is not as good as Pill King Cai now.”

“It’s considered deserted.”

Fire Lotus smiled.


Huo Lao was stunned.

There is such a good Pill Refinement innate talent, unexpectedly it is so abandoned, is this not reckless waste of natural resources?

In fact, Qin Feiyang has no real waste.

Because of Soul Refinement Art, his Spirit Power is increasing anytime, anywhere.

Also, until now, his Spirit Power is stronger than Pill King Cai.

So, if the refining is started now, it will be rusty at best. In terms of quality, Qin Feiyang is definitely better.

“Anyway Big Brother Qin is a person who hates trouble, and Pill Refinement is a trouble for him.”

Fire Lotus laughed.

“Well, who calls him a monster? Monster is a wayward capital.”

The old and helpless nodded.



His eyes looked towards a Cultivation Room on the first floor, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

In this Cultivation Room, he actually felt an inexplicable fear, and it was the fear from Law Power.

“Is the person in there again?”

Huo Lao asked in surprise.

“White-Eyed Wolf, it is a partner of Big Brother Qin, from childhood and Big Brother Qin together.”

Fire Lotus smiled.


Huo Lao was more surprised.

Insignificant a wolf, how could it make him feel this way?

It seems that no one close to Qin Feiyang, or Vicious Beast, is simple.

“Cultivation Room on the first floor is Big Brother Qin, White-Eyed Wolf, and madman, let’s go to the second floor!”

Fire Lotus smiled slightly, and immediately took Fire to the second floor.


Profound Martial World.

time flashing past, a hundred years have passed.

Western Territory.

Qin Feiyang standing in the sky above the blood, has he forgotten where?

In other words.

He has now entered a state of ecstasy.

Fortunately this is in Profound Martial World, otherwise it will be dangerous.

Because in his current state, someone with a little strength can kill him.

And now and now.

Qin Feiyang looked at the countless living creatures of Profound Martial World and seemed to see some faintly discernable things in them.

A few more years passed.

These things became more and more real.

It turned out that it was a thread of causality, inextricably linked to him.

From this thread, almost all living creatures of Profound Martial World have a constant cause-and-effect relationship with him.


He saw not only the line of cause and effect for himself and everyone, but also the line of cause and effect for others.

For example, a family, a party of power, and a city are almost all connected by a line of cause and effect.

In Qin Feiyang’s eyes, Profound Martial World seems to be covered with spider webs.

And these spider webs not only link everyone together, but also tie everyone’s fate together.

A hundred years have passed.

Qin Feiyang saw something different again.

He found that these lines of cause and effect all carry unneeded emotions.

And he can feel these emotions clearly.

Some are angry.

Some hate.

Some love.

Some jealous.

Some care.

wait a minute!

In short, Seven Emotions and Six Desires in the world, he can feel on these lines of cause and effect.

“Why do these emotions exist?”

Qin Feiyang continue to observe.

Probably for decades, his calm face finally appeared suddenly, and he opened his eyes.

Seven Emotions and Six Desires felt on the line of cause and effect are actually emotions conveyed from person to person.

For example.

He and Mermaid Princess, two people love each other, so the love conveyed, care about wait a minute.

Mu Tianyang.

From Mu Tianyang’s line of cause and effect, what he can feel is hostility, jealousy, and dissatisfaction.

In other words.

Cause and effect are also full of Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

Thinking about this, Qin Feiyang is just like the sky and the sky is clear.

This is the other side of the law of cause and effect!

He closed his eyes again.

This time, the lines of cause and effect are more obvious.



The laws of cause and effect of his within the body emerge from the emergence of control.

And in his perception, the intricate lines of cause and effect also surged toward him.


In front of him, a colorful divine light appeared.

This divine light is full of all kinds of cause and effect, and it is more and more shining. Finally, it even illuminates the entire western region.

“What happened?”

Living creatures on the edge of the Western Region, looking at the void of Caixia all over the sky, their eyes are full of surprise.

“This seems to be the aura of ruler Sir!”

“Yes, he is!”

“Surely ruler Sir is facing breakthrough, everyone should be quiet, do n’t disturb him.”

“You think too much, even if it is ruler Sir, then it must be in the central area of ​​the blood sea, so far away, how could it bother him?”


“I’m curious, what kind of thing is ruler Sir cultivation, unexpectedly such divine light will appear?”


Everyone is looking at the center of the blood sea with curiosity.


And now.

Not only Qin Feiyang, the void around all is also submerged by colorful flashes, Can Ruoyunxia.

Clang clang!


A voice resembling Divine Weapon’s life, sounding all over the Western Region, shocking all directions.

The next moment.

In the colorful divine light that drowned the sky, a lotus appeared unexpectedly!

This lotus flower is about as big as an adult ’s palm, colorful, divine light ten thousand zhang, and exudes a terrifying aura!

“Fifth Profound Truth, divine lotus!”

At this time.

Qin Feiyang opened his eyes, full of surprise.


He succeeded and realized.


next moment.

His imposing manner also soared, but with a few blinks, he cultivated the base and then hit the ruling state.

“breakthrough …”

Qin Feiyang is very excited to feel the violent Divine Force within the body.

The colorful divine lotus in front of him, he can clearly feel that it is much stronger than the fifth Profound Truth of the Law of Thunder!

With this multicolored divine lotus, same realm, as long as the other party does not master the strongest rules such as the law of cause and effect, he can crush!

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