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As Soul Vein and Jingmai more and more, Profound Martial World grows faster every day.

The current Profound Martial World has almost two Divine State.


The area of ​​Zhong Prefecture, Western Region, Northern Domain, Southern Region, and Eastern Region is now vast.

It is no exaggeration to say that people below Inextinguishable Realm want to traverse the entire Profound Martial World for at least one hundred and eighty years.

Of course.

If transmission altar is turned on, it will naturally be a different matter.

Northern Domain.

A city is above.

The scale of this city is not small, covering several tens of thousands of li, with a population of tens of millions, the average cultivation base is also Divine Monarch.

The strongest aura is even half-step Inextinuishable!

However, the most striking thing is the statue in the center.

That is really the divine statue of Qin Feiyang!


“This way, every great city you pass by has your divine statue, what’s going on?”

Huo Lao looked at the divine statue and asked suspiciously.

“This is also a reason.”

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

“What is the reason?”

Huo Lao wonders.

“Once, I revived all living creatures of Profound Martial World at the cost of life.”

“And I have been guarding them in silence.”

“So out of gratitude, they cast a divine statue for me. In fact, I do n’t think it ’s necessary, but everyone is too enthusiastic and I ca n’t stop it.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.


Looking at this scene, although it is the temperament of the two old people, I ca n’t help but be shocked.


“Every drop of blood in this blood sea is contributed by their selflessness.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Why do they do this?”

Lao Huo wondered.

Qin Feiyang’s body was shocked, Killing Domain appeared, and an overflowing heaven murderous aura emerged, immediately saying: “This is Killing Domain, with blood as the source, the more blood is absorbed, the stronger the formable power is, and When you reach Peak, you can battle with ruler Divine Weapon. “

“so that’s how it is.”

Lao Huo suddenly realized.

“In the self world, Killing Domain helped me through many disasters.”

“And all of this is inseparable from the support of every living creature in Profound Martial World.”

“Even if there is no great battle now, they are still donating blood to me in silence. You said, looking at this scene, can anyone who has a conscience be moved?”

“So, instead of saying that they are my people, it is better to say that they are relatives of Qin Feiyang.”

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, looked at Vicious Beast and human in the picture, and his eyes were full of gratitude.

Demon Palace Palace Lord and Huo Lao simultaneously looked at the youngster more and more.

The living creatures of Profound Martial World are willing to volunteer and come to the Western Region to donate blood spontaneously. It is not difficult to imagine how good Qin Feiyang is to the living creatures of Profound Martial World.

“The so-called one-report-report-report, that’s it!”

Demon Palace Palace Lord smiled slightly.

Qin Feiyang heard this, and the expression was stared blankly.

Causal circulation, Karmic Retribution, these all are part of the law of cause and effect.

And he has known for a while.

But at this moment, when he heard this sentence from the mouth of Demon Palace Palace Lord, his feelings became different again, and it seemed more profound and thorough.

“You close your eyes and feel it.”

“Actually, every living creature in Profound Martial World has a constant cause and effect implication with you.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang heard, closed his eyes, calmed down, let himself enter a state of desirelessness, and then let out the perception and feel slowly.

Demon Palace Palace Lord glanced at Qin Feiyang, turning one’s head looked towards Huo Lao, sound transmission said with a smile: “Come on, let’s go shopping by ourselves.”

“What about him?”

Huo Lao asked secretly.

“His perception is really terrifying.”

“In the sky above the medicine field, I vaguely mentioned the other side of the law of cause and effect, and he already understood it.”

“And along the way, I keep reminding him that although I didn’t say it clearly, I can see that he can understand it.”

“So now, I don’t need to say anything anymore, give him some time to let him understand.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord in the dark smiled and turned away very quietly.

Huo Lao glanced at Qin Feiyang and quickly caught up, saying: “But is this enough prompt?”

“For others, it is definitely not enough.”

“But Qin Feiyang is different.”

“First of all, his perception is better than others.”

“Secondly, there are too many causes and effects in his life.”

“The grass and trees of Profound Martial World have a constant relationship with him.”

“So he has an inherent advantage that others do not have in terms of the law of cause and effect.”

“In other words.”

“The entire Profound Martial World is his source.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord faintly smiled.

“Don’t understand.”

Huo Lao shook his head.

“If you understand, you will not realize Time Law, but the law of cause and effect.”

“The causal law, which focuses on the entire process of development, is still very different from other laws.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord chuckled.

Huo Lao thought about it for a while, but didn’t think about it, so he gave up decisively.

Law Power is something that ca n’t be demanded. You have to rely on chance and luck. Of course, you have to have this kind of perception.


More about Qin Feiyang.

At this time, he had nothing in his head and thought of nothing, just like a person without consciousness.

His perception has spread to the entire Profound Martial World, and everything is obvious.

He is the master of Profound Martial World. As long as he wants, any living creature has no secret in front of him.

However, others are still not aware of being peeped.

Although the living creatures of Profound Martial World are very united at the critical moment, there are usually various disputes.

For example, fighting for name and power, for example, for women, for treasure, for some gratitude and grudges, beat you to death.


All this Qin Feiyang ignored, he was like a passer-by, watching each living creature in silence, feeling the causality of that existence.

Because no matter how united, such disputes are definitely inevitable.

As long as you can stand in front of the big picture, everyone can unite.

Of course.

Small-scale is possible, but it cannot affect the foundation of Profound Martial World, otherwise he will not sit idly by.

Time passed by quietly.


Huo Lao and Demon Palace Palace Lord return to Demon Ghost Land.

Inquiring about this day, they finally have a thorough understanding of Qin Feiyang.

The story of Qin Feiyang and the living creatures of Profound Martial World are basically known, so as long as you ask a little, you will know everything.


They also inquired about the origin of Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and Ice Dragon sacred sword.

Even the gratitude and grudges of Qin Feiyang and the two ruler Divine Weapons are clearly inquired.

The yard.

Mermaid Princess has prepared food and wine.

“What about Feiyang?”

Looking at the return of only Palace Lord and Huo Lao, she expressed a suspense in her expression.

“He is comprehending the law of cause and effect, and it is estimated that he will not come back in a short time.”

Huo Lao smiled slightly.

“This way!”

Mermaid Princess suddenly nodded, said with a smile: “These Seniors, please sit down!”

“Thank you, but no more.”

“All the things we want to know are understood, and Qin Feiyang is also comprehended, so we leave first.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord said with a smile.

“But, this meal is ready!”

Mermaid Princess staring blankly.


“The exchange of the Great Competition is about to start, we have to go back and prepare, so … wait, the future is long.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord smiled apologetically.

“Come on!”

Mermaid Princess nodded, said with a smile: “Then I will find Big Sister Fire Lotus and send you out.”

“Thank you for your trouble.”

Two people are very kind to Mermaid Princess.


The Mermaid Princess came with Fire Lotus, pointing at the fire two people, said with a smile: “It’s them.”

“I have seen two Seniors.”

Fire Lotus bowed saluted.

“You are welcome.”

Demon Palace Palace Lord waved his hand.

Fire Lotus smiled slightly, and looked towards fire experienced: “Fire Old Senior, listen to Big Brother Qin. They said that you seem to master Time Law?”


Huo Lao is nodded, immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

Fire Lotus looked very happy and immediately said: “Then Junior has a presumptuous request. Could you please stay in Profound Martial World for a few days to explain the mystery of the law of hard work for Junior?”

“Do you have Time Array?”

Fire old stared blankly.

Demon Palace Palace Lord is also stunned.


Fire Lotus nodded, give time to Law Power.

Although the madman got a lot of secrets about Time Law from the Palace Lord of the Hall of Fame, which gave her great gains, there are still many places that make her unpredictable.

“Really Time Law!”

Two people’s eyes shivered.

Cause and effect law, Space-Time Laws, Death Law, Life Law, and now there is another strongest Law Power, Time Law.

What the hell is this?

These youngsters, any one of them can go out and be regarded as a monster!

“Old Fire, is that okay?”

Fire Lotus looked at him expectantly.

In person, it ’s definitely more detailed and easier to understand than a lunatic.

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