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The sea of ​​clouds.

This place has different positions in the eyes of different people.

For example, the great big shots of four great superpowers and Loose Cultivator Alliance, they all regard the sea of ​​sky as the largest restricted area.

The reason is that there is one Beast God here.

Because this Beast God is so powerful that they all fear, no one dares to make trouble here.

If there is nothing important, you will never step into the sea of ​​clouds.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a more dangerous Sea Domain. It ’s okay to go in for exploration and treasure hunt. Although there is mortal danger, it also has great fortune.


The sea of ​​sky is a place where all major tyrants are afraid, but it is also a place where ordinary people often go.


The sea breeze roared, the sky was covered, and oh la la was deafening.


About a hundred people gathered in void.

Headed by a young and beautiful woman with a tall exquisite figure, wearing a snow white long dress like Fairy in a painting, Heaven and Earth here are all eclipsed by her.

For example, behind the woman, many young men are looking at her back, all with admiration.

This woman is Vice Palace Lord of Demon Palace, Chu Yun!

This is a woman with beauty, strength, ability, means, all in one.

She can be femme fatale, or Demon King, which can scare countless people.

Behind Chu Yun, there are all kinds of youth men and women.

Among them, the majority are men, the women are few, all of them are outstanding, and they all exude powerful aura.

And they are the Core Disciple who participated in the exchange of Great Competition on behalf of Demon Palace.

“Yun Young Lady, why is Huo Lao not here yet? I have already waited for a big half a day.”

“What will happen to the fire will not happen?”

Seeing that the fire has n’t arrived yet, there are some disciples whose faces can’t help but show some worry.

“You still don’t know Huo Lao’s strength?”

“Even if I am not his opponent, how could unexpected happen?”

“He is looking for Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo.”

Chu Yun indifferently said.

“Is Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo really the recipe of our Demon Palace?”

“We are in Demon Palace, but we have never seen them!”

A young woman looked at Chu Yun suspiciously.


“They are indeed the recipes of our Demon Palace, but they are hidden by the fire, so nobody knows where they are?”

Chu Yun shook his head.

“This way!”

“I heard that Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo seem to have realized several kinds of Law Power, but it seems that they are not strong!”

“I have also heard that apart from ruler Divine Weapon, they have nothing outstanding.”

“How can Huo Lao pay such attention?”

Everyone whispered, basically with some doubts on their faces, and a hint of dissatisfaction.

As people who can participate in the Great Competition, they are naturally the best Core Disciple of Demon Palace.

The stories of Qin Feiyang and the lunatics are all heard by them, but they feel a little untrue.

Because they are replaced by them, if they also master ruler Divine Weapon, then the abilities and means they have demonstrated are definitely better than Qin Feiyang and the lunatic.

Chu Yun ignored it.

These people are proud son of heaven, born with an arrogant temper, never know that there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, someone outside.

Maybe when Qin Feiyang and the little madman come, they can give them a lesson.




Three silhouettes come in distant place void.

“Is the old fire!”

A group of Core Disciple at once advancing greeted.

“Let you wait a long time.”

Huo Lao chuckled.

“No no.”

Everyone waved their hands, immediately looked towards Qin Feiyang and the lunatic next to them.

Same thing.

Crazy and Qin Feiyang are also looking at these people.

There are almost a hundred people.

The male temperament is out of the ordinary, and the female is also spiritual and intelligent, all of which reach the Small Accomplishment ruler.

Unfortunately, almost everyone’s face is full of arrogance.

“How about these Core Disciples in our Demon Palace?”

Huo Laoxiao asked.

“You still need to polish.”

Crazy grined.

“Senior Brother, what do you say?”

Qin Feiyang stared at the lunatic immediately, how can such words be spoken in public?

These people knew at a glance that they were the masters of a group of proud and arrogant. Like this, 100% would cause their dissatisfaction.

Sure enough!

A group of Core Disciple immediately glared at the madman.

“Can’t you tell the truth?”

The crazy man looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

“Don’t cause trouble.”

Qin Feiyang glared at him.

“Okay, okay!”

The madman’s helpless nodded, and carefully looked at those Core Disciple, and said: “This … you …”

“I just spoke straightforwardly and told the truth.”

“My fault, I apologize, and I sincerely apologize to you.”

“Actually, you guys, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a giant amongst men who have been rarely seen for hundreds of years!”

“Nobody like me, standing with you, will always only look up.”

“Sorry, sorry, the next time I tell the truth, I must have gotten over my head.”

The lunatics apologize again and again, it is really sincere.


Qin Feiyang’s face is getting darker and darker.

Chu Yun and Huo Lao’s mouth twitched.

As for the group of Core Disciple, many have reached the edge of rage, and each and everyone are gnashing teeth.

One big truth?

This is also called an apology? Obviously, they are intensifying their irony!

“Madman Mo, what are you unbridled? You are now just a half-step ruler.”

Someone speaks, the meaning is self-evident, you insignificant a half-step ruler, also have the capital to evaluate our genius monster?

“yes yes yes.”

“Sorry, sorry.”

“It’s really offensive.”

“You have a lot of Sirs, don’t worry about me like a country man who has never seen a big scene.”

The madman keeps apologizing, and his face is full of flattery.


The joke in those eyes is unabashed.

What kind of stuff!

Isn’t it the Core Disciple of Demon Palace? There is still proud capital in front of others, but in front of him, shit is not, since the genius monster? Do you want a face?

“Okay, it’s almost noon. The people in the Temple of Heaven, Divine Palace, Blood Palace, Loose Cultivator Alliance should all be here, hurry up and go!”

Chu Yun spoke.

If it goes on like this, the exchange of Great Competition has not started, and the backyard will catch fire.

Finally, with a wave of her hand, a crack in time and space opened and she walked in first.


“Look and see.”

“I want to see, what exactly do you have to do in the exchange of Great Competition?”

A youth looked coldly at the lunatic and Qin Feiyang, then turned and walked into the crack of time and space.

The same is true of everyone else. Before entering the crack of time and space, they all stared fiercely at the lunatic and Qin Feiyang.

“Look, this is the trouble you caused.”

Qin Feiyang is helpless.

He is purely brought to disaster to innocent people.

If he didn’t say a word, he was hated.


“It does not exist, it is not a group of small trash, believe oneself infallible leaping.”

The lunatic is disdainful.

“Little trash?”

The corner of Huo Lao’s mouth twitched and he coughed: “Brat, the old man is still there. Can you worry about how the old man feels?”

Anyway, they are also carefully selected Core Disciple, now unexpectedly said by brat as a group of small trash? Isn’t this a deliberate blow to his face?

“Is it really impossible to tell the truth?”

The madman frowned.

“Let ’s go, you ’re great, they did n’t have to come forward at that time, you two, swept the Temple of Heaven, Divine Palace, Core Disciple of the Blood Palace.”

Now, Huo Lao even has a kind of happiness.

Fortunately, this little lunatic did n’t live in Demon Palace, otherwise this character would definitely make Demon Palace a joke.

“Do n’t add me?”

“I didn’t speak again.”

Qin Feiyang helplessly, glanced at those Core Disciple, whispered: “Where is Palace Lord? Did n’t she come?”

“An old man and Xiaoyun are enough.”

Lao Huo smiled proudly.

“Then the core disciple of you, have you realized the strongest law?”

Qin Feiyang is curious.

“Guess what?”

Fire old mysterious smile.

“How can I guess this?”

Qin Feiyang is speechless.

“You will be understood at that time.”

Fire old laughed.

In the conversation room, almost all of them entered a crack in time and space. Huo Lao looked at two people and said with a smile: “Let ’s go!”

Two people nodded, following the fire this old woman, stepped into the cracks of time and space.

As for Fire Dragon, Black Dragon, Fire Luan.

The crow transformed by Fire Luan is standing on the shoulder of the lunatic, a pair of dark eyeballs, spinning spinning around, do n’t know what to think of this?

The Fire Dragon and Black Dragon are one left and one right, and are placed on Qin Feiyang’s wrist, like two exquisite bracelets.


Tianyun Island.

Qin Feiyang and the madman are of course no strangers.

For that little bunny, that ’s also impressive!

I have never seen such a rabbit who loves drinking.

Other people ’s Space Divine Objects are used to store treasure, and this little bunny ’s Space Divine Object is full of wine.

At this moment!

Over the sky, there are five islands suspended.

The islands are not large, and the diameter is about half a mile left and right, like five wooden boats, surrounding Tianyun Island.


“If you feel uncomfortable, then when I did not say.”

The black clothed youth in the Temple of Heaven chuckled.

The bloody clothed youth of the Blood Palace, with an immediate chill in his eyes.

But the black clothed youth in the Temple of Heaven is not in the eyes, and even the face is full of provocation.

And for all this, whether it is the Temple of Heaven, the Divine Palace, or the giants of the Blood Palace, are closing their eyes to recuperating, without opening to block, it seems to be a tacit consent.

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