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The blood temple recipe below is also extremely speechless.


If you want to change them to Demon Palace and Loose Cultivator Alliance, they will be found and said that it was a misunderstanding, would you believe it?

Nine Great Deacon was also stunned for a while, followed by even more angry.

Do you treat them as fools?

Everyone has come to the Kowloon mountain range, and it is a misunderstanding?

nine people imposing manner like rainbow, murderous aura

Qin Feiyang saw that the situation was far from good, shouted: “Damn little bunny, I will ask you to settle the account later, the penalty is big, withdraw!”

Xing Feiyang was waiting for Qin Feiyang this morning. With a wave of his hand, Qin Feiyang and Yueqing were rolled up, and he stepped on Supreme level heaven defying auxiliary Divine Art and turned to escape outside the mountain range in Kowloon.

cracking a joke.

This is the old nest of the Blood Palace.

No matter how bold he is, he dare not stay here.


“Do n’t he come to find fault?”

“is it possible that this is really a misunderstanding?”

“Just what little bunny was he scolding just now, would n’t it be a plot against someone who was n’t trusted by someone who did n’t?

The disciplinary expression below is quite amazed.

If Qin Feiyang hears it, he will definitely give thumbs up to these people and speak wisely.

This is what little bunny gave him.

Obviously it was a small town on the edge, so he was directly brought to the blood palace’s nest? Isn’t this trying to kill him?

I have never seen such a pit.


“Qin Feiyang?”

At the same time.

There is a courtyard on a mountain summit deeper.

A bloody old man suddenly came out and stared at the void in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.

This person is the Palace Lord of the Blood Temple.

He expected that Qin Feiyang would definitely come to the western continent, but unexpectedly, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly dared to come directly to the Kowloon mountain range?

He thought he heard it wrong.

As soon as the result came out, I saw Divine Sense and it was really Qin Feiyang!

“little bastard, you are courting death!”


He screamed angrily, piercing the sky like a shock.

Clang clang!

At the same time.

The two ruler Divine Weapon, Ice Dragon sacred sword and Fu Chen, appeared, and divine might majestic rushed towards Qin Feiyang three people.

“Not good!”

Xingda also immediately sensed the aura of the Palace of Blood and the two ruler Divine Weapon, and his face changed dramatically immediately.

Yue Qing, not to mention, a face as pale as paper.

How didn’t expect, just encountered this kind of thing after entering the western continent?

Now, she wants to talk to Qin Feiyang it doesn’t matter, simply to do business, will the people in the Blood Palace believe it?

Surely not!

Now in the eyes of the Blood Palace, she is the same party as Qin Feiyang.

This little bunny is really killing people!

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead and had a headache.

If you know well in advance, at least be mentally prepared.

But now, this is totally unprepared, and I have no idea in my mind.

“Calm down …”

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, turning one’s head looked towards the Nine Great Deacon, as for the Blood Lord Palace Lord and the two ruler Divine Weapon, they haven’t caught up yet and can’t see them.

Lao Nest …


Qin Feiyang’s eyes lit up, and he already had an idea in his heart.

Since this is the base of the Blood Palace, the people in the Blood Palace will certainly have concerns.

Because once the battle is really here, Qin Feiyang actually does not at all lose, but the biggest loss is the Blood Palace.

So, since the battle is going to start, the Blood Palace will definitely wait for them to leave the Kowloon mountain range, so as not to affect the Blood Palace itself.

Think of this …

Qin Feiyang looked towards Xing Da asked: “Are you familiar with Western continent?”

“Not very familiar, I have been here a few times.”

The punishment is faithful.

“Don’t say it a few times, just come once.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Because as long as you have been to West Continent, you must know the coordinates of other places.

Although Ancestor is not around and Space-Time Gate has been used, he still has Ye Tian and Snow Flower around him.

Snow Flower is a heaven defying Divine Artifact with Space-Time Laws.

Ye Tian masters Space-Time Laws.

So as long as there are coordinates, you can easily escape.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand and Snow Flower appeared.

Ye Tian must be cultivation, so do n’t bother him.

“Give it a coordinate.”

Qin Feiyang speaks.

Xing Da thought for a while and said, “Then go to Mad Cow Hill.”

Finally, I told Snow Flower the coordinates.

Snow Flower heard that even when a space-time transmission is opened.

“Want to go, it’s not that easy!”

Nine Great Deacon madly killed.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “The punishment is big, show your Law Power!”

“Do you want to fight?”

The punishment is stared blankly.

“Have you ever played?”

Qin Feiyang was speechless and immediately said: “I let you randomly strike the Kowloon mountain range, when they go to protect the Kowloon mountain range and the following blood temple disciplines, there is no way to stop us.”

“This way!”

The punishment smiled embarrassingly.


In an instant.

Six Profound Truth Divine Ability appeared.

Qin Feiyang, at first glance, obedient, amazing!

The law of sword, the law of war, the law of earth, Law of Fire, the law of gold, the law of water …

All are fifth Profound Truth!

This killing power is not ordinary.

If you really burst into the mountain range below, I am afraid that half of the Kowloon mountain range will be instantly raze to the ground.

“Kill it!”

“It’s just a gift to meet them!”

Qin Feiyang grinned.

The criminal nodded, the six Profound Truth Divine Ability, immediately smashed the sky, and bombarded all directions in all directions.

This must not be killed in one direction.

Because of this, nine Great Deacon can be intercepted by just one person.

After all, their strength is not worse than the penalty.

But if they are dispersed, then the nine Great Deacon will naturally be dispersed to intercept.


One of Deacon’s faces sneered and said, “Want to use this method to contain us? It’s whimsical!”

As the voice landed, six of them Deacon spread out at the moment, looting towards the six Profound Truth Divine Ability.

The other three people ignored it and went straight to Qin Feiyang three people.


Qin Feiyang is not unexpected, it seems to have been expected.


Killing Domain opens instantly, the bloody long sword appears, and immediately cuts away.

“Killing Domain!”

three people bewilderement.

The formidable power of Killing Domain, the ordinary person may not know, but as the blood temple tyrant-level character, these three Great Deacon are all equal and clear.

As soon as Qin Feiyang opened Killing Domain, a fear appeared in their hearts, and they did not pay attention to the current situation of Killing Domain. Instinct suddenly retreated.

“What are you afraid of?”

“Nothing has been superimposed yet!”

Qin Feiyang teased with a smile, the bloody long sword came out, immediately stepped into Space-Time Crack, Xingda and Yueqing, and Snow Flower, follow closely from behind.

“No overlay?”

Three Great Deacon stared blankly, quickly looked towards the Scarlet Long Sword, this formable power is indeed average.

The moment.

They are ashamed of their timid behavior.



When they reacted, and it was too late to kill, Space-Time Crack was already healing.

Because the transmission is successful, Space-Time Crack will heal.

The feeling of being teased makes them extremely angry.


The Palace of the Blood Palace waved.

“Thanks Sir for your kindness.”

Nine people are grateful for a while before they rise up.

The Palace of Blood Palace continued to look at Yue Qing ’s illusory shadow, radiance flashing in his eyes, and said, “This woman, this Eminence has heard the command of Dark Guard.”

“Then she is who?”

nine people frowned.

“Listening to the commander of Dark Guard, East Continent has seen a restaurant called Tianyue Building in recent years.”

“This restaurant is developing very quickly. Within a thousand years, the Tianyue Building is spread across the cities of the east continent.”

“The most important thing is that the Landlord of Tianyue Building is still two women.”

“This woman is one of them.”

“Before this Highness was still puzzled, how could the two little girls insignificant have such a great ability, it turns out that there is Qin Feiyang as a backer.”

Palace Lord coldly said with a smile.

“So, Tianyue Building is a power in Qin Feiyang’s hands?”

“He is creating his own power?”

Nine Great Deacon was surprised.

“I do n’t know.”

“But none of this has anything to do with us.”

“What we have to do is to kill him by all means. If there is a chance, as long as we do n’t suffer our blood palace, we can do it at no cost!”

The Lord of Blood in the eyes of Palace Lord surged.

Nine Great Deacon shivering.

At no cost!

That is to say, even if you sacrifice the benefit of the western continent and the living creature, you must get rid of this person.

Palace Lord said solemnly: “You at once arranged to conduct a rugby search for all towns in the western continent, and you should find them all!”


nine people respectfully nodded.

“Also, any one of you, now go to the east continent to give Dark Guard the lead back, and conveniently in passing to bring back another Landlord in Tianyue Building.”

The Palace of Blood said again.

“Then I will go.”

One of the Deacon openings.

“quickly go and quickly return.”

The Palace Lord of the Blood Temple advises.

That Deacon nodded, but suddenly it seemed to think of something, and asked: “Sir, last time I heard Old Hai say, Madman Mo and Zhuo Tiansheng ’s daughter Zhuo Xiaoxian are in love, then Zhuo Tiansheng should be considered a good one. bargaining chip! “

“Zhuo Tiansheng …”

The Palace Lord of the Blood Palace is silent.

“It is said that Zhuo Tiansheng is from Loose Cultivator Alliance, and it seems that he is still the City Lord of Cloud Sea City.”

“There is another person named Lu Zhengyuan.”

“According to the investigation, he is Zhuo Xiaoxian’s uncle, and their relationship with Qin Feiyang should be good.”

The Deacon continued.

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