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“Qin Feiyang, I do n’t think so, give it another chance.”

Snow Flower pondered a little, but finally decided to continue to plead with Huozhu.


“I will not say anything else, only this Little Beast, it is our common enemy.”

“Although it is very strong now, one day, when we evolve to ruler Divine Weapon, there is definitely battle power!”

“And after this incident, I think the fireball guy, has not dared to make it again.”

Blood Blade followed.

Qin Feiyang looked at the two heaven defying Divine Artifact, his eyes flickering.

Snow Flower was silent for a while, and said to Fireball: “In this way, you make a blood oath to Qin Feiyang.”

“Blood oath?”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly.

What is this?

“Blood oath, which is a kind of oath.”

“But blood oath is not the same as ordinary oath.”

“Blood oath is a kind of poison oath, as long as the blood oath is issued, it cannot be violated, otherwise you will encounter the bombing of Heavenly Tribulation.”

Snow Flower explanation.

“Is there such an oath?”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf are surprised.


“It’s just that the blood oath has been lost for a long time. Except for Old Antique like us, almost no one knows the existence of blood oath.”

Snow Flower Road.


“Then you make a blood oath!”

Qin Feiyang looked at fireball indifferently said, but his eyes were full of curiosity.

“Blood oath …”


The fireball is deeply sighed, seeming to be unwilling. Immediately Artifact Spirit floats out and turns into a black shadow, looking at the sky: “true body found the blood oath today, and will be friends with Qin Feiyang in the future, never betray, If you violate this oath, you will be condemned. Divine shadow entirely extinguished! “

As the words landed, a cloud of blood immediately poured into the sky, and the entire sky turned into a red blood.


A blood-colored imprint dropping from the sky, within the body of lightning.

“Blood vows are done, you can rest assured.”

Snow Flower said to Qin Feiyang.

“Does this work?”

Qin Feiyang expressed doubt.

The natural phenomenon of this oath, he did see it for the first time, but it was because he saw it for the first time, which made him a little unbelievable.

Because I have never heard of the blood oath.

“Now we all have to reliance you, dare cheat you?”

Snow Flower smiles bitterly.

“Okay, I believe you two.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, immediate in his eyes full of expectations, asked: “Then this blood oath, can you teach me?”

“Of course.”

“About the blood oath, we Divine Artifact, because there is no body of flesh and blood, so we use Artifact Spirit as a reference, but you humans, you need to use your own blood as a reference …”

Snow Flower tells Qin Feiyang the method one after another.

Qin Feiyang keeps it in his heart firmly and has the opportunity to find someone to give it a try.

White-Eyed Wolf said: “Brother also has a question.”

“What question?”

Snow Flower and Blood Blade are suspicious.

“Just listening to you, the times have changed, what does this mean?”

White-Eyed Wolf is puzzled.

“It’s very simple.”

“The times are progressing. Our strength at that time was arguably the most powerful existence except Creation God.”

“But after so many years, everything has changed dramatically, such as the cultivation system and realm, which have become different from before.”

Snow Flower Road.

“So, do you really have an intersection with Creation God?”

White-Eyed Wolf is surprised.

“Of course.”

“This is definitely not a cracking joke with you.”

“It can even be said that the Creation God and Little Beast are still Junior in front of us.”

Snow Flower Road.


Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf looked at each other in blank dismay.


“When we took control of one side, they hadn’t grown up yet.”

“In short, they were just like you now.”

“Unfortunately, their lives are good, especially this Wu Tian, ​​who was born with a world, and finally became one Creation God.”

“Now everything you see, including Pill Scripture and Profound Truth, should have been created by him, because there was no such thing before.”

“And, whether it is Great Qin, Forgotten Continent, or this sky cloud world, he created it all by himself.”

“Your present situation is the same as the living creature of Profound Martial World, always living in the world he created, your every move, as long as he wants, he can see.”

“So, if you really want to get freedom, then there is only one way to break this world’s cage and become the same as him.”

Snow Flower said.

“It turns out this way.”

Qin Feiyang suddenly nodded, looking up towards the sky.

In fact, he had such consciousness long ago, but to break the prison of this world, easyer said than done?

“I know what you are thinking?”

“If you do n’t get Profound Martial World, then there is definitely no hope.”

“Because you want to be a Creation God, having a world is a necessary condition.”

“But it ’s different now. You have Profound Martial World. As long as you save your life, you can do it in the future.”

Snow Flower Road.

“I hope!”

Qin Feiyang sighed.

“One more thing.”

“Everyone builds the divine statue for you, don’t stop it.”

Blood Blade suddenly spoke again.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

“In this world, in addition to Divine Force, Law Power, and Source Power, there is a powerful force. This force can be said to be stronger than Law Power, and can even compete with Source Power!”

Blood Blade’s tone is full of fanaticism.


“More powerful than Law Power? Can you even compete with Source Power?”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf were shocked.


“This strength is strength of Faith.”

“The so-called strength of Faith, a living creature from all things in the world.”

“Like the living creatures of Profound Martial World, they respect you, admire you, worship you, treat you as a faith in your heart, and then you will slowly have strength of Faith.”

“There is a good saying, the water can carry the boat, it can also overwrite the boat.”

“The same is true of a world.”

“Living creatures support a world, but they can also destroy a world.”

“Of course, before this Wu Tian became Creation God, he was relying on strength of Faith to kill countless powerful enemies.”

“So you can understand now, how powerful is this strength of Faith?”

Blood Blade Road.


Qin Feiyang nodded, immediately suspected: “Since someone worships and believes, strength of Faith will appear. Now, Profound Martial World, Great Qin, Forgotten Continent, there are already a lot of people worshiping me, then why do I Don’t feel the strength of Faith? “

“It should be that your realm has not arrived yet!”

Blood Blade thought about it and said.

“So what realm do I need to feel strength of Faith?”

“Or, what realm do I need to control these strength of Faith?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“This is not clear to us, because we have not received the strength of Faith.”

“Besides that times are different now, many things cannot be measured with the vision of our time.”

“In short, strength of Faith absolutely exists.”

“When you can truly control these strength of Faith, that is the invincible existence. Even in the face of Creation God and Little Beast, you have the power of battle.”

Blood Blade Road.

“So strong …”

Qin Feiyang immediately unable to bear.

“Of course, you can’t carelessly.”

“Creation God and Little Beast were already very powerful when they cracked down on us. Now, after so many years, they are definitely stronger than before, so you must be fully prepared.”

“There are not many we can help you, but we will do our best.”

Blood Blade Road.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and asked, “How can one become a true Creation God?”

“This … Actually, we are not very clear.”

“But I guess it should be related to Law Power today.”

“Especially Life and Death Laws.”

“Actually, you don’t need to think about it now. It is the main thing to improve your own strength.”

Blood Blade and Snow Flower pondered for a while and said.

“Come on!”

Qin Feiyang nodded, then looked towards Fireball, and said: “Don’t go to Source Land for the time being, stay here first, and wait until the odor dissipates.”

“When will that wait?”

Fireball is quite anxious.

For now, it must be cultivated as soon as possible. It is better to gap with Snow Flower and Blood Blade.

Snow Flower said: “In fact, this odor can be purified with Source Power, very quickly.”

“This way!”

“Okay, go for yourself!”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

“Thank you.”

Fireball is grateful.

Snow Flower is about to fly to the sky, but suddenly stops, facing Qin Feiyang: “Yes, that gray Ancient Castle is also our companion.”


Qin Feiyang startled.

“But what is it doing? We don’t know.”

After Snow Flower finished, he carried Blood Blade and Fireball, and disappeared into the sky like lightning.

“I go …”

“didn’t expect them to exist longer than Creation God.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes are incredible.

“So there is an old saying that you can’t judge a person by appearance.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, immediately thoughtfully, said: “In fact, we still have a lot of questions to understand, what is the gray Ancient Castle doing? Who is the blood ancestor? The power of Bloodline of Purple Gold Dragon Blood comes from Where? And this Creation God, why should I give Azure Snow and Ancient Castle? Even give me Six Characters Divine Art? “

“So, it’s really foggy.”

White-Eyed Wolf mumbled.

“Check slowly!”

“The truth will come to light one day.”

Qin Feiyang said, looking at White-Eyed Wolf, evilly smiled and said: “Shall we try this blood oath?”

“How to try?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, asked suspiciously.

“You make a blood oath, and then break the oath to see if it will be condemned?”

Qin Feiyang smirked.

White-Eyed Wolf’s mouth twitched, nodded and said: “OK, you come.”

“cough cough!”

Qin Feiyang coughed and said: “You are better than me. Even if you are really condemned, it is estimated that you will not die.”


White-Eyed Wolf fiercely glared at him.

cracking a joke.

If blood oath really has this formidable power, would n’t it be equal to courting death?

Qin Feiyang embarrased smiled.

But this blood oath really has to be experimented.

Because if they are really like Snow Flower, they will be condemned if they break the oath. Then they will face enemies, such as the Palace of the Blood Temple … then deceive him to make the Blood Oath, and then rely on the character of the Palace of the Blood Temple I definitely don’t care!

At that time, when the Lord of Blood Palace broke his vows, he did n’t need to take action from him, maybe he was chopped alive by Heavenly Thunder.


If you want to surrender a person with a stronger cultivation base than him in the future, you do n’t have to find a way to persuade each other, and then use the Slave Seal to control, you can let the other person make a blood oath.

In this way, even if you can’t peep into the other person’s heart, the other party will not dare to betray him.

All in all.

If this blood oath is true, it will be of equal and widespread use.

Qin Feiyang pondered for a while and looked at White-Eyed Wolf: “Since you do n’t want to cultivate, then follow me out.”


White-Eyed Wolf shook his head.

“Not what you said, is this day boring? Now I let you go out to have fun, are you still not happy?”

Qin Feiyang has a black face. Fortunately, he has been helping. But after breaking through to Battle God, this guy is getting lazy and he is almost one pig.

White-Eyed Wolf deflated and said, “If you allow brother to bring Black Tortoise divine wine, brother will go out.”

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