
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“There will be no unexpected, right?”

blood-thirsty Demon King sound transmission.

“Unexpected again, this Eminence has destroyed him!”

Bong Celestial Demon King hum.

“Don’t be reckless.”

“Hurting him is not good for us.”

black flame Demon King sound transmission.

“Then just watch him unbridled and domineering in front of us?”

“I really regret taking this bloody oath.”

Bong Celestial Demon King is very upset.

“If the blood oath is not taken, will he help us refining Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill?”

“Where there is home, there is money.”

“In short, no matter what he wants, we can only bear it.”

black flame Demon King secretly thought.

Up to now, they still don’t know how to reflect, they are still thinking about plot against Qin Feiyang.

If they can realize their mistakes, let go of their arrogance, and sincerely apologize, how can Qin Feiyang continue to make things difficult for them?

Speaking of conscience, Qin Feiyang is still very good in dealing with people.

The madman twisted the wine jar, sat on the stool that Qin Feiyang took out before, and looked at the Ancient Dragon tea made by Qiao Xue with no interest at all.

The ten ruler soldiers also swept to the side of the madman, ready to deal with the anger of the three Great Demon Kings.

Li rebirth and old poison’s hearts are both anticipating and nervous.

I look forward to Qin Feiyang playing the three Great Demon Kings, but I am afraid that the three Great Demon Kings will take action on them desperately.

The mood is complicated.

The dark Demon King looked at Ancient Castle from a distance and asked: “You said, he will continue to make fun of Fengtian them?”

“Who knows!”

The Snow Queen shook her head.

Don’t talk about Qiao Xue, even they can’t see through Qin Feiyang. They don’t know Little Brat at all, what will they do next?

hong long!


In Ancient Castle, there was a loud noise, followed by it as if something was broken.

Hearing this sound, the eyelids of the black flame Demon King three people immediately jumped, and an uneasy feeling arose in my heart.

Sure enough!


Qin Feiyang ran out covered in dirt. There were still some wounds on his body, and Purple Gold Dragon Blood kept overflowing.

“What about the medicinal pill?”

blood-thirsty Demon King asked nervously.

“I said Demon King Sir, can you care about my injury first?”

“Insignificant medicinal pill, can it be more important than my little life?”

Qin Feiyang’s face is full of displeasure.

The blood-thirsty Demon King’s mouth twitches.

To be honest, you little life is really not as important as Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill.


“Failed again.”

Qin Feiyang sighed with self-blame on his face.


The three Great Demon King was shocked.

“But don’t blame me, blame you.”

“You are looking for a broken pill furnace. There is unexpectedly a crack on it. Seeing that the medicinal pill is about to be released, suddenly exploding the furnace. Fortunately, I hide quickly, or I will be seriously injured.”

“Three Sirs, you are not specifically looking for a defective pill furnace, and deliberately retaliate against me?”

Qin Feiyang looked at the three Great Demon Kings and said feeling wronged.

“Broken the pill furnace?”

“Intentional revenge?”

Three Great Demon King stunned simultaneously looked.

Our “mother” is sick, so we deliberately find a flawed pill furnace to retaliate against you.

As Demon Kings, they have always paid attention to their identity.

But for a moment, they really want to cursing.

Now the undead of God’s Storehouse in Tianzhong are all looking for the sun-thunder-fire everywhere. One can imagine how scarce the sun-thunder-fire is now.

It’s hard to find Zhiyang thunder-fire and hopefully get the Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill. Will they do such a stupid thing?

Even if they want revenge, they won’t make a joke with Zhiyang thunder-fire!

The most hateful thing is.

They exhausted suffering untold hardships to find a decent pill furnace, but they were told that this is a broken pill furnace?

Get off “you” girl!

We are not blind. Are there any flaws? Would we not know?

Obviously, it was once again deliberately making fun of them, but on the contrary, they pretended to be pitiful feeling wronged. Who would you show them to?

“Qin Feiyang, you are too much.”

The blood-thirsty Demon King could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and the terrifying demon might rolled out.

Ice Phoenix sword ten ruler gods, immediately in front of Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, divine might roar, giving tit for tat.


Qin Feiyang hurriedly stopped the ten ruler magic soldiers, and reprimanded: “How I told you before, we are quality people, others are not reasonable, but we can’t help but be reasonable.”


“Do you still say that we are unreasonable?”

Three Great Demon King’s lungs are about to explode.

“Three Sirs, I can’t really blame me for the unexpected this time. If you can pay attention and find a good pill furnace, there will be no exploding furnace.”

“Although you may be deliberate, as a Junior, I can’t blame you. I can only swallow this feeling wronged myself.”

Qin Feiyang sighed.

“What is it?”

The three Great Demon King looked at Qin Feiyang in astonishment.

Don’t blame them?

Swallow this feeling wronged yourself?

Speaking of them as lowly persons, and calling yourself so noble and great?

How can you be shameless to such a degree?

I beg you, can I have a face?

People to have no shame, what is the meaning of being alive?

Mad, Qiao Xue, Li rebirth, old poison simultaneously looked, and there is a smile in his eyes.

Although Qin Feiyang is indeed a bit…shameless now, I have to admit that it is really pleasant to watch the three Great Demon King no choice but to suffer in silence.

“so that’s how it is.”

The undead hiding in the distant place also suddenly realized.

It turned out to be making fun of the Three Great Demon Kings. No wonder they were told to stay away and hide both the medicinal pill and the medicinal ingredient. This is to prevent the Three Great Demon Kings from transferring their anger to them.

And may snatch their medicinal pill and medicinal ingredient.

After all, the characters of these three Great Demon Kings don’t speak much morality to them.

“It really scared me to death. Take a sip of tea first to suppress the shock.”

The dust on Qin Feiyang patted, sitting next to the madman, picked up the tea that Qiao Xue had already poured, and drank it with lingering fears.

“Can you still sit there and drink tea happily?”

blood-thirsty Demon King hated him, and a divine might roared away.

Naturally, he dare not really hurt Qin Feiyang and the others, just rushing to the coffee table.

Because of the attitude of Qin Feiyang and the others, in his opinion, it is naked humiliation!

But at the same time!

The ten ruler divine soldiers also released the divine might, condensed into a torrent, rushing toward the blood-thirsty Demon King’s divine might.


Two divine might meet suddenly.

A devastating wave suddenly rushed to all directions in all directions.

Chaotic Royal Capital is certainly impossible.

Qin Feiyang and the others descendants of the Ten Great Ruler Warriors, it is also impossible to have trouble, but the mountains and rivers outside the city have been devastated.

The undead surrounding the distant place turned around in horror and fled.

The madman sighed: “Don’t be so hot-tempered. It hurts so much. Come and come, sit down and have a cup of tea, or have a drink, calm anger.”

“Kill the’you’ girl!”

The blood-thirsty Demon King couldn’t help it anymore and scolded.

“Sorry, I have no sister.”

The madman bared his teeth.

Look at that dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, blood-thirsty Demon King hates gnash the teeth.

“Calm down!”

black flame Demon King press and hold the blood-thirsty Demon King, looking towards the undead fleeing outside the city, shouted: “Stop for this Eminence.”

Faced with the three Great Demon Kings who were angry, who would dare to stop these undead? The speed of escaping was faster, and even the force of feeding was used.

Black flame Demon King’s face turned dark, and he looked towards the distant place four people of the high-level Snow Queen, said solemnly: “Have you all got Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill?”

four people simultaneously looked at Qin Feiyang and at the black flame Demon King nodded.

“Is that already Transcending Tribulation, get rid of the undead?”

black flame Demon King ask again.


Four people are nodded again.

When the black flame Demon King saw this, turning one’s head stared at Qin Feiyang and the others, and said angrily: “Why didn’t unexpected pill appear when they were refining medicinal pill, but unexpectedly happened frequently when refining was given to us?”

“Don’t be angry.”

“This is just luck.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand quickly.

The madman added: “It’s also possible. It has something to do with character. Some people have bad character, so they don’t do anything smoothly.”

The three people Demon King glared at the madman again.

Unexpectedly, he also said that they were bad characters?

“Three Sirs, a done deal is done. It is useless for you to make trouble with us here. Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill will not be delivered by itself.”

“So, you might as well hurry up to find the sun-fired thunder-fire again. I promise you will be careful next time.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Next time?”

Three people’s hands are tightly clenched, if it weren’t for the restraint of the blood oath, they would have been slamming the killer.

“Go and catch those undead.”

black flame Demon King looked towards blood-thirsty Demon King and Bong Celestial Demon King, said solemnly.

Because he noticed before that there are more than a dozen undead waiting in line for Transcending Tribulation, and they all have ready-made Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill in their hands.


The blood-thirsty Demon King two people also understood it with a sense of mind, turned around and flew out of the city like lightning, chasing after the undead.

“What do you want to do?”

“Snatch their medicinal pill and medicinal ingredient?”

“Don’t forget your identity, you are the Demon King of God’s Storehouse in Tianzhong!”

Qin Feiyang raises his eyebrows.

These three people obviously started jumping the wall in a hurry.

“Naive, look at you are also the cultivation base of the Great Perfection ruler, don’t know the truth about powerhouse is respected?”

black flame Demon King has a sarcasm on his face.

“What if I don’t allow it?”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

“What qualifications do you have to say not allowed?”

“This is within the scope of the blood oath?”

“Did we grab your medicinal pill?”


black flame Demon King sneered.

“Demon King Sir, please, let us go!”

“Brother Qin, please help us.”

In a short while.

The blood-thirsty Demon King and Bong Celestial Demon King captured more than a dozen undeads. These more than a dozen undeads are also bad luck. They have already escaped, but the speed is not as good as the two Great Demon Kings.

“release them!”

Qin Feiyang said angrily.

“release them?”

“Do you think you are who?”

“Should we listen to you?”

blood-thirsty Demon King two people coldly smiled.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes sank, one strand murderous intention emerged, said solemnly: “Don’t forget, the blood oath I made is just for you Deceased Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill, not at all, including not being able to kill you!”


“Kill us?”


Three Great Demon King immediately raised the sky and laughed.

This little bastard is stupid!

Unexpectedly threatening to kill them?

I have how many catties and how many taels, don’t know?

I really thought that there were more than a dozen ruler soldiers in your hand, so you would have the capital to challenge the three Great Demon Kings?

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