
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qi Xiong looked at Qi Zhi’s attitude, and his heart was undoubtedly more angry.

Although he and Qi Zhi are biological brothers, although Qi Shaoyun is his nephew, Qi Zhi father and son, he has always had a lot of opinions.

He admits to himself.

No matter whether it is strength or ability, it is not inferior to this big brother, but as a result, the position of patriarch of Fire Qilin Race has fallen into Qi Zhi’s hands.

This makes him very unbalanced.

As for Qi Shaoyun, it goes without saying that from childhood has shown extraordinary innate talent. Although he is usually low-key, he is liked by the Lord Qilin, but if there is anything good, he will not forget him.

In contrast, his son Qi Yu.

Although it is known as the little monster of Qilin Race, compared with Qi Shaoyun’s treatment, it is simply heaven and earth’s difference to separate.

In short, jealous!


“Second Uncle, go back to cultivation!”

Looking at Qi Xiong at this time, Qi Shaoyun felt quite irritable.

This is why he has never liked fighting for fame and fortune.

Because as long as it has something to do with fame and wealth, even relatives will come to hate you and target you.

Although this Second Uncle didn’t wait to see him much before, he can still do it superficially.

When I meet, I will pretend to care more or less.

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I don’t even bother to do superficial work.

Whether it is hatred of him or hatred of his father, it is already undisguised.


“Do you still want to order me?”

Qi Xiong looked at Qi Shaoyun coldly.

“Which is my order?”

“I beg you, leave this nosy.”

Qi Shaoyun is helpless.

“Say I am nosy?”

“How about you?”

“What does the Queen of Phoenix do, what does it have to do with you?”

“Unexpectedly and boast shamelessly represents this Qilin Race, do you think you are who?”

“Even the elders of us are not qualified to say such things, even more how it is you!”

Qixiong giving tit for tat.

Qi Yuefeng and a group of patriarchs have a cold expression on their faces.

Qi Shaoyun glanced at a group of people, shook his head and said: “It seems that reasoning with you will not work.”


As the voice fell, a Destruction Strength surged out.

Qi Shaoyun’s temperament has also changed drastically with the appearance of this Destruction Strength, whether it is expression or aura, it seems extremely sharp.

“What do you want to do?”

“Are you going to commit the following crimes like some people?”

Qi Xiong’s group was shocked.

They know that Qi Shaoyun has integrated the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth.

With Qi Shaoyun’s current strength, even without using ruler Divine Weapon, they can easily be suppressed.

As for this ‘certain person’, it’s naturally Fire Phoenix Princess.

“Give me back at once, don’t let me talk about second time!”

Qi Shaoyun’s indifferent gaze, like a blade, caused a chill in the hearts of a group of people.

Don’t talk about Qi Xiong and others, even Queen Feng, at this time, looked at Qi Shaoyun in shock.

For Qi Shaoyun, she naturally knows.

In the past, this child gave people the impression that it was a youngster who was indifferent and indifferent to the world, but Qi Shaoyun at this moment was completely different from before.

showing off one’s ability!


It is like a Xingchen, dazzling.

This should be Qi Shaoyun’s nature!


“Give me back at once, don’t let me say second time…”

This sentence echoes in the void for a long time.

This seems to be an order!

Although Qi Shaoyun at this moment brought a great oppression to Qi Xiong and others, and was quite flustered, they did not at all retreat because of their elders.

What about the ultimate Profound Truth that holds the law of destruction? Under the public, do you really dare to take action on us elders?

You have to dare, let alone how outsiders will talk about you behind your back, even Old Ancestor will not let you off easily!


Qi Shaoyun sighed deeply.

Is it necessary to shoulder this responsibility, and really do not recognizing one’s family first?

To be honest.

He really doesn’t want to take action on these elders.

But sometimes, you have to do it.

“Shaoyun, know Old Ancestor, why haven’t you come forward to stop it?”


Qi Zhi’s voice sounded in Qi Shaoyun’s mind.

Qi Shaoyun is hearing this, looking up at the great hall located at the mountain summit.

The movement here is so big, Old Ancestor impossible doesn’t know, and it hasn’t said anything until now, it seems that he wants to give him a chance to stand up.

Because we want the clansman of Qilin Race to convince him, we must first let these patriarch acknowledge allegiance.

In other words.

Old Ancestor is to let him take these patriarchs to get the goal of Liwei.

“It seems that Old Ancestor is determined to be an arm-flinging shopkeeper!”

Qi Shaoyun helplessly sighed, looking down at Qi Xiong’s group of people, there is a strong cold light immediately in his eyes.


next moment!

The destruction of Heavenly Eye erupted with a world extinguishing power.

Ten world extinguishing divine light, shatter the sky, and kill Qi Xiong and others.


Qi Xiong’s group of people didn’t expect, Qi Shaoyun really dared to take action on them.

In desperation, one after another opened the law of Profound Truth.


The strength of these people is inferior to Old Antique. The strongest method is only the Supreme Profound Truth. Is it the opponent of the strongest law and ultimate Profound Truth?


With one after another loud noise, each Grand Law Profound Truth, like a dead tree, was impossible to withstand a single blow, and it was all shattered in an instant.


Ten Dao world extinguishing divine light, then the Qi Xiong group was drowned.


As the screams sounded, the flesh of someone was instantly blurred, Qi Sea also shattered, and even Divine Soul was hit hard.

A rush of death aura came over.

This moment.

They panic inside.

This junior who has always followed the rules and has nothing to do with the world is not cracking a joke with them at all.

“Old Ancestor!”

A group of people yelled in panic.

In the current Qilin Race, only the lord of Qilin has the ability to stop Qi Shaoyun.

As for those hidden Old Antiques, even if they all show up, it’s useless.


The Lord of Qilin not at all appeared, and he didn’t even respond at all.

“What’s the matter?”

“is it possible that Old Ancestor is secluded cultivation?”

A group of people are surprised.

At the same time, he was terrified to the extreme.

Qi Shaoyun watched this scene in silence.

“Qi Shaoyun, what are you doing?”

“Although you are strong now, you can’t take action on your elders!”

“Stop it!”


Although the Lord Qilin did not appear, a group of hidden Old Antiques couldn’t sit still, and they came out to scold Qi Shaoyun.

“How else?”

Qi Shaoyun looked at the Old Antique indifferently.

The scolding stopped abruptly.

Looking at Qi Shaoyun at this moment, a group of Old Antique couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear.

Qi Shaoyun said: “Stand aside obediently and honestly, otherwise don’t blame me for being impolite!”

“What did you say?”

“You are welcome to us?”

“Do you still know how to respect the old and cherishing the young!”

As soon as this word came out, a group of Old Antique immediately became angry.

I really have mastered the ultimate Profound Truth, regardless of law and natural morality!


Qi Shaoyun waved his hand, and one after another world extinguishing divine light fell, submerging the hidden Old Antique, and the screams sounded again.

Blood illuminates the sky!

“I will go!”

“This is the Prince of Fire Qilin Race?”

“This brutal method is not inferior to Qin Feiyang and the others!”

The people of all power can’t help but move.

“The sleeping lion has finally awakened.”

“In the future, there will be one more peerless Heaven’s Chosen in the younger generation of the sky cloud world.”

People of the older generation are also mumbled in their hearts.


The iron and blood shown by Qi Shaoyun shocked everyone present, and the patriarch and Old Antique of Qilin Race, although they did not die in the end, this ability has since left a shadow.

Of course.

Qi Shaoyun is also impossible to really kill them.


The most important thing is that the Lord Qilin has not appeared at all.

Everyone is not stupid.

With such a big movement, even if Lord Qilin is in retreat, he must have been awakened long ago.

The reason why it does not appear is actually a default.

And Empress Feng can naturally think of this.

Looking at Qi Shaoyun’s strong attitude, she knew that it was impossible to kill a lunatic, so she turned and left with an angry voice.

It must be angry!

It is said that the tri-racial alliance will deal with Qin Feiyang.

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The Dragon King sits and watches.

The lord of Qilin went too far, directly handing over Qi Shaoyun the power of Qilin Race, and he became an arm-flinging shopkeeper.

A contest.

Dragon Race and Qilin Race also lost some ruler Divine Weapon, but compared to Phoenix Clan, which lost all ruler Divine Weapon, and the faceless Phoenix Clan, I don’t know how many times better.


In the heart of Queen Feng, not only Qin Feiyang and others, but also Dragon Race and Qilin Race are also hated.


At the same moment!

Sky Cloud World.

The sea of ​​sky clouds has never been calm before.

White Crane Island.

This island, which has long ceased to exist, is known as equal in today’s Sky Cloud Realm.

Because there have been too many battles here.

At this time.

Over the Sea Domain.

A group of people stand against the wind.

It is Qin Feiyang, Long Chen, Yuhuang, blood ancestor, little bunny.

“How come here?”

Qin Feiyang glanced all around Sea Domain, suspiciously.

Long Chen said with a smile: “Unsurprisingly, Tianyun Island must have Divine Kingdom powerhouse keeping watch at this moment, so you have to avoid them.”

Qin Feiyang hearing this, turning one’s head, look towards little bunny.

Little bunny waved his paw, and a void image appeared in front of him.

The scene shown in it is Tianyun Island.

Sure enough!

At the mountain summit of Tianyun Island, at this time, sitting cross-legged with a golden silhouette, it was the middle-aged golden armor who had chased them.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the middle-aged golden armor, and at Long Chen said with a smile: “It’s very clever!”

Long Chen is helpless.

Listen to what you mean, feelings used to be in your eyes, I was a fool?

Qin Feiyang laughed, turning one’s head glanced at the direction of the burial place, cold light flashed in his eyes, looked at the three people of Emperor Yu, and said: “Now he is alone on Tianyun Island, extremely rare time, not equal to me, let’s kill him first?”

“Why is it so simple?”

little bunny casts him angrily.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang is suspicious.

little bunny said solemnly: “On the surface, he is just a person, but you know, in his Space Divine Object, is there anyone else hiding?”

“It doesn’t matter, right!”

“As long as the Lord of Divine Kingdom does not come in person, I think that with our current methods, it should be enough to crush everything.”

Long Chen also spoke.

Having been like this, I feel a little aggrieved, it’s better to fight vigorously!

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