
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It makes sense.”

Yuhuang and little bunny nodded.

“Is this necessary?”

Long Chen expressed doubts, anyway, Qin Feiyang’s identity will be revealed sooner or later.


“Besides, it won’t cost much.”

“You go to Profound Martial World, change your appearance at will, you can hide the past.”


“Don’t you think it will be fun then?”

Blood Ancestor’s words are full of jokes.


Qin Feiyang and Long Chen are suspicious.

“That’s right.”

“We made up the character Qin Shaotian.”

“At that time, watching them look around and hunt down this fictional Qin Shaotian, wouldn’t it be a pleasure?”

The blood ancestor smiled secretly.

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen’s mouth twitched.

This little old man is really bad.

However, this won’t work!

After all, all living creatures in the Sky Cloud Realm now know that the person who owns Purple Gold Dragon Blood is Qin Feiyang, not Qin Shaotian.

People from Divine Kingdom will know if you just inquire.

“Know your concerns.”

“But it’s also very simple.”

“Now the living creatures of our Heavenly Clouds Realm are all united. Then we will tell you that everyone will definitely cooperate with us.”

The blood ancestor secretly thought.

“Go ahead!”

“Listen to your old ones.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, enter Profound Martial World.

“what the hell is happening?”

A group of middle-aged people in golden armor looked suspiciously at several people.

Qin Shaotian?

This is who again?

Unexpectedly said, are you going to ask this person out to clean them up?

Is this guy strong?

Ten several people not at all make a move in a hurry.

Because of the ruler Divine Weapon keeping watch of the Lord of Divine Kingdom, they have full confidence, no matter what Qin Feiyang and others use are useless.

Instead, there are some people who expect Qin Feiyang and others to make up.



A terrifying murderous aura emerged.

next moment!

A youth in a scarlet coat appears.

It is Qin Feiyang!

But at this moment, his temperament is completely different from before.

One’s long blood-red hair dances wildly, and his body is full of unshakable baleful qi and hostility, just like one’s Death God returning from hell!

And with a blood-red mask on his face!

This mask is made from the blood of the blood sea of ​​the Western Regions. It’s baleful qi.

“I have seen Qin Shaotian Sir!”

Emperor Yu, little bunny, Demon Ancestor simultaneously looked and bowed together.


Qin Feiyang looked at the three people in amazement, dare to be three actors?

Long Chen was also quite speechless, wailed, and looked at Qin Feiyang with a decent look, and said respectfully: “I have seen Sir.”

Qin Feiyang has no choice but to cooperate, indifferently said: “No need to be polite, I just heard Qin Feiyang say that someone wants to kill you?”


“These are the people!”

“They belong to Divine Kingdom.”

“Like last time, I am preparing to invade our Sky Cloud Realm.”

The blood ancestor pointed at the middle-aged golden armor and roared angrily.

“Divine Kingdom, you guys are also bully intolerably!”

Qin Feiyang looks at the golden armor middle-aged and others, shouted.

The voice has also changed, loud and loud, full of breath, and with a prestige of a superior.

“Are you the Qin Shaotian they said?”

Golden armor looks at Qin Feiyang in his middle age.

“It is true body!”

“I have long heard that your Divine Kingdom is very strong, and now the true body really wants to see it!”

Qin Feiyang coldly said with a smile.

With the thoughts move, 3,000 Incarnations opened.

Although 3,000 Incarnations have no masks, the facial features are very vague.


Golden armor middle-aged and others are surprised.

This is the so-called powerhouse?

It’s ridiculous too!

Make a group of Avatars, thinking you can scare them?

But at the same time!

The purple-golden giant sword has a hint of surprise in his heart.

It seems that it is not Avatar…

“I thought you guys in Divine Kingdom are so knowledgeable, they are just a bunch of a frog in well!”

Qin Feiyang’s blood-red eyes were full of disdain.

3,000 Incarnations stand behind Qin Feiyang, and each one exudes a terrifying baleful qi.

“Blood Progenitor!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked at the blood ancestor.

The blood ancestor understands the ultimate Profound Truth of Time Law and Death Law instantly.

“Let you have a long experience now!”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Yin! !

Along with one after another ear-splitting dragon roar, three thousand Purple Gold Dragon Souls roared out.


Looking at this scene, the disdain on the faces of a group of middle-aged people in golden armor is immediately frozen.

——Purple Gold Dragon Soul!

His face suddenly rose up full of incredible!

How can these low-level civilized ants start Purple Gold Dragon Soul?

Know it.

Purple Gold Dragon Soul is rare even in Divine Kingdom.

“The Eye of God, open!”

The next moment.

A scene that made them even more shocking appeared.

Seeing that 3,000 Incarnations suddenly shouted together, the eyebrows of Purple Gold Dragon Soul split immediately, revealing a third eye, which is the Eye of God!

“Not only opens Purple Gold Dragon Soul, but also opens the Eye of God?”

“This is impossible!”

The middle-aged golden armor and others shook their heads.

The most incredible thing is that these thousands of Avatars, unexpectedly can all open Battle Soul?

“Do you also know the Eye of God?”

“It seems that Divine Kingdom is not so aloof and remote!”

Qin Feiyang has contempt in his eyes.

3,000 Incarnations simultaneously looked, the eyes of God turned on the copy mode.


The middle-aged group of golden armor dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on here?

“Kill him!”

Giant sword suddenly shouted.


Golden armor was surprised in middle age.

giant sword said solemnly: “He is not Avatar, it is 3,000 Incarnations!”


“3,000 Incarnations!”

Ten several people immediately changed color.

At the same time.

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen’s expression can’t help but stay.

How do these people know 3,000 Incarnations?


“Otherwise, wait for a catastrophe!”

Waiting to return back to his senses, the middle-aged married woman looked at the middle-aged golden armor and shouted.

It seems that they not only know about 3,000 Incarnations, but also the killing power of 3,000 Incarnations!

A shivered in the golden armor middle-aged, twisted the giant sword and killed it towards Qin Feiyang.


The blood ancestor urged.

At this moment, Qin Feiyang is facing a huge crisis!

Because of the Eye of God, unexpectedly cannot quickly copy the ultimate Profound Truth of the bleeding ancestor. This is the same as the last time when I played against the Queen of Flames, the speed was equal slow.

He thought that it was slow before because he himself did not master the ultimate Profound Truth.

In other words.

If he himself masters the ultimate Profound Truth, the speed of copying will definitely become faster.


Whether it is Qin Feiyang, or the three people of Long Chen and Blood Progenitor, they were all confident before.

But absolutely didn’t expect, it’s still the same slow now!

Is this the upper limit of the Eye of God?

“Don’t panic!”

“Although the speed is still so slow, we are in a different environment now.”

“At the time in Tianzhong God’s Storehouse, you could not enter Profound Martial World.”

“But now, you can!”

Remind the blood ancestor.


Profound Martial World 5000 years a day!

As long as you enter Profound Martial World, even if it takes a day to replicate, it will only take a blink of an eye outside.


To replicate the ultimate Profound Truth, it doesn’t take a day at all.

Qin Feiyang woke up and immediately took everyone and 3,000 Incarnations into the Profound Martial World.


Golden armor middle-aged eyebrow raised, Divine Sense rolled out, and the void Profound Martial World was instantly captured.

“Smash his Space Divine Object!”

They all thought that this was just a Space Divine Object.

As everyone knows, they are facing a real world!

The giant sword of purple-golden is so sharp that it kills Profound Martial World!

“What are you doing?”

But just then.

A loudly shouted, a married woman of three 10 years old left and right appeared out of thin air, blocking the front of Profound Martial World.

She is wearing a purple-golden long dress, and her long, supple hair is rolled up high and looks elegant and poised.


The eyes of the middle-aged golden armor trembled.

Giant sword also stopped at void with a sudden brake.

That’s right!

She is Divine Kingdom Princess!

In the years of Profound Martial World, she has also reshaped the fleshy body, which is now her human body.

Divine Kingdom Princess glanced at the golden armor middle-aged and others, immediately looked at the giant sword, said with a smile: “Divine Dragon sword, I thought that after so many years, you have forgotten me.”

“You are the true body when you see it grow up. How can the true body forget you?”

The Divine Dragon sword is sighed, and the voice is full of vicissitudes.

Divine Kingdom Princess sighed: “I should have disappointed you!”

“You should not ask true body about this, you should ask your father, ask the people of Divine Kingdom, and ask if they are disappointed?”

Divine Dragon sword shouted, and his words are full of anger.


“But I did nothing wrong.”

“I just want to be with the people I like.”

“If father did not object back then, how could I leave Divine Kingdom?”

“You guys go back!”

“I beg you, don’t hurt the Sky Cloud Realm again.”

Divine Kingdom Princess pleaded.

When Qin Feiyang asked Yun Ziyang and others to get the ruler Divine Weapon, she was already awake.

Just before, Qin Feiyang and others returned to Profound Martial World, and she asked Qin Feiyang to send her out.

Qin Feiyang originally disagreed, but couldn’t hold back this Old Ancestor, so she could only be sent out.

And Divine Kingdom Princess came out, just to persuade the middle-aged people like Divine Dragon sword and golden armor.

After all.

These are her clansman.

The Divine Dragon god is the ruler Divine Weapon of her father.

I took care of her from childhood and took care of her.

She didn’t want to see Qin Feiyang and others get injured, and she couldn’t bear to see the Divine Dragon sword and these clansman casualties.

Although she knows that even if she comes forward, she may not be able to dissuade the middle-aged Divine Dragon sword and golden armor, but she still wants to give it a try.


“Once in Divine Kingdom, you never asked for a true body because you were arrogant and unwilling to ask for help, but now, for these irrelevant outsiders, you unexpectedly bow your head and ask for a true body?”

Divine Dragon Sword heard this, immediately furious.

Divine Kingdom Princess sighed: “As long as you can leave, don’t come and hurt the people in the Sky Cloud Realm. Let me kneel down.”

“Then you will kneel down for the true body!”

“Because you really should kneel down, apologize for what you did, repent!”

Divine Dragon’s sword is furious.

Golden armor middle-aged and others are also disappointed.

So many years have passed, didn’t expect Princess is still such a stubborn.

Divine Kingdom Princess looked at the Divine Dragon sword and the golden armor middle-aged and others, said with a smile: “If I kneel down and let you go, why don’t I kneel?”

After that, she knelt towards void.

[Chapter Three, released at ten o’clock]

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