
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It’s the same as Divine Race imprint.”

The middle-aged man’s eyes trembled.

What kind of force is this so powerful?


At the same time.

With a mournful scream, the ancient palace held by a madman is also completely shattered, and the Artifact Spirit also follows scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

A ruler Divine Weapon was destroyed like this.

This scene is simply shocking!

Qin Feiyang, standing in Profound Martial World, couldn’t help but shrink from pupil. Is this the strength of a lunatic now?

There is no suspence.

This guy is definitely Number One Person in the Sky Cloud Realm now.

By means alone, without ruler Divine Weapon, even Longqin is also an impossible opponent of a madman.

“If you two fight, who is stronger?”

At this time.

A voice sounded nearby.

Qin Feiyang and Pei Dasen stared blankly, turning one’s head, they saw Huo Wu standing aside and said in surprise: “When did you come?”

“I have been here for a while, but you are too engrossed to find me.”

Huo Wu shook his head and smiled.

But this battle is really exciting.

“I really want to speak of which……”

Pei Dasen pondered for a moment, looked towards Huo Wu and said seriously: “I think Young Master is better. After all, Young Master has 3,000 Incarnations and God’s Eye, two great heaven defying skills.”

“Crazy people have blood eyes too!”

Huo Wu frowned.

“What about blood eyes?”

“In the face of 3,000 Incarnations, it’s useless at all.”

Pei Dasen smiled proudly.


Fire dance is nodded.

Although the blood eye has the ability of Petrification, it also needs a process to face a cultivation base like Qin Feiyang.

In other words.

Can’t Petrification instantly.

As long as the Petrification cannot be instantaneous, then Qin Feiyang can be 3,000 Incarnations.

Myriad Evil Origin is indeed powerful and can crush the ultimate Profound Truth, but if it is three thousand ultimate Profound Truth, or even six thousand ultimate Profound Truth, what about nine thousand ultimate Profound Truth?

Any kind of power has an upper limit.

You can crush one ultimate Profound Truth, but that doesn’t mean you can crush ten, hundred, and thousand ultimate Profound Truths.

“Anyway, all of them are monsters.”

Pei Dasen smiled bitterly.

White-Eyed Wolf, Deprivation cultivation base, Deprivation Battle Soul, Law of Deprivation.

A lunatic, who controls Myriad Evil Origin, has power beyond the ultimate Profound Truth, and also has a terrifying Battle Soul, blood eye.

Qin Feiyang, 3,000 Incarnations, Eye of God, Life Law!

There is also Long Chen, the realm of gods, Middle Level ruler Divine Weapon, and its own strength is currently deep and unmeasurable.

These four, any one of them is the existence of making people become terror-stricken at the news.

“I agree with this sentence.”

Fire dance is nodded.

Being with these monsters is stressful!

“You can imagine too!”

“Long Chen I don’t know, but the lunatic Senior Brother and White-Eyed Wolf, we will always be impossible to fight, so there is no such thing as who is strong and who is weak.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two people speechlessly, then continued looking towards the outside battlefield.


The ruler Divine Weapon of ancient palace can already be declared, divine shadow entirely extinguished!

With the destruction of the ancient palace, the hatred carried by the lunatic seems to have alleviated a lot.

The obsessions left by the previous life are the person in front of me and this ruler Divine Weapon.

As long as he can kill this person and destroy this ruler Divine Weapon, he can finally have an explanation for the clansman who died in the war.

It is also an explanation to his previous life, the blood Demon King.


“Too terrifying…”

The Divine Kingdom man’s face turned pale.

I thought that the Blood Demon Race had been annihilated back then, but didn’t expect that there is such a terrifying youngster in the world!

This is more powerful than the blood Demon King back then.



He turned around abruptly and swept towards the door of Divine Kingdom without looking back.

“Ji Yunhai, do you want to run away?”

The madman speaks.


The Divine Kingdom man’s eyes trembled, turning one’s head stared at the lunatic in surprise, and said: “How do you know my name?”

“Because I, your father combines the memory and inheritance of the blood Demon King.”

“Everything about you, I, your father knows everything.”

“Pay the price for the murder you did that year!”

The lunatic stepped on the ghost steps, like a ghost, and instantly crossed in front of Ji Yunhai, and the one fist blasted away.

Ji Yunhai’s eyes trembled.

Is this person’s aura so familiar? It turns out to be a fusion of the memory and inheritance of the blood Demon King.

That means that this person is now the incarnation of the blood Demon King.

“Blood Demon King…”

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous.


Along with an ear-splitting dragon roar, Ji Yunhai manifested itself as a ten thousand zhang giant dragon.

The scene that happened in the hell of Hades, once again.

ten thousand zhang 巨人对战ten thousand zhang giant dragon!

Two colossus collide wildly.

For a madman who restores the memory of his previous life, this scene is too familiar and will never be forgotten.

The same.

It also reminded him of the scenes of the Hell of Hades and the desperate death of countless living creatures.

“Your sins are monstrous, even if you die today, it will be hard to atone for your sins!”

The madman roars, the power of Myriad Evil Origin, destroys all directions.


“weak are prey to the strong.”

“Do you not understand this truth?”

Ji Yunhai is also an angry roar, whether it is the ultimate Profound Truth, or the highest Profound Truth, whether it is the first Profound Truth or the fifth Profound Truth, all the brains are turned on, exuding the aura of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, and kill the madman. .

hong long!

There was a loud noise, and the core area exploded immediately.

The horrible battle fluctuations rushed towards the outer interior area, the Central Region, and the edge area frantically.

Splitting Earth wherever you go!


This wave of volatility even rushed out of the land of the underworld, filling the sky above the east and north continents, as if heavenly might, shocking countless living creatures.

“What’s the matter?”

“Very powerful fluctuation!”

“It seems to come from the place where the gods are buried?”


Like one Demon King, a madman swallows Heaven and Earth, and one fist smashes each Grand Law Profound Truth, blasting directly at Ji Yunhai’s head.

“This is the gap between you and me.”

“Go to hell and confess!”

The madman smiled coldly.

Seeing that the mountain-like giant is about to fall on Ji Yunhai’s head, Ji Yunhai suddenly smiled grimly: “The one who is going to hell is not me, it is you!”


As the voice fell, Ji Yunhai’s ten thousand zhang dragon body rushed out of a devastating aura immediately.


“Leave Divine Soul in Divine Kingdom?”

The lunatic frowned.

Otherwise, how dare this person self-destruct?

“Go to hell you!”

Ji Yunhai showed a terrifying hideous color on his face. The fleshy body exploded in void instantly, a wave of world extinguishing burst like a tide, hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing in all directions in all directions.

The mark of all evil on the lunatic’s eyebrows burst out one after another dazzling blood light, which seemed to be ready to shake this wave hard.

But at this moment!

Qin Feiyang and Huo Wu appear.

Huo Wu waved his hand, and eleven ruler Divine Weapons were killed, immediately condense a huge Array, covering the madman.

The madman was stunned, looked at Qin Feiyang and Huo Wu displeasedly, and said, “Aren’t you nosy?”

“Good intentions are not rewarded?”

Huo Wu raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

“I know you are strong now, but there is no need to take risks like this.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Finally admit that I, your father is better than you now?”

The madman laughed triumphantly.


Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and looked up towards the gate of Divine Kingdom, with some regrets on his face. It is a pity that Ji Yunhai has Divine Soul in Divine Kingdom, otherwise the ending will be equal and perfect.

“Don’t feel sorry.”

“If you can kill him for the first time, you can kill him a second time later.”

“Say more.”

“His ruler Divine Weapon has been destroyed, and I, your father has charged some interest.”

The madman jié jié smiled.

Qin Feiyang nodded, asked: “You just said that his name is Ji Yunhai?”

“That’s right.”

“This is the last name of Purple Gold Divine Dragon.”

The madman is nodded.

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized, and asked suspiciously: “Then surnamed Jiang, is it Divine Race’s surname?”

“How do I know this?”

“The person from the last Divine Race, simply never showed up.”

“But Divine Race, I really can’t look down on.”

“Even the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, without 3,000 Incarnations, are probably not their opponents.”

The madman said solemnly.

“I think so too.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The power of Divine Race imprint is too terrifying, just the same as the imprint of madman.

Huo Wu thought for a while, looked suspiciously at the lunatic and said: “The Divine Kingdom, apart from Divine Race and Purple Gold Divine Dragon, are there any other races?”

“There must be.”

“Divine Kingdom, also someone family.”

“The top ten Heaven’s Chosen that first appeared, I have also inquired about, except for the so-called Dragon’s son, the other nine people should be Heaven’s Chosen of the Divine Kingdom Human Race.”

The madman said.

Huo Wu hearing this, pondering a little, said with a smile: “So it seems that the status of Human Race in Divine Kingdom is not as good as Purple Gold Divine Dragon?”

Because at that time, those nine Human Race Heaven’s Chosen were respectful to the Dragon’s son.

“Are you still worried about their situation?”

“It was these wretched persons back then, and the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, madly invading our heaven and cloud world.”

The lunatic is coldly snorted.

“I am not worried about their situation.”

“I’m just curious about the layout of Divine Kingdom.”

Huo Wu shook his head and smiled.

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