
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Isn’t this what he wants?”

“I have done him well, you should thank me!”

Jiang Yunshuang lightly saying.

“He wants it, you give it?”

“If he wants to’sleep’ you, do you want him to sleep?”

A joke of laughter sounded, especially harsh.


Someone in the whole place is astonished.

Including Demon Ancestor and lunatic several people.

This is too classic!

Who is it?

Can you say so?

Everyone returned back to his senses, quickly followed the sound, and saw that at the end of the crowd, standing in a young man wearing a golden long coat, is not White-Eyed Wolf and is who?

“So this guy.”

“It really fits his character.”

Long Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly.

At the same time.

Jiang Yunshuang looked towards White-Eyed Wolf, cold light flickered in his eyes.

“This is what you said, or just let him ‘sleep’ to sleep with the beauty of an adult?”

White-Eyed Wolf grinned, stepped out, across the void, and landed beside the lunatic.

“Don’t be bully intolerably!”

Jiang Yunshuang gnashing teeth.

Dragon’s son said with a smile: “Don’t be angry, Brother Wolf King is just a joke.”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, glanced at Dragon’s son, frowns saying: “Who is the brother with you? And, who told you that this is a joke? Don’t be so smart?”

It can be described as silk ruthless noodles.

The smile on Dragon’s son’s face immediately froze.

This is really choking to death.

The living creatures all around the battlefield looked at White-Eyed Wolf in amazement.

If you dare to humiliate Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang in public like this unbridled, I’m afraid it’s just this wolf pup!

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, White-Eyed Wolf suddenly laughed again and said: “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, just kidding.”

But without waiting for Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang’s expression to ease down, White-Eyed Wolf turned again, looked down towards Demon Ancestor, chuckled and said: “Waiter, even if this Jiang Miss posts you upside down, I guess you are not interested Come on!”


Demon Ancestor is shocked.

Everyone is also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The speed of this becoming hostile is really faster than flipping a book, especially this brain circuit, which makes them too fast to react.

“Gold Wing Wolf King!”

Jiang Yunshuang was completely angry, and shouted, one fist patted White-Eyed Wolf.

“Look and see, it doesn’t even have any femininity, who can look at it?”

White-Eyed Wolf shook his head, but his hands were not slow at all, and a group of them smashed over.


The two people are separated now, their arms are a little numb.


Dragon’s son stopped Jiang Yunshuang, sound transmission said: “Don’t affect our plan.”

“This damn wolf pup, sooner or later, he will be skinned and his tendons will be drawn!”

Jiang Yunshuang gloomy stared at White-Eyed Wolf.

expression is like eating people.

Under everyone’s eyes, unexpectedly speaking of her, she is a woman, how will she behave in the future?

White-Eyed Wolf ignored Jiang Yunshuang’s fiercely expression, looked down at Demon Ancestor and bared his teeth and said: “Brother came to cheer you personally. Doesn’t it feel particularly good?”

“get lost! ”

Demon Ancestor’s face went dark.

Can I have a face?

After so many years, this character has not changed at all.



White-Eyed Wolf shook his head, sighed, and looked at Demon Ancestor rolling his eyes.

White-Eyed Wolf grinned, looked towards the hundreds of thousands of people, and urged: “Let’s go together, just let Brother see, the formidable power of Eye of Despair.”

“Your uncle.”

“Too unbridled.”

“I can’t bear it!”

“Brothers, kill him!”

These people finally couldn’t help it.

With the roar of one after another, the people of Divine Race started Divine Race imprint one after another.


One after another Profound Truth turned out.

This is hundreds of thousands of people!

Let’s open the law Profound Truth together, what a sight that is.

Demon Ancestor is still a little lucky now that 3,000 Incarnations has not been activated.

Because in the face of such battle formation, 3,000 Incarnations did not exist, unless, like Qin Feiyang, he had the eyes of God and replicated these people’s principles of Profound Truth exponentially.

“quickly retreat!”

When seeing Old Antique, all ethnic groups hurriedly shouted.

Because these people are not in the Array, if you don’t evacuate quickly, the consequences will be hard to imagine.

“If you can’t handle this, is Eye of Despair still the strongest Battle Soul?”

White-Eyed Wolf whispered.

Old Antique of all races is hidden, purely worrying.


Demon Ancestor turned and looked towards the hundreds of thousands of people, his eyes instantly turning red.

Like Jiang Qifei before, the deep in one’s heart of hundreds of thousands of people is now feeling desperate.


It’s different from Jiang Qifei.

These hundreds of thousands of people, not at all abysses who fell into despair in an instant, can all fight this desperate mood.

Their rule of Profound Truth has not dissipated either.

“What’s the matter?”

“Eye of Despair lost its effect?”

“What the strongest Battle Soul is this?”

People in the Sky Cloud Realm couldn’t help frowning when they watched this scene.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Divine Kingdom, with a sneer on their faces. It seems that the strongest Battle Soul is also just this.

Even Long Chen and the lunatic can’t help being frowned.

But there is one person with a hint of playfulness on his face.

This person is White-Eyed Wolf!

Because he had been in Great Qin, he had already seen the Eye of Despair of Blood Progenitor.

The fully opened Eye of Despair is not like this at all.


“It seems that Eye of Despair has its limits too!”

Dragon’s son hehe smiled.

“After all, there are so many people, it is so easy to want everyone to enter a state of despair immediately.”

“The strongest Battle Soul is also impossible and truly invincible.”

Jiang Yunshuang spoke lightly.

“Have you seen Eye of Despair?”

Demon Ancestor’s voice suddenly sounded.


Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang frowned.

Unexpectedly ask them such naive questions?

They haven’t seen Eye of Despair before, but don’t they see it now?

Dare you say that now you are not opening Eye of Despair?

“It seems that Dragon’s son of Purple Gold Divine Dragon and Goddess of Divine Race are just a frog in well.”

Demon Ancestor disdainful smile.

The blood-red eyes suddenly showed a strand of gray divine light.

As soon as this ash-gray divine light appears, even people who are not targeted by Eye of Despair immediately feel a strong sense of despair.

“This is…”

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes flicker with radiance.

The fully opened Eye of Despair is not scarlet, but ash-gray!


The pupil of Demon Ancestor turned completely gray, and it seemed to contain a piece of purgatory.

When Demon Ancestor swept the hundreds of thousands of people, one by one, they saw the sky collapse and world annihilation.

This is an illusion evolved from despair.

All the laws of Profound Truth have also collapsed, and have fallen into a desperate ocean, unable to extricate themselves.

Don’t talk about them, even if you stand behind the Demon Ancestor, those living creatures with weak minds are all abysses in despair.

It’s shocking!

This is Eye of Despair, the fully opened formidable power?

With such a Battle Soul, who dares to fight with it?

I am afraid that even people like Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang can’t completely get rid of this desperate binding!

But at the moment.

White-Eyed Wolf has a single thought in his heart.

I wonder if Deprivation can drop this Eye of Despair?

So many come over, his Battle Soul of Deprivation is countless, but the strongest Battle Soul has never been Deprivation.

It’s kind of begin to stir.

If this idea is learned by Demon Ancestor, it will definitely become hostile on the spot.

who, what is this?

Don’t even let yourself go.


Although everyone had a perilous situation in their hearts, apart from the howls of hundreds of thousands of people, no one in the audience spoke, they were staring at Demon Ancestor in amazement.

The level of terror of this person is definitely not inferior to Qin Feiyang and the others.

If you realize the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law, then it will be one of the real Demon Ancestor, no matter is who sees it, you have to avoid it!

Dragon’s son return back to his senses, took a deep look at Demon Ancestor, and said: “Today we surrender, stop here!”

“Is this to admit defeat?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, too boring!

Sure enough.

Still shouldn’t join in the fun.

Actually, he didn’t plan to come, but he couldn’t help it. Hearing the news of Demon Ancestor’s battle, he came to see him curiously.

The people of Divine Kingdom, no matter how powerful they are, they can’t catch him.

But Demon Ancestor is different.

This is a man with 3,000 Incarnations, the strongest Battle Soul, and he must have a general understanding of his strength.

“I said, stop here!”

See that Demon Ancestor has not closed Eye of Despair for a long time, Dragon’s son eyebrow raised, shouted.


Demon Ancestor now looked up towards Dragon’s son.

As soon as the eyes of that ash-gray meet, Dragon’s son’s mind immediately rumbling, and his consciousness is also swallowed by despair, sitting on the seat, shaking continuously.

That face turned pale instantly.

“Demon Ancestor or Demon Ancestor!”

White-Eyed Wolf shook his head.

Don’t look at the current Demon Ancestor, who looks like a serene. Who could be more ruthless than this guy in Great Qin back then?


Even Mu Tianyang’s very ruthless is far inferior to Demon Ancestor.


A little later.

Demon Ancestor’s Eye of Despair, finally closed.

But whether it is Dragon’s son or hundreds of thousands, they are all in despair.

“Wake up!”

When Jiang Yunshuang saw this, he suddenly shouted suddenly, like a thunder, which resounded in the minds of Dragon’s son and hundreds of thousands of people.


Dragon’s son is a clever, like the first awakening of a big dream. He glanced at all around in confusion, and immediately remembered what happened before. He immediately lowered his head and looked towards Demon Ancestor with fear in his eyes.

At this moment.

He really experienced the terrifying of Eye of Despair.

“Stop talking to me in a commanding tone, and stop pointing fingers at me, because you are not qualified.”

Demon Ancestor looked at Dragon’s son lightly.

Dragon’s son squeezed his hands immediately, and a strand of cold light shot out.

I thought that with the Eye of Despair, you would be able to regardless of law and natural morality?


Demon Ancestor not at all said anything more, turned around and stepped out of Array. The person in front of him quickly retreated to the sides to make way.


Demon Ancestor was under the focal point of ten thousands and left without looking back.


“Qin Feiyang, Long Chen, Madman, Golden Wing Wolf King, Li Feng, Yun Ziyang, Long Chen, Mask Asura, now there is another Demon Ancestor…”

“There is still hope for us in the Sky Cloud Realm!”

Countless people are mumbled in their hearts.

There is no doubt that the battle of Demon Ancestor is another inspiration to everyone.

With one person, crushing hundreds of thousands of talents in Divine Kingdom, can this not be exciting?

It is no exaggeration to say that this battle is completely enough to be recorded in the annals of history and spread through the ages!

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