
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The battle ended.

But the shock in everyone’s heart could not be calmed for a long time.

Especially Jiang Qifei and Divine Kingdom more than 100,000 people.

After getting rid of the feeling of despair, one by one can’t help cold sweat flowing directly.

If this friendly competition, there are no restrictions…

If they did not leave Divine Soul in Divine Kingdom……

Then this time, they will undoubtedly be wiped out!

Eye of Despair, really a terrifying Battle Soul, there is no fight back.

“Keep working hard tomorrow.”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at the departure of Demon Ancestor, his eyes flashed radiance, and when he watched Dragon’s son two people grinned, he immediately chased Demon Ancestor.

Dragon’s son two people’s face is ugly.

After drinking his last sip of wine, the madman stood up and looked towards two people, said with a smile: “The first place in this friendly competition of terror is already in the bag of our Heavenly Cloud Realm, tomorrow morning.”

After that, he also chased Demon Ancestor.

The two people’s complexion is even more ugly upon hearing the madman’s words.

“you let me win”

Long Chen two people simultaneously looked and got up, looking at Dragon’s son two people, smiling and saying something, immediately turned around and walked away without looking back.

The two people were almost mad as they entered the airy posture.

“Useless trash, are you still going?”

Dragon’s son stared at hundreds of thousands of people and walked away.

“This account, I won’t just forget it, wait and see!”

Jiang Yunshuang looked at the back of the lunatic and the others, cold light flickered in his eyes, and then turned around and stared fiercely at the hundreds of thousands of people, angry left.

“What are we staring at?”

“The opponent has the strongest Battle Soul Eye of Despair, what can we do?”

Hundreds of thousands of people are feeling wronged.

If Demon Ancestor does not show up, besides Qin Feiyang, who else is their opponent in the Sky Cloud Realm?

There is no alternative.


The news of the Demon Ancestor battle soon spread throughout the four continents, the major restricted areas, and the sea of ​​sky clouds.

“No way!”

“Demon Ancestor can crush Divine Kingdom hundreds of thousands of youth talents alone?”

“cracking a joke with you?”

“This is what I saw with my own eyes.”

“How did he do it?”

“Eye of Despair!”

“Eye of Despair, one of the ten strongest Battle Soul?”


“And it is the already evolved Eye of Despair, that Eye of Despair is really called a terrifying, if you want to replace it with me, you don’t even have the courage to face Demon Ancestor.”


People discuss spiritedly.

Demon Ancestor, the person who has not shown up, has officially entered everyone’s sight.

Of course.

People who know the existence of Demon Ancestor are not absent.

Ru Huo Lao, Alliance Leader, Ye Tian, ​​mask Asura.


Even though they know Demon Ancestor, they don’t know much about Demon Ancestor.

Because in Profound Martial World, Demon Ancestor, Mu Tianyang, Dong Zhengyan, Mu Qing, these people rarely live in Demon Ghost Land, and they usually experience outside.

Not much contact.


Hearing this news, Huo Lao and the others were also very shocked.


Tianyun Island.

In the pavilion.

Emperor Feather, blood ancestor, little bunny together.

“It’s a pleasure.”

“This Demon Ancestor is an eye-opener.”

“The ten strongest Battle Souls are all out of the ordinary.”

“It won’t be long before we will give birth to a super terrifying character in the Sky Cloud World.”

“This is beyond doubt.”

“No one can compete with Demon Ancestor for the first place in the friendly competition.”

“The people of Divine Kingdom don’t know yet, this Demon Ancestor still holds 3,000 Incarnations. Once he has mastered the strongest law, the ultimate Profound Truth, his strength will not be weaker than Feiyang.”

The three people of Yuhuang are very happy.

One super powerhouse was born in the Sky Cloud Realm. There will be more hope, and the pressure they face will naturally be less.



A terrifying aura broke out in the mountains below.

Follow closely.

The sky above Tianyun Island began to flash and thunder, shocking all directions.

“What’s the situation?”

The feather emperor and blood ancestor were surprised.


Azure Dragon Four Great Guardian God Beasts, also swept up the mountain summit, looked up towards the sky.

They live on Tianyun Island now.

Because Tianyun God’s Storehouse will open once every 100 years.

One hundred years will pass in a blink of an eye.

So, little bunny simply let them stay on Tianyun Island in the future to avoid trouble running around.


Dark clouds rolled, lightning and thunder.

This is obviously a natural phenomenon of the coming of heaven.

“What’s the matter?”

“Who wants Transcending Tribulation?”

“Is there anyone in your cultivation Cave Mansion?”

The Emperor Yu and the blood ancestor looked at little bunny suspiciously.


“Sure enough, I didn’t disappoint Lord Rabbit.”

little bunny barking teeth.

“What are you talking about?”

“Who didn’t let you down?”

The Emperor Yu frowned.

“You will know soon.”

“Don’t be nonsense now, go to Sea Lion Island, fetch your ruler Divine Weapon from land of burial, and help Transcending Tribulation.”

Little bunny urged.

The Emperor Yu glanced at it suspiciously, then took out the sound transmission Divine Stone and summoned it to Divine Beast in the Burial Land.

At the same time.

little bunny also informed the sea lion king and other Beast Sovereign to send all the ruler Divine Weapon of the Sea Beast clan.


About ten breaths left and right.

A snow white silhouette swept from the mountains below.

This is a woman wearing a long white dress with outstanding temperament, like a fairy descending, stunning the world.


The Emperor Yu and the blood ancestor staring blankly looked at the woman.

Isn’t this the Lin Yiyi Qin Feiyang was looking for?

That’s right!

This woman is Lin Yiyi.

Although she has been cultivating here for many years, and White-Eyed Wolf and Mermaid Princess and the others have also been cultivating here for many years, but because of the deliberate arrangement of little bunny, no one found Lin Yiyi.

So now, no one knows the whereabouts of Lin Yiyi except for little bunny.

“It’s really her.”

The blood ancestor looked at Lin Yiyi.

“Yiyi pays homage to the blood ancestor Senior, Feather Emperor Senior, and four Guardian God beasts Senior.”

Lin Yiyi fell beside the little bunny and bowed to the Feather Emperor several people.


She also learned of the existence of Yuhuang and the others from childhood in the rabbit’s mouth.


The emperor Yu nodded, turning one’s head looked towards little bunny, and asked: “What the hell is going on? You said she went to the east continent, why did she come out of your Cave Mansion now?”

In recent years, Feather Emperor and Blood Progenitor occasionally followed little bunny into Cave Mansion, but Lin Yiyi was also not found.

“This is the trick of Old Third.”

“In fact, this girl, from the moment she came to the Sky Cloud Realm, she has been cultivation with Lord Rabbit.”

little bunny laughed.


“Always by it?”

“Unexpectedly none of us found out?”

The feather emperor and the blood ancestor looked at each other in blank dismay.

“There is no way, but you are blind.”

Little bunny said.

“scram, you!”

“Tell you, if Feiyang knows about this, I promise to be coming hostile with you.”

The feather emperor is coldly snorted.

The last time I heard that Lin Yiyi might have encountered an accident, Qin Feiyang almost went into a runaway state.

“becoming hostile?”

“no no no.”

“He will thank me.”

“If it wasn’t for Master Rabbit’s painstaking effort to cultivate this girl, she could realize the Six Profound Truth so quickly, and even now she realizes the ultimate Profound Truth?”

Little bunny smiled proudly, turning one’s head looked towards Lin Yiyi and said: “Girl, don’t be nonsense with them, hurry up and prepare for Transcending Tribulation.”


Lin Yiyi nodded, looked up towards the sky, and stepped into the sky.


At this time.

The Divine Beast in the land of the burial of the gods, the major Beast Sovereigns in the sea of ​​sky clouds, almost simultaneously descended on the sky clouds world.

“Transcending Tribulation?”

A group of people were taken aback.

“What do you do with the pestle?”

“Hurry up and take out your ruler Divine Weapon.”

“If this girl has something unexpected, Master Rabbit is asking you!”

little bunny suddenly shouted.

A group of people returned back to his senses and quickly brought out the ruler Divine Weapon summon.

“And you two.”

little bunny looked towards Yuhuang and Blood Progenitor.

Two people simultaneously looked, with a wave of the hand, the green tripod, the magic wand, and the magic beads appeared.

This is a total of nineteen ruler Divine Weapons!

In addition to the strength of the feather emperor, blood ancestor, and little bunny, it is not a big problem to deal with the disaster of Ordinary Law’s ultimate Profound Truth.


The other side.

The place where the gods are buried.

“old partner, wait a minute.”

White-Eyed Wolf catches up with Demon Ancestor.


Demon Ancestor turned and looked at him suspiciously.

“Are you alone?”

White-Eyed Wolf asked.

“See for yourself.”

Demon Ancestor pointed to a mountain in a distant place ahead, standing on the mountain summit with a dozen silhouettes.

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly slightly.

Dong Zhengyan, Mu Tianyang, Mu Qing, Pei Tianhong, Wang Changyuan, Nine Great Commanders…

Unexpectedly so many people here?

It seems that Little Qinzi is a reward for friendly competition and is bound to win.


Two people fly to the mountain summit.

The crazy three people followed.

The madman looked at a group of people suspiciously and asked: “What are you doing here?”

“Of course it is useful.”

Dong Zhengyan smiled.

“What’s the purpose?”

The madman is curious.

Dong Zhengyan said: “Do you know why Qin Feiyang let us participate in the friendly competition?”

“Do you still need to think about it? It must be for reward.”

The madman narrows his mouth.

“Not all.”

Dong Zhengyan shook his head and said with a smile: “There is another purpose, that is to come here to see, can you meet our old enemy?”

“so that’s how it is.”

The madman nodded suddenly.

Others may not know, what is Dong Zhengyan’s old enemy? But lunatics and the others know.

“That’s why we are here to prevent our enemies from discovering us.”

“Because the old enemies meet, they will repel each other.”

“Standing here, we can find them, but they cannot find us.”

“In this way, they are in the light and we are in the dark. It is much easier to snatch their Battle Soul.”

Dong Zhengyan explained.

Long Chen and Yun Ziyang simultaneously looked.

It really deserves to be Qin Feiyang’s old rivals. You can even think of these details.

White-Eyed Wolf asked: “Have you found your old enemy in the crowd before?”


Dong Zhengyan shook his head.


White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

“Don’t hope too much about this.”

“If you can meet the best, don’t force it if you don’t.”

Demon Ancestor faintly smiled.

“Of course you are not in a hurry.”

“Because your Eye of Despair has evolved. It used to be a majesty, with a manpower fighting hundreds of thousands of people, but now we don’t even have an old enemy is who, let alone snatch it.”

Mu Qing coldly snorted.

Demon Ancestor shook his head and laughed.

Long Chen pondered a little, said with a smile: “Actually, as long as the direction is clear, it is not difficult to find.”

“Which direction?”

Everyone looked towards Long Chen.

“The people with the strongest Battle Soul are basically talented out of the ordinary, so your eyes should be on the famous geniuses and monsters in the Heavenly Cloud Realm and the Divine Kingdom.”

Long Chen said.

“It makes sense.”

Everyone nodded.

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