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One man one wolf hid in a jungle, panting heavily.

so close!

didn’t expect that black clothed old man, was actually a horrible Battle King!

This is difficult to do.

After calming down, Wolf King looked towards Qin Feiyang with the color of inquiry.


Qin Feiyang exhaled a long breath and then became silent.

lured the tiger away from the mountain, obviously doesn’t work.

The opponent is Battle King and cannot be matched.

What should I do to get those medical ingredients?

Thinking of the old half a day, Qin Feiyang couldn’t think of a way of having it both ways, so he took Wolf King to the other side, lurking on the top of a mountain, closely monitoring the black clothed old man.

Count hundreds of breaths in the past.

Wolf King turning one’s head looked towards him, with a puzzle in his eyes.

“No way, we can only wait now.”

“I don’t believe that Old Guy will stay in the medicine field.”

Qin Feiyang whispered.

Wolf King nodded, anyway, there is so much time, at worst has been consumed, and I can always find a chance to start.

Another half hour passed.

A faint gu lu sounded suddenly.

Qin Feiyang looked towards Wolf King with confusion.

Wolf King split his mouth awkwardly.

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized, said with a smile: “Go, don’t make too much noise.”

After being closed in Ancient Castle for ten days, no water dripped in. After leaving Ancient Castle, he rushed to Black Bear City non-stop, let alone Wolf King, even he felt a little hungry.

“wu wu ……”

Wolf King growled a few times, as if telling Qin Feiyang to be careful, and then retired quietly.

But less than 50 breaths.

Wolf King returned to Qin Feiyang.

“So fast?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Wolf King shook his head, stretched out his forefoot, pointed at the back of the mountain, and murmured.

See you.

Some Qin Feiyang monks were puzzled and said, “Just take me there.”

But Wolf King didn’t go down, turned around, and stared straight at the jungle below.

Qin Feiyang also looked along, but found nothing abnormal at all.

Just when he couldn’t help but want to ask a question, the two figures suddenly came out of the jungle and came into his sight.

“Why did they come here?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Two people, the two young men who met in the valley.

“Do they also want to get the parts of the profit?”

Qin Feiyang in one’s eyes cold light blinked.

Unexpectedly, I also want to play mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. It’s a courting death!

“Tap lightly, don’t alarm the old bastard.”

“I know, no need for you to remind.”

“But where is this Qin Feiyang hiding?”

“There are mountainous countries everywhere, there are more places to hide, who the hell knows where he is, go, let’s go and see above.”

Two people whispered and climbed towards the top of the mountain where Qin Feiyang and Wolf King were.

“How do they know my name?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Wolf King turned to look at him as if asking him, what should I do?

Moan a little.

Qin Feiyang sneered on his face, took out the Bliss Flower, planted it in the soil, then covered up the trace a little, and slid with Wolf King from the other side of the hill.

“Come with me.”

After entering the jungle below, Qin Feiyang took Wolf King and galloped towards the waterfall.

more than ten breaths later.

Qin Feiyang hides behind the bushes by the waterfall and looks at the top of that mountain.

Wolf King looked at him puzzledly.

“If you can’t wait for an opportunity, we will create an opportunity. I will use Bliss Flower as a bait to let those two people take a big action, so as to lead away the black clothed old man.”

Qin Feiyang whispered.

The only thing he was worried about was that the two young men would be afraid of not taking action because they were afraid of the strength of the black clothed old man. When they left the area, they would decide the victory.

This means that his plan failed.

Of course, failure of the plan does not mean that you will lose Bliss Flower.

Because he could go and grab it from two people.

At this moment.

2 young man cautiously, finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

The fascinating floral fragrance immediately blows his nose.

“Good fragrance!”

“It’s Bliss Flower!”

At the same time, two people saw the Bliss Flower, and now expressing boundless happiness.

One of them was about to rush.

“Jiang Wei, don’t worry!”

The other hurriedly drank.

“Don’t worry?”

Jiang Wei stared blankly, said with a sneer: “Mu Fei, do you still want to grab me?”

“What a pig.”

Mu Fei in the dark Despicable, said solemnly: “If we hit the take action here and startled the old bastard, let alone Bliss Flower, whether or not little life can be kept is a question.”


Jiang Wei couldn’t help but was afraid, and asked, “What do you say?”

Mu Fei said: “Remove first, and after we leave here, we will have a final victory.”

Jiang Wei thought for a moment, nodded and said: “Yes, but you have to make it clear, who will keep Bliss Flower, and I will keep it for you anyway, I am not at ease.”

Mu Fei raised an eyebrow, said solemnly: “As long as you promise me not to mess around here, I will let you keep it.”

“Okay, I promise not to mess around.”

Jiang Wei readily agreed.

But his heart was sneering, waiting to get into his pocket, trying to get him out again, the door was not there.

Mu Fei said, “Go pick it up.”

Jiang Wei crawled slowly towards Bliss Flower, the closer to Bliss Flower, the brighter the smile on his face.

But just then.

Mu Fei’s corner of the mouth is slightly lifted, smirking.



He was like a awakening poisonous snake, slamming out, kicking mercilessly at Jiang Wei’s buttocks.


Jiang Wei made a painful miserable howl, and missed Bliss Flower, rolling like a ball, toward the stream below.

“What the hell are you, his mother, unexpectedly want to fight with me, really act recklessly!”

Mu Fei sneered, grabbing Bliss Flower.

“Dare to come here to be having atrociously, to roll over and die!”

black clothed old man suddenly got up and looked towards the top of the mountain, ice-cold bone-chilling vision.

“Go die, old bastard.”

Mu Fei cursed, then turned around and ran down the mountain, into the jungle.


With a gurgling sound, Jiang Wei fell into the stream.

The medicine field is just across the stream.

“Mu Fei, I want to kill you!”

But if Jiang Wei didn’t see it, angry roar, clutching the hot buttocks, quickly climbed ashore, and a few jumps reached the top of the mountain.

Seeing that Mu Fei had entered the jungle below, he hurried again.

He had been stunned by anger and completely forgot the black clothed old man.

Look at that black clothed old man again.

He stood on the edge of the terrace, his face gloomy like water, his hands were tightly clenched, ka beng ka beng kept ringing!

Ignored by Mu Fei and Jiang Wei one after another, he also became angry.


He has been slow to chase two people.

Qin Feiyang, who was hiding beside the waterfall, could not help but frown.

It seems that it is more difficult to get rid of this old man than he imagined.

“Mu Fei, if you don’t leave Bliss Flower today, I swear!”

Jiang Wei’s angry roar came from far away.

“Bliss Flower!”

The black clothed old man stunned and jumped up as if incarnation into an eagle, without touching his feet, across the medicine field, across the stream, and quickly ascended to the top of the mountain, sweeping the jungle below his eyes.

“Oh, if you want to leave, you have to leave Bliss Flower!”

He gloomily smiled, Battle Qi sprayed, turned into a stream of light, swept directly into the jungle, disappeared.

“Brother Wolf, the opportunity is coming, fast!”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

One man one wolf, like a hungry tiger going down the mountain, quickly ran into the medicine field.

2 Saying nothing.

Furiously looting the medicinal ingredient!

Although it was a setback, it finally cheated the old man away.


“Hmm, I also want Bliss Flower. It’s a dream.”

Inside the jungle.

Mu Fei sneered again and again.

“That Old Guy is coming too!”

But suddenly he complexion changed and glanced ahead.

5 beyond ten meters, there is a rapid river.

Opposite the river, there is a group of rocks, weeds and bushes.

Mu Fei stomped his full power, jumped across the river in one step, and quickly ran into the rock group, cautiously hiding.

Not a moment.

Jiang Wei also hurried over.

At the rear, the black clothed old man quickly approached, and he was Murderous looking!

“Damn, I unexpectedly forgot him!”

“Mu Fei, you wait for me, and sooner or later I will find this account for you!”

Jiang Wei cursed, ran to the river, jumped without the slightest hesitation, and disappeared instantly.

The black clothed old man chased to the river and looked at the rushing river. Gloomy’s face was almost dripping.

“Good luck to you!”

After a long time, he said something coldly, then turned and swept away towards the medicine field.

Compared to Bliss Flower, the medicine field is more important, but there can be no mistake.


When he returned to the medicine field, he was dumbfounded.

What about medicinal ingredient?

Why did it all disappear?

“Not good !”

“It was definitely lured the tiger away from the mountain!”

“2 little bastard, I want to kill you!”

He snarled, carrying anger, and chased Mu Fei two people again.

But he didn’t notice that he had just left and one man one wolf appeared out of thin air.

It’s Wolf King and Qin Feiyang!

Wolf King looked towards the top of the mountain, with a thick irony in his eyes.

“Brother Wolf, quick go. Although Mu Fei and Jiang Wei are now scapegoats, if they are caught, they will definitely be offered to us. Before we get any attention, we hurried to Black Bear City to sell these medicinal ingredients. . “

Qin Feiyang.

Wolf King grinned widely, his eyes full of smirks.

Sou! !

one man one wolf deviated slightly from the down lane and ran towards Black Bear City.

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