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Black Bear City.

There are four city gates.

Each city gate has an arrest warrant attached.

Whenever someone passes by, they will look curiously.

“10000 Gold Coin!”

“Who is this Qin Feiyang?”

“Unexpectedly so valuable?”

This is Black Bear City’s most talked about topic.

When the sun was setting in the west, Qin Feiyang finally walked out of the jungle, into a flat avenue alone, and walked towards the Northern City Gate.

As for Wolf King, it must not be able to enter the city, so Qin Feiyang, let it temporarily hide in Ancient Castle.

Walking on the avenue, Qin Feiyang didn’t feel anything at first.

But gradually.

He found that the atmosphere was somewhat wrong.

The pedestrians they met looked at him with a very strange expression.

And they followed him.

It seems a little bad!


more and more.

But no one snored, staring at him as if staring at a delicious cake.

Qin Feiyang could not help frowning.


He stopped!

The crowd behind him also came to a halt!

Some people even put their hands on the weapons around their waists, an atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent, which spread quickly in this place.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow, and walked toward the Northern City Gate without a word.

The crowd behind them also kept up slowly, always keeping a distance.


Qin Feiyang came to the city gate.

The guards on the side of city gate 2 saw him, and his face became very cautious!

“what is the problem?”

Qin Feiyang was confused.

Is preparing to enter the city, but suddenly his eyes are locked on the arrest warrant next to him.

On the arrest warrant, an avatar is drawn.

Isn’t that him?

Below the avatar, there are a few more lines of characters.

“This person’s name is Qin Feiyang, killing people like scything flax, wicked beyond redemption, whoever cut off his head, reward Gold Coin 10000!”

next to.

There is also a big red seal!

——Yan County King Yan!

Qin Feiyang is like thunder from a clear sky.

He was unexpectedly arrested!

And also the King of Yan County, King Yan, personally issued an arrest warrant!

The doubts in my heart were all immediately resolved.

No wonder Mu Fei two people will know his name.

No wonder these people are so strange.

Now, he is equal to a bunch of golden Coins, anyone will be jealous when they see it.

“King Yan …”

both of his hands tightly clenched, staring at that seal, the pumps are glowing with cold light!

Needless to say, it must be Lin Han who returned to Imperial Capital and asked Arrest warrant issued by King Yan.

dignified Royal Family, unexpectedly not distinguishing right from wrong, it is ridiculous to send an arrest warrant directly, which is ridiculous!

Such an unbearable Royal Family should also disappear.

But now he doesn’t have this ability.

It is imperative to get away quickly.

Qin Feiyang glanced at all around the crowd, indifferently said: “Why not make a move? Not confident?”

The crowd was silent.

They did it because they were not confident.

Although this child may seem young, it can be warranted by the Royal Family arrest warrant, which shows that it is certainly good.

Therefore, no one wants to be an early bird.

Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth lifted, suddenly turned around, and stopped the crowd behind him, immediately stepped back in panic.


At the same time, the sword was pulled out and the sharp edge was revealed!

“Don’t let him go!”

“So many of us, drooling one by one, don’t be afraid!”

Seeing Qin Feiyang preparing to escape, the guards immediately shouted.

“I see, who dares to stand in the way today!”

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly, stepped forward, and strode forward.

The crowd kept backing.

No one dares to make a move!

“What are you waiting for? Kill with me!”

See you.

A guard roared, raised his broad knife, and hacked at Qin Feiyang’s back!

Several other guards also swarmed up immediately.

“hmph! ”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted, turned abruptly, Azure Snow gracefully appeared!

铿 clang!

Several broad knives, broken on the spot!

Qin Feiyang fired a few more punches.

what! ! !

The guards, with painful screams, were like meteorites, smashing to the city wall behind them, all blood spout from mouth, their faces were pale!

“really strong !”

See this scene, all around the crowd turn pale with fright.

Those guards are all 1-Star Martial Master!

But in front of this child, unexpectedly did not even have the least bit of retaliation.

“His head, but worth 10000 Gold Coin, what is still going on?”

“Everyone worked together to kill him and share the 10000 Gold Coin evenly!”

2 guards got up and shouted.


human beings will die for riches, just as birds will die for food.

Attracted by Gold Coin, the crowd all around finally waved their butcher knife to Qin Feiyang!

Qin Feiyang is showing cold light, holding Azure Snow, like one human shaped T-rex, wherever he goes, blood splashes into the sky!

Less than three breaths.

He tore a gap and left the encirclement.

Ten several people lay on the ground, mourning!

“Don’t let him run!”

The others rushed towards Qin Feiyang again.

“I advise you, it’s better to be a little self-aware.”

Qin Feiyang left a word indifferently, then stepped on Gathering Smoke Step, and went into a jungle without looking back, quickly disappearing without shadow.


The crowd followed the jungle.

“What happened?”

It is also at this time.

A burly big middle-aged man came out of Black Bear City and looked puzzled at those guards.

“Captain, Qin Feiyang is here!”

“He escaped into the jungle.”

“Everyone goes after it!”

Several guards hurried.

“Qin Feiyang!”

big middle-aged man hearing this, with a strong cold light in his eyes, saying: “You are here to guard me, don’t let any suspicious person!”


Several guards said respectfully.

Then the big middle-aged man ran towards the jungle.

However, they are doomed to nothing.

Because Qin Feiyang ran into the jungle and went straight to Ancient Castle.

“Black Bear City has an arrest warrant, and other cities must also have an arrest warrant. It seems that in Yan County in the future, I will be unable to do anything.”

Qin Feiyang was standing beside Wolf King, his face was gloomy.


Wolf King growled, as if asking, what should I do next?

If you can’t enter the city, the medicinal ingredients that come from the robbery will have no use at all.

“Don’t worry, there must be a way.”

Qin Feiyang comforted, in the dark mumbled: “If only there was an ‘Illusory Appearance Pill’.”

Illusory Appearance Pill, which can change person’s own appearance.

But in this mountainous country, where can I find Illusory Appearance Pill?

“You stay here, I’ll go out and see what happens.”

When Qin Feiyang urged Wolf King, he left Ancient Castle and appeared in the jungle.


He hid in Tibet east, came to the edge of the jungle, and looked at the city gate.

A large number of people are swarming from the city, and the goal is exactly the jungle where he is!

“It seems that the news I have appeared has spread in Black Bear City.”

Qin Feiyang is about to turn away.

But suddenly!

He found 2 familiar silhouettes among the crowd flowing from the city.

“Why are they in Black Bear City?”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Two people are Luo Qingzhu and Zhao Shuang’er!

Again at this time.

A middle-aged man wearing black clothed leaped out of the city and landed on the city wall. He was standing there with one after another golden Battle Qi standing on it, obviously dazzling!

“Battle King !”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.


Luo Qingzhu and Zhao Shuang’er were also black eyebrows, standing under the city wall, looking up at the person.

Middle-aged man, like one king, glances at the jungle in front of him, and his sharp eyes make people tremble!


He saw Qin Feiyang standing on the edge!

In the eyes, a sudden murderous intention emerged immediately!

“Little bastard, you are finally here!”

He gloomily smiled, jumped directly from the city wall, his feet were not touching, and he swept away towards Qin Feiyang wildly shooting!

“Unexpectedly there is Battle King, you really deserve me.”

Qin Feiyang sneered and turned into the jungle without turning back.

Someone near the city gate also looked down and just saw the back of Qin Feiyang.


They seemed to be taking stimulants and rushing into the jungle.

“It’s him!”

“He is too brave!”

Luo Qingzhu and Zhao Shuang’er simultaneously looked, and the eyebrows were deeper and deeper.

Zhao Shuang’er whispered, “Big Sister Qingzhu, would you like to help him?”

“This one……”

Luo Qingzhu hesitated.

Help Qin Feiyang, and that is against Yan City Lin Family.

Do not!

There is one more Royal Family now.

If it is found, the consequences are disastrous!

Although Lin Family and Royal Family did not dare to kill her blatantly, they could send someone to assassinate her.

However, before leaving, mother explained in private. If you meet Qin Feiyang in the future, try to help if you can help.

“Help him again, but let the people in the Lin Family never know.”

Luo Qingzhu whispered.

Zhao Shuang’er nodded.

Two people went into the jungle one after another.

No matter their temperament or appearance, they are all outstanding, no matter where they go, they are a beautiful scenery.

But at the moment.

No one paid attention to them, they were all looking for Qin Feiyang.

They are also looking.

However, I searched for several hundred meters of Fangyuan, but I couldn’t find Qin Feiyang.


No news came from elsewhere.

It feels like Qin Feiyang has evaporated.

Luo Qingzhu, Zhao Shuang’er returned to the edge of the jungle.

At the edge.

No one has been seen, very quiet.

Everyone thought that Qin Feiyang escaped into the jungle, so they went to the jungle.

2 The girl stood next to a big tree and glanced at the jungle ahead, her black eyebrows wrinkled.

With so many people entering the jungle, and even one Battle King, even a fly, it should be found. Where is this guy hiding?

Night falls.

The jungle fell into darkness.

But no one left, typed torch, and searched in 4 places.

Luo Qingzhu said, “He should have escaped into the deep in the mountains. Let’s go back to the city first, and come to see it tomorrow morning.”

Zhao Shuang’er nodded.

“Two beauty, are you looking for me?”

But just as the two people turned around, a light laughter came from the leaves above.

Two people stared blankly and looked up.

Immediately I saw a dark shadow, cut open the branch, jumped down, and landed on the ground steadily.

He is not Qin Feiyang and is who?

“Have you been hiding there?”

Luo Qingzhu two people looked at him in amazement.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “If I had been hiding there, I would have been discovered long ago.”

Initially, he hid inside Ancient Castle, and when there were no footsteps, he ran out, hiding in the big tree next to him, looking for a chance to enter the city.

Do not want to, but waited for these 2 women.

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