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By the sea.

A sea breeze came, and the air was still cool.

A cliff edge.

The waves slapped against the rocks, and you can sometimes see big fish shuttle between the waves.

On the cliff, stands a simple little wooden house, two stories high, it looks very old and simple, but very clean, with a simple texture.

Behind the wooden building is a large verdant mountain, range upon range of mountains, with towering vegetation.

This is a sparsely populated place, and the little wooden house is located here, just like a lonely old man, looking very lonely.

At this time.

Just on the edge of the cliff by the sea, a white clothed married woman sitting alone on a bluestone, holding her chin in one hand, looking at the Sea Domain which is surging forward with great momentum, her expression is low, her eyes are full of insufficiency. Melancholy.

That’s right!

This married woman is Divine Kingdom Princess, Ji Tianyue!

After stripping off the three ultimate Profound Truths, her cultivation base has fallen to the Small Accomplishment ruler.

But even if she is in Great Qin, no one can shake the existence.

Because she also mastered other laws.

Although these laws have not yet understood the ultimate Profound Truth, even the highest Profound Truth, or the fifth Profound Truth, is enough to make her stand on the Peak of Great Qin.

Even in Ancient World, no one can beat her.


She came to Great Qin and couldn’t return to Divine Kingdom. She was able to let go of everything and live a quiet life without asking the world.

She herself, in fact, also wants to see the opening point, bear it down.

If you come, you will be at peace.

However, she couldn’t do it.

Every day she couldn’t help thinking, what is the current situation in Divine Kingdom and Tianyun Realm?

Qin Feiyang, the group of children, how is the relationship with the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan now?

It can be said.

She spends every day in anxiety.

She also thought about going back to the sky cloud realm, but the passage of the underworld hell and the sky cloud realm collapsed. Even if Fire Python wanted to help her, she was helpless.


All the worries and worries in my heart will eventually turn into a sigh.


Just as she was about to get up, three silhouettes suddenly appeared in the sky.

It is Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf!


Ji Tianyue stared blankly slightly, and quickly looked up. When she saw the three people in the sky, her eyes trembled immediately.

How did these three little fellows run back to Great Qin?

Could it be…

The situation in the Sky Cloud Realm is extremely bad, they were forced to come back?

“Old Ancestor.”

Qin Feiyang looked at the environment all around, then fell in front of Ji Tianyue, bowed and saluted.


Ji Tianyue was about to say something, but her expression suddenly became vigilant.

“We are not pretending.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, took out a Heavenly Eye Stone and held it in his hand.

Ji Tianyue looked at Qin Feiyang, her face remained unchanged for a while, then she relaxed, walked quickly to Qin Feiyang, and knocked fiercely on Qin Feiyang’s forehead on the spot.

“Old Ancestor, what are you doing?”

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead, feeling wronged at Ji Tianyue.

“What do you mean by this?”

“You are really good, unexpectedly colluded with Long Chen and imprisoned me in Great Qin.”

Ji Tianyue said angrily.


Qin Feiyang was stunned, said with a bitter smile: “It’s really wrong. I don’t know about it. I don’t believe it. You can ask Senior Brother and White-Eyed Wolf.”

Ji Tianyue stared blankly, turning one’s head looked towards Madman and White-Eyed Wolf.

“We really don’t know.”

“Back then, you gave the inheritance to Yun Ziyang and disappeared without a trace. We went to find you everywhere. Finally, Long Chen told us that you wanted to visit Great Qin.”

The madman and White-Eyed Wolf said.

“So, it’s really not your idea?”

Ji Tianyue asked.

“Really not.”

“This is Long Chen’s personal behavior.”

“However, for this matter, I have to thank Long Chen.”

“Otherwise, let you go back to Divine Kingdom alone, it’s hard to imagine what will happen?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Ji Tianyue rolled her eyes and rubbed Qin Feiyang’s forehead, caring: “It doesn’t hurt!”


“Now the brain is still buzzing.”

Qin Feiyang feeling wronged Extremely, full of resentment.

“You still want to be beaten, don’t you?”

Ji Tianyue’s face turned black.

At any rate, he is also in the Great Perfection ruler realm. Is he so vulnerable?


Qin Feiyang laughed and asked with concern: “Are you still used to it during your years in Great Qin?”

“It’s the same everywhere.”

“Besides, this is the clan land of Qin Clan lineage. If there are no other factors, I really hope to stay here forever.”

Ji Tianyue laughed.

“Then you have been staying in Great Qin!”

“Conveniently in passing can also teach us the descendants of Qin Clan.”

“Like Qin Li’s little fellows, is it because of your help that bloodline returning to Ancestors?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“You already know?”

Ji Tianyue was surprised.


“Before I came back, I went to Ancient World, they told me.”

“And this time I return to Great Qin, I also brought them back, ready to send to Profound Martial World, and then have a good experience.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

“Experience is fine, but don’t be too bloody.”

“These little fellows are still very promising, just a little bit of polish.”

Ji Tianyue said with a laugh.

“It seems that you are very satisfied with their performance.”

Qin Feiyang Road.


Ji Tianyue was nodded, and then looked at the three people nervously and asked: “Why did you suddenly come back? Could it be that the situation in the Tianyun world…”


“Don’t worry too much.”

“Everything has us!”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand quickly to appease the Old Ancestor.


Ji Tianyue stared blankly, feeling unexpected, said with displeasure: “You brat, don’t lie to me.”

“How dare I lie to you?”

“I’m back this time, mainly because I want to see everyone, and I also conveniently in passing bring someone over to see you.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.


“The situation in the Sky Cloud Realm is better than you think.”

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf are also nodded.


Regarding this answer, Ji Tianyue still couldn’t believe it, and said suspiciously: “Bring who to see me?”

“You wait a minute first.”

“I at once tell him to come out.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, sound transmission said: “Lord Sir, I have found your daughter, now I am with her, are you ready?”

Hearing this, the lord sitting alone in the tea garden, his eyes trembled immediately, got up and urged: “Pick me out.”

“So impatient?”

Qin Feiyang laughed blankly, and with a wave of his hand, the lord of the country appeared right away.


Ji Tianyue looked immediately stiff.

What’s the matter?

Why would Sir Father be with these three little fellows?

“Yue’er .”

The lord looked at the treasure daughter in front of him, and immediately couldn’t help but cry.

“father …”

Ji Tianyue’s heart is also sour.

Old father, they are all so old…

“Yue’er, father missed you so much…”

In front of the High Lord of the country, I held Ji Tianyue in a hug, afraid that when I let go, my daughter would disappear in front of my eyes.

“My daughter misses you too…”

Ji Tianyue was buried in the warm chest of the old father, tears could not stop pouring out.

Qin Feiyang three people looked simultaneously, a smile also appeared on his face.

In the past, I heard from the host that they care about this daughter very much, and they still hold a questioning attitude. If you really care, will you hurt her?

But this moment.

Looking at the father and daughter embracing each other, they are convinced.

It is not difficult to even see that the Lord cares about his daughter more strongly than he does to Heavenly Monarch.

“Ji Heavenly Monarch?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

Now Ji Heavenly Monarch, isn’t he in Profound Martial World?

They siblings, it’s been a long time since I saw them!

“Big Uncle.”

Thinking of this, Qin Feiyang immediately summoned Ji Heavenly Monarch.

Ji Heavenly Monarch is in retreat, fusing the strongest law ultimate Profound Truth. He suddenly heard Qin Feiyang’s rumors, he opened his eyes suspiciously and asked: “What?”

“You come out, I have prepared a surprise for you.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.


Ji Heavenly Monarch stared blankly, black face said: “Don’t be a pit.”

“How is it possible?”

“I pit no one, I dare not pit Big Uncle you.”

Qin Feiyang hehe smiled straight.

Hearing this, Ji Heavenly Monarch couldn’t help but roll his eyes, got up and tidied his clothes, and said: “I’m ready, take me out!”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

With the thoughts move, Ji Heavenly Monarch also immediately appeared next to him.

“little sister?”

As soon as he came out, he saw the lord and Ji Tianyue, his eyes trembled immediately.


Hearing Ji Heavenly Monarch’s voice, Ji Tianyue quickly raised her head and looked towards Ji Heavenly Monarch, with immediate joy on her face.

Following closely.

She ran out of the arms of the lord and ran towards Ji Heavenly Monarch.

The two siblings hugged each other deeply.


“I’m not dreaming!”

“Why are you and Sir Father in Great Qin?”

Ji Tianyue is both happy and nervous.

It is natural to be happy to be reunited with father and brother.

What is nervous is that I am afraid that this is a dream.

Waking up from the dream, all disappeared.

“You didn’t dream.”

“It’s really us.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch soothed, looking down at this younger sister with vicissitudes of life, immediately couldn’t help but feel distressed, and blamed himself: “It’s me, the big brother, it’s useless, for making you suffer so much in the sky cloud world. “

Compared with the lively and lovely younger sister before, now it is totally different from two people.


“As long as you and father, and still recognize my daughter and younger sister, I don’t care about anything.”

Ji Tianyue shook his head.

“silly girl .”

“Sir Father and I have never forgotten you.”

“No matter what happens, no matter how the ways of the world changes, you are my little sister and Sir Father’s pearl in the palm.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch comforted.

The lord next to him was also in silence nodded, tears streaming down his face.

“It’s really moving.”

The lunatic shook his head.

Even his eye sockets became a little moist.

“This is the love between father and daughter and siblings.”

“No matter how time passes, no matter how polished the years, will not be reduced by half.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

In the world, the ones who really care about yourself are always the ones around you.

“The lord finally got his wish. It seems that when we brought him to Great Qin this time, it is still a good deed of good deeds.”

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.



Qin Feiyang smiled with the lunatic in the dark.

It is really a joy to see the father and daughter, the siblings reunited.

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