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After a long time.

The three people finally calmed down their inner emotions.

Looking at the two people, Ji Tianyue asked confusedly: “Father, brother, what is going on?”

Let’s talk about the relationship between two people and Qin Feiyang and the others. Qin Feiyang may also bring two people to Great Qin.

“This matter is really going to speak of which, two weeks can’t be finished.”


“Let’s sit down and speak slowly.”

The country master said with a smile.

“Don’t sit busy for now.”

“Imperial Capital still has a large group of people waiting for us.”

“When we go to Profound Martial World, let’s talk slowly!”

Qin Feiyang Road.

“Go to Profound Martial World?”

The Lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch both look suspicious.

“You have been in Profound Martial World before, so I don’t know, Ice Dragon only gave us three days.”

“I have stayed in Ancient World for one day. Now I can only stay in Great Qin for two days. After two days, we must return to Divine Kingdom.”

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

“He has to deal with this?”

The Lord frowned.

“He is powerful, what can we do?”

Qin Feiyang gave a wry smile, and immediately said again: “And, I have also seen the Divine Kingdom ruler.”

The Lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch were surprised.

“I also played against him.”

Qin Feiyang said again.

The two people stood up suddenly and looked at Qin Feiyang in shock.

Qin Feiyang said: “This matter, also wait for the Profound Martial World, let’s talk about it slowly.”


two people nodded.

Ji Tianyue didn’t speak from beginning to end. Looking at Qin Feiyang and the two people, the expression was strange.

“Yue’er, what are you looking at?”

The lord asked suspiciously.

Ji Tianyue glanced at the three people and said: “Father, how do I look at you now and feel like following the bad example of others?”

“following the bad example of others?”

The corners of several people’s mouths do not twitch fiercely.

“Old Ancestor, can you speak, can we call following the bad example of others?”

“You should say that we are like-minded and like-minded.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s face was speechless.

It sounds like they are the villains.


Ji Tianyue laughed dryly.

It is indeed a bit of a misnomer.

“Let’s go!”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and opened a passage of time and space.

The lunatic suddenly stopped Qin Feiyang, frowning and said: “You let the Lord and Big Uncle appear in front of everyone like this?”

“I’m in Great Qin now, is this a problem?”

Qin Feiyang is suspicious.

“Of course there is a problem.”

“If by any chance Divine Kingdom people, came to Great Qin to inquire about the situation. Didn’t you know that the Lord and Big Uncle have hooked up with us?”

Madman said.

“It shouldn’t be this!”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Don’t be so confident, be afraid of if by any chance if you are not afraid of ten thousand.”

“Besides, not all the people in the Imperial Palace are worthy of trust.”

“Such as those palace maid and guard.”

The lunatic said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, turning one’s head looked towards Heavenly Monarch and Ji Heavenly Monarch, said with a smile: “Then both of you, please go to Profound Martial World and wait a moment.”

“It’s really troublesome.”

The face of the country’s lord is full of displeasure.

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “No way, Senior Brother is right. You can’t be careless now.”

“Let’s do it!”

“Then you hurry up.”

The lord is nodded.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and sent the lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch to the Profound Martial World, then stepped aside and looked at Ji Tianyue and said, “Old Ancestor, please ask first.”

“smelly brat .”

Ji Tianyue laughed and scolded, stepping into the passage of time and space.

Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked, with a satisfied smile, one after another to keep up.


Qiuyu floor!

Looking at the time and space passage appearing in the sky above, Ling Xiaoyan curiously asked: “Li, big brother, what is this? It looks like very difficult to deal with.”

Qin Li heard this, said with a bitter smile: “Yan’er, this is the passage of time and space, of course it is amazing.”

“Time and Space Passage?”

Ling Xiaoyan was even more surprised.

“The space-time passage requires the understanding of Space-Time Laws before it can be opened.”

Qin Li is ready to explain, but when I think about it, for Ling Xiaoyan, the rules seem to be too early, said with a smile: “When you step into the Nine Heavens Realm before, I will tell you.”

“Are you bullying me too young?”

Ling Xiaoyan stared at him dissatisfied.

“No, no.”

“Who dares to bully you?”

“Also, I have told you many times, you can’t call me big brother, you have to call me uncle, this is seniority.”

Qin Li was helpless.

He is the biological younger brother of Qin Feiyang, and he is the same generation as Ling Yunfei.

As Ling Yunfei’s daughter, Ling Xiaoyan is naturally shorter than him by a generation.

But from childhood to big, this girl always calls him big brother.

When facing Qin Yun and Qin Xian’s several people, she is no exception, both are called big brother and elder sister.

Seven people are most helpless.

Lu Xiaojia, Lu Xiaofei, and Situ Feiyang also called them brothers and sisters.

“My name is big brother.”

“Called the big brother, affectionate.”

Ling Xiaoyan laughed.

Qin Li was helpless.


During the conversation, Ji Tianyue finally appeared.

Qin Feiyang three people follow closely from behind.

When Ji Tianyue appeared in the Imperial Palace, it didn’t matter, even if he was seen by the Divine Kingdom ruler, it doesn’t matter.

Because everyone in Divine Kingdom knows that Ji Tianyue has betrayed Divine Kingdom.

“Sorry, let everyone wait a long time.”

Ji Tianyue smiled slightly at everyone.

“it doesn’t matter .”

Emperor Hong waved his hand.

The suspicion in my heart is even thicker.

Why does he feel an inexplicable intimacy every time he sees this woman?

There are Emperor Chen, Xuandi, Qin Haotian, and Qin Li and the others who feel this way.

Qin Li’s seven people still don’t know the identity of Ji Tianyue.

Because at that time, when I talked about Ji Tianyue’s identity with Ye Zhong, there was no third person present except Mu Qing.

“Then let’s go to Profound Martial World now!”

Qin Feiyang looked at everyone said with a smile.


Everyone is nodded.

I am also full of curiosity about the Profound Martial World today.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and everyone present disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A group of guard and palace maid watched this scene with admiration and admiration on their faces.

This is their Guardian God of Great Qin, with an independent world, and he is the ruler of that world.


Profound Martial World.

Tea Garden.

Very terrifying Soul Vein energy! “

“There is also crystal vein energy, even the Human Sovereign Palace can’t match it.”

Qin Li and the others glanced all around, eyes full of surprise.

“Don’t be kidding.”

“Can the Human Sovereign Palace compare to this place?”

White-Eyed Wolf despised.

“yes yes yes .”

“Can’t be compared, can’t be compared, this one is the sky, the other is the earth, not at the same level.”

Qin Xian bared his teeth.

Such a place is really desirable.

“Uncle Qin, are those all medicinal ingredients?”

Ling Xiaoyan pointed to the medicine field outside the tea garden.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“A lot of medicinal ingredient!”

“Li big brother, Yun elder sister, look at that, is that Good Fortune Tree?”

“This is the first time I have seen such a strong Good Fortune Tree.”

This little girl, it’s very strange to see everything.

“It’s really stout.”

Qin Li and the others muttered.

These Good Fortune Trees, Divine Soul Fruit wait a minute, from a distance, they are like mountains, towering to the sky.

“these all are tea trees?”


And someone is staring at the tea tree all around.


“They are all god tea trees.”

“This is hard to see even in the Sky Cloud Realm.”

Qin Feiyang explained patiently.

“God Tea Tree!”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Emperor Hong, Emperor Chen, Great Grandfather, these elders, can’t help but shine.

Lu Xiaofei ran up to the Bodhi tree and looked at the bodhi fruit on it. Is it edible?

Just as he was about to pick one off, Qin Feiyang hurried forward and patted the back of his hand fiercely, which made him contorts one’s face in agony.

“Why hit me?”

Lu Xiaofei looked at him puzzled.

“To hit you is to keep you from moving.”

“Do you know what level of tea tree this is?”

“top grade god tea!”

“I tell you, such a small leaf is worth more than your life.”

Qin Feiyang glared at him.

“Is it such an exaggeration?”

Lu Xiaofei was not convinced.

“This is Bodhi tea.”

Ji Tianyue walked in front of Qin Feiyang, looked at the Bodhi tree, muttered: “As far as I know, it seems that only Jiuye has Bodhi tea. How can this brat come in?”

Qin Feiyang heard Ji Tianyue’s whisper and chuckled: “Old Ancestor, look at the other god tea trees.”

“Old Ancestor?”

When other people heard this name, they couldn’t help but look surprised.

unexpectedly call her Old Ancestor?

What’s the matter?

Ji Tianyue heard what Qin Feiyang said, stared blankly and looked towards other god tea trees.



There was a trace of surprise in her eyes.

These tea trees are unexpectedly exactly the same as the tea trees in Ji Jiuye’s tea garden?

What’s the situation?

Qin Feiyang was about to speak, and suddenly saw that there were two sneaky people in a distant place. They looked at this side as if they were a thief.

It is the Lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch.

Qin Feiyang was stunned and asked: “What are you two doing hiding there?”


Others followed the looked towards Heavenly Monarch and Ji Heavenly Monarch.


Everyone’s eyes can’t help but freeze.

Although the Lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch converged on aura, everyone could still feel a strong sense of crisis from them.

That seems to be two terrifying gods!

The Lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch stared blankly, came out suspiciously, looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “It wasn’t you who said, can’t you let everyone know that we came to Great Qin?”

Qin Feiyang speechless saying: “It was outside, there were many palace maid and guards present, but now it is in Profound Martial World, here are my own people, what are you afraid of?”

“Say early!”

The two people stared at Qin Feiyang, immediately rushing to Ji Tianyue’s side, hushing cold and asking warmth.

“Now let me introduce you.”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Yan Wei and the others, pointing to White-Eyed Wolf sitting at the stone table, said with a smile: “You must be curious, this guy is who? Now I will reveal the answer for you, he It is the White-Eyed Wolf you are familiar with.”

Because Yan Wei and the others later did not know the identity of White-Eyed Wolf.

“White-Eyed Wolf?”

“Fuck, it turned out to be you, I feel your aura, how familiar.”

“Didn’t expect, you unexpectedly change into human form?”

“Aren’t you very repulsive before?”

“What is going on now?”

Pei Yi and Gongsun Bei looked at White-Eyed Wolf in surprise and asked.

“Do you want to manage?”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted.

How big things are, all of them look like monkeys.

“Because he has found true love, he now pays more attention to image.”

Qin Feiyang hehe smiled, and one after another introduced Huo Wu, lunatic, Zhuo Xiaoxian, and Li Feng.

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