
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

“It’s really bad luck.”

“I wanted to capture them, Deprivation their ultimate Profound Truth.”

“I didn’t expect, this bastard has unexpectedly Source Power!”

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf both have angry faces.

Before the Divine Kingdom ruler left, how much Source Power did the Central Dynasty leave behind?

There is a double Heavenly Dao Will, Dong Yuming and the others will certainly not catch up with them, but if Dong Yuming blocks the entrance of the Central Dynasty in the future, then they have no hope and can enter the Central Dynasty.

“Little Qinzi, think of a solution.”

“If we can’t compete with Source Power, it will be useless even if we successfully enter the Central Dynasty.”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

“If you are really unable to compete with Source Power, as Human Race Supreme said, then we will really give a lamb in a tiger’s den.”

The lunatic shook his head.

“You guys think too much!”

“Now, how can we compete with Divine Kingdom’s Source Power?”

Qin Feiyang smiled wryly.

He wanted to break Dong Yuming’s Source Power with one fist, but his strength did not allow it.

The lunatic eyeball turned around and suggested: “Or, you can try with Profound Martial World’s Source Power and see how far it is from Divine Kingdom’s Source Power?”

“It’s far worse to see.”

“Besides, you don’t know.”

“I want to control the Source Power of Profound Martial World, and I must first get the consent of the brat.”

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

The corner of the lunatic’s mouth twitched.

How do you feel that Qin Feiyang, the ruler of the Profound Martial World, is a bit shameless? No real power at all is equivalent to existing in name only.

“Before so unbridled, what are you running now?”

“Really a few useless dogs.”

“There is a kind of like a man, fighting with us head-on.”

“Don’t make us look down on you.”

Not only Dong Yuming, but also members of Legion who lived and died, also clamored.


“Who is the waste dog?”

White-Eyed Wolf was furious.

“Calm down!”

“They laughed at us so much, they just wanted to motivate us to stop and battle with them.”

Qin Feiyang comforted White-Eyed Wolf, turning one’s head watching Dong Yuming and the others who were being thrown farther and farther behind, said with a sneer: “Want us to battle with you? Yes, if we have the ability, we will chase. Come to us.”

“How about mastering Source Power? It’s not just that we can only watch us slip away from under our noses.”

A madman is also a very reasonable person.

Not only was not irritated, but looked at Dong Yuming’s group and sneered at each other.

I, your father just don’t get angry, don’t be fooled, and piss you off.

This caused Dong Yuming’s group to become angry.


Three people just dumped a group of people and stopped on top of an island.

“Old Qin.”

“How about we find a way to lure Dong Yuming away, and then hunt down the members of Death God Legion?”

The radiance flashed in the eyes of the lunatic, and said with a smile.

“Lure away?”

Qin Feiyang Pico stared blankly, frowned: “Who will be the whole bait?”


The madman and White-Eyed Wolf said in unison, and looked at Qin Feiyang.

“Let me be the bait?”

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

“Of course.”

“You control the double Heavenly Dao Will, faster than him. If you want to get out, get out. It’s not you. Should we go?”

White-Eyed Wolf is unhappy.

If he and a madman are going to be bait, it is purely courting death.

“Don’t be so unorthodox.”

“Although I have double Heavenly Dao Will, facing Source Power, there are still risks.”

Qin Feiyang has a black face.

“If there is risk, there will be gain.”

Evilly smiled the lunatic.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched, and helplessly said: “Without my 3,000 Incarnations, you can’t beat these members of Death God Legion, after all, their strength has surpassed you.”

“Who look down on?”

“When you are I, your father is in the Profound Martial World, absorbing 10,000 years of evil power, is it for nothing?”

“Tell you, if I, your father is full power take action now, they may not be opponents of I, your father.”

The lunatic smiled.


Qin Feiyang looked at the lunatic questioningly.

The lunatic said impatiently: “Don’t grind, just one sentence, do you want to be this bait?”

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, nodded and said: “As long as you have certainty, capture those members of Death God Legion, I can be the bait.”

“Don’t worry!”

“However, to be on the safe side, it is better to let Lin Yiyi, Demon Ancestor, Mu Tianyang, come out and help.”

The madman bared his teeth.

Lin Yiyi three people’s Battle Soul helped, absolutely like a tiger that has grown wings.


“But you have to ensure their safety.”

“They haven’t mastered Heavenly Dao Will yet, but they have little combat effectiveness.”

Qin Feiyang advised.

“Don’t worry.”

“We will protect them personally when the time comes.”

White-Eyed Wolf hehe smiled straight.

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes, when he was a three-year-old child?

If you go for personal protection, who will hunt and kill the members of Death God Legion?

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and Lin Yiyi three people appeared.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Yiyi looked suspiciously at Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf.

“I need your help.”

Qin Feiyang briefly explained the situation.

Lin Yiyi three people heard it and immediately looked up towards the sky above the Sea Domain ahead, with shock in their eyes.

More than 8,000 members of Death God Legion, as well as Source Power, are also awesome right?!

“You guys wait a minute first.”

“Even if all of the members of Death God Legion are captured alive by us, they can only get more than 40,000 ultimate Profound Truth inheritance. Is it worth the risk?”

Mu Tianyang frowned.


Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf was astonished.


“Is there anything wrong with my words?”

Looking at the reaction of the three people, Mu Tianyang looked suspicious.

“I said Old Brother Mu, your tone now is really bigger than athlete’s foot.”

White-Eyed Wolf is extremely speechless.

“hey hey hey !”

“How do you say it?”

“What is the tone bigger than athlete’s foot?”

“You have athlete’s foot!”


“According to seniority, you have to call me Old Ancestor, unexpectedly and shamelessly call me old brother, your face is really big.”

Mu Tianyang has a black face.

This wolf pup, really can’t communicate much, it’s easy to make people angry.

“What kind of cow?”

“I call you my brother, I am worthy of you.”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted, the eyeball turned slightly, and his teeth said: “Since you are so unhappy, I will call you Xiaoyangzi from now on!”

“get lost! “

Mu Tianyang is so angry with gnashing teeth.

Still Xiaoyangzi, why don’t you talk about Xiaomuzi?

What a wicked thing.

“All right!”

“Isn’t it just one name, what are you more serious?”

Demon Ancestor appeased Mu Tianyang.

It’s more real with this wolf pup, isn’t it just looking for anger?

“Actually hunting these Death God Legion people, Deprivation their ultimate Profound Truth is only second, mainly to weaken the strength of the entire Death God Legion.”

“If this time, we can solve the problem in one fell swoop for the tenth team, naturally there will be less threats in the future.”

Qin Feiyang looked at Mu Tianyang said with a smile.

Mu Tianyang glared at White-Eyed Wolf, looked at Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “The reason is pretty much the same, but Dong Yuming has Source Power and it is not easy to get rid of him.”

“As long as the members of the tenth team can be eliminated, it is not so important for Dong Yuming to die or not.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

“Let’s do it!”

“Then you can find a way to lure Dong Yuming away.”

“Leave the rest to us.”

Mu Tianyang took a deep breath.

Having the strongest Battle Soul is not a good deed.

Without mastering Heavenly Dao Will, they had to collide head-on with the people of Death God Legion.

If it weren’t because they were all veteran of a hundred battles, facing such a terrible Death God Legion, how could they have the courage and courage?

“It is estimated that it will not be easy to lead Dong Yuming away.”

“After all, he is not stupid.”

“If it doesn’t work, don’t force it.”

Demon Ancestor told.

“I know.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, said with a smile: “You hide first.”


A group of people were nodded, and immediately disappeared into the Sea Domain below.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, opened 3,000 Incarnations again, instructed: “All open hidden decisions, hidden.”


3,000 Incarnations nodded, with the opening of the hidden decision, it disappeared instantly.

Qin Feiyang stared at the void ahead, and soon felt that one after another powerful aura was rolling in, and immediately opened the hidden decision, hiding in the void.

After a while.

Dong Yuming led more than 8,000 members of Death God Legion, majestic flew.

“They have completely lost their whereabouts, commander, what should I do now?”

An old man scanned void and looked at Dong Yuming frowned.

Dong Yuming’s face was gloomy, coldly snorted and said: “The strength is not very good, but the effort to escape is first-rate!”

Upon hearing this, the members of Death God Legion couldn’t help but smile.

Madman Mo and Golden Wing Wolf King will not talk about it first, but Qin Feiyang’s strength is obvious to all. Unexpectedly, it is not very good?

Had it not been for Dong Yuming’s identity here, they would certainly snort disdainfully.

“The place they can go now is Four Great Continents.”

“Because of the Central Dynasty, they can’t enter at all.”

“Since we can’t catch up now, then we will go to Four Great Continents to find them!”

“This Eminence still doesn’t believe it, they can disappear from the face of the earth!”

With a wave of Dong Yuming, Source Power disappeared in his body, and then led a group of people to leave.

“make a move!”

Just then.

Qin Feiyang’s voice sounded, with strong murderous intention.


next moment.

one after another The terrifying aura broke out.

Qin Feiyang, 3,000 Incarnations, also appeared in void.

In an instant!

More than 20,000 finals appeared, killing a group of people frantically.


“Unexpectedly, dare you to counter-ampute us here?”

The complexion of a group of people changed suddenly.

This person is too courageous, in the face of the powerful Source Power, dare to make this kind of counter-ambush behavior?

It was completely unexpected.

This person really can’t be treated with ordinary eyes!

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