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“You stay away!”

Dong Yuming was also taken aback and hurriedly roared.

More than 8,000 people in Death God Legion, when a shivered, quickly turned around and fled away.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the three chi long sword made by Source Power was born. The divine might is mighty, blocking all the ultimate Profound Truth!

hong long long ……

The collision of the ultimate Profound Truth and the three chi long sword caused a wave of world extinguishing.

Although more than 8,000 people in Death God Legion escaped in time, they were still affected, all of them turned on their backs, blood flowing directly!

Watching this scene, Dong Yuming’s hands tightly clenched, his face is gloomy scary!

Had it not been for Source Power, the Qin Feiyang counter-ambush might have wiped out their entire army!

Smart mind…

Terrible means!

And this, even in the face of their Death God Legion, the courage and courage to counter ambush…

Each of these makes the scalp numb!

This person, if you don’t get rid of it now, the threat will be even greater in the future!


Murderous intention in Dong Yuming’s eyes surged.

The three chi long sword in his hand burst out with a dazzling colorful divine light.

one after another A terrifying edge swept Heaven and Earth!

Qin Feiyang’s more than 20,000 ultimate Profound Truth all collapsed in an instant.

“Little bastard, even if you are going up to Heaven or down to Hades today, this Eminence will kill you and make you divine shadow entirely extinguished without even the chance of reincarnation!”

With a sternly shouted, without opening the ultimate Profound Truth, he twisted the three chi long sword and killed Qin Feiyang.

Because of Source Power, there is no need to open the ultimate Profound Truth.

Source Power can crush everything!

Qin Feiyang pupil shrank, looking at 3,000 Incarnations, secretly thought: “Escape!”



3,000 Incarnations opened the instant time and double Heavenly Dao Will and fled in all directions.

Qin Feiyang is also mixed in 3,000 Incarnations.

Because of 3,000 Incarnations, both height and appearance are exactly the same as him.

As long as he doesn’t say anything and mixes in 3,000 Incarnations, no one knows who is his true body.

“Fleeing again?”

“But now, Madman Mo and Golden Wing Wolf King are not there, Qin Feiyang himself did not speak, so many incarnations, who is his true body?”

The members of Death God Legion gathered in the distant place all glanced suspiciously at Qin Feiyang and 3,000 Incarnations who were fleeing.

Sure enough!

For a while, they couldn’t tell who the Qin Feiyang true body was.

“Whoever is true body, kill without mercy!”

Dong Yuming grinned.

A dozen avatars were annihilated on the spot.

Following closely.

He did not stay, and then killed another incarnation.

Seeing the avatars continue to annihilate, the results are not Qin Feiyang’s true body, Dong Yuming also gradually began to become a little impetuous.

As for the members of Death God Legion, they dare not help at this moment.

First of all.

The three chi long sword made by Source Power, the killing power is too strong, it will affect them.


They don’t have Source Power, they are not opponents when facing Qin Feiyang.

The most critical.

Now they dare not open the ultimate Profound Truth.

Because once the ultimate Profound Truth is opened, Qin Feiyang and 3,000 Incarnations will immediately open the eyes of God to copy.

Their strongest method is the Ultimate Profound Truth. Now that they dare not open the Ultimate Profound Truth, they naturally have no courage to help.

Pursuing 3,000 Incarnations all the way, Dong Yuming, who was impatient, didn’t realize that he was getting further and further away from the members of Death God Legion.

“We will follow soon.”

“See if you can find an opportunity to help Sir Commander.”

“And Madman Mo and Golden Wing Wolf King, neither showed up, maybe there is a conspiracy!”

Death God Legion A big middle-aged man opens his mouth.

Everyone has nodded.

But at this time!

The Sea Domain below, set off a huge wave.

With two horrible auras, two figures soar into the sky.

“This is…”

More than 8,000 people were startled and looked down. Isn’t it a lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf who is who?

“You are quite smart, we do have a conspiracy.”

“But this conspiracy is not against Dong Yuming, but against you!”

The lunatic smiled.

The power of all evil is surging, like the incarnation of evil, which makes people can’t help but panic.

“For us?”

“Only you two?”

“You don’t think you are Qin Feiyang!”

“Mastering 3,000 Incarnations, Life and Death Laws, Eye of God, Double Heavenly Dao Will?”

“You are overpowering!”

“Killing your two trash, with the strength of our tenth team, is as easy as killing a dog!”

More than 8,000 people in Death God Legion sneered one after another.

This is the stupidest person they have ever seen.

In the face of them, there are more than 8,000 people, it doesn’t matter if they don’t escape hurriedly, unexpectedly they still come and send them?

If you want to die so, then it will fulfill you!

“Kill you, I believe Qin Feiyang will definitely be very painful!”

“Things like trash, go to death!”

A group of people contempt said with a smile and are preparing to open the ultimate Profound Truth.

If they really open the ultimate Profound Truth, White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic must be bode ill rather than well.

After all.

There are more than 8,000 people, and more than 48,000 are the ultimate Profound Truth.

And it also contains Heavenly Dao Will.

This is also the confidence of these people.


The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf watched this scene without any panic, they were calm.

There is even a hint of sarcasm at the corner of the mouth.

Is who in the end, overweight?

Is who stupid anyway?

Is who again, is the real trash?

Let’s wait and see!



Just as the ultimate Profound Truth of a group of people was about to take shape, three more silhouettes swept out of the Sea Domain below.

That’s right!

It is Lin Yiyi, Demon Ancestor, Mu Tianyang!

Eye of Forgetfullness, Eye of Despair, Evil Eye, open instantly.

For some people, their heads were instantly blank, and their memories were forcibly Deprivation!

There are also some people who fall directly into desperate abyss, unable to extricate themselves.

The remaining part of the people, dominated by Evil Eye, fell into a state of madness.


At this moment, the more than 8,000 people in Death God Legion were all dominated by the three strongest Battle Souls.

The ultimate Profound Truth, which is about to take shape, also collapsed on the spot!

They are now…

Especially those who are dominated by Eye of Despair and Eye of Forgetfullness, are tantamount to losing their sense of self-protection and standing there waiting to be beaten.

“Hurry up!”

“They all own Heavenly Dao Will, we can’t control them for long.”

Mu Tianyang urged.


“One moment is enough!”

The madman jié jié smiled.

With a violent wave of the big hand, the sword of all evil was born, and the sharpness it exudes was not terrifying.


Killing those who are dominated by the three great battle souls and unable to open the ultimate Profound Truth is already enough and to spare!


Such as Divine Sword unsheathing.

The sword of all evil turned into a shock, and it was killed in no time!

Peerless edge, directly overwhelm a group of people!


The screams also sounded.

In an instant, the fleshy bodies of more than 8,000 people were all shattered by the sword of all evil.

Even their Divine Soul was mostly wiped out by the edge of the sword of all evil!

“Didn’t expect, you will fall into the hands of us fools.”

White-Eyed Wolf haha ​​laughed and jumped, not giving these people any chance to self-destruct Divine Soul, Law Power surged out and suppressed all the Remnant Soul of a group of people.

“How could this be?”

“What happened just now?”

A group of people was terrified to the extreme.

I thought that I could easily kill these two people in seconds, but I didn’t expect it, but it was just a blink of an eye, but they became prisoners of the other side.

“The biggest mistake you have made is that you only have Qin Feiyang, a madman, and White-Eyed Wolf in your eyes, thus ignoring our existence.”

“Our Evil Eye, Eye of Despair, Eye of Forgetfullness, are not fun with you.”

Mu Tianyang looked at a group of people sneered.

“Eye of Despair, Eye of Forgetfullness, Evil Eye…”

A group of people trembled.

Eye of Despair, Evil Eye, they have heard about it, but didn’t expect now, even Eye of Forgetfullness unexpectedly has evolved.

Sure enough!

The real idiots are them.

Even these strongest Battle Souls can be ignored.


It’s too late to say, then soon!

Dong Yuming, who was chasing Qin Feiyang and 3,000 Incarnations, felt the aura of the sword of all evil, and stopped immediately, turning one’s head looked towards void behind.


He witnessed with his own eyes, the sword of all evil blasted and killed more than eight thousand people.

And also witnessed with his own eyes, White-Eyed Wolf suppressed the Divine Soul of more than 8,000 people.

This scene made him almost crazy!

absolutely didn’t expect, the goal of Qin Feiyang and the others was actually these members under his command!

Until now, if he still doesn’t understand, then he is really stupid to the point of hopelessly.

This is obviously a trap set by Qin Feiyang several people!

Qin Feiyang take action to draw him away.

Madman Mo and Golden Wing Wolf King, as well as Demon Ancestor three people, took the opportunity to make a move to his men.

What a good plot against!

At this time.

Qin Feiyang finally stood up and watched Dong Yuming said with a smile: “Even the safety of your subordinates is forgotten. It seems that you really think you can kill me.”

Dong Yuming clenched his hands, turning one’s head staring at Qin Feiyang. If the expression can kill people, his expression at this moment must have thwarted Qin Feiyang!

“But don’t be upset.”

“Because even if we changed to someone like Dong Qingyuan, we wouldn’t think that we would dare to do this.”

“After all, in our current situation, most people will choose to run for their lives. How can they dare to set off and plot against you?”

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

Upon hearing this, Dong Yuming was both angry and frightened.

What kind of monster is this group?

It is already at a critical moment, unexpectedly able to do such an unexpected thing.

This is their central dynasty, the opponent they are about to face?

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