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Just now.

Another time and space passage appeared.

one after another The familiar aura emerged.

“Dong Hanzong!”

The lunatic’s eyes narrowed.

“And Dong Tianxiang…”

“Wait a minute, why is there Ji Daxiong’s aura?”

White-Eyed Wolf frowned.

The sea lion Monster King pupil shrank, and quickly put the wine jar away, looking up at the time and space passage.

Don’t say anything else, just the three words Dong Hanzong is enough to make people take it seriously.


Three silhouettes came out.

Not Dong Hanzong, Dong Tianxiang, and Ji Daxiong is who?

Not seen for a while, this Dong Hanzong is more spirit than before.

Crazy frowned: “Ji Daxiong, why are you with them?”

“I have lost my way now and know how to return.”

Ji Daxiong spoke lightly.

“Will you know when you’re lost?”

Madman stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, lightly said with a smile: “So, are you planning to be their lackey?”

“Don’t say it so badly.”

“This is the person who adapts to circumstances is a brilliant.”

Ji Daxiong sneered.


“I really admire you, even being a running dog can be so dignified.”

The lunatic laughed.

Really blind, unexpectedly helping such a thing.

Ji Daxiong’s expression sank, and angrily said: “Sir, Hanzong has come in person, don’t you guys bow down, courting death?”

“Just him?”

“Also qualified to let us bow down?”

“You are a good dog!”

“Protect the Lord so quickly and show loyalty.”

White-Eyed Wolf sneered.


Ji Daxiong seeing in anger.

One bite a dog, when is he?


Dong Hanzong smiled, looked at Qin Feiyang four people, and said: “This is the first time I have seen a Monster King who dares to be so unbridled in front of me.”

“What are you?”

“What about unbridled with you?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at him jokingly.


“Very good.”

“I wanted to save Kun Peng some face so that you could admit a mistake.”

“But now, you are all dead!”

Murderous intention flashes in Dong Hanzong’s eyes.


“Today next year will be your anniversary!”

Dong Tianxiang laughed.

“trash, shut up!”

“Don’t be ashamed.”

White-Eyed Wolf indifferently said.

Upon hearing this, Dong Tianxiang roared immediately: “bastard, today I will make you better die than living!”

“You don’t have this ability.”

White-Eyed Wolf sneered, looking at Dong Hanzong, playing with the taste: “You are really majestic, you really deserve to be the first of the five outstanding genius of the central dynasty.”


Dong Hanzong faintly smiled, looking down at the four people condescendingly, and said: “Come on, lest I make a move.”


White-Eyed Wolf laughed.

The madman is also laughing.

The corners of Qin Feiyang’s mouth are also smiling.


How can someone in the world have such a naive idea?

Still treating yourself as a person?

It is said that others will be dictated by others?

“It seems that you are going to choose the second way.”

Dong Hanzong was not angry either, said with a laugh.

“In my opinion, there is a third way.”

White-Eyed Wolf joked.

“What way?”

“Let’s listen, maybe I can give you some suggestions.”

Dong Hanzong put his hands on his shoulders, his expression looked at White-Eyed Wolf jokingly.


“The third way is, we kill you.”

“Now let’s talk about it, do you have any good suggestions?”

White-Eyed Wolf said.

“Kill me?”

Dong Hanzong stared blankly, said with a smile: “Then my suggestion is that you should give up this unrealistic idea as soon as possible, because this is a joke, you will never have this ability.”


“Confidence is good deed, but if you are too confident, you can be good deed if you don’t see it.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s playful said with a smile.

“Confidence requires capital.”

“I, Dong Hanzong, have this capital.”

“Let’s go!”

“Follow me to Star River and die!”

After Dong Hanzong said that, he stepped out and entered Star River without looking back.

“Don’t run if you have a species.”

Dong Tianxiang laughed, and followed him into Star River.

“It’s all because of you that I was so humiliated by them. I have to watch you die with my own eyes to make my heart happy!”

Ji Daxiong stared at the laughing evilly of Qin Feiyang four people loathing, and followed him into Star River.


“This is human heart, too terrifying.”

The sea lion Monster King looked at Ji Daxiong’s back and sighed.

Kindly help him, but in exchange for hatred and resentment.

“It’s just clowns.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, stepped into the sky and entered the Star River.

White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic simultaneously looked, jié jié smiled, and then rose into the air, disappearing into the Star River like lightning.

Enter Star River?

Doesn’t this fit their wishes?

Because fighting in the Green Wind City will definitely reveal their identities.

But it’s different in Star River.

As long as they do it quickly and solve Dong Hanzong, they can continue to hide their whereabouts and let Dong Qingyuan, Kun Peng, and Heavenly Dragon think that they are still in Kun Peng Sea Domain.


Star River, deep.

Dong Tianxiang and Ji Daxiong stand behind Dong Hanzong, one is sneer, the other is full of resentment.

With Qin Feiyang four people, one after another stepped into Star River.

The atmosphere, instantly dignified to the extreme.

“Take action!”

“It is best to take action full power, because you only have one chance.”

Dong Hanzong looked at Qin Feiyang four people with contempt in his eyes.

While speaking, he waved to Dong Tianxiang’s two people, and the two people quickly retreated to the distant place.

Watching this scene, White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes flashed radiance.

oh la la!

A bright golden light emerged.

next moment.

A pair of golden wings appeared behind White-Eyed Wolf.

“Golden wings?”

“What Monster King is this?”

Dong Tianxiang, two people, surprised and suspicious.

“jié jié !”

The next moment.

White-Eyed Wolf spread his wings and slammed Dong Hanzong at lightning speed.

Dong Hanzong faintly smiled, completely ignored.


Just as White-Eyed Wolf was about to kill Dong Hanzong, in an instant, Heavenly Dao Will and the abilities of Golden Wings were instantly activated.


His speed skyrocketed!

In an instant, he passed Dong Hanzong and went straight to Dong Tianxiang.

Dong Hanzong stared blankly, immediately perceiving the purpose of White-Eyed Wolf, turned and shouted: “You dare!”

In the face of this sudden change, Dong Tianxiang was also bewilderement.

The idea of ​​fleeing arose in his mind immediately.


To know the speed of White-Eyed Wolf at this moment, but equal in two moments, and Dong Tianxiang did not even master the most basic Heavenly Dao Will, how could he escape the palm of White-Eyed Wolf?

Just in a flash, White-Eyed Wolf fell in front of Dong Tianxiang and grabbed Dong Tianxiang’s head.

Dong Tianxiang immediately felt a murderous aura.

The whole person was instantly enveloped by the dead aura.

Upon seeing this, Ji Daxiong next to him quickly retreated suddenly, cold sweat flowing directly all over his body.

Fortunately, the target of this Monster King is not him, otherwise he must be the same as Dong Tianxiang now.

“you are courting death!”

Dong Hanzong stared at White-Eyed Wolf gloomy.


“I am courting death…”

“no! “

“I am begging to die, you can fulfill me!”

White-Eyed Wolf laughed wildly, his five fingers pressed slightly, Dong Tianxiang’s head exploded like a watermelon on the spot, flesh splashing everywhere.

Following closely.

White-Eyed Wolf grabbed Dong Tianxiang’s Divine Soul again.

“Dare you kill me?”

Dong Tianxiang roared.

“Ignorance is really terrifying.”

White-Eyed Wolf is deeply sighed.

Dong Hanzong stared at White-Eyed Wolf and said word by word: “You have to dare to kill me Second Uncle, I swear, even if you can go up to Heaven or down to Hades, I will not let you go! “

“Are you doubting my guts?”

White-Eyed Wolf corner of the mouth lifted, five fingers shrank suddenly.


With a mournful scream, Dong Tianxiang divine shadow entirely extinguished on the spot.

Dong Hanzong was stunned on the spot.

The same is true for Ji Daxiong.

The face of the sea lion Monster King is also full of wry smiles.

Dong Hanzong’s pro-Second Uncle, kill it without any hesitation, these guys really don’t know what to use to describe their methods.


Seeing Dong Hanzong’s arrival, the sea lion Monster King felt very nervous.

Although he has also seen the methods of Qin Feiyang three people, it is not comprehensive.

However, Dong Hanzong’s strength has long been known to him.

Known as the invincible existence!

Even if Divine Beast Kun Peng, Heavenly Dragon God, Dong Qingyuan, such a Hegemon, if there is no Peak Level ruler Divine Weapon, I am afraid it would not be Dong Hanzong’s opponent.

Therefore, he believes that in the face of Dong Hanzong, Qin Feiyang three people may more or less converge.

But didn’t expect, more unbridled than before, more arrogant!

That expression, that gesture, simply take Dong Hanzong seriously.

“sorry ……”

White-Eyed Wolf shivering on his arm, looked at Dong Hanzong, and apologized: “One accidentally killed his Divine Soul. I’m really sorry, but I blame you. What did you do to scare me? I’m very timid. Once frightened, there is no seriousness.”

The corner of the sea lion Monster King’s mouth twitched.

Are you still timid?

Want shameless?

If you are all courageous, are there any courageous people in this world?

Obviously it was deliberately killed, now unexpectedly still strange person family Dong Hanzong scared you.

Anyway, you should also worry about Dong Hanzong’s mood at the moment!

After all, you just killed him Second Uncle.

Dong Hanzong’s hands are tightly clenched, and his face is gloomy scary.

“Don’t look at me like that!”

“I am afraid.”

“I think there must be a remedy now.”

“Did he leave Divine Soul ahead of time to save his life?”

White-Eyed Wolf’s timid appearance makes both the lunatic and Qin Feiyang laugh.

With Dong Hanzong as a backer, how could Dong Tianxiang split off Divine Soul in advance to save his life?

Isn’t this deliberately stimulating Dong Hanzong?


Sure enough.

Hearing what White-Eyed Wolf said, Dong Hanzong could no longer control the anger and murderous intention in his heart, and surging out like a volcanic eruption, swept millions and millions li Star River.

“Look, you are here to scare me again.”

“Unfortunately, there are no more of your relatives here.”

“Otherwise, they must suffer again.”

White-Eyed Wolf said innocently.

“You go to hell and give me Second Uncle to bury me!”

Dong Hanzong roared, his teeth cracked and his eyes were blood red.


next moment.

The ultimate Profound Truth of the Seven Strongest Laws appeared, Heavenly Dao Will broke out, and the terrifying divine might shatter all directions, just like a doomsday scene.


“You should go to hell and reunite with your Second Uncle!”

White-Eyed Wolf grinned.

golden wing divine light ten thousand zhang, like a god descending to the earth.

At this moment, looking at the White-Eyed Wolf who was greatly showing divine might, Ji Daxiong couldn’t help but feel regret.

Why are you so stupid to do such a stupid thing?

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