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The six ultimate Profound Truths of White-Eyed Wolf were also born in an instant, and they were killed.

The same is the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law, the Seven Paths to Six Paths, naturally there is no suspence.

But White-Eyed Wolf.

Relying on an astonishing speed, he instantly appeared behind Dong Hanzong, and shot one fist fiercely behind Dong Hanzong.


Dong Hanzong did not look back, his face was full of contempt.


next moment.

A field appears.

It is the realm of the universe!

A Dao Rune, flashing out.

These runes include Xingchen rune, undead rune, and banned rune…

Xingchen rune is the Innate Divine Ability of the world, and the divine might of Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

The immortal rune is the Divine Ability of the immortal realm. The fleshy body enters the immortal Inextinuishable state, and every time it is seriously injured, its strength will become stronger!

To ban rune is the Divine Ability of the Conferred God Realm, with the rules of banning, Divine Force, and terrifying power!

There is also the invincible rune in the field of killing gods, which can make users invincible one hour.

The last is the Haotian domain, adding a layer of Heavenly Dao Will!

In every field, there is a kind of heaven defying ability.

But Dong Hanzong’s universe is stronger!

The strongest form of the Universe Domain is the ability to open the five domains!

That is to say, he owns five fields by himself.

Any of the five areas of ability can be heaven defying, let alone set in one body.

It can be said.

Dong Hanzong is indeed an invincible existence!

It is no wonder that people like Ji Daxiong are so afraid of him.

And now!

Dong Hanzong opened up the strongest form of the universe in one go, which is enough to prove his murderous intentions against White-Eyed Wolf!


White-Eyed Wolf one fist shot on Dong Hanzong’s back, the invincible rune divine light flashed, White-Eyed Wolf not only failed to hurt Dong Hanzong by half, but was hit by Dong Hanzong’s backhand one fist.


a mouthful of blood spurted, White-Eyed Wolf flew out like a meteorite.

“Golden’s blood?”

Dong Hanzong stared blankly.

Ji Daxiong’s eyeball also stared.

This Monster King, unexpectedly is golden’s blood?

Ji Daxiong was just surprised, because he had never seen blood of this color, but Dong Hanzong was different.

In his mind, the shadow of one Golden Wolf immediately appeared.

golden wings, golden blood…

It wouldn’t be so coincidental!



“If there is only brother, it is really not your opponent.”

White-Eyed Wolf smiled.

Even White-Eyed Wolf, a person who has always refused to admit defeat, said this. It can be seen how terrifying is Dong Hanzong’s battle strength?


Dong Hanzong stared blankly.

Isn’t this self-proclaimed the mantra of Golden Wing Wolf King?

“You are…”

He immediately glared.

“Not bad!”

“It’s you and brother me!”

White-Eyed Wolf laughed, and Battle Soul Swallowing Heaven Beast was born.

This is the real Paragon of myriad beasts!

As soon as Battle Soul came out, Ten Thousand Beasts acknowledged allegiance.

At this moment, the sea lion Monster King standing behind Qin Feiyang and the madman could not help but raise the thought of kneeling down. This is an oppression from in the depth of one’s soul.

“How could it be you?”

Dong Hanzong looked at White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul with incredible eyesight.

“And us.”

The madman jié jié smiled.

A monstrous baleful aura broke out. This is the aura of Myriad Evil Origin. This piece of Star River is instantly transformed into an abyss purgatory, and every corner is full of terrifying evil forces.

There was a loud noise, the sword of all evil appeared, and the edge was peerless!


Dong Hanzong looked at the lunatic with a dazed expression.

After returning back to his senses, he looked towards Qin Feiyang next to the lunatic.

Since the other two people are Madman Mo and Golden Wing Wolf King, isn’t this one…

His eyes trembled when he thought of this.

“Didn’t expect, we will meet again so soon.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, 3,000 Incarnations opened directly, Life and Death Laws ultimate Profound Truth, the six strongest laws ultimate Profound Truth manifested high in the sky, and the double Heavenly Dao Will erupted.

The terrifying aura, swallowing all directions like a tide.

“Why is this…”

“Aren’t you blocked in Kun Peng Sea Domain?”

Dong Hanzong was dumbfounded.

absolutely didn’t expect, it turned out to be these three people!

He can be unafraid of other people.

Even if it is Kun Peng, Heavenly Dragon God, Lord of the Kingdom, Divine King, Human Race Supreme, he dare to say it, not paying attention to it.

But only Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf!

Facing Qin Feiyang three people, he absolutely dare not have such an idea.

Because of the strength and means of these three people, too terrifying!

Especially White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul.

Not only the nemesis of all Battle Souls in the world, but also the nemesis of the five domains.

At the beginning.

White-Eyed Wolf and Dong Xin battle, White-Eyed Wolf is the Innate Divine Ability of Battle Soul, swallowing out of Dong Xin’s Conferred God Realm.

There is a fatal drawback in the five major areas.

It can only be turned on once a day, and it can only last for one hour at a time.

This shortcoming, in the face of White-Eyed Wolf, is a fatal crisis!

Because once they are swallowed by White-Eyed Wolf, they will temporarily lose this powerful killing move.

So now, whether it is Dong Hanzong or Dong Tianchen several people, they would rather fight a madman and Qin Feiyang than confront White-Eyed Wolf.

Although the lunatic and Qin Feiyang are strong, they have no means to restrain their domain.

The only way is to drag it to the end of their domain.

But White-Eyed Wolf, who didn’t agree with each other, just swallowed them directly, and was effortless.


“really strong !”

“Why so many Avatars?”

“And these Avatars can all open the ultimate Profound Truth!”

“Wait a minute, that seems to be the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, the kingdom of life and death?”

“No way!”

“Is he Lu Yuntian?”

“It’s not right.”

“Lu Yuntian’s Demon King true body is different from this person’s Avatar.”

Ji Daxiong’s suspicious Qin Feiyang and 3,000 Incarnations.

“Dong Hanzong, this time, we won’t give you another chance…”

White-Eyed Wolf jié jié said with a smile.


Battle Soul roars, and the fourth Innate Divine Ability opens.

Dong Hanzong’s universe, immediately left Dong Hanzong uncontrollably, and flew towards White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul.

“Ji Daxiong, help quickly and destroy his Battle Soul!”

Dong Hanzong roared.

If the domain is swallowed, then he will completely lose the capital to contend with.

But at this moment!

Ji Daxiong has been completely frightened by the tens of thousands of ultimate Profound Truths by Qin Feiyang and 3,000 Incarnations.


Even if he is not scared, he dare not take action.

Because he didn’t even master Heavenly Dao Will, how dare to deal with White-Eyed Wolf?

“Useless trash!”

Dong Hanzong seeing in anger.

However, no matter what he did, he couldn’t stop the domain from leaving. He could only watch the domain being swallowed by White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul.

Dong Hanzong who lost the realm, face sinking like water.

Now he is in this state, basically impossible to be the opponent of Qin Feiyang three people.


He stared at the sea lion Monster King, said solemnly: “Is it you who took them away from Kun Peng Sea Domain?”


Can the Sea Lion Monster King still quibble? Certainly not, because the facts are right now, so he can only brace oneself nodded.

“How dare you betray our Divine Kingdom!”

Dong Hanzong shouted sharply.

“I can’t help it, I was dragged into the venture of dubious merit by them.”

The sea lion Monster King looked helpless.

“Good, good, good.”

“You just wait to die!”

Dong Hanzong smiled angrily.

absolutely didn’t expect that Monster King of Kun Peng Sea Domain would help Qin Feiyang three people.

“hmph! “

“Even if you die, you will be in front of me.”

Sea lion Monster King coldly snorted.

“Dong Hanzong, you are worthy of death.”

“After all, no one has ever allowed us three people to join forces and start all the killing move.”

The lunatic smiled.

next moment.

Sword of All Evil, two if by any chance Profound Truth, then crush Xingkong and kill Dong Hanzong.

This terrifying momentum has scared Ji Daxiong who is not in a distant place.


For an instant.

Dong Hanzong was overwhelmed by the sword of all evil and the two if by any chance Profound Truth.

“You have been unbridled not long, wait, soon you will die in the hands of Death God Legion, I will wait for you in hell…”

Dong Hanzong roared.

Before the voice was over, its fleshy body and Divine Soul were instantly annihilated!

There is not even a strand of hair left.

“Just die like this?”

Ji Daxiong dumbstruck watched this scene with a stream of water flowing out of his pants.

Obviously scared to pee!

Dong Hanzong, known as the invincible existence of the Central Dynasty.

However, at this moment, in front of these three people, he unexpectedly does not even have the power of the least bit of retaliation.

The strength of these three people is too afraid right?!

The Sea Lion Monster King was also shocked.

The head of the dignified five great genius, unexpectedly just fell.

Golden Wing Wolf King……

He looked at White-Eyed Wolf with deep fear in his eyes.

Because he could see that the ability to kill Dong Hanzong so quickly was a contribution of White-Eyed Wolf.

If it weren’t for White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul, swallowing Dong Hanzong’s universe, I am afraid that even the lunatic and Qin Feiyang teamed up with Dong Hanzong to battle, they would fall into a bitter battle!

The domain of swallowing Dong Hanzong…

What exactly is Battle Soul?

Unexpectly can be so powerful!

No wonder, three people dare to sit in the City Lord Mansion and wait for Dong Hanzong.

It’s no wonder that the three people don’t care about the powerful Dong Hanzong.

It turned out.

They have the means to restrain Dong Hanzong.

White-Eyed Wolf waved his hand, the Battle Soul disappeared, and the golden wings retracted in advance. Looking at the sea lion Monster King, he contemptuously said: “Good-for-nothing guy, now I have a long experience!”

The sea lion Monster King smiled wryly.

More than long knowledge, all of this is simply unheard-of and unprecedented.

“Spare me, four Sirs.”

“The lowly person was confused for a while, betrayed the four Sirs and ran to find Dong Hanzong…”


Ji Daxiong ran over and knelt on Void, his face full of pleading.

White-Eyed Wolf glanced at Ji Daxiong, contemptuously said: “You kind of person, I really don’t even bother to kill you.”

“Thank you Sir Kaien.”

Ji Daxiong expressing boundless happiness.

As long as you survive, it doesn’t matter how you mock.

“However, you still have to die because you saw this battle.”

Murderous intention flashed in the eyes of White-Eyed Wolf.


Ji Daxiong’s joyful mood fell to the bottom in an instant.

“It’s useless.”

“Because they are Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, and Golden Wing Wolf King.”

“But you really deserve to be killed!”

“As a Sea Beast, this King knows that there is repaying kindness and the truth of revenge, but what about you? A human, unexpectedly so heartless, repaying virtue with grievances, betraying us!”

The Sea Lion Monster King sneered.


Ji Daxiong looked at Qin Feiyang three people dumbfounded.

These three are Megatron Four Great Continents, Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, and Golden Wing Wolf King who are famous in the Central Dynasty?

“Now you know how stupid your actions are!”

“If you are obediently and honestly, you may still get a meteoric rise. Unfortunately, you chose a Road of No Return.”

The sea lion Monster King laughed, then waved his hand and killed Ji Daxiong directly. Skeleton doesn’t exist.

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