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Qin Feiyang stared at that Qi Battle Qi, his eyes flickered.


He chose to avoid.

Battle Ancestor’s killing power is too strong, he can’t carry it!


Just as he evaded, the Battle Qi that killed him suddenly turned into a volley, actually killing Patriarch Dong three people!

“How could this be?”

Qin Feiyang 愣神.

“Not good !”


His face changed dramatically, and he shouted, “Uncle Yan, this man is not trying to save them, but to kill people!”


Yan Nanshan also changed suddenly.

Old Freak Dong three people hearing this, they are all incredible.

Is he here to kill?

“Damn scoundrel!”

“Since you’re not kind, don’t blame our injustice!”

“Qin Feiyang, let me tell you now, he is …”

Great Clan Elder, taking Old Freak Dong and Patriarch Dong, fleeing in horror while exhausting the roar of sidi.

But when it comes to the point, the Battle Qi came crashing down, submerging the transmission gate.

Hong long!

what! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, the transmission gate scattered ashes and dispersed smoke instantly.


Three painful screams rang through the sky!


Yan Nanshan was also banged with that Battle Qi, and was sent flying out again, blood splattered into the sky.


Qin Feiyang growled like thunder, dashed up into the sky, and glanced down.


He noticed that there was no distant place, there was a transmission gate, and a black silhouette was standing in front of the door, preparing to enter the transmission gate.


Qin Feiyang yelled and turned into a stream of light.

But the black silhouette ignored him at all, walked directly in, and disappeared in a blink of an eye without a trace.


At this time.

Yan Nanshan chased Qin Feiyang, said solemnly: “What about people?”

“Teleport is gone.”

Qin Feiyang stopped at void, gloomy like water.

Yan Nanshan exclaimed: “Scoundrel, who is it?”


Qin Feiyang took a volley and landed over the ruin, looking down.

Old Freak Dong three people have disappeared, leaving only some destroyed corpse and broken arm on the ground.

The transmission gate has also been shattered.

Qin Feiyang looked again towards those guards.

Everyone is scarred.

Some 奄奄 one breath lay on the ground, eyes full of panic.

Some could barely stand, glanced at all around, dull complexion.

Obviously all didn’t expect, unexpectedly someone dared to make a move in the Official Residence of the Mansion Lord.


It is at this time.

An old silhouette came out of nowhere.

It’s Mansion Lord!

But when he saw the broken earth below, the Old Master’s face was immediately sinking.

“Meet Sir Mansion Lord.”

The guards hurriedly bowed to worship.

Yan Nanshan also flew over and bowed saluted.

Mansion Lord glanced at those guards and looked up towards Qin Feiyang and Yan Nanshan, frowns saying, “What’s going on?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, silent, obviously dissatisfied with the Old Master.


If the Old Master can come back sooner, mysterious Battle Ancestor would not dare to take action at all.

Okay now, dead men tell no tales.

It’s hard to find mysterious Battle Ancestor’s identity again.

But the Old Master is, after all, the grandfather of Ren Wushuang, and even the ruler of Ling Prefecture. He doesn’t dare to blame it.

Mansion Lord said, “Come on!”

Yan Nanshan respectfully said, “Sir Mansion Lord, this is how …”

However at this time.

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance surged and waved to open a transmission gate.


Mansion Lord and Yan Nanshan looked at him in puzzlement.

“Come to Dong Family support!”

Qin Feiyang coldly shouted, entered the transmission gate, and disappeared quickly.


Just as Mansion Lord returned, a dark shadow suddenly appeared over the Dong Family.

He had a black mask on his face, not able to see clearly true appearance.

As soon as this person appeared, without a word and a wave of his hands, Battle Qi surged into a torrent of world extinguishing and blasted towards the Dong Family below!


With the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the entire Dong Family was razed to the ground instantly!

“what’s the situation?”

all around people on the street are turn pale with fright.

fatty and Wolf King, as well as the man and the woman, are also looking at that black silhouette with suspicion.

fatty shouted: “Brother Wolf, he must be the mysterious Battle Ancestor. Stop him, I give Boss summoning at once.”

“Fuck, why don’t you go?”

Wolf King stared at him fiercely.

The opponent is one genuine Battle Ancestor, even if it has those 2 broken bones, it is not an opponent!

fatty smiling sinisterly said: “On Fat Master’s strength, isn’t he going to deliver food?”


The black silhouette was a little more volleyed, and Battle Qi turned into a long rainbow thread, again blasting towards the Dong Family below.


He didn’t stop anymore, opened a transmission gate and was ready to leave.

Fat urged: “Brother Wolf, it’s too late to stop him!”

“Fuck, fight!”

Wolf King clenched the teeth, took out 2 ribs, stood up soaring heaven, and killed the black silhouette.

“It really hides in the vicinity.”

The man and the woman saw Wolf King appear, all eyes were flashing radiance.



That black silhouette was also surprised looking towards Wolf King, but immediately after that, expression became extremely contempt.

His one finger volleyed, Battle Qi sprayed thin, like a sharp sword, and went towards Wolf King wildly shooting!

“Broken bones, it’s up to you whether brother can save his life.”

Wolf King whispered, eyes full of dignity.


The next moment, it turned into a one muscle wolf, with a body and a foot of ten meters high, clutching 2 ribs, welcoming madly.

“act recklessly.”

black silhouette sneered, heading towards the transmission gate without turning his back.

But it is at this time.

Qin Feiyang landed in the sky over the Dong Family.

“Sure enough!”

As soon as he saw the situation here, he saw a bit of cold light in his eyes.

The arm burst out, his index finger was a little volleyed, and Scarlet Sword Qi drowned the sky and blasted towards the transmission gate.

As long as the transmission gate is smashed, this person cannot run away!

“It’s a tough little bastard!”

The black silhouette was furious, with a backhand wave, Battle Qi growled, Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood’s crushed Scarlet Sword Qi, and imposing manner savagely killed Qin Feiyang.


At this time.

Wolf King and the Battle Qi arrow blasted together.


Accompanied by a painful Wolf howl, Wolf King flew out right now, strong body torn skin and gaping flesh, blood dyed red void!

“Bastard, I will kill you!”

Qin Feiyang seething in anger, launch the Phantom Step, escape the battle Qi’s bombardment, and continue to dash towards the transmission gate.

“hmph! ”

“Kill me, you don’t have this ability yet.”

“Qin Feiyang, you just wait to die!”

black silhouette gloomily smiled, step into the transmission gate.

“I see where you can escape today!”

An angry voice sounded.

Yan Nanshan and Mansion Lord appear almost simultaneously.

Mansion Lord waved his hand immediately, one after another invisible power, gushing from all four directions towards the transmission gate.


Transmission gate shattered instantly.

The black silhouette was about to disappear, but as the transmission gate broke, it fell out of void again.


“How did Mansion Lord come back?”

When he saw Mansion Lord, he could no longer calm down and hurried out of the city.

“In front of the old man, still want to escape?”

Mansion Lord’s eyes were cold, his old body was shocked, and a shocking pressure, like a volcanic eruption, enveloped this piece of Heaven and Earth in an instant!

The black silhouette was immediately imprisoned in void.

“I’ll take a look. Who the hell are you?”

Yan Nanshan’s cold mouth swept towards the black silhouette.

“Qin Feiyang, ruffian wolf, sooner or later I will kill you!”

That black silhouette growled.

Had it not been for Qin Feiyang and Wolf King to block, he would not have fallen into crisis at this moment.

“I’ll kill you now!”

Qin Feiyang dived down, covered with baleful qi.


But this time.

A mighty force dropping from the sky was actually Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood’s crushing the pressure of Mansion Lord, rolling up the black silhouette, and rushing out of the city like lightning.


Qin Feiyang and Yan Nanshan stopped at the same time, their faces full of suspicion.

Mansion Lord also stared blankly, immediately furious, stepped across the sky and chased towards the black silhouette.

“what happened?”

Yan Nanshan was a little bun.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes sank and he was about to chase after him.

“Boss, come here!”


The cry of fatty sounded.

Qin Feiyang looked down and saw fatty standing in a ruin, his face full of anxiety.

And on the hands of fatty, holding a big slap of Little Beast, it is Wolf King, but at this moment, it is covered with blood, life and death unknown.

Seeing this, Qin Feiyang sank immediately and dived quickly.

Yan Nanshan followed quickly.

Shua! !

Two people landed next to fatty, Qin Feiyang asked, “What happened to White-Eyed Wolf?”

fatty said solemnly: “aura is very weak, and I am afraid of my life.”


Qin Feiyang yelled, took out a Healing Pill, and stuffed it into Wolf King’s mouth.

Fat said indignantly, “It’s useless, I have given Healing Pill to it, but nothing has improved.”

Qin Feiyang trembled physically and mentally.

“Feiyang, don’t worry.”

Yan Nanshan reassured and looked at Wolf King’s situation closely.

“I knew the man was Battle Ancestor, and I asked Brother Wolf to drag him. I killed Wolf King. I really damn it!”

“Boss, do you say Brother Wolf will die?”

Fat was holding his hair, his face was full of pain and blame.

“will not!”

“How can it be so easy to die?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, but his face was full of worry.

Yan Nanshan stood up and said: “The injuries are very serious. If you don’t think of a way, I’m afraid there will be mortal danger.”

Fat stared and looked helplessly at Qin Feiyang, asking, “Boss, what can I do? Brother Wolf can’t die!”



His eyes brightened, and he hurriedly said, “Healing Pill of five Pill Marks will surely save Brother Wolf’s life. Look at the heaven and earth bag?”

Qin Feiyang took out the heaven and earth bag, looked for a moment, and shook the head toward fatty.

“Let the old man see.”

Just when the three people were at a loss, Mansion Lord breaking the sky came and landed next to the three people to observe Wolf King’s injury.


There was a dignity in Mansion Lord’s old eyes, said solemnly: “The Sea of ​​Consciousness of the ruffian wolf is broken, I’m afraid the best Healing Pill is useless.”

“Sea of ​​Consciousness is broken!”

Qin Feiyang’s face turned pale instantly, anxiously said: “Old Master, you are so strong, there must be a way, right?”

“Sea of ​​Consciousness, where the soul is, is just as important as Qi Sea.”

“I’m afraid I can’t help it.”

Mansion Lord shook his head.

Qin Feiyang body and mind trembled, angry and despair in his heart, almost made him lose his mind.

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