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Mansion Lord was deeply sighed and said, “Don’t worry, old man can’t help it, but it doesn’t mean other people can’t help it.”

“Who has a solution?”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly asked, and one strand of hope ignited in his eyes.

Mansion Lord said: “old man, an old opponent, she has launched a very special Battle Soul, which has a strong healing ability and can help repair the Sea of ​​Consciousness.”

Qin Feiyang rejoicing like mad, busy: “Where is she? I go to her at once!”

Mansion Lord said: “This matter is urgent, because she is not in Ling Prefecture.”

“Not in Ling Prefecture?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

Mansion Lord patted his shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, the bitch will always sleep, but there will be no mortal danger.”

Hearing this, Qin Feiyang and fatty gave a sigh of relief.

Yan Nanshan asked, “Sir Mansion Lord, did he catch up?”

Mansion Lord shook his head.

Qin Feiyang three people immediately was incredible.

Can’t even catch up with Mansion Lord?

How is this possible!

fatty asked, “Do you know that black silhouette is who?”

Mansion Lord said: “His voice is strange, old man guessed that he should have changed the soundtrack.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “I still insist on my doubts, it must be a certain of Ten Great Commanders.”

“This is impossible!”

Mansion Lord said flatly.

Yan Nanshan said, “Sir Mansion Lord, you don’t know the situation yet. I, like Qin Feiyang, think that this matter must be related to Ten Great Commanders.”


Mansion Lord frowned, glanced at all around the growing crowd, and said, “Go back and talk.”

The words are complete.

With a wave of his hand, he opened a transmission gate and walked in first.

“Take care of it.”

Qin Feiyang told Fatty that he sent Fatty and Wolf King to Ancient Castle, and then entered Yananshan with Yan Nanshan, one after the other and entered the transmission gate.

Next moment.

Three people descended in front of a courtyard.

This is where Mansion Lord lives.

Entering the courtyard, Mansion Lord sat at a stone table by the pond and said, “Say, what’s going on?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Call Ten Great Commanders first.”

Hear this.

Yan Nanshan was moved.

Mysterious Battle Ancestor was rescued and is definitely not in the Official Residence. Naturally, he cannot come here.

At that time, as long as you see who hasn’t come, you know mysterious Battle Ancestor is who?

Mansion Lord frowned, still do not believe that this person will be a certain person of Ten Great Commanders, but did not say much, shouted: “Ten Great Commanders, at once, come old man!”

sound like a great bell, spread all directions!

Sou! ! !

Less than three breaths.

one after another silhouette, one after another.

There are men and women, young and old, aura is unfathomable.

“How can it be?”

Qin Feiyang one after another glanced over and found that there were not many, many, and exactly ten people.

“Meet Sir.”

Ten Great Commanders bowed down.


Mansion Lord nodded, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying, “If you have any questions, just ask!”

Yan Nanshan whispered, “Feiyang, are we guessing wrong?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head and whispered, “Uncle Yan, go to Dong Family again and see if there is any live.”


Yan Nanshan nodded, as a gift to Mansion Lord, he opened the transmission gate and left.

“No matter how deep you hide, I’ll kick you out!”

Qin Feiyang in the dark mumbled, glanced at Wang Hong and the others, arching: “Dare to ask ten seniors, where were you all just now?”

“I heard just now that we all went to the main conference hall.”

“But when we rushed, you were gone.”

“So we were in the main conference hall, waiting for Sir Mansion Lord’s order.”

Wang Hong said.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Are they all present?”

Wang Hong thought for a while and said, “It seems there were 2 people who were not present at the time.”


Qin Feiyang asked.

“Zhao He, Cao Sanshao, Xue Huiyun.”

Wang Hong turning one’s head looked towards side 2 A man and a woman said, “If I remember correctly, you came later?”

Three people nodded.

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed, also looked towards three people.

Zhao He is a white clothed old man with white hair and white beard. He is also wearing a white long coat, like an expert outside, exuding dust.

Cao Sanshao is a youth-looking man with a rather thin body, holding a jade flute in his hand, giving a sense of elegance.

Xue Huiyun is also a woman with a youthful appearance. She looks good. She is dressed in a long black lace dress, which outlines a lithe and graceful figure, which makes her look very attractive.


Three people are also friendly nodded to Qin Feiyang.

Xue Huiyun is definitely impossible, because she is a woman and can be excluded.

As for Zhao He and Cao Sanshao, Qin Feiyang is really difficult to judge.

Qin Feiyang arched, “Dare to ask the three Seniors, where were you and what were you doing?”

Cao Sanshao said with a smile: “At that time, we were hunting Vicious Beast of One Battle Ancestor Realm outside the city, or we were summoning, and we learned that something happened in the city.”

“Out of town?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, asking, “Are you all there?”

“Yes, it’s all there.”

Cao Sanshao nodded.

Xue Huiyun and Zhao He are also nodded.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

Wang Hong seven people is definitely fine.

But are these three people unexpectedly okay?

Is he really wrong?

But who has such great ability to hide Lin Yiyi and Luo Qianxue in the Official Residence of Mansion Lord?

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Mansion Lord and asked, “Sir, are there any other Battle Ancestors here?”

Mansion Lord said, “Except for the old man, they are the only one.”

Wang Hong puzzled: “Qin Feiyang, what do you want to know?”

Mansion Lord said: “He was doubting that the black silhouette before was a certain of you.”


“Qin Feiyang, without any evidence, you can’t say this indiscriminately.”

“That’s right, we are all Ling Prefecture heads and faces. You will ruin our reputation.”

Wang Hong and the others immediately frowned, with a little dissatisfaction between expressions.

Qin Feiyang said: “I have a basis.”

Wang Hong said, “What is the basis?”


Qin Feiyang explained the whole sequence of events in detail.

“Unexpectedly there is such a thing!”

Mansion Lord heard that one fist was on the stone table, and his face was full of angry look.

Ten Great Commanders was also horrified.

Wang Hong said: “Qin Feiyang, you call Wei Zhongyang, and I will ask him in person.”

Qin Feiyang thought, Wei Zhongyang appeared out of thin air.

“Meet Sir Mansion Lord.”

“Goodbye Sir Commander.”

Wei Zhongyang knelt down on the ground, respectfully.

Wang Hong asked, “Is everything Qin Feiyang said true?”

“it is true.”

Wei Zhongyang nodded.

Wang Hong exasperated: “You are so brave, you know Qin Feiyang and their bottom line, why haven’t they been exposed?”

Wei Zhongyang body trembled, saying: “Please Sir Commander to make it clear.”

“It was an order from Sir Mansion Lord, and no one was allowed to reveal it.”

“You’re better, unexpectedly telling Dong Family and asking Dong Family to take away his loved ones.”

“You tell me how many lives you have!”

Wang Hong shouted.

“Sir, I know I’m wrong, begging Sir for his life.”

Wei Zhongyang quickly kowtow for mercy.

It turns out all of this is what Mansion Lord meant.

Qin Feiyang said: “Senior Wang Hong, it doesn’t make any sense to hold him accountable now.”

Wang Hong said, “What do you say, what do you want to believe in us?”

“I do not know either.”

“But Yiyi and Aunt Xue are being held at the Official Residence.”

“And those who have this ability, apart from Sir Mansion Lord, there is only you.”

Qin Feiyang.

Cao Sanshao said: “It’s actually very simple, Lin Yiyi and Luo Qianxue must have seen that person, and you let them come out to identify.”

“It works.”

Mansion Lord nodded.

But Qin Feiyang doesn’t think so.

This person is deceitful and cunning, and certainly will not show people with true colors.

However, he still wanted to try.

He thought of it and detained Luo Qianxue and Lin Yiyi, said with a smile: “Aunt Xue, Yiyi, have you seen them?”

two people looked towards Ten Great Commanders.

After a while.

Luo Qianxue shook his head: “I haven’t seen it before.”

Wang Hong asked, “Have you ever seen the one who carried you away?”


“But he has a mask on his face. We don’t know what he looks like.”

Luo Qianxue said.

“It’s a bit difficult.”

Wang Hong frowned.


Zhao He said, “I know how to find the culprit.”

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Zhao He said with a smile: “Lin Yiyi and Luo Qianxue must know where they are being locked up. As long as we find this place, then this person is who, it will naturally be clear.”


Wang Hong looked at Lin Yiyi two people and said, “Then where you are being held, describe it to us.”

Luo Qianxue said: “We only know that it is a private room with a dozen meters left and right. There is nothing in it, and there are no eye-catching signs.”

Wang Hong said, “How did you get locked in?”

Luo Qianxue said: “In and out are transmission gates.”

“There is no sign and nothing to prove.”

“The only informed Dong Family was also exterminated.”

“It seems this matter is more complicated than we think.”

Xue Huiyun sighed.

Others frowned.

Qin Feiyang has also been paying attention to their expression changes, but has not seen anything strange.

Mansion Lord said with a smile: “Anyway, after the Lu Family was destroyed, Qin Feiyang no longer needs to be jailed, but …”

Speaking of which, Mansion Lord looked towards Wang Hong, saying: “Wei Zhongyang was promoted by you, and you must be jointly and severally liable.”

Wang Hong bowed, “subordinate is willing to take the penalty.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Senior Wang Hong is also a great talent, but he was unlucky and met a low person, so I asked Sir Mansion Lord to leave a way out.”

“That being the case, this matter has been revealed.”

“Wang Hong, wait for you to tell the world, and return Qin Feiyang a clean body.”

“At the same time, you Ten Great Commanders, all go to the old man to check, and must find that person to the old man.”

“Dare to make trouble at the Official Residence in old man, absolutely not forgive easily!”

“As for Wei Zhongyang, Qin Feiyang, look at it yourself!”


Qin Feiyang and Ten Great Commanders bowed.

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