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Qin Feiyang also looked up towards Dong Zhengyan, blinking in one’s eyes radiance.

Although Dong Zhengyan was the first to step into Battle Ancestor, but did not turn on the Gate of Potential, it has been half a year later, and the cultivation base has basically made little progress.

But it is undeniable that, with Dong Zhengyan’s current strength, he is indeed qualified.

Dong Zhengyan glanced at Qin Feiyang, glanced at the crowd all around, expressionlessly said: “I just heard it vaguely as if someone was going to challenge me?”

“Senior Brother Dong, Qin Feiyang wants to challenge you.”

“He just heard that you were promoted to King, and he was very unconvinced, threatening to pull you off the throne.”

“Yes, we all fight against you, but you see, he unexpectedly beat us like this.”

“Senior Brother Dong, this person is too crazy, you must teach him something to try!”

Roared indignantly Xu Yang and Wu Yan.

“Create something from nothing, almost shameless!”

Ren Wushuang was angry.

But Qin Feiyang expression was calm and unaffected.

Dong Zhengyan’s solemn light flashed and he looked down towards Qin Feiyang and said, “Are you going to challenge me?”

“What do you think?”

Qin Feiyang does not answer the question.

Dong Zhengyan glanced deeply at Qin Feiyang, dived down, landed on the square, and walked towards Qin Feiyang.

See you.

Wu Yan two people had a cold smile on their lips.

But when everyone thought that Dong Zhengyan was going to take action against Qin Feiyang, Dong Zhengyan passed by with Qin Feiyang.

“what’s the situation?”

The whole game was wrong.


Before everyone returns back to his senses, a crisp palm sound sounds in the square.

When everyone looked, they saw Dong Zhengyan standing in front of Wu Yan, arms raised, and slap Wu Yan incessantly.

Wu Yan froze.

Xu Yang was also stunned.

Pa!! !

The scene was silent, with only loud palm sound.

Not a moment.

Wu Yan’s face swelled, and the blood flow at the corner of her mouth was more than constant.


After about a dozen slaps of Wu Yan, Dong Zhengyan slammed hard. Wu Yan was shot and flied out by one fist on the spot, rolling on the ground in a difficult situation, screaming again and again.



Dong Zhengyan rose to the sky and landed in front of Xu Yang again.

Xu Yang saw that the situation was far from good, immediately fleeing.

But in front of Battle Ancestor, he is indicating a Battle Sovereign. Is it possible to escape?

Obviously not!


Dong Zhengyan released prestige, directly put Xu Yang imprisonment in void, and then showed no mercy, and went up to a few slap fans.

Pa!! !

In the end, Xu Yang was also fanned out and rolled down beside Wu Yan, miserable howl.

“What I hate the most is that you are incapable and want to stir up alienation.”

“Do you think I’m a fool?”

“This is the first and last time!”

“If anyone dares to hit me with an idea, I will let him lie down and get out of the inner palace!”

Dong Zhengyan glanced at the audience, his indifferent eyes were trembling!

There was no sound at the scene.

After the whole process, Qin Feiyang’s face has always been very calm, and Dong Zhengyan’s behavior seems to be also expected by him.

Wu Yan and Xu Yang were so angry.

I wanted Dong Zhengyan to teach Qin Feiyang well, but in the end didn’t expect them, they were taught by Dong Zhengyan fiercely.

The audience was slap in the face of the public. Xu Yang had lost his mind and shouted at Dong Zhengyan: “You are a coward!”


Dong Zhengyan looked down towards Xu Yang with cold light in his eyes.

“Don’t I say wrong?”

“The destruction of the Dong Family was caused by Qin Feiyang. You not only did not avenge your clansman, but also helped him. Are you worthy of your dead relatives?”

Xu Yang growled.

“This is my personal gratitude and grudges with Qin Feiyang. Do you need to intervene?”

Dong Zhengyan in one’s eyes cold light blinked.


He dived in front of Xu Yang and kicked him directly on Xu Yang’s lower abdomen.



Xu Yang issued a miserable howl that killed the pig, and the whole person flew out, like a meteorite, with a bang, smashed into a mountain peak across.

Later, Dong Zhengyan looked towards Wu Yan again.

“Without you making a move, I’ll do it myself.”

Wu Yan’s eyes trembled, and one slammed into the ground, immediately pretending to break the blood flow, and passed out on the spot.


Qin Feiyang stumbled, immediately shook his head and laughed.

Xu Yang two people are trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off this time.

But others were extremely confused.

What is this situation?

First Lu Xingchen.

But Lu Xingchen’s situation is quite special.

Maybe it was because he had died once, everything was more open, and he didn’t want to think about it with Qin Feiyang.

But now, why even Dong Zhengyan?

Three people who were once mortal enemy are now like friends. What happened during this?

At this time.

Dong Zhengyan suddenly turned and looked towards Qin Feiyang, his eyes sharp.

Qin Feiyang also looked up towards Dong Zhengyan, expressing calmness as always.

The two people looked at each other like this.

The atmosphere gradually became more dignified.

But in the end, Dong Zhengyan didn’t say a word, turned and flew towards Cultivation Palace.

“Wait a minute.”

Qin Feiyang spoke at this time.

“Is there something?”

Dong Zhengyan frowned, asked without stopping.

Qin Feiyang said, “I want to talk to you in private.”

In fact, this time he returned to the inner palace, mainly to find Dong Zhengyan.

“follow me.”

Dong Zhengyan groaned a little, said something lightly, and then he flew up into the air and flew towards the distant place.

Qin Feiyang glanced at all around the crowd, and flashed a strange rays of light in his eyes, quickly catching up.

at the same time.

distant place over a mountain summit.

A colored clothed woman stands up against the wind, and pitch-black long hair flutters in the wind, like a beautiful butterfly, showing a peerless style.

Behind the colored clothed woman, there are 2 middle-aged men.

One was wearing purple clothed, with an upright body and a majestic appearance, but his face looked a little hazy.

He is exactly Martial Palace Palace Lord!

The other wore a white gown with an air of ethereal air, a slight vicissitude on his face, and always a faint smile, which seemed easy-going.

He is Pill Palace Palace Lord.

Three people are looking at Pill Fire Palace.

When Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan left, Martial Palace Palace Lord also looked back and looked towards colored clothed woman and said, “Palace Lord, you see, this Qin Feiyang is simply a lawlessness of law and natural morality, if it is not restrained anymore, I’m afraid no one can rule him in the future. “

“I don’t like your words.”

“People are not arrogant about youngster. He is only a child now, and it is normal to have such a character.”

“Moreover, who hasn’t been young?”

“If I remember correctly, when you were at his age, you were even more unbridled than him!”

Pill Palace Palace Lord.

Martial Palace Palace Lord eyebrow raised, angrily: “Can’t you always raise up with me?”

“I’m not raising the bar, I’m talking about it.”

“What’s more, this is Wu Yan’s fault. If they were not provocative, Qin Feiyang would take action on them?”

“Most importantly, Xu Yang publicly slapping Leng Ruoshuang slaps his face, and this behavior has completely lost the face of a man.”

“I think Xu Yang should be punished severely.”

“Also, Qin Feiyang is my Pill Fire Palace. What should I do, it seems that I can’t make it?”

“In addition, as the Palace Lord of Martial Palace, you have repeatedly targeted a discipline and even made small reports to the Head Palace Lord. Don’t you think that your behavior is a bit too worthless?”

“I honestly feel ashamed of you.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord indifferently said, eyes full of contempt.


Martial Palace Palace Lord is furious.

colored clothed woman glanced at the two people and said, “Okay, okay, aren’t you tired of fighting for a lifetime?”

Martial Palace Palace Lord stared at Pill Palace Palace Lord, arching: “Palace Lord, I’m not going to fight him, I just want to plead Palace Lord to get rid of the trouble-maker.”


Pill Palace Palace Lord frowned, and there was an angry look on his face, saying: “If Qin Feiyang is trouble-maker, then there is no good person in this inner palace.”

colored clothed woman nodded and said: “Compared to those aristocratic disciple, Qin Feiyang is indeed a sensible child.”

Martial Palace Palace Lord complexion changed, busy: “Palace Lord …”

“All right.”

The colored clothed woman waved her hand impatiently, and said, “We shouldn’t mix things between the disasters, as long as they don’t kill people.”

“And the inner palace has been calm for too long, and I can no longer see the fighting spirit and spirit from them.”

“And the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures is about to start. If this continues, I am afraid that our Ling Prefecture will end up losing a lot.”

“Just let Qin Feiyang this brat, to inspire their fighting spirit!”

colored clothed woman added.

“Palace Lord is wise.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord said with a smile.

Martial Palace Palace Lord was coldly snorted, and was extremely dissatisfied.


Let’s talk about Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan.

Two people fell side by side on an unmanned mountain summit.

Dong Zhengyan looked down at the mountain river below, still indifferent, saying, “Say anything!”

Qin Feiyang said, “I don’t meander with you, Dong Qing, do you know where they are now?”

“What? You still want to kill to the last one?”

Dong Zhengyan suddenly turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, expression is sharp like a blade.

Qin Feiyang said: “If I want to kill to the last one, I can kill them directly at the beginning. I just wonder why they disappeared without a trace?”

Dong Zhengyan glanced at him deeply and shook his head: “I don’t know where they are now. I have been asking about it during this time, but there is no clue.”

“do not know?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, said solemnly: “This is not right.”

Dong Zhengyan nodded and said: “It’s really wrong, Dong Qing is my biological younger sister, and our relationship is very good. If it doesn’t happen, I will definitely tell her where she is immediately.”

Qin Feiyang said in surprise: “What do you mean?”

“I’m guessing, most likely they’ve already encountered an accident.”

“Honestly, I have been doubting you, have you killed them?”

“But now it seems that I think too much.”

Dong Zhengyan said.

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “If it was me, I would not deny it in front of you.”

“It’s true of your character.”

Dong Zhengyan sneered, suddenly looked towards Qin Feiyang, and asked, “Are you asking me about this, do you have any clues on hand?”

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