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Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “If I have a clue, I won’t come to you.”

Qin Feiyang frowned again after the words had just finished.

Dong Zhengyan said, “What do you want to say?”

Qin Feiyang said: “I feel that Dong Qing’s disappearance is somewhat similar to the situation of Lu Family at the time.”


Dong Zhengyan stared blankly, 鍡?said with a smile: “Lu Family was destroyed by people, Dong Qing they are missing, I really don’t see how they are similar?”

Qin Feiyang said: “What if no one finds that the Lu Family has been destroyed?”


Dong Zhengyan eyebrow raised.

If no one finds out, then in the eyes of the world, the people of Lu Family are undoubtedly now missing.

Could it be that鈥︹€?/p>

Dong Zhengyan looked towards Qin Feiyang, wondering: “Is it related to that masked person?”

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Without telling you, I really doubt it.”


Dong Zhengyan’s hands were immediately tightly clenched, and a look of astonishing fierceness appeared in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t worry, I just doubt it, not at all has been confirmed. The priority is to find Dong Qing.”

Dong Zhengyan said: “I will continue to find her, as long as she is still in Ling Prefecture, I will definitely find her.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head: “Don’t be too confident. As far as I know, Lu Tingting hasn’t died, and I feel that someone is planning a big conspiracy.”

“Lu Tingting wasn’t dead?”

Dong Zhengyan was surprised.

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Yes, on the day Zhao He slaughtered the Dong Family, Lu Tingting and the masked person were present, so I was so skeptical.”

Dong Zhengyan exasperated: “Why don’t you catch them?”

“I think so, but …”

When Qin Feiyang said this, he couldn’t help but sigh, some things were better left unsaid.

鈥渨eng! 鈥?/p>


Qin Feiyang’s image crystal stone sounded.

Qin Feiyang took it out of his arms, Battle Qi sprayed, and an old illusory shadow quickly gathered.

Not others, it is Mansion Lord Old Master!

“Meet Sir Mansion Lord.”

Dong Zhengyan complexion changed and hurriedly bowed.


Mansion Lord nodded, looked towards Qin Feiyang said: “We have found the nest of the masked person, you come over once.”


Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook.

Dong Zhengyan in one’s eyes is also radiance wildly shooting.

Before waiting for Qin Feiyang to ask, the Old Master closed the image of crystal stone.

Qin Feiyang return back to his senses, and also immediately collapsed the image of crystal stone and opened a transmission gate.

Dong Zhengyan hurriedly grabbed Qin Feiyang and said, “Can you bring me?”


Qin Feiyang hesitated, nodded and said, “OK.”

After all, two people entered the transmission gate one after the other, and soon descended in front of the Old Master’s courtyard.

In the courtyard, in addition to the Old Master, there is a strange face.

It was a middle-aged man, 7 feet tall, with a rather thin body, wearing a white gown, 2 dappled white hair, and a vicissitudes of life.

But those dark pumps are extremely godly and carry a huge prestige.

The Old Master saw that Dong Zhengyan was also following him, and now there is no trace of frowned, saying: “Come in!”

Qin Feiyang came in.

Dong Zhengyan follow closely from behind.

Coming to the Old Master, the two people bent down at the same time, respectfully saying, “I’ve seen Sir.”

Old Master nodded, pointing to the white clothed man next to him, saying, “Introducing you, he is the new Eastern City Lord Jiang Qianqing.”

“Meet City Lord Jiang.”

Qin Feiyang two people bowed and saluted again.

Jiang Qianqing nodded laughed and behaved very friendly.

Qin Feiyang looked towards Mansion Lord again, saying, “Sir, where is the nest of the masked person?”

Old Master said, “Old Jiang, you tell them.”


Jiang Qianqing responded respectfully, and then looked towards Qin Feiyang two people: “The old nest of the masked person is in a valley, not far from the Prefecture City.”

Dong Zhengyan’s eyes brightened and he hurriedly said, “Can you take us now?”


Mansion Lord and Jiang Qianqing looked at Dong Zhengyan in puzzlement.

“Sir Mansion Lord, City Lord Jiang, this is how it is.”

“Dong Zhengyan and I are skeptical that the disappearance of Dong Qing and the others may also be related to the masked person, so I brought him here.”

When Qin Feiyang saw this situation, he quickly explained to Dong Zhengyan.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Mansion Lord two people suddenly realized, then these 2 great big shots, it was angry.

Repeatedly extending the devil’s claws to Perfection City, this masked person really has eaten the ambitions to eat leopard guts!

Dong Zhengyan knelt on the ground and begged: “Sir Mansion Lord, disciple is now only a relative of Dong Qing. I will find her anyway and ask Sir to complete it.”

Mansion Lord groaned a little and sighed, “Come up, old man will let you go.”

“many thanks Sir.”

Dong Zhengyan is overjoyed.

Mansion Lord shouted: “Ten Great Commanders, at once come and gather.”

“Ten Great Commanders?”

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, Zhao He has been removed from the Commander post, is n鈥檛 it just Nine Great Commanders?

Sou! ! !

Less than ten breaths.

The ten silhouettes came out of nowhere, before the courtyard.

Qin Feiyang one after another looked, suddenly his eyes locked on one of them, unexpectedly Fan Jian?

This guy turned out to be Commander?

Fan Jian also laughed at Qin Feiyang.

Mansion Lord glanced at Ten Great Commanders, looked towards Jiang Qianqing and said, “Lead the way, old man would have to look, then who are you within the valley?”

“Remember, give the old man a convergence aura!”

Old Master added another sentence.

Jiang Qianqing nodded, opened a transmission gate, and Mansion Lord took the lead in.

Jiang Qianqing followed behind Mansion Lord.

Wang Hong looked towards Qin Feiyang two people, inexplicably: “What’s going on?”

Qin Feiyang said, “City Lord Jiang is said to have found the masked person’s nest.”

“found it?”

“Okay, this time I see how they escape!”

With a cold eye, Wang Hong strode into the transmission gate.

Nin Great Commanders such as Qin Feiyang, Dong Zhengyan, and Fan Jian also successively walking in a line.

Next moment.

The entire group descends over a mountain range.

Jiang Qianqing pointed down the mountain and said, “It’s right there!”

Everyone lowered their heads and looked down, and they saw a small valley below the mountain forest.

“How familiar?”

But Qin Feiyang froze.

Where did he see this valley?


He found that there was a lake in the middle of the valley!

The lake is very clear, and under the sun, there is a dazzling ripple of layer upon layer.

The valley is also very quiet, revealing a rare kind of peace, which looks like a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

But Qin Feiyang’s gaze was staring at the lake.

In his head, there seemed to be a thunderous sound and a buzzing sound!

Because the moment you saw the lake, a memory crawled out of your mind.

This valley is exactly the same as the valley in Desert of Death!

How could this be?

Is it a coincidence? Or is it the same valley?

Fan Jian was standing beside Qin Feiyang, immediately noticed Qin Feiyang’s abnormality, and sound transmission said, “Brother Qin, what happened to you?”


Qin Feiyang didn’t seem to hear it, swooping down and heading towards the valley.

Mansion Lord complexion changed, hastily sound transmission shouted: “smelly brat, don’t beat the grass to scare the snake!”

But Qin Feiyang still turned a deaf ear.

He now has only a single thought in his mind, that is to confirm this valley, is it the valley of the Desert of Death?

If yes, if Ren Duxing did not lie to him, it means that the masked person and the person behind Lu Tingting are Mu Tianyang!

This also means that Mu Tianyang is really resurrected!

See you.

The Old Master was quite annoyed and whispered, “Wang Hong, you go quickly to surround the valley, Dong Zhengyan, you also help.”

Let me talk about it.

The Old Master chased Qin Feiyang.

Wang Hong and Dong Zhengyan and the others also immediately unfolded at full speed and headed towards the valley.

Seeing that the valley is getting closer, Qin Feiyang can already see the stone wall on the two sides of the valley entrance.

But it is at this time!

Hong long!

The dirt all around the valley suddenly rolled up.

The nearby mountain ranges of varying heights also began to collapse, and the sound of thunder was soaring!

“what’s the situation?”

Old Master and the others surprised.

But then, an astonishing scene happened, and the valley quickly sank to the ground.

“How can it be?”


Except for Qin Feiyang, they were all stunned.

“It鈥檚 not that easy to run!”

Old Master was furious.

The old big hand reached out and grabbed in the volley, one after another resplendent Battle Qi emerged, turned into a giant hand to cover the sky, and grabbed toward the valley.


But when the giant hand grasped the valley, a mask emerged suddenly all around the valley, which turned out to shake the giant hand from the Old Master’s fantasy!

鈥渞eally strong !鈥?/p>

Wang Hong and the others couldn’t help but shrink.

“In the end is who, get out of the old man!”

The Old Master was completely angry.

Battle Qi comes out without reservation down, like a big waterfall, carrying the power of world extinguishing, exploded towards the valley!

In the valley, there was still no sound coming out, but there was a terrible imposing manner, roaring out of the lake, and banging with the Old Master’s Battle Qi.

Hong long!

The moment they met, a loud noise exploded, and the mountains and rivers of several dozen li trembled at this moment.


The Old Master’s old body trembled, and a corner of his mouth overflowed with blood.

Wang Hong and the others were frightened.

this person is who? Can unexpectedly match Old Master?

But then they couldn’t calm down.

Because of the confrontation between the Old Master and the mysterious person, a devastating qi wave was born, like a torrent, sweeping away in all directions on 4 sides.

Seeing this, Wang Hong and the others without the slightest hesitation turned around and fled.

The cultivation base of the Old Master has always been a mystery. As a trusted Ten Great Commanders, they do not know, but the strength of the Old Master, they all know it.

With a wave of one’s hand, they can be killed hundreds of times.

If you can compete with the Old Master, the person hidden in the valley is definitely no less powerful than the Old Master. You can imagine, how big is the killing power of the qi wave?

If you do n鈥檛 run away, only dead end!

But Qin Feiyang turned a blind eye and stormed towards the valley frantically.

The Old Master was ready to take action again, but when he saw Qin Feiyang’s situation, his face suddenly changed and he was angry: “Qin Feiyang, what are you doing? Come back soon!”

“A little bit worse!”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, staring grimly at the stone wall at the entrance.

Because the only way to confirm this is the stone wall!

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